Read The Eye of Winter's Fury Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Sci Fi & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Fiction & Literature

The Eye of Winter's Fury (18 page)

Each penalty takes immediate effect and lasts until the end of your adventure (or until you have opportunity to remove it) – with the exception of fingerless, which ends once your ring is destroyed. If you roll on the death penalty chart and would receive a penalty that your hero is already inflicted with, you must reroll the die until you receive a different/new penalty.

‘You’ll be trained,’ says the knight firmly. ‘For the next few weeks at least, until we can decide what to do with you. That means no special treatment, you’ll just be like one of the new recruits. Lucky we had a fresh batch, so you’ll fit in fine. Of course, you’ll have to drop your name, take on a new identity here. You’re a soldier now. Understand?’ He crosses a hand to the grip of his sword, drawing it from its scabbard with a ring of steel. ‘Kneel before me.’

You do as he asks, too shocked and fearful to say otherwise. Everard lifts his sword and touches you on each shoulder with the flat of his blade. The holy inscriptions spark and hiss, sending a foul-smelling smoke into the air. ‘Do you agree to serve?’

‘I do.’ You lower your head, eyes straying to a cockroach as it wanders in and out of a crack in the stonework. ‘I will serve.’

Everard turns his sword over, holding it aloft. The cross of the hilt forms a bright crucifix. ‘As the sins of the cursed were once visited
upon Judah, so may those sins be heaped upon you should you ever knowingly or willingly violate this solemn vow.’ He steps back, gesturing for you to stand. ‘Rise, soldier – I now pronounce you a knight of the Last Order.’

Turn to the first map to begin Act 1 of your adventure (see inside front cover). Choose where you want to visit by turning to the entry number displayed next to the shield. As a novice adventurer you may want to explore Bitter Keep first (turn to
), before embarking on one of the green quests. Good luck!


You step away from the pitiful creature, lowering your weapons. ‘No tricks,’ you rumble, eyeing him suspiciously. ‘I already tire of your games.’

The squirrel rolls back to his feet. Then he puts a hand to one of his many pouches.

‘Not so fast!’ You lunge forward, your weapons finding his throat once again. The squirrel leans away startled, his whiskers twitching.

‘I offer no harm, rata-rata. Just a token . . . If I may?’

You nod warily, watching him closely as he pulls open a leather sack. After much rummaging, he produces a large silver acorn. He offers it out to you on the palm of his paw. ‘Plant this in soil when you have need of me – and aid will come.’

You glare at the acorn, then back at Ratatosk. ‘How do I know it won’t summon another one of those monsters?’

‘You don’t,’ he grins, his bristly tail curling over his shoulder. ‘That’s why it’s a token of trust. Take it – I know the Norr like no one else. You may have need of my . . . powers.’

You have gained the
silver acorn
(simply make a note of this on your hero sheet, it doesn’t take up backpack space). After pocketing the acorn, you look back at Ratatosk. The squirrel gives a mischievous chuckle, then scampers to the edge of the tree. ‘Remember one thing, rata-rata.’ His tail swishes to the side as he looks back. ‘I am what I am, no more no less. But the witch, rata-rata . . . she has many servants, many faces.’ With a peel of chattering laughter, he leaps off into the pale mist. Turn to


Your next jump is mistimed, pitching you forward onto your stomach. As you scramble to your feet, three of the dogs successfully make the jump, their slavering jaws looking to tear you to pieces. You must now fight:

Pack dog
Pack dog
Pack dog
Special abilities
: At the end of each combat round, you must take 1 damage from each surviving opponent, ignoring
. This ability only applies while you are faced with multiple opponents.

If you manage to send these dogs packing, turn to
. If you lose the combat, remember to record your defeat on your hero sheet. You may then attempt the combat again or return to the map.


The prince is light on his feet, moving deftly from stance to stance, parrying your attacks and countering with his own. You quickly lose ground to his skilful onslaught, the green-tinged flames getting closer to your back. To your surprise they give off no heat, only a fierce burning cold. But the fire’s pit is deep and sheer, its shaft stretching away to darkness.

‘I expected more from you, Arran. A prince with your learning, the best weapon masters, the best tutors.’ Sable’s dark blade cuts across your cheek. You lean away, slashing for his midriff, but the prince has anticipated your blow, sidestepping it, his boot slamming into your knee. You stagger, thrown off balance.

‘So disappointing.’ Sable raises his sword, threatening a powerful overhead swing . . .

He gives a strangled gasp, stumbling away. ‘Sleet . . .’

You sense him reaching out to the Norr, to his ancestor spirit. You do likewise, pushing your mind into Nanuk’s.

You see and taste the dead wolf . . . hanging lifeless in the bear’s jaws. Nanuk has been victorious and now his power floods into you, renewed and focused.

Snarling, you leap for the prince, realising that you now have the upper hand. With Sable’s wolf defeated, his powers are now weakened. It is time to fight:

Special abilities
Might of chaos
: Each time Sable wins a combat round, roll a die to determine the nature of his attack:
Sable heals himself instead of rolling for a damage score, restoring 5
. (This cannot take him above his starting
of 80.)
Sable rolls for a damage score as normal.
Sable inflicts a curse on you. This causes three dice of damage to your hero, ignoring
, and stops you playing any speed or combat abilities in the next combat round.

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