Read The Eye of Winter's Fury Online

Authors: Michael J. Ward

Tags: #Sci Fi & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Fiction & Literature

The Eye of Winter's Fury (110 page)

If you are successful, turn to
. If you fail, turn to


You manage to beat a path through the cloud of frenzied insects, focusing your blows on the queen. Once she has fallen, the remaining drones scatter in confusion – the loss of their queen clearly throwing them into disarray. Blasting your way past the last of the stragglers, you speed inside another tunnel, hoping it will lead you out of this peculiar hive.

For successfully defeating the queen and her drones, you have gained the following reward:

Drone razors


Use on a gloves, boots or chest item
to increase its
by 1

When you have updated your hero sheet, turn to


‘Wake up, Bearclaw.’

You pivot round, raising your weapons, believing it to be another demon. Instead, you see the ghostly outline of a man drifting between the ash-covered wrecks. ‘Find your way home, Bearclaw. Wake up!’

You frown, trying to place the figure. He seems familiar somehow. ‘Skoll?’

He steps closer. ‘You’re in too deep. This is the shroud. Come back.’

A sudden panic grips you. ‘I can’t!’ Your mind reaches out, grasping for Nanuk. You feel his energies, but they are weak, distant.


The spirit’s outline grows brighter, then solidifies into flesh and bone. Strong arms grip your shoulders. ‘Listen to me. Find your anchor. Think of what is most precious to you!’

‘I have nothing,’ you gasp hoarsely. Again you reach out for Nanuk, begging for his aid. ‘I have the bear . . . only the bear.’

‘No!’ The voice cracks like a whip. You feel yourself being shaken. ‘Your old life. Anise. Think of her now. Try and remember!’


‘You love her.’ The man’s face seems torn by some inner pain. ‘I know this – she is yours.’

Suddenly, you can picture her face. The crooked smile, the play of light over her cheeks. The way her hair hangs just so, tangled and messy, but still perfect. Then other senses wash in, the smell of her leathers, a perfumed sweat, the sound of laughter, crying . . . anger.

‘I . . . I remember, you were sleeping . . . we were in the caves.’ More images rush in, painting the scene back at your camp. ‘The caverns of ice, the North Face . . .’

‘Good!’ booms the warrior. ‘Follow your vision, let it take you back.’

In an instant your mind is set free, and you are hurtling towards the warmth of a blinding white light. Turn to


Unable to steer a safe course, your sled pitches and rolls towards the edge of the ice. Quickly, you draw your weapons and hack through the harnesses, allowing your dog-team to scamper to safety.

Just as you are about to follow their lead your sled pitches over the edge, taking you with it. (Roll immediately on the death penalty chart – see entry
– and apply the effect to your hero.)

Unfortunately, you have failed to complete the race and are now disqualified from the tournament. Replace the keyword
. Return to the map to continue your adventure.


As the debris rains down, pock-marking the ground with hundreds of tiny craters, you also notice a few magical artefacts glowing amongst the rubble. You clamber down from the rock to take a closer look.

You may now help yourself to one of the following rewards:

Flood gate
Mass effect
Snow fall
+1 brawn +1 magic
+1 speed +4 health
+1 speed +2 armour
Ability: torrent
Ability: might of stone
Ability: knockdown

When you have made your decision, turn to 254.


The wolf turns tail and runs, magic spilling from its many wounds. You consider giving chase, but a tug on your cloak forces you to hesitate. Nanuk pushes a thought into your mind,
, accompanied by a fleeting image of Skoll and Anise.
Be by their side.

The bear is already bounding across the sand, following the wolf’s paw prints.

‘Be safe, brother.’ You lower your gaze to the smouldering corpses. For defeating the wargs, you may now help yourself to the following reward:

Shadow fleece


Use on a cloak, head or chest
item to give it the special
warg strike

Closing your eyes, you feel for the thread that links you to the waking world, using it to pull you back towards the light. (Record the keyword
on your hero sheet, then turn to


Skoll raises the dragon horn to his lips and sounds a series of blaring notes. You scan the skies, but see nothing save for the ragged yellow clouds and floating hunks of rock.

‘There!’ Anise is the first to spot something. In eagerness, she quickly finds her feet and points behind you. ‘The dragon!’

The pale sun is blinding to your eyes, forcing you to wince as you try and focus into the light. You can dimly make out a blot of darkness moving closer, growing bigger. The light is soon eclipsed, snuffed out by the giant reptilian body that rises before it, wings stretched wide as they beat at the air. A deafening screech fills your ears.

‘Nidhogg!’ Skoll waves his arm towards the beast.

A rush of wind sends dust swirling, the force almost knocking you off your feet. The dragon sweeps overhead, its scaled underside displaying the torturous wounds that it suffered at the hands of the rune spirits. The dragon banks, sweeping round in a wide arc. The wings straighten, forelegs reach forward . . .

The three of you scamper out of the way as the dragon glides in to land, claws snatching hold of the rock, ripping deep into the earth. Through the whirling dust you see the dragon arch back its long neck, the long snout snapping wide. Then flames burst from its mouth, bright and red and angry, surging around the sharp yellowed fangs.

We ride to war.
The voice booms inside your head.
Climb onto my back.

You glance at the others in disbelief, wondering if only you heard the strange order. But Skoll is already rushing to the beast’s side, using its wing to lever himself onto the dragon’s torso. Anise starts forward, then stops. She chews her bottom lip.

‘Riding a dragon . . . I have to be dreaming this.’

‘It sure beats walking,’ you grin.

Together you clamber onto the dragon’s back, settling between the high ridges of bone. As soon as you have found your place the dragon springs up into the air, wings beating rapidly to gain height.

My sight is not what it once was.
The dragon’s voice thunders.
The torture I endured has made me weak. I will link minds with you, corpse walker. You will be my guide.

You feel a quickening of power flowing through your being, then spreading outwards to fill that of the dragon’s. You can hear its heart beating, feel the rush of the wind as it courses across its wings, the taste of sulphur on your tongue.

To your amazement you realise that the dragon has bonded itself with you, allowing you to use its flight and powers to help navigate the rift.

You have now gained the following special ability:

Dragon fire (co):
Instead of rolling for a damage score, you can blast your opponents with dragon fire. This inflicts 3 damage dice to a single opponent of your choosing, and 1 damage die to all other opponents, ignoring
(roll separately for each). You can only use
dragon fire
once per combat.

You may use this ability, in addition to your own hero abilities, for the duration of this quest. When you have updated your hero sheet, turn to


The woman leans back, looking round in sudden agitation.
He’s here. He’s found you.

Suddenly your surroundings start to change. From out of the darkness stone columns and walls rise up, the ground flowing beneath your feet to form a blood-red carpet. It runs the length of the hall that is steadily building around you, piece by piece, high-arched windows shimmering into being. Their faceted light falls on the throne set atop a stepped dais – your father’s throne.

Listen to me!
The woman’s voice echoes urgently in your mind.
A sacrifice will have to be made, boy. Only you will be able to choose, life or death
Do you hear me? Do you hear?

Within seconds, all trace of the woman and the sparkling weave are gone. You are standing in the main courtroom of the palace. Ghostly figures flicker at the edge of your vision; richly dressed courtesans, all looking down at you with imperious arrogance.

Cardinal Rile sits on the throne.

A small, unassuming man with sallow features and flat dead eyes.
His scarlet robes rustle as he leans forward, a finger scratching at his chin. He is wearing your father’s ring.

You stride down the red carpet, weapons brandished. A dark anger has taken you.

‘This is a dream, demon,’ you hiss between clenched teeth. ‘Show your true form, or are you afraid to face me?’

There are titters of laughter from the surrounding court. The cardinal meets your eye with a sly smile. ‘Well, the wayward son has finally come home. And we thought you dead. Oh, wait . . .’ His smile widens.

Your steps falter as you approach the dais. You can feel the power radiating from the cardinal. It seems to only grow stronger, as if feeding off your hate.

‘This is not real,’ you growl angrily.

‘Are we having bad dreams, Arran?’ The cardinal gives a mocking gasp. ‘Perhaps you need your wet-nurse.’

A hand settles on your arm. You spin, driving your weapons into the shadowy form of your nursemaid, Molly. Her wizened old features crease with pain as she stares back at you in startled shock, then her body vaporises.

You resume your march towards the throne, rage seething through your body.

The cardinal stands, appearing to loom larger than you remember, his languid eyes suddenly goading and sinister. ‘Yes, you want revenge, don’t you, boy? I feel it. Take it.’

The man’s body starts to swell, muscles bunching beneath his scarlet robes. ‘Or are you still a boy, Arran? Too scared and frightened, hmm?’ He wrinkles his nose as you approach. ‘You stink of animal. You are an unholy abomination.’

Magic pulses along your weapons as you drive yourself forward, eyes narrowed and set on those of the cardinal. You have wished for this moment for what feels an eternity, to wreak revenge on the man who plotted against your family. The man who now sits the throne that is yours by birthright.

‘Yes, hate makes you powerful,’ grins the cardinal. Pools of shadow are starting to coalesce around his body, crackling with arcane energies. You sense his power growing with every step you take. ‘Come, Prince Arran. Fight me. You know it’s what you’ve always wished for!’

Will you:
Fight the cardinal?
Surrender to the cardinal?


Within minutes it is over. A grey fog hovers over the melting ice, filling the chamber with a noxious odour of death. Skoll crouches next to one of the broken bodies, lifting up the severed head of a Skard. The ice has melted away, exposing the grey mottled flesh. A single eye glares back in defiance, the mouth stretched open, frozen in its final scream.

‘Hemel the Hound’s Tooth, son of Brinrik Yule.’ Skoll shakes his head. ‘He stood by my side, all those many winters ago. He had a wife, five sons.’ With a grimace he tosses the head away, wiping his palms against his jerkin. He sniffs the air. ‘She was here.’

You look back towards the balcony but, as you expected, Melusine has gone.

Lowering your weapons, you turn to Anise. Her red hair is plastered to her cheeks, her shoulders sagging from exhaustion, but she is smiling all the same – with the elation of victory.

Your eyes meet. And in that instant the smile is gone, replaced by something else. Uncertainty. A fear.

‘Anise.’ You sheathe your weapons and start towards her, wanting to hold her – to find comfort. Perhaps for the last time.

But suddenly, the world is sent spinning.

Another tremor.

Like all the others, it arrives without warning, blowing you back across the hall.

Desperately you try and find something to hold onto, anything to break you out of your dizzying tumble, but the stone has become like liquid, rushing away from you, sliding out of reach. Screams rend the air, cries, an ear-splitting crack from above. You reach out into the chaos, hands grasping. ‘Anise!’

Stone rains down. You look up to see dust and a fiery red sky – and an angel descending through the maelstrom, silver wings outstretched, obliterating everything beneath its shadow. Turn to


You place the ‘one of snakes’ on the discard pile and pick a new stone from the bag. You have gained the ‘two of moons’.

You have the following stones:

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