Read The Body Sculpting Bible for Women Online

Authors: James Villepigue,Hugo Rivera

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Exercise, #General, #Women's Health

The Body Sculpting Bible for Women (74 page)

When you reach the top of the movement, do not lock out the elbow joint. When you lock out the elbow joint, you distribute all of the weight from the shoulders to the elbow joint, thus interrupting muscle stimulation. This can hurt the elbow joint and limit shoulder muscle stimulation.

From this point, slowly begin to lower the bar in a smooth, controlled, fluid motion, without resting.

Why do I constantly see so many people leaning back while doing this exercise?
Leaning back while doing the military press will bring your upper chest muscles into the movement. This stops isolating the shoulder muscles. Many people do this because they are lifting too heavy a weight- or perhaps their shoulders became tired and they leaned back to get the weight up. If you have trouble staying upright during the military press, either go lighter, or plant your feet behind you to help maintain your upright position.

Front Raise

This exercise is great for working the shoulder muscles, as long as you keep yourself in perfect form to not engage the chest muscles. There are several variations to experiment with, including performing with one hand alone, alternating hands, or using a barbell instead of dumbbells.


Stand with a straight torso and the dumbbells resting in front of your thighs with the palms of your hands facing you. Align the body from the bottom up, beginning with the feet. Make sure the feet are pointing straight ahead.

Keep knees pointing straight ahead and slightly bent to prevent any unnecessary back strain.

Remember that as you lift the dumbbells your palms should be facing downward so that your shoulder muscles do the work, not your biceps muscles.


While standing still, lift the dumbbells straight to the front, with a slight bend of the elbow and the palms of the hands facing down.

While exhaling, continue until your arms are parallel to the floor. Pause for a second at the top of the movement.

Inhale and lower the dumbbells slowly in a controlled fashion to the starting position while maintaining your posture and body alignment. Make sure you choose a weight that allows you to practice perfect form. If you use a weight that is too heavy, momentum will force muscles other than the shoulders to do the work.

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