The Crossing (Immortals) (42 page)

She startled, but didn't move away.

"I didn't do it only for Zander, you know," he continued. "There were the others."

"You never even would have been in Hell if it weren't
for me."

"True." He paused, picking his words carefully. "If not
for you, all those innocent children would still be suffering."

"On no. Don't, Mac. Don't try to make me out as a hero."

He walked his fingers to her opposite shoulder. "Suit
yourself, love. I'm just pointing out the facts."

"The fact is, you'd be better off if you'd never met me."

"Ah, now, there I have to argue. That's not a fact, but an
opinion. One I don't share, as it happens." He scooted
down the bench until his left thigh pressed firmly against
her right. He stroked down her bare arm, then fitted her
against his side.

"Much better." The fingers of his opposite hand caught
her chin and turned her face toward him. His gaze dropped
to her lips.

He dipped his head and kissed her.

Her lips were soft and plaint. They moved beneath his,
flooding his soul with her warmth. And her fear. She still
wasn't sure of her welcome in his heart.

He'd have to work on that.

He speared his forgers through her hair as he plundered
her mouth. She tasted so sweet. Like ripe summer peaches.

"Ooh!" She stiffened in his arms.

His head came up. "What? What is it, love?"

She glanced up at him almost shyly, her hand coming
to rest on her stomach. "Your son," she said. "He just
kicked me."

A slow grin spread across Mac's face. "Did he, now?"

"Yes. Hard."

He couldn't take his eyes off Artemis's stomach. "Can I

"Of course."

She took his hand and guided it to a spot on one side of
her belly. "Feel that lump? That's his foot."

He pressed the taut skin, amazed to feel the outline of a
small foot beneath a layer of muscle. He closed his eyes
and cast his senses deep. His son's heartbeat pulsed in his
mind. The spark of the infant's soul was beautiful. It
leaped in recognition, flashing bright.

The lad gave a hard kick against Mac's palm.

He opened his eyes and grinned down at Artemis.
"Been giving you a bit of trouble, has he?"

For the first time since he'd approached her, Artemis
smiled. "That's an understatement. I think he's going to be
a soccer player."

"Better get him signed up for a team, then." He chuckled. "Sign me up for coach if you'd like."

Her smile drained away. "That would be... nice.
But... are you sure you should? Stay with me, I mean?"

He sent her a hard look. "Don't you want me, Artemis?"

"Of course I do! But maybe you should go back. To Annwyn, I mean. You'll live a longer life there."

"A longer, more miserable life, you mean."


"Artemis, I hate Annwyn. Every bloody perfect inch of
it. I just spent the better part of nine months there, and
damned if I'm going back for anything longer than a
weekend holiday. You think I'd live there permanently, just so I could add a few years to my life? I'll let you in on
a little secret, love. Immortality is vastly overrated."

"You can't possibly mean that."

"I can and I do. I knew it even before we met. What was
my old life like? Year after year, stretching into blurry infinity, no real emotion attached to any of it. A meandering
song that had no hope of ever achieving that last, beautiful
note. The final tone that gives the whole melody a deeper

He slid his palm on her belly, following his son's movement. "But now? Now that I know there'll be an end to it
all? Now everything's come into focus. I can see what I
want now, Artemis. Clearly. And do you know what that is?"

Mutely, she shook her head.

"You. You and Zander, and our child. And maybe more
young ones later on. If you'll agree." He drew a breath.
"Marry me, love."

Her eyes were wet. "Mac. I... I don't know what to say."

"What about `yes'? Really, Artemis, it's not such a difficult word. Go ahead. Try it. `Yes, Mac, I'll marry you. And
once I'm your wife, I'll do you the honor of being happy.
No regrets. No guilt. Only love and life, together.'" He
grinned. "There. Now you try it."

Tears spilled over her lashes. She reached up and touched
his temple, his cheek, his jaw. "Oh, Mac, I love you so."

"And I love you, Artemis. Now, will you please say
you'll be my wife as well as the mother of my child?"

She entwined her arms around his neck. "Of course I'll
marry you. Gods, it's like a dream come true."

He touched her lips with his, in a brief exchange of
emotion that no doubt would have gone deeper if not for
a small, childish voice. Mac looked up to find Artemis's
son staring up at him with his mother's dark, serious eyes.
He felt something in his heart catch.

"Mommy? Who's he?"

"I'm Manannan mac Lir," he told the lad, surprising
himself with his formal tone.

The boy nodded. "My brother's father."

Mac shot a look at Artemis. "Yes."

Zander's brows drew together. "Do I know you? Have
we met before? I feel like... I know you. Like we're

Mac regarded him seriously. "We are friends, Zander.
Very good friends, in fact. And what's more, I'm going to
marry your mother, so we'll be even more to each other.
We'll be family."

"Oh!" A spark leaped in the lad's dark eyes. "Will you be
my father, too, as well as my new brother's?"

"Do you want me to be?"

Zander nodded.

"Then I will be," Mac pledged. "For as long as I live."

He hoisted the lad onto his lap, then shot a glance at
Artemis. Love and joy shone bright in her eyes. His child
grew inside her body.

And Mac knew it would be a very good life indeed.

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