The Forsaken: An American Tragedy in Stalin's Russia (75 page)

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Soldiers of Misfortune: Washington’s Secret Betrayal of America’s POWs in the Soviet Union
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Sartre, Jean-Paul.
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Compiled by Michel Contat and Michel Rybalka. Trans. Richard C. McCleary (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1974).
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Serebrovsky, Alexander P.
Soviet Gold
(Moscow: Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, 1936).
Serge, Victor.
From Lenin to Stalin.
Trans. Ralph Manheim (London: Secker and Warburg, 1937).
Sevander, Mayme.
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Of Soviet Bondage
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Sgovio, Thomas.
Dear America
(Kenmore, N.Y.: Partners’ Press, 1979).
Shalamov, Varlam.
Kolyma Tales.
Trans. John Glad (New York: W. W. Norton, 1980).
Trans. John Glad (New York: W. W. Norton, 1981).
Shane, Sylvan Myron Elliot.
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Shaw, George Bernard.
A Little Talk on America
(London: Friends of the Soviet Union, 1932). Shentalinsky, Vitaly.
The KGB’s Literary Archive: The Discovery and Ultimate Fate of Russia’s Suppressed Writers.
Trans. John Crowfoot (London: Harvill Press, 1995).
Sherwood, Robert E.
Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History
(New York: Harper, 1948).
Shklovsky, Victor.
Third Factory.
Trans. Richard Sheldon (Chicago: Dalkey, 2002).
Shoumatoff, Elizabeth.
FDR’s Unfinished Portrait: A Memoir by Elizabeth Shoumatoff
(Pittsburgh, Pa.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1990).
Shudakov, Grigory, Olga Suslova, and Lilya Ukhtomskaya.
Pioneers of Soviet Photography
(London: Thames and Hudson, 1983).
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We Sang Through Tears: Stories of Survival in Siberia
(Riga, Latvia: Jānis Roze, 1999).
Simonov, Konstantin.
Always a Journalist
(Moscow: Progress, 1989).
Sinyavsky, Andrei (under pseudonym Abram Tertz).
On Socialist Realism.
Trans. George Dennis (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1962).
On Trial: The Case of Sinyavsky (Tertz) and Daniel (Arzhak).
Trans. Leopold Labedz and Max Hayward (London: Collins/Harvill, 1967).
The Russian Intelligentsia.
Trans. Lynn Visson (New York: Columbia University Press, 1997).
Soviet Civilization: A Cultural History.
Trans. Joanne Turnbull and Nikolai Formozov (New York: Arcade, 1990).
——— (under pseudonym Abram Tertz).
The Trial Begins.
Trans. Max Hayward (London: Fontana, 1977).
——— (under pseudonym Abram Tertz).
A Voice from the Chorus.
Trans. Kyril Fitzlyon and Max Hayward (London: Collins, Harvill, 1976).
Smith, Andrew.
I Was a Soviet Worker
(London: R. Hale, 1937).
Smith, Charles Andrew (ed.).
Escape from Paradise: By Seven Who Escaped and One Who Did Not
(Boston: Beacon, 1954).
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The New Russians
(London: Hutchinson, 1990).
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Black Man in Red Russia: A Memoir
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(Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1945).
Sobolev, P., L. Borodina, and G. Korobkov.
Sport in the USSR.
Trans. Dennis Ogden (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1958).
Solomon, Michael.
(Princeton, N.J.: Auerbach, 1971).
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander.
Cancer Ward.
Trans. Nicholas Bethell and David Burg (London: Bodley Head, 1970).
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.
Trans. Gillon Aitken (London: Bodley Head, 1971).
The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation.
Trans. Thomas P. Whitney. Vols. 1-3 (London: Collins/Fontana, 1976).
The First Circle.
Trans. Michael Guybon (London: Collins/Harvill, 1979).
The Oak and the Calf: A Memoir.
Trans. Harry Willetts (London: Collins/Harvill, 1980).
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Nazi-Soviet Relations, 1939-1941: Documents from the Archives of the German Foreign Office
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Sorensen, Charles.
My Forty Years with Ford
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Stalin: A Critical Survey of Bolshevism
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Stalin, Joseph.
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The New Democracy: Stalin’s Speech on the New Constitution
(London: Lawrence and Wishart for Friends of the Soviet Union, 1937).
Problems of Leninism
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The Admiral Ambassador in Russia
(Chicago: Regnery, 1955).
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Steinbeck: A Life in Letters
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Steinbeck, John.
A Russian Journal
(New York: Viking, 1948).
The Grapes of Wrath
(London: Penguin, 1992).
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I Change Worlds: On the Author’s Experiences in America and Russia
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This Soviet World
(New York: Holt, 1936).
The New Soviet Constitution: A Study in Socialist
Democracy (New York: Holt, 1937).
The Soviets Expected It
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The Stalin Era
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Sutton, Antony C.
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930
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National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union
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Sward, Keith Theodore.
The Legend of Henry Ford
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Swianiewicz, Stanislaw.
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Symons, Julian.
The Thirties: A Dream Revolved
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Tarkovskii, Arsenii.
Life, Life: Selected Poems
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Motivations for American-Soviet Trade During the Early Bolshevik Era, 1919-1933,
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Taylor, Edmund.
The Strategy of Terror: Europe’s Inner Front
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Film Propaganda: Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany
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Stalin’s Apologist: Walter Duranty, New York Times’ Man in Moscow
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Thayer, Charles.
Bears in the Caviar
(London: Michael Joseph, 1952).
(London: Michael Joseph, 1960).
Thiel, Erich.
The Soviet Far East: A Survey of Its Physical and Economic Geography.
Trans. Annielie and Ralph Rookwood (London: Methuen, 1957).
Thubron, Colin.
In Siberia
(London: Chatto and Windus, 1999).
Timbres, Harry, and Rebecca Timbres.
We Didn’t Ask Utopia: A Quaker Family in Soviet Russia
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Toker, Leona.
Return from the Archipelago: Narratives of Gulag Survivors
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Tolstoy, Nikolai.
Victims of Yalta
(London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1977).
Tompkins, Stuart Ramsay.
A Canadian’s Road to Russia: Letters from the Great War Decade.
Ed. Doris H. Pieroth (Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 1989).
Trifonov, Yuri.
The House on the Embankment.
Trans. Michael Glenny (London: Sphere, 1985).
Trotsky, Leon.
Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and His Influence.
Trans. and ed. Charles Malamuth (London: Panther, 1969).
Tsvetaeva, Marina.
After Russia.
Trans. Michael M. Naydan with Slava Yastremski (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis, 1992).
Tully, Grace.
FDR: My Boss
(New York: Scribner, 1949).
Tumanova, Alla.
Where We Buried the Sun: One Woman’s Gulag Story.
Trans. Gust Olson (Edmonton, Alberta: Newest, 1999).
Tupitsyn, Margarita.
The Soviet Photograph: 1924-1937
(New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1996).
Tyutchev, Fedor I.
Eighty Stars from Tyutchev’s Galaxy.
Trans. Alexander Podikov (Moscow: PoligrafAtele-Plius, 2003).
USSR Builds the Socialism
(Moscow: Moskva, 1933).
Utley, Freda.
The Dream We Lost: Soviet Russia Then and Now
(New York: John Day, 1940).
Lost Illusion: The Story of the Author’s Life in Russia
(London: George Allen, 1949).
Valentinov, Nikolay.
Encounters with Lenin.
Trans. Paul Rosta and Brian Pearce (London: Oxford University Press, 1968).
Van Tuyll, Hubert P.
Feeding the Bear: American Aid to the Soviet Union, 1941-1945
(New York: Greenwood, 1989).
Vettenniemi, Erkki.
Surviving the Soviet Meat Grinder: The Politics of Finnish Gulag Memoirs
(Helsinki: Kikimora, 2001).
Vins, Georgi Petrovich.
Three Generations of Suffering.
Trans. Jane Ellis (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1976).

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