Read The Dog Cancer Survival Guide Online

Authors: Susan Ettinger Demian Dressler

The Dog Cancer Survival Guide (2 page)

– K
, S
, O

No Regrets

“When I heard the diagnosis that my dog had cancer I had no idea where to start, what to do. After taking some time to contemplate what was in front of us, I realized I needed more than just “medical” language, more than just a clinical approach. I needed a game plan for us and for our dog. I know her and love her and needed to make the right choices. The bottom line for me was “no regrets”. I needed to make sure I understood the range of alternatives available, that I was making choices that were “right” given all the circumstances and that I would have peace whatever the outcome. The Dog Cancer Survival Guide gave me a starting place, empowered me to ask questions, push for alternatives, challenge the status quo and change the landscape. Whatever happens now, there will be no regrets on my part.”

– V
, P
, OH

An Answer to Our Prayers

“When we first found out that our ten year-old Labrador had cancer, we had a sonogram done of his entire body. It showed that the cancer, which had started in his anal gland, had spread to several of his lymph glands, some of which were grossly enlarged. The vet, on seeing the sonogram results, told us our dog had 6 to 8 weeks to live. We immediately started using the strategies in Dr. Dressler’s book, including the high-protein, low-carb diet, the cancer-busting supplements, the immunity-strengthening methods, and the self-esteem building activities. We first used alternated using Luteolin and EGCG, as well as Doxycycline, Modified Citrus Pectin, K-9 Immunity and Transfer Factor, Multivitamins, and Fish Oil. Then, when Apocaps came on the market, we used only Apocaps, along with the K-9 Immunity and Transfer Factor, Multivitamins, and Fish Oil. We used all of Dr. Dressler’s immune boosting strategies, including having our dog in a completely dark room for nine hours of sleep each night. We gave our dog some type of exercise every day, whether it was a short walk, chasing a Frisbee in the yard, or playing ball in the house. We also played fetch and tug-of-war games with him. We also gave him hugs and plenty of petting every day. You could tell that he was happy...his tail was always wagging. Our dog lived not only 8 weeks, but 18 MONTHS longer, largely, we believe, due to Dr. Dressler’s suggestions. He amazed every veterinarian we knew! We were so thankful to have the blessing of this extra time with him. In addition, his quality of life during all these extra months was very good. He was not constantly nauseous and fatigued, as he would have been if we had pursued chemotherapy. He was his normal, happy, energetic self. And when we realized the end was finally near, Dr. Dressler’s advice on how to make the final decision and how to deal with the stress and sadness of losing our beloved friend really helped us. I can’t tell you how thankful we are for this book! It was truly an answer to our prayers.”

– H
G., S
, T

Like Having a Second (or Third) Opinion

The Dog Cancer Survival Guide
is truly like having a second opinion (in my case a third, along with my general practice vet and the canine oncologist overseeing Sparkle’s treatment). It was so reassuring to me to have good questions to ask, and to see that what my vets are recommending agree with Dr. Dressler.”

– S
, W
, M

If She Didn’t Look at His Chart, “She’d Never Know Buddy Was Sick”

“I was devastated when I learned Buddy’s cancer had returned. The same ache in my stomach, the tearing of my heart came back. He had seemed to recover nicely from the melanoma. I had great vets. His affected toe had been amputated. His previous x-rays were clear. How could this have happened again? I immediately started searching the internet. The news was so grim that I felt nothing but despair. How could I watch my pet, my friend, suffer through this? I clicked on Dr. Dressler’s site and scanned the info on his book. I realized that I had to play an active role in Buddy’s” treatment. I immediately ordered the book (e-mail copy.) I downloaded the 300+ pages as soon as i got home from school and began reading. While the news was still alarming I began to feel a little hope. Notes and read up on the research cited. I jotted down questions and was ready form my initial appointment with Buddy’s new oncologist. I listened, questioned, and re-hashed what the oncologist explained to me. I quizzed her about her background, research practices and philosophy of medicine. I was amazed she actually agreed about the medication (doxycycline) to give to Buddy. I began Buddy on the Apocaps and massage therapy. We began daily walks and a dietary change from Beneful to an almost grain-free dog food. I spent more time telling him how grateful I was to him and much more time on my knees praying for a miracle. I began to “beef up” Buddy’s weight and chart his progress. I held my breath and expected the worse. It hasn’t happened yet. Buddy’s blood count is great, his weight is up and his attitude is wonderful. While the doctor says is too soon to tell, she has suggested that he is getting better. She has actually said on more than one occasion that if she didn’t have Buddy’s chart in front of her she would never suspect he was at all sick. I keep waiting for the miracle of Buddy being healed. In the meantime, I know there are options to sitting back and letting the worse happen. I am more optimistic and grateful for Dr. Dressler’s book. It has brought me closer to God, given me hope for the future, peace of mind, and avenues to follow to help Buddy and the rest of my family cope with this “trying” situation.”

– D
, C
, M

Grateful for Real Information Backed by Real Research

“We were very grateful to find such a resource as this book. There is so much misinformation on the net and so many self-proclaimed or new age experts today, it was a blessing to find real information backed by real research. Thank you!”

– S
, F
, I

Nothing Is Sugar Coated

“DO NOT GIVE UP! Read the book, cry, laugh, and love with your pet. Use the book to formulate a realistic game plan in regards to attacking the disease to the best of your abilities. When you love a pet as evidently you do (given you found this book and Dr. D), you’ll find trying will make a world of difference to you and will reflect on your pet as well. It was well worth the time, effort and money spent and I would pay tenfold for this information. Dr. Dressler presented everything in a REAL light. Nothing was sugar coated but at the same time the recommendations all had supporting information as to the “why” this can work, and how the research has come about.”

– J
, R
, M

You Won’t Be Disappointed

“Buy this book; you won’t be disappointed. It will help you prepare yourself for all the challenges that come along with your dog having cancer. So many of the things he recommends seem so logical and are things you need to do to help yourself before you can help your dog. You find yourself saying “Wow, this makes so much sense” but yet it was something you hadn’t actually thought of yourself.”

– C
, W
, M


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