THE BILLIONAIRE'S BABY (A Secret Baby Romance) (12 page)

His mouth traveled down to my left breast and took my nipple, his fingers teasing the skin of my arms and sides lightly at the same time. My hips arched up in response, and electrified shivers shot from his skillful lips and into every nerve ending in my body. My hands gripped the silky sheets on either side, fisting the soft fabric as he moved over to do the same—sucking and flicking with an expert tongue—to my right nipple.

“Fuck, Braden,” I called out. I wondered how long I could control myself before my body exploded from the pleasure. Braden pulled himself up to study my face for a moment, and I instantly missed his lips.

“Lexi,” he said with a half-surprised, half-devilish look. “Such language. I never knew you had it in you,” he teased as his eyes glinted with a hint of playboy mischief. “And it’s sexy as hell.”

My limbs and nerves flamed, and I felt goosebumps erupt all over from his words. Braden lowered his long, hard body again and let his full weight crush me into the soft bed. I was acutely aware of his hard penis pushing against my inner thigh, just an inch or so from my dripping pussy.

He moved my long dark hair away from my neck as his weight pressed against my soft curves and dips, and he nibbled while using a knee to press my thighs apart. It was killing me. I wanted him inside me, now. I ran my fingernails up his strong back and into his hair, mimicking his neck biting, my tongue tasting the saltiness of his skin.

“Fuck.” Braden closed his eyes and bit his lip as if trying to stay in control, but clearly wild with lust. He opened his eyes, and the unbridled passion glittering in the blue depths made my breath hitch as I moved from his neck to meet his gaze. A truly wicked smile crossed his lips and he growled, “Damn, girl, you asked for it now.”

His fingers had molded around my breasts but now moved down to grip one thigh, as the thumb of his other hand oh-so-lightly flicked my clit and caused me to arch up and cry out. His full, knowledgeable mouth immediately followed where his fingers had touched and paused just before the lips between my thighs. He gave me the sexiest look of mischief and pure man at once.

His lips parted my pussy and dove in with his skillful tongue, knowing exactly where to move as he explored in the most maddeningly slow, firm, rhythmic swirl deep inside. I arched my hips even higher off the silky sheets, giving Braden better access. I barely registered anything that happened and wouldn’t have been able to remember my own name as he gripped my thighs with his hands and thoroughly explored my pussy with his mouth, doing things with his tongue I hadn’t even known were possible.

In a half daze, I felt his mouth lift off me, and his voice, somewhat distant, rasped, “Lexi, I can’t hold off any longer. You’re dripping wet, and damn, you taste as sweet as honey.” My mouth opened in an attempt to speak, but I was too far in a haze of bliss and simply nodded.

I heard a drawer open and the rip of foil. I watched with curious eyes as he rolled a condom over his fully erect cock and poised above me, his face at my chest level. “I’ll go slowly. And just let me know or tap me if it hurts too much, and I can go slower or stop, okay?” His eyes softened as he spoke.

“Okay. I will, just please…” I whispered, my voice husky and low as I moved my hands around his lower back and pushed against his tight ass. I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed him inside me, and I wasn’t one bit afraid of any pain or discomfort.

Slowly but firmly, Braden pushed his cock through my swollen lips, just the tip pushing in as his mouth came down on mine. He kissed me slowly, deeply as he pushed his cock further and further inside me, using confident strokes. Sparks shot through my body as he filled me more and more, and his breathing increased and came in ragged breaths with each push.

At one point, I felt a dull pain and discomfort, like the inside of my vagina stayed tight while his cock tried to stretch it wider and wider, but he pushed all the way in as he pulled his lips from mine to watch my face, and the pain was gone. In its place was the most indescribable sensation of intimate connection and of a tantalizing, blissful ache deep inside that needed to be rubbed and teased until I exploded.

“You okay?” he whispered breathlessly.

I could only nod, incapable of speech as he slid out and pushed all the way in. He moved his hips slightly to the right, then to the left as he slid in and out, hitting all the sensitized spots inside my pussy until I was panting. Then he picked up the pace with each thrust, and I arched up to meet him each time.

Sweat glistened on our bodies, and he drove in faster and stronger. “Oh, God, Braden!” I cried out. I could hardly stand the exquisite ache inside about to burst. Braden braced himself with his arms and kissed my neck several times with little bites at the end as he thrust in and out.

Every hair on my body stood up straight, and my nipples hardened and swirled with acute pleasure at the nips on my neck combined with the way his huge dick hit against the heightened sensitivity of my pussy. His groin ground against my clit and made me want to scream.

My fingers dug like cat claws into Braden’s back as pulses of pleasure ran rampant through my veins, and my body spun up into an elated peak. I closed my eyes tightly as the sinfully delicious orgasm washed though my body from the inside out, cascading over me in wave after wave until I cried out.

Through my bliss, I heard Braden’s voice call out in ecstasy as well. I collapsed in a pleasurable heap, and his body covered mine, both of us moist from sweat and breathing heavily. Smaller waves of aftershock rippled through me as I sighed in utter contentment.



I’d never felt this way when I’d had sex with other women. Not only was Lexi insanely gorgeous with all her naked, porcelain-skinned curves, the prettiest rosy pink nipples I’d ever seen, and the fact that her pussy felt sinfully tight and wet, but she also brought out a deep passion and sense of connection in me as we’d climaxed together.

She’d cried out my name in a hoarse voice that caused the blood in my veins to boil even hotter as I’d pushed deep inside her with unprecedented passion and strength. I tended to be the silent type when I had sex, but Lexi’s pussy tightened so strongly in several waves as we orgasmed together and squeezed my dick so hard that I couldn’t help but cry out.

My body glistened with sweat, and I collapsed on top of her silky-soft one. My chest pressed into her ample, size-C tits, which triggered a warm rush of appreciation. We panted for breath, and a moment later, I eased gently off her to cradle her from the side, one arm resting across her smooth waist and the other caught in a tangle of her silky black hair.

“Holy shit,” I murmured with a grin as we came back down from the rush into a satisfied state. “You felt amazing,” I growled into her ear, eliciting a flush of pink to wash over her face and neck.

She gave me a content, mischievous smile. “So did you. It didn’t really hurt much at all, just for a second at first.”

I grinned even wider as my gaze danced into hers. “I could tell.” Her blush deepened, and I added more seriously, “I’m glad it wasn’t too rough for you.” I kissed her softly on her smooth cheek, and after a few quick kisses on the mouth, we fell into a contented sleep, nestled against one another.




The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the sense that something was missing, along with a cool ocean breeze that hit my bare chest. I blinked my eyes open sleepily to several rays of early morning sunlight creating patterns on my face and arms. A huge smile spread across my face as pieces of last night with Lexi flashed in my mind.

My gaze took a lazy survey of the empty bed, then swept around the room, and I noticed that none of Lexi’s clothes were strewn about like mine.
She must be in the shower,
I reasoned to myself as I sat up and stretched my limbs. A moment later, however, I found she wasn’t in the bathroom, or the kitchen, or even on the patio. She was nowhere to be found.

I drew my hands down my face and heaved a sigh. Shit, she must have snuck off, which meant she probably had serious doubts about what happened last night and possibly regretted the loss of her virginity to a guy like me. My heart sank into my stomach, and I rushed to my phone and texted her:
Morning Lexi, where are you? You wanna grab breakfast?

I waited a moment or two for a response, and when none came, I decided to take a shower and give her time to get back to me. As I lathered shampoo into my hair and woke up more and more under the stream of warm water, my mind returned to yesterday when I’d seen her surfing in the twilight. She’d been so smooth and strong and completely sexy in that bikini, that I’d made up the ruse of going for a swim when I went out on the beach.

There was something about her energy and the way she’d flashed the smile of a carefree, happy little girl while lying in the sand, mixed with the almost full moon, the hypnotic beat of live music in the background, and the fact that we were far from home. The night had felt so magical, and kissing Lexi in the water had felt so incredibly right.

From there, the night took off, and we’d both crossed the line in spite of our conversation the previous day and promises to keep our relationship business-related. Lexi had seemed so open and ready to take this step, both in our relationship and in her personal growth—losing her virginity. It had been the hottest, most passionate and meaningful sex of my life. I was falling in love with her, there was no doubt about it.

But now she’d run off, probably terrified and full of regret about what she’d done last night. As I dried off and dressed in casual gray shorts, flip-flops, and a white t-shirt, I tried to figure out what I would say to Lexi. Should I apologize and promise to not cross the line again—for now, at least—or should I push and express my strong feelings for her, try to convince her to start an actual relationship with me?

I decided to see what she had to say and go from there. With still no response to my text, I left my room and walked down the hall to her room to get her to talk with me in person. I knocked three times on her door and ran a nervous hand through my damp hair as I waited. Several beats later, I heard a muffled, “Who is it?”

“Lexi? It’s Braden,” I called through the door. Another few beats passed, and I heard the sliding metal of the chain lock and the door opened to Lexi’s serious face, her green eyes flickering with caution and another emotion I couldn’t quite place. She was possibly sheepish or apologetic.

“Hey,” she whispered as she shuffled her feet, which had on pink flip-flops to go with a knee-length jean skirt and a light purple t-shirt.

“Hey. Are you okay? I guess we should probably talk,” I hedged.

She glanced behind her, then looked at me and said, “Yeah, I guess we should. But let’s go to that café on the beach. It’s too risky to talk in my room.”

I considered her last statement, a little spring of hope bubbling inside at the thought that she still found me desirable rather than a repulsive playboy. On the other hand, her not wanting to risk getting physical again indicated she was definitely not ready to try dating me in a full-on relationship.

Ten minutes later, after we ordered fruit bowls, passionfruit pastries and coffees, Lexi and I faced each other over a round table on the patio that overlooked the ocean. We sat in uncomfortable silence until our coffee was delivered, and after we’d both taken a few sips, Lexi broke the silence.

“You must think I’m such a hypocrite,” she began, a sheepish look on her face. I frowned and opened my mouth to counter her statement, but she continued. “I was so adamant when we had that conversation about keeping it professional Friday night, then the very next day I… I mean, we…”

Lexi’s face turned crimson, and she looked down at her coffee as the waiter brought the fruit and pastries. I felt a pleasant tingle in my spine at how adorably innocent she acted, even after I’d taken her virginity. I took a bite of a passionfruit pastry and watched her struggle to continue as I tried to keep the roughish grin off my face.

“I got so caught up in making love last night, which was amazing.” She whispered this part and glanced around at other seated customers. “And I know we both had a part in it, but Braden, it’s just too complicated. You’re my boss, we’re from completely different social circles, and you’re…”

She trailed off and didn’t finish her sentence. She bit into the pastry to hide her embarrassment. My eyes narrowed as I regarded her over my coffee cup. I knew exactly what she was going to say. She would refer to my womanizing, playboy tendencies and how, even though I’d told her she’d made me change, she didn’t think I was truly capable of it. I knew this but kept my mouth shut and looked thoughtful.

Lexi eyed me as if trying to read my thoughts, heaved a sigh, and added, “So, can we agree to not cross the line yet again? Not that I regret being with you, and you were very caring and gentlemanly, but it’s just better if we don’t get involved that way. You agree?”

I studied the dazzling view of the Atlantic and the groups of people milling around as they laughed and chatted. I turned to meet her gaze. “I agree,” I said reluctantly. “It was amazing, and thank you for trusting me enough to share your first time.” We blushed simultaneously as I lowered my voice for this part. “But I think you’re right. It would get complicated at work. I’ll agree… for now.”

I had to add the “for now,’ which Lexi tilted her head at, obviously detecting the implication that I hadn’t closed the door to the possibility of a future relationship. “So, I guess we’d better finish up here and get in for the beginning of the shoot, maybe get a few hours of work in before we get ready to take the jet back. You’re all right otherwise, yes? Not in, you know, pain or anything?”

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