Read The Commander's Mate Online

Authors: Morganna Williams

The Commander's Mate (11 page)

Grayson lifted his sobbing mate to her feet and stood, turning her to face the seat of the chair and pushing her chest down to rest on the seat as he bent her over.

“Now, you will hold yourself open for me, young lady,” Grayson said firmly. “I will have no argument from you unless you don’t feel you had enough time with the paddle.”

Isabella moved quickly to comply, grasping her bottom cheeks and pulling them open with a shuddering sob at her own touch.

She gave a loud groan of displeasure when she felt the large butt plug at the entrance to her bottom. “Please…”

A sharp swat landed on her thigh in response. “Isabella, I am ensuring you never take such a risk with your safety again. What would I do if something happened to you?”

Her chin quivered. “I’m sorry. I’ll never do it again.”

Grayson nodded, pleased with the true level of contrition he heard in her voice. He thrust the plug carefully into her bottom. While he planned to give her no pleasure here, he didn’t want to injure her.

She groaned as he began to move the plug in and out of her bottom, sending it deeper with each thrust. When he had it fully seated inside her, he gave it a couple of sharp twists to ensure he had her attention before locking it into place and bringing her to stand before him.

“Now, young lady, you will go stand in that corner and think about your actions this day,” Grayson told her firmly.

Isabella shifted from foot to foot with a moan of discomfort and a flush of embarrassment filling her cheeks. “Please, Grayson, I’ll be good…”

He steeled himself to stand firm against her pleas and turned her to the corner with a hard swat he knew jolted the plug deep inside her.

“Now, Isabella,” Grayson watched as his very subdued little mate shuffled carefully into the corner sniffling miserably.

Sitting back in the chair, he enjoyed the view of his little mate’s punished bottom with the base of the plug peeking out at him. He would finish her punishment by taking her bottom thoroughly, leaving his little fire in no doubt of who was in charge in their home.

Grayson only made her stand in the corner for ten minutes, taking mercy on her as he watched her continuous shifting from one foot to another as she attempted to relieve the sting in her bottom.

“Come here, little fire.” Grayson held a hand out as Isabella turned and hurried to his side.

“I’m sorry, Grayson, I shouldn’t have disobeyed you,” she said with a little sob.

“No, you shouldn’t have and I intend to ensure you fully understand the consequences if you should do so again, young lady. Lie back over my knee.”

With a moan she placed herself back over his lap. Since she was being so obedient, Grayson decided a short hand spanking would do to finish this part of the punishment. He brought his hand down on her upturned bottom hard and fast, concentrating most of his swats to the tender under curve and being sure each smack jolted the plug inside her. It took only a minute for her to begin begging forgiveness.

Grayson lifted her to her feet, then stood, bending her back over the chair, “You were forgiven before we even started, little fire. I’m just ensuring it’s a lesson that doesn’t need repeating. I will never tolerate your doing anything that puts your health and safety in jeopardy; it’s best you learn this well.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Now hold yourself open again for me,” he instructed her firmly.

Isabella moved quickly to comply, holding her bottom open and giving a relieved sigh when the plug was pulled free from her bottom.


* * *


Izzy’s relief was short-lived when she felt the large head of Grayson’s shaft move to take the place of the plug; with a groan of dismay she buried her face in the seat of the chair. Her poor bottom was already so sore, but she knew she’d willfully disobeyed her mate and must accept the consequences of her actions.

Izzy relaxed her bottom and pushed back to help his entry. This act was total domination, a demonstration of his absolute authority over her. Though it wasn’t pleasant, she felt the dampness begin to trickle between her legs in response to his mastery. When his fingers began to dance across her clit, she spread her legs further apart and moaned in encouragement.


* * *


Grayson took her hard once he was fully seated; when he felt her body began to tighten and knew she was close to release, he stilled inside her and removed his fingers from her swollen little clit.

“No! Grayson, please!” Isabella whimpered in frustration.

He held still inside her until he was sure Isabella’s pending orgasm had receded, then started again, stroking a finger carefully along the edge of her clit as he pounded into her ass. As her body began to draw tight once more, Grayson stilled inside her.

“Oh no,” she cried.

“What happens to bad little girls, Isabella?” he asked her sternly.

“They get sp… spanked,” Isabella whispered hoarsely.

“What else happens to their naughty little bottoms?”

She shuddered in response to his question. “Please don’t make me say it.”

He delivered a sharp swat to each cheek before beginning to move resolutely within her once more, this time surrounding her clit with two fingers and moving them in time with his thrusts.

“What else, Isabella?”

“Their bottoms get taken hard,” she said with a little mewling sound as she once again neared release.

“Do naughty girls get to come, Isabella?” he asked her, stilling once more just as she was about to shoot into orbit and removing all stimulation.

“Nooooo!” she wailed.

“What kind of girls get to come, Isabella?”

“Good girls,” Isabella said miserably.

“That’s right. Only good girls get to come. Are you going to be my good girl from now on?” Grayson asked.

“Yes, sir!” she answered fervently.

Grayson smiled, then repositioned her body as he began to ride her with hard deep thrusts.

He was careful to keep her positioned so there was no possibility of clitoral stimulation. This was punishment and she would receive no further pleasure and would have the rest of the day to think about her behavior with a dose of sexual frustration added into the mix.

“Who do you belong to?” he asked.

“You, Grayson. Only you,” she said softly.

Grayson began to pound into her hard and fast, causing her to let go of her bottom to brace herself on the chair seat; he finished, coming hard in her tight little bottom before pulling free.

Isabella groaned in frustration and discomfort. Grayson lifted her into his arms as he sat back down on the chair cuddling her close.

Grayson kissed her forehead. “I love you more than I ever thought possible, little fire, but that doesn’t mean you will get away with blatant disobedience or putting yourself at risk. I will punish you each and every time. Just like that. Am I understood?”

She wrapped her arms tightly around him, needing his comfort. “Yes, sir.”

“Good. I don’t want to have to do that again, Isabella. I would much rather give you only pleasure from my touch.”

She sat up in his lap and cupped his face, pressing tiny little kisses to his chin and on his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Grayson. I promise to be much better behaved in the future. I love you so much. Thank you for correcting me.”

“Now you will rest in here until I get home tonight, but you are not to touch yourself. If you’re a good girl, I will let you come when I get home.”

He chose to ignore the little pout she gave as he put her firmly to bed. Grayson knew between the spanking and his thorough taking of her bottom, she would quickly fall asleep.

Chapter Eight



Izzy woke with a sigh, stretching and then wincing when her very tender buttocks shifted on the mattress. With a groan she rolled out of bed, making every effort to put as little pressure on her backside as possible.

Turning her bottom toward the mirror on the wall, she winced again when she saw how red her posterior was, the under curve of her bottom a splotchy purple. Izzy would feel her punishment every time she sat down for at least a few days.

Grayson had been very thorough in demonstrating his displeasure. As her thighs shifted together, she became aware of how sensitive and needy she still felt between her legs. This was a lesson she would long remember.

Izzy really hoped Grayson would relent and make love to her when he got home. She really needed the relief only he could give her.

She decided to hurry downstairs and make his favorite dinner in an effort to make amends.


* * *


Grayson smiled as he walked into the house smelling pizza. It had fast become his favorite meal once Isabella had learned to make it with Ramelian ingredients and spices. He enjoyed all of the meals she prepared.

Ramelian food with an earth perspective. Isabella called it fusion cuisine, but he just called it good.

Walking up behind her in the kitchen, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss into the nape of her neck.

Isabella sank back into his embrace.

“Did you rest well, little fire?”

She nodded, looking shyly up at him out of the corner of her eye with a soft half smile before pulling away to take the pizza out of the oven and lay it on the counter.

“How is your bottom?”

Isabella turned bright red and glared at him before turning once again to cut the pizza.

“Isabella, I would have you answer me,” Grayson said quietly.

“It’s fine! This is a mortifying conversation!” she exclaimed, pulling plates from the cabinets and plunking a piece of pizza down on one for him.

“If you won’t tell me, I suppose I will have to check the damage for myself,” he said in a matter-of-fact manner. Ignoring the pizza, he steered his little mate to the opposite counter and placed her face down over it with her legs dangling.

“No, Grayson!” she wailed, clearly embarrassed.

Grayson made short work of lifting her dress over her back and revealing her spectacularly colorful bottom to his view, easily holding Isabella in place for his examination despite her struggles.

Running his fingertips lightly over her still hot flesh, then stroking deep between her legs to find the wet heat waiting for him there, he murmured, “Have you had time to think about your behavior, little fire?”

Isabella groaned as he slid a finger deep inside her pulsing channel. “Ohhh… please…”

“Answer me, please,” he instructed as he pulled his finger out of her and spread her wide to his gaze. He stroked a finger over the slightly swollen pucker of her anus, knowing she would be very tender.

“Yes. I’m sorry for how I acted. I shouldn’t have tried to disobey you or have been disrespectful!” she cried out as his finger moved against her.

Grayson smiled and pulled a training phallus from his pocket. It was only an inch and a half in diameter and six inches long, but it would do the trick to help his little mate further contemplate her actions.

He held her open as he rubbed its tip along her labia, then circled her clit before sliding it inside just a little bit.

Isabella moaned loudly in response and rocked her body back, trying to get deep penetration. He knew her body was primed for penetration after the sensual punishment he’d delivered earlier.

Grayson worked the phallus into her slowly with gradual rocking thrusts that didn’t quite give her what she needed. Once it was fully seated, the wide base rested against her opening, but stopped the toy from going in further.

Then he pulled her skirts back down and lifted his now very fidgety mate to stand in front of him.

“Shall we eat?”


* * *


Izzy stared up at him in disbelief. “You can’t seriously mean to leave me like this!” She was horrified; every time she shifted, the thing he’d placed inside her moved. Not enough to give her the release she craved, but just enough to drive her crazy.

“You still aren’t as contrite or submissive as I would like so it seems a further lesson might be in order,” Grayson explained, picking up his plate and walking to the dining room. “Come, Isabella, bring your plate.”

She glared after him. Not contrite enough! Hadn’t she made the brute pizza? Izzy groaned again when she stepped forward to grab her plate and felt the shift of the dildo inside her. How on earth was she supposed to be able to eat?

When Izzy followed Grayson into the dining room, she found not only did he expect her to sit down and eat, he expected her to be able to hold a conversation—as if the tenderness of her bottom in the seat and the shift of the thing inside her every time she squirmed wasn’t making her wetting and wetter, making her more desperate to come at every moment.

It was as if the heat and soreness of her backside were now directly connected to her clit, making it pulse as if it was demanding to be stroked as she rocked on the thing inside her.

“Isabella?” Grayson looked at her with one eyebrow quirked.

She looked at him a little dazedly, “Huh?”

“Tell me about your day after you woke from your nap,” he asked as he took a big appreciative bite of pizza.

Izzy blinked at him for a moment. “It was fine. I got up and decided to make my brute of a mate pizza for dinner in an effort to atone for my earlier behavior. Then he got home and asked me embarrassing questions and stuck a sex toy up me, making it impossible to concentrate on anything else. Then he expects me to eat dinner and talk about the weather as though I don’t just want to jump his bones!”

“Check your tone, Isabella. It’s to help you think about how you could have handled the day better, including right now. There won’t be any bone jumping this day. If you are able to behave yourself tonight, I will allow you to jump my bones tomorrow,” Grayson said with a smile and then had the audacity to wink at her.

“Hmmpf. I may not be interested in your bones or anything else by tomorrow,” she muttered, forcing herself to take a bite of pizza.

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