Read The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) Online

Authors: Brian D. Anderson

Tags: #Fantasy, #series, #epic adventure, #epic, #epic adventure magical adventure mystical adventure, #epic adventure fiction, #epic adventure fantasy, #series adventures

The Godling Chronicles (Shadow of the Gods, Book #3) (20 page)

I was trained well,” said

The rest of the night was quiet, though none
slept, and they continued on an hour before dawn. Gewey flooded
himself with the flow listening for any sign of danger.

We will arrive at the Oasis by
sundown,” said Pali. “I suggest we wait until tomorrow to enter. I
would not want to brave the Black Oasis at night.”

Agreed,” said Aaliyah.

By late afternoon, Gewey was becoming
increasingly and inexplicably anxious. It was as if an aloof
presence lurked just beyond his senses. From time to time he would
glance over at Pali and Aaliyah. They seemed untroubled, although

An hour before sundown the dunes began to
flatten and Gewey noticed a jagged black stripe peaking over the
horizon. It stretched for miles in either direction and even in the
waning sun, heat radiated above it causing the air to ripple and
twist. Gewey tried to use the flow to see it more clearly, but his
vision was reflected off the surface, causing his sight to

We're here,” said Pali. “The Black

Indeed,” remarked Aaliyah.

It's enormous,” said Gewey.

Yes, it is,” agreed Pali. “It is twice
as deep as it is wide, and so thick with trees and brush, one can
hardly move. A path exists, but we'll have to find it.”

We should stop here.” Aaliyah eyed the
Oasis warily. “This is as close as I want to be at

Then we rest here and look for the
path in the morning,” said Pali.

That night Gewey's sleep was troubled by a
dark presence. Several times he awoke hand reaching for his blade,
and Aaliyah did not sleep at all. She sat hugging her knees close
to her chest, peering into the blackness. Pali drifted off almost
as soon as he lay down.

Finally, Gewey decided restful sleep was out
of his grasp and he sat next to Aaliyah. The presence remained. “Do
you feel it?” he asked.

Yes,” she replied. “Something resides
there. Something ancient. Something with fury in its

He glanced over at the sleeping figure of
Pali. “How can he sleep so near this place?”

She pulled the blanket tight around her. “It
could be that he cannot feel it. Or...”

Or what?” asked Gewey.

Or perhaps whatever lives there
chooses not to trouble him.” She shuddered. “If so, then it knows
we are here. Either way, I am pleased that our guide will be
rested. I feel that we will need all of our wit and strength very

Chapter 14


Theopolou led the army at a pace that would
have astounded any human warlord or general, only pausing briefly
once a day to rest and take a quick meal. At night they made camp
alongside the roads and trails, sleeping for only a few hours, then
marching before the sun broke the horizon.

Kaylia and Nehrutu continued with their
lessons, though only for an hour each day. Still, she progressed
rapidly, and by the third day of the march, was able to allow the
flow to pass through her with ease. By the end of the first week
she could move small amounts of earth and use the power to heighten
her senses far beyond that of even the most experienced seeker.
Scouts brought news of Valshara preparing for siege, with sightings
of at least a dozen Vrykol roaming the area outside the temple. A
guard of twenty men blocked the path leading up to the gates, and
bowmen patrolled the ramparts day and night. Theopolou hoped that
they may be able to enter through the rear passageway, but learned
that it had been completely blocked off.

The army turned north to avoid coming too
close to Valshara before joining with the human forces. It added an
extra day, but Theopolou felt it better to hide their numbers until
the last moment. The terrain became rocky and jagged, causing them
to twist and turn to avoid spots where they could be ambushed.

The day before they arrived, Theopolou called
a council of the elders. Nehrutu and Mohanisi joined them, as did
Linis and Kaylia. Theopolou had received word that the soldiers
from Althetas awaited them ten miles north of Valshara.

This means that they will be expecting
an attack to come soon,” said Chiron. “A human army is loud and
easily spotted.”

It is likely they know we are coming
as well,” said Theopolou. “It is not the battle that will take them
by surprise. It is the weapons we bring.” He motioned to Nehrutu
and Mohanisi, who stepped forward.

We can break open the gates,” said
Nehrutu. “But from the way they are described, it may take both of
our efforts. The approach is narrow and exposed, so we will need to
dispose of the enemy archers.”

Our bowmen can give you the time you
need,” said Bellisia.

I assumed so,” Nehrutu continued. “But
if the gates are held by these Vrykol, we may find ourselves faced
with a different problem. If they can only be slain by removing
their heads, then we will lose many elves before we can overcome
them. The narrow passage will make our numbers count for

Let us not forget our human allies,”
Bellisia reminded. “Their city is close, and they may be
well-supplied with siege engines.”

I have not forgotten,” said Theopolou.
“But they have not made war in five hundred years, beyond petty
border squabbles. The human armies of old were cunning and
powerful, but I doubt a single soldier today has ever seen true
battle.” His eyes grew dark and distant. “And many of us

Still,” Linis interjected, “they are
our allies, and perhaps we should wait until we arrive to make any
final decisions. Otherwise they may take it as an

Linis speaks wisely,” said Nehrutu.
“Though it is clear that Mohanisi and I must breach the gates, you
would be well served to include your new allies in your planning.
And as Lady Bellisia pointed out, they are near their home. It may
provide assets we cannot yet account for.”

Then we wait,” said Theopolou. “We
will join with the humans tomorrow.”

The knowledge that the elf army would soon
join with humans had caused palpable tension among the ranks. Many
were still unsure, not having been present at the Chamber of the
Maker. They accepted the word of the elders, but this did little to
calm their unease. Many had never even seen a human, and all had
grown up with the hatred.

That evening they halted early and slept
until dawn. Theopolou wanted his army rested when they arrived. By
midday, they could hear the sounds of blacksmiths’ hammers ringing
out in the distance. The ground had become even and far less rocky,
and a few trees struggled out of barren soil. When the camp came
into view, Theopolou and the other elders gathered in front, and
called for a halt.

Moments later, trumpets blew and the sound of
human commanders barking orders carried over the still air as the
soldiers scurried to form ranks.

I see elves among them,” remarked
Linis. “That is a good sign.”

Theopolou only nodded.

The humans formed a long line of red shields
and long spears. A lone banner hung lifelessly, bearing the image
of a great serpent coiled around a full moon. The humans made no
move and soon all was silent. Some of the elves among them stirred
uneasily, but did not approach. It was Theopolou who moved first,
followed closely by Linis and Kaylia.

The rests stay behind for the moment,”
said Theopolou over his shoulder.

When they were about one-hundred yards away
the line parted and four figures appeared. Three Theopolou
recognized immediately as Selena, High Lady of Valshara, and
Haldrontis and Stintos, his escorts that had been sent back to
Valshara. The fourth was a tall, lean man, with a salt and pepper
beard, deep olive skin and piercing blue eyes. His face was
wrinkled and cracked with age, but still his strides were long and
sure as a young man in his prime. He wore simple leather armor and
a long sword on his belt, but atop his brow rested a thin gold

I am pleased to see you are well,”
said Theopolou to Haldrontis and Stintos.

We have been well-tended,” said

Theopolou nodded, “Then return to your
comrades. They will be glad to see you.” They bowed and walked
toward the elves. He turned to Selena. “I am pleased to see you
again as well.”

Selena smiled warmly. “And I you.” She
stepped aside to allow the man beside her to come forward. “May I
present King Lousis Maldiva, King and Protector of Althetas.”

I am honored to meet you, Lord
Theopolou,” said the king. His voice was course and gruff, though
steady and commanding. “Lady Selena speaks highly of you.” He held
out his hand.

Theopolou paused a moment, then took it,
shaking it firmly. “The honor is mine, your highness. I extend to
you the friendship of my house, and the houses of all my kin.”

The king smiled and gave Theopolou's hand one
more solid shake. “My city has welcomed elves for some time now. We
are glad to extend our hospitality to as many as care to take

Sadly, we are in need of far more,”
said Theopolou. His somber expression wiped the smile from the
king's face. “And I fear many lives may be lost before we see peace

As do I,” the king agreed. “But
perhaps spilling our blood together will remedy old fears and
hatreds. If that is the price we must pay, then I am willing to pay

Theopolou nodded. “Then let us begin here.
Together, we shall rid Valshara of this plague that had besieged

If what the High Lady tells me is
true, then this is only the beginning.” The king turned and ordered
his men to break ranks. “Come, let our forces be as one. Tonight we
dine and celebrate our union. Tomorrow is for war.”

I would speak to your generals and
captains as soon as it can be arranged,” said Theopolou.

They already await you,” the king
replied. “The High Lady has been mapping out the temple for us. Of
course, we wanted to wait until your arrival before forming a plan
of attack.”

I thank you,” Theopolou bowed
slightly. “We have assets that may save many lives, your

He raised an eyebrow “That's good news. We
have been fearful of the approach to the gates. We hope that you
have a way to lessen our enemy’s advantage. I have five hundred
swords and fifty horses. More could not be spared without leaving
my city and territories defenseless.” He held his arms wide. “But
that can be discussed later. Your elves have traveled far. We don't
have much in the way of comforts, but you are welcome to all we

It is gratefully accepted,” said
Theopolou. He raised his hand high, and the elf army marched

It's good to see you again,” said
Selena to Linis and Kaylia. She moved in and hugged them both. “I
notice that Gewey is not with you.”

Kaylia paused, her eyes suddenly sad and
distant at the mention of Gewey's name. “He will be joining us as
soon as he is able.”

Selena nodded with understanding. “I'm sure
he will.”

When the elf army was only a few yards away,
they halted. The camp-ground where the humans had chosen was easily
large enough to accommodate them, but they stood still, uncertain
what to do.

King Lousis stepped forward and address the
elves. “You must feel welcome. We have brought food, water, and
wine enough for you all. My soldiers have been instructed to
provide you with whatever you may need.”

After a nod from Theopolou, the army slowly
made its way into the camp and spread out. Unlike the elves, the
humans had brought dozens of wagons filled to the brim with
provisions of all types. Three bellows had been erected at the
north end, away from the main group, and a large tent, surrounded
by several smaller ones, had been placed in the center, where
Theopolou told the elders to gather as soon as they could.

If your elders require tents, it can
be arranged,” said Lousis. He led the group into the interior,
toward the large tent.

That will not be necessary,” said

The passing of Theopolou, Linis, Kaylia,
Selena and King Lousis, brought more than a few stares as they made
their way through. Theopolou was thankful that the first encounter
was with humans that had had dealings with elves, not to mention
that there were already elves among them. The situation could have
been far worse.

The large tent was guarded by two stocky
rough-looking soldiers, and was spacious enough for ten people to
enter comfortably. They snapped to attention at the sight of the
king. Inside, a small round table covered by a roughly-drawn map
had been place dead center. In the corner, was a small wooden cot,
and a chest. A brass lantern hung in each corner and two others
above the table. In the far left corner, six chairs were arranged
in a semi-circle around another small table.

King Lousis instructed the guard to bring his
commanders, then offered Theopolou and the rest a seat. “I must
say, this has happened at just the right time.” Lousis grabbed a
bottle of wine from the chest and sat down with a grunt. “I fear
that if we are left on our own, we shall come under the thumb of

The mention of Angrääl caused Theopolou to
sit up. “Have they troubled you before?”

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