Read The Blind Date Online

Authors: Melody Carlson

Tags: #JUV033200, #Dating (Social customs)—Fiction, #Clubs—Fiction, #Friendship—Fiction, #High schools—Fiction, #Schools—Fiction, #Christian life—Fiction

The Blind Date (19 page)

“Maybe we need to admit a new member,” Bryn suggested.

“Felicia Ruez would like to be part of the DG,” Emma told them. “I never told her about the club, but she's been watching us and seems to know that we're up to something. She's asked me about it several times.”

They discussed Felicia for a while, finally agreeing that she was a sweet, dependable girl and might make a good addition to the DG. A vote was taken and Felicia was unanimously accepted.

“That is, if she's really interested,” Cassidy pointed out.

“I'll find out on Monday,” Emma offered.

“So our next project will be a double date,” Cassidy confirmed as she finished her notes on her iPad.

“But not a blind date,” Devon said with uncertainty. “Right?”

“Right,” Bryn agreed. “No more blind dates, thank you very much.”

“I just want to say that I think the DG is about a whole lot more than Dating Games,” Cassidy told them. “And I think that everyone here agrees with that.”

“Absolutely,” Emma said. “It's about our friendships.”

“That's right,” Abby reminded them. “If we don't stay strong in our friendships, the DG will disintegrate anyway.”

Cassidy stuck her fist into the center of the circle of girls. “Here's to us, and here's to the DG.” They all bumped fists in agreement. “Here's to friends!”


y Monday morning, Cassidy Banks had some serious doubts about Felicia Ruez—or more specifically, Felicia's
. Cassidy rarely paid attention to school gossip, but the stories she'd heard lately seemed to be jiving with the new image that Felicia was presenting.

Cassidy was the first to admit that of all the girls in the Dating Games club (aka the DG), she was by far the most conservative. So it hadn't escaped her notice that Felicia had recently undergone some kind of makeover—a redo that made Felicia look totally hot. Hot in a way that suggested she was going after some serious male attention.

But Cassidy didn't get it. After all, Felicia had always been exceptionally pretty—some even compared her to Penélope Cruz—and in Cassidy's opinion Felicia did not need to wear sexy clothes or flashy hair and bold makeup to turn guys' heads. They were already looking.

This fact had been driven home in Cassidy's Algebra II class just this morning. Poor Marcus Zimmerman couldn't
take his eyes off Felicia as he came into the classroom today, so much so that he didn't notice a stray chair in the aisle and wound up toppling right over it, causing the class to roar with laughter. Naturally, Marcus made a quick recovery, feigning a dramatic bow as if he'd purposely choreographed the whole thing for their entertainment.

But Cassidy felt certain his accident was a result of Felicia's short-short skirt and low-cut top. And she suspected it was only a matter of time before Felicia was called down to the dean's office and reminded of the school's rigid dress code. Northwood Academy had put an end to the dreaded school uniforms several years back, but as a result the dress code was firmly enforced. At least it used to be.

“We need to talk,” Cassidy said quietly to Emma Parks, accosting her friend as she emerged from the restroom and pulling her aside.

Emma's fair eyebrows shot up. “What? Are you breaking up with me?” she teased.

“Ha ha,” Cassidy said with sarcasm, then lowered her voice. “Did you talk to Felicia yet?”

“No, but I asked her to meet me in the cafeteria to—”

“Well, hold your horses.”


“I've changed my mind.”

“Huh?” Emma's brow creased in confusion. “Whatd'ya mean?”

“I know we all voted to let Felicia into the DG last week,” Cassidy began quietly, “but I—”

“I already told Felicia to meet me at lunch today.”

“You need to cool your jets.” Cassidy tugged Emma away from a girl who looked overly interested in their conversation.

“But Felicia is really hoping she's in,” Emma persisted. “And we need her in order to have an even number of girls for our whole double date—”

“Maybe so. But I am rescinding my vote.”

“Rescinding?” Emma frowned. “Meaning you're backing out completely? You don't want Felicia in the DG at all?

“That's right.” Cassidy glanced around to be sure no one could overhear her. “I have reasons to believe Felicia isn't a good fit for the DG.”

“What kind of reasons?”

“I'll tell the DG at lunch,” Cassidy said. “I just wanted to be sure you hadn't given Felicia that green light yet.”

Emma looked skeptical. “You haven't been listening to gossip, have you, Cass? I mean, that is so unlike you. But if you have, you better—”

“Hear me out at lunch, okay? I have to get to class now.” As Cassidy scurried away, she felt slightly guilty. Was she overreacting? What if what she'd heard was wrong? But just as she thought this, she saw Felicia hurrying toward the English Department. That little yellow skirt was so short that Cassidy felt certain Felicia would be unable to pick up a pencil from the floor without exposing her rear end. Why in the world did Felicia think she needed to dress like that anyway? And why in the world hadn't the dean of students called Felicia into her office by now? What was this school coming to?

Despite her earlier concerns, Cassidy started doubting herself by the time lunchtime arrived. Was she being too hasty about Felicia? Too judgmental? Gossipy even? As she entered the cafeteria, she knew that she didn't want to be that kind
of girl. She despised gossip and was usually outspoken about those who indulged in that kind of meanness. But at the same time, she felt strangely protective of the DG. She didn't miss the irony here since she, of all the girls, had been the most skeptical about a dating club in the beginning.

But after all they'd been through and the friendships the five girls had formed, she felt compelled to preserve the integrity of the DG. To that end, she set her brown bag lunch aside and pulled out her iPad, opening up the rules that they'd written in September. She was perusing the document when the other girls started trickling up to their usual table.

Dating Games Club Rules

  1. We will honor the secret membership of the DG.
  2. We will be loyal to our fellow DG members.
  3. We will help fellow DG members to find dates with good guys.
  4. We will report back to the DG regarding our dates.
  5. We will not be jealous over a fellow DG member's boyfriend.
  6. We will never steal a fellow DG member's boyfriend.
  7. We will abstain from sex on our DG dates.
  8. We will not lie to the DG about what happens on our dates.
  9. We will never let a boyfriend come between fellow DG members.
  10. We will admit new DG members only by unanimous vote.

“Oh no,” Bryn said in a teasing tone. “Cass is reading the DG rules again. Time for another little lecture?”

“I don't lecture anyone,” Cassidy said defensively.

Emma set her tray down with a clunk and frowned. “Cass doesn't want Felicia in the DG,” she chanted like a tattletale.

“I only said I'm having second thoughts,” Cassidy clarified. “I rescinded my vote to buy us some time. We need to go over some things before we commit to another member.”

“But we already voted,” Bryn reminded her.

“Yes, but Emma hasn't told Felicia yet. And I'm calling an emergency meeting before she does,” Cassidy informed them. “Any objections?”

“Not if you think it's really necessary.” Bryn opened a packet of salad dressing.

“I do,” Cassidy declared. “Think about it. Does anyone here want to induct a member who we'll regret having in the club later on?”

“Good point,” Abby unwrapped a bean burrito. “I'd hate to have to kick someone out.”

“And I have some questions about Felicia,” Cassidy said quietly.

“I do too.” Devon nodded eagerly as she opened a packet of ketchup.

“Really?” This was totally unexpected, but Cassidy tried to take it in stride. “Okay then. It's obvious we need to discuss this.”

“Come on, you guys. What has poor Felicia done to deserve this kind of scrutiny?” Emma demanded. She pointed a finger at Cassidy. “And just so you know, I probably sounded like a stuck-up snob when I told her I couldn't talk right now. Even though I was the one who asked her to meet with me. I could tell by her expression that she thinks I'm just jerking her chain. And I don't blame her a bit. She probably won't even want to join now.”

“So what's going on exactly?” Abby pointed her fork at Cassidy. “Why should we have second thoughts about Felicia?”

“I have some concerns,” Cassidy started carefully. “It's partly about her appearance and part—”

“I know what this is,” Bryn taunted. “Cassidy and Devon are worried that Felicia's too much competition.”

“That's laughable.” Devon pushed a strand of auburn hair over a shoulder, holding her chin high.

“And totally bogus.” Cassidy held up her iPad like it held evidence. “Here's the deal. I don't think Felicia will
to comply with our rules.”

“Which rules?” Abby asked with interest.

Cassidy scanned down the rules, stopping her finger on rule #7. “This one, for starters.” She looked around uneasily. “But I'm not sure we should be having this meeting right now . . . in public. Especially not here in the cafeteria.”

Now Emma leaned over, quietly reading the seventh rule loud enough for the others to hear. “We will abstain from sex on our DG dates.” Her brow creased as she peered at Cassidy. “What are you saying about Felicia?”

“I'm saying I have reason for concern.”

“Did Felicia tell you something that suggests that she can't comply with this rule?” Abby asked pointedly.

“No. But I overheard some girls in choir last week. They were talking about Felicia and—”

“This is about gossip?” Abby's dark brown eyes grew wide. “You of all people, Cass? You hate gossip.”

“I know.” Cassidy nodded contritely. “I do hate gossip. But it's not just that. I've noticed some things about Felicia—the way she's dressing and acting lately. Something has changed. Trust me, something's not right with that girl.”

“I know exactly what Cassidy means,” Devon declared. “Felicia is dressing like a hooker.”

“Really, Devon.” Emma used a scolding tone. “You should talk.”

Devon pursed her lips with angry eyes. “What are you insinuating?”

“Well . . . you
to dress like a hooker. Before we made you—”

“I cannot believe you'd say something like that!”

“You know it's true. I still have some photos on my phone—”

“And I thought you were my friend!”

“Stop fighting.” Cassidy held up a hand. “This is not why I brought this up right now.”

“Are you trying to turn lunch into an official meeting?” Abby demanded. “Because I, for one, cannot do this. As soon as I finish eating, I need to get down to the gym to pick up my basketball uniform and get some—”

“This is the wrong place to talk about something like this,” Bryn said. “If we need a real meeting, let's go to Costello's like we usually do.”

“I agree,” Devon said. “I move that we end this meeting.”

a meeting,” Cassidy pointed out.

“Whatever.” Bryn tipped her head to a group of curious-looking girls standing nearby. “There are too many ears in here. Let's put a lid on it.”

“But what am I supposed to tell Felicia?” Emma asked.

“Tell her to wait,” Cassidy urged. “Just until we can meet and get this thing settled.”

“Can everyone make it at 5:00?” Bryn asked.

“I might be late,” Abby said with her mouth full. “We're starting practice this week. We don't usually quit until 5:00.”

“How about 5:30 then?” Cassidy suggested. “And it can be a quick meeting.”

“You really think we need this?” Bryn demanded.

“I don't,” Emma told her.

“I do,” Devon shot back at her. “Cassidy is absolutely right. I didn't want to say anything, but I have some questions about Felicia too. I've heard stuff like what Cassie is saying. We need to know what we're getting into . . . before we get into it.”

“Well, that's very interesting, considering . . .” Bryn studied Devon with slightly narrowed eyes. “Hmm?”

Cassidy knew what Bryn was insinuating. She thought it was a little weird that Devon was speaking out against someone else's character like this. Especially since Devon had come so close to being thrown out of the DG only a few days ago. And although Cassidy appreciated the moral support in her quest to protect the DG, it wasn't too comforting that it only seemed to be coming from Devon. Siding with Devon on something like this was a bit disturbing.

Abby wadded up her napkin. “Okay then, I'll do my best to get to this meeting by 5:30. But you better make it worth my time. I mean, I do trust you, Cass. You're a fair person. And I know you wouldn't dis Felicia just because of stupid gossip.”

“Or even just because of how Felicia dresses,” Bryn added. “Because, as you guys know, we all needed some wardrobe assistance when we started the club.” She tipped her head toward Cassidy. “You in particular, girlfriend, were not exactly what I'd call fashion forward, if you recall.”

The others laughed, and Cassidy felt her cheeks grow warm as she started doubting herself again. Maybe she was wrong about Felicia. “Okay,” she said quietly. “I'll try to gather as
much information as I can before we meet.” However, she had no idea how she was going to do this. What information?

“And I'll help,” Devon promised.

“Great.” Bryn's blue eyes twinkled with mischief. “I can't wait to hear what you girls dig up on poor Felicia. Sounds juicy.”

“Bryn!” Emma glared at her. “I thought you
Felicia.” She looked from face to face with a disappointed scowl. “I thought you all liked her.”

“I used to like her well enough,” Cassidy admitted. “But I don't feel like I really know her anymore. It seems like she's changed.”

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