Read The Crimson Crown Online

Authors: Cinda Williams Chima

Tags: #Love & Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Juvenile Fiction, #Fantasy & Magic, #General, #Fiction - Young Adult

The Crimson Crown (61 page)


Thank you to all my early readers who don’t complain (in my presence) when they critique something and then I throw it away—Marsha McGregor, Pam Daum, Jim Robinson, Dawn Fitzgerald, Jeff Harr, Don Gallo, Julanne Montville, and Leonard Spacek. To those who are in for the long road—YAckers Jody Feldman, Debby Garfinkle, Mary Beth Miller, Martha Peaslee Levine, and Kate Tuthill; to Eric, who never lets me get away with anything—but every now and then I fool even you! And Keith, my left brain/right brain creative.

To the wonderful team at Hyperion—my editor, Abby Ranger, who is always the adult in the room, but still encourages the steamy bits; to Laura Schreiber for her wonderful insights and sharp eyes; the marketing and publicity team: Ann Dye, Dina Sherman, Jennifer Corcoran, Hallie Patterson, and Nellie Kurtzman; book designer Tyler Nevins, and illustrator Larry Rostant—your covers make such beautiful visual promises.

To my extraordinary agent, Christopher Schelling, and my foreign rights rep, Chris Lotts—here’s hoping next year is less interesting than this year.

And, always, to Rod—for the love, technical support, and benefits of all kinds.

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