Read The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) Online

Authors: Jessie Donovan

Tags: #Fiction / Romance / Paranormal

The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1) (22 page)

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Fraser growled, “Cheeky wench,” before swiping a few of her chips. After sniffing one, he took a nibble and then ate the whole thing. “That’s more like it. Mum never let us have chips. Something about making our dragons fat and lazy.”

Holly replied, “My mum was the same.” She took a bite and then continued, “But once a month she’d cave to my dad’s wishes and we’d have fish and chips on the last Friday of the month.”

“What happened to your mum?”

She sobered a fraction. Not telling Fraser about her mother would keep distance between them. And if she wanted any chance of a future with him, she needed to open herself up to him.

However, she would share information on her terms. “I’ll only tell if you let me know what happened to your dad.”

Fraser shrugged as he chewed a bit of fried fish. “My dad was flying home from a hunt. The idiot decided to risk flying back in a storm and was struck by lightning. He didn’t make it.”

Holly frowned. “Did he have a reason for rushing home? I can’t see your mum mating an idiot.”

“Aye, he had a reason. But still, he should’ve waited. Faye wasn’t born until the following day, once the storm had passed. If Dad had waited for clear skies, he’d probably still be around.”

Holly reached across the table and laid a hand on Fraser’s arm. “Sometimes parents make less than brilliant decisions, but I’m sure your dad did it out of love.”

Fraser sighed. “Aye, I know. I was only five years old at the time, but I still remember bits and pieces of my parents together.” He leaned forward. “To be honest, I wish my mum would’ve found a second chance.”

Holly gave a sad smile. “I feel the same way about my dad.”

Fraser laid a hand over hers and squeezed. “I fulfilled my end of the bargain. It’s time to do yours. What happened to your mum?”

Holly paused a second. Thoughts of her mother always made her sad, and she’d been doing so well to forget her sadness by teasing Fraser. Yet as he looked at her with earnest expectation, she decided he deserved to know the truth. “I was twelve years old when it all started. My mum was a nurse and always had a way with the patients. While some would mistake her kindness for more, none were ever a problem until Gerry.

“I can still remember the day she told my father she thought she was being followed home every day. This was before mobile phone cameras, but she eventually did manage to snap a photo and went to the police.

“But the police were busy at the time with a local gang and said they’d look into it later.”

Fraser pointed a chip at her. “But they never did.”

Holly shook her head. “No. The bloke even came to the door a few times and had seemed harmless. But one day my mum didn’t come home and we reported it to the police.” Holly took a deep breath and spit out the rest. “We heard nothing for five days and then they found her.”

Holly closed her eyes to keep back the tears. She’d only been thirteen and losing her mother had devastated her.

Fraser lightly touched her arm. “Tell me, lass. Speaking something helps to clear the demons, as my mum always says.”

Opening her eyes, she stared into Fraser’s blue-eyed gaze, which was full of encouragement.

After a deep inhalation, the words came out in a rush. “She’d been murdered. They eventually tied DNA evidence to the man who had been stalking her. He’d murdered two other nurses over the span of five years. He has a life sentence, but—”

Holly clenched her fingers and released. Fraser finished her sentence, “But it’s not nearly enough.”

“No. I want him to pay for what he did to my mother and those two nurses. I sometimes wonder if that makes me a bad person.”

Fraser took her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “You are the farthest thing from a bad person, Holly. You’re caring, open-minded, and determined to help others. We all have moments when we wish to carry out some revenge. But the difference is that you would never do it, not even if the opportunity presented itself.” He took one of her hands with his free one and squeezed. “You bring life into the world with your hands. I find it hard to believe you’d be able to end it with them.”

Holly merely looked at Fraser. She’d wanted them to eat together so she could get to know him better. But somehow, despite their short time together, Fraser already knew her fairly well. He was right—she couldn’t even kill a mouse, let alone another human being.

As she tried to figure out what to say, Fraser released her hand, picked up a piece of fried fish, and he positioned it just before her lips. “Eat something, lass. You’ll need the energy.”

No one had ever tried to feed her before. Opening her mouth, Fraser moved the fish between her lips and she bit down, never severing eye contact. The act was simple, yet somehow intimate.

Maybe a life with Fraser MacKenzie wouldn’t be so bad.

Once she swallowed her food, she asked, “When will I see you again?”

The corner of his mouth ticked up. “That anxious, eh, lass? I expected more of a fight to win you over.”

She pointed a finger at him. “I never said you won me over. You’ll know when that happens.”

He leaned forward. “Aye? And may I have a hint of how to tell?”

Holly ate the last chip and gathered the rubbish from their meal. “You, the master of wooing women, need a hint?”

Her dragonman growled. “Only with you, Holly. Only with you.”

“Good. I like to keep you guessing.” Standing up, she motioned with her head. “I need to get back.” Fraser’s pupils flashed to slits and back. She did a quick check, but they were still alone on the far side of the cafe. She whispered, “Tell your beast to cool it, unless you want to be arrested.”

Fraser stood and leaned toward her ear. “Then I need to know when I can see you next. I’m not sure I can sneak into the hospital again without being noticed, especially since I’m not here visiting anyone or seeing a doctor. And I need to see you again, Holly.” He brushed her cheek. “I need the chance to win you over for good.”

Searching his gaze, her desire to tease him further evaporated at the yearning in his eyes. For whatever reason, Fraser wanted her.

He may even love her.

She wasn’t about to jump to conclusions and have her heart broken.

She debated what to say. Yet as his pupils flashed again, she decided she’d better give him something or his flashing eyes might be spotted by someone walking by. As soon as people knew he was a dragon-shifter, they would take him away from her for good.

And at the thought of never seeing Fraser again, her heart squeezed. She’d dreaded it over the past few weeks, afraid he’d walk on eggshells about the miscarriage and treat her differently. Yet he’d teased her and even stolen her bloody food.

She wanted to keep Fraser MacKenzie.

“My father should be discharged tomorrow. Unfortunately, the DDA will be watching over our temporary housing.”

Fraser laid a hand on her lower back. She’d missed his strong, possessive touch.

Her dragonman answered, “I’ve thought of that.” Removing his hand, he took a cheap mobile phone from his pocket and tucked it into hers. “That’s an untraceable phone with my secret new number programmed into it. Call me when you’re ready, Holly, because what happens next will be in your hands.”

She opened her mouth, but Fraser placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Before she could do more than sigh, Fraser was gone.

Holly threw away her rubbish and touched the place where Fraser had slipped the phone. It looked as if Holly would be the one doing the chasing.

And despite everything going on in her life, she looked forward to it. The next step would be contacting Melanie Hall-MacLeod to set things in motion.

Holly might have been debating where her home was the last few weeks, but she finally knew it was on Lochguard.

Chapter Sixteen

As soon as Fraser pulled the car into its assigned spot near the Protectors’ central command building a few hours later, his phone buzzed in his pocket. With a smile, he took it out to read the text message:
Next time, I pick the place. Let you know soon. xxx

Relief flooded his body. The meal with his human had made Fraser want Holly more than ever. Not just because he was reminded of how beautiful or clever she was. No, just being around her had brightened his day.

While he was pretty sure Holly had enjoyed their time together too, he hadn’t gotten his hopes up. But thankfully, it seemed that his human wanted him as well.

And the next time he saw her, he wouldn’t settle for kiss marks via text message. He’d claim her kisses for real.

His dragon spoke up.
Good. Holly will be ours soon. I give it three days.

That’s ambitious, dragon. We haven’t even found a way to let her father live here, yet.

Someone will. Just make sure not to scare her away again.

Fraser snorted.
Yes, because Holly spooks so easily.

You never know. The traitors might look for her again.

At his dragon’s words, Fraser sobered a bit.
Finn and Grant are doing everything they can to find information on the dragons who attacked us. If Holly was in danger again, they’d tell me.

Are you sure?

For a second, Fraser hesitated. Based on the conversation he’d heard the day before, Finn hadn’t made up his mind about whether to invite Holly back or not. His cousin might not even know that Fraser wanted the lass back more than anything he’d ever wanted in his life.

Glancing at the time, it was only four a.m. As soon as Finn was awake, Fraser would talk with his cousin and convince him to invite Holly back. Then he’d wheedle out any information Finn might be keeping from him. Fraser needed to think of how to protect his mate in the future.

His beast chimed in again.
She hasn’t said yes.

It doesn’t matter. She will.

His dragon snorted.
I see you’ve crossed over to my side. Confidence really does make things happen.

He was about to scold his dragon when he heard a small rock clang against the side of his car.

Despite what had happened back in Aberdeen a few weeks ago, Lochguard had been safe for months. If a threat had emerged whilst he’d been away, Finn would’ve called him.

Another small rock hit his car and Fraser’s curiosity was piqued.

Opening his car door slowly, Fraser clenched his fingers into a fist, ready to punch if anyone attacked. His dragon was also on standby, in case they needed to shift straight away.

Standing up, he listened for any sounds as he scanned his surroundings. Even in the early hours of the morning, he could see nearly as well as in daylight. But all he saw were rock formations, cottages, and the other clan cars parked nearby.

Inching his way to the back of the car, someone jumped up and clocked Fraser in the jaw. He flew backward and landed on the ground with an oomph.

Before Fraser could do anything, Fergus’s voice drifted into the air. “That was for keeping a bloody secret from me.”

Fraser’s heart skipped a beat. His twin brother was home.

But it was best not to sound too eager just yet. Fraser needed to figure out how upset Fergus was with him first.

Rubbing his jaw, Fraser sat up. “Aye, I reckon I deserved that. Should I brace myself for more?”

Fergus shook his right hand. “I’m tempted, but my hand bloody hurts.”

Fraser smiled. “You always said my head was made of stone.”

“And it seems I was right.” Fergus took a step toward him. “You should’ve told me Holly was your true mate, brother. I would’ve stepped aside.”

Fraser stood. “Maybe I should have, but she was possibly your last chance at happiness. And I wanted to give you a chance to snare it.”

Fergus moved to stand directly in front of Fraser. “But that was my decision to make, Fraser. Not yours.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know, Fergus. When we drink, you often need me to make your decisions for you. I’ve never seen such a lightweight before.”

Fergus frowned. “I am not a lightweight. Half the time you spike my lager with vodka or some other strong liquor and dare me to drink it.”

“Hey, you’re the one who accepts the challenge.”

“Only because you’ll keep daring me until I do.”

As Fraser and Fergus stared at one another, they both grinned.

Fraser may not voice it aloud, but he’d missed his twin brother dearly.

Fergus lightly punched him in the arm. “At any rate, for a bloke who likes to talk as much as you do, you seem to keep quiet when it actually matters. You’re an idiot. Don’t do it again.”

A sense of relief washed over him. Fraser knew he and his twin were on good terms again. “I’ll work on it, aye? The bigger question is why are you stalking about in the dark?”

“Well, I talked with Finn earlier. He and Arabella knew you’d gone to see Holly. Pulling the car into its parking spot quietly in the wee hours of the morning is your usual trick, so I waited. I wanted to see you before anything else happened. I don’t like discord between us.”

Fraser blinked. “Wait, Finn and Ara knew I’d gone to Inverness?”

Fergus raised an eyebrow. “Do you know Finn at all?”

“The bastard and his tricks. I’m definitely going to have a talk with him later. He tends to see us as children still, but that needs to change. We’re twenty-eight years old, for fuck’s sake.” Fraser smiled at his twin. “But putting that aside, I’m glad you’re home, Fergus. I could dance around the issues and pretend it’s nothing, but I’ve missed you, brother.”

“Aye, well, just don’t do anything daft to drive me away again.”

Fraser winked. “I’ll try my best, although I can’t make any promises.” While he was relieved his twin didn’t hate him, there was something else Fraser still needed to address, so he added, “But I hope you can welcome Holly and treat her as part of the family when she comes back.”

Fergus raised an eyebrow. “So she is coming back, then? From what I heard, she hasn’t contacted you in two weeks. That doesn’t sound like a lass who is pining for you.”

“She’s gone through a lot recently. But let’s just say I’ve convinced her to give me another chance.”

BOOK: The Dragon's Dilemma (Lochguard Highland Dragons Book 1)
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