Read The Battle Within Online

Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #contemporary romance

The Battle Within (22 page)


Sandy had had enough. She ripped the card up and threw the flowers in the garbage. As of this morning, she and Roman were starting over.


Chapter 25


Five days later….


Thanks for meeting me for lunch. Things have been tense at Franklin’s. I didn’t want to leave him, but I’ll be heading back to California in a couple of days and was hoping we could at least have a meal before I leave.”

“I’m glad you called. And, I can only imagine. I’m sorry about your brother.”

He looked at her questioningly, “What do you mean?”

“That night at the party, I heard April say he was diagnosed as a schizophrenic a couple of years ago. She’s so different from Sandy. I just don’t know what Franklin see’s in her.”

“I knew something was going on with him, but I didn’t find out exactly what until I got home from the party. And, that’s pretty much the consensus from everyone who knows April.”

“She’s a piece of work. When I heard her say the reason she broke up with him was because of his illness, I almost felt like strangling her myself.”

“Wait…What? That can’t be right. She’d already broken up with him when he told her. Franklin didn’t tell her until after she came back into his life.”

“Well, that’s not what she said that night. She specifically said she found out and that was why she broke up with him.”

“How? How would she have found out? I don’t think Franklin knows that. He told me she broke up with him because he was a workaholic and because things were moving too fast.”

“That’s a good question if that was the real reason she broke off the engagement, how did she know?”

“Hmm…her father, Dr. Michael Linden, is a very powerful and well-renowned figure in the mental health field. Maybe somehow, she found out that way. But, honestly, something just doesn’t feel right about this whole thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“Franklin…he just doesn’t seem to exhibit the behavior of someone who has the disease. I mean, I haven’t been here long…to say one way or another. But, if he hadn’t had several opinions, I would almost certainly think maybe post-traumatic stress disorder but not schizophrenia.”

“What kind of doctor are you?”

“I’m a neurosurgeon.”

“Wow. That’s um…pretty intimidating.”

“Not really.”

He still looked contemplative, “Do you have a computer at your house?”

“Yes. Why? What are you thinking?”

“I’m not sure, but there are a couple things I’d like to look up. I don’t want to do it at Franklin’s.”

After lunch, Troy and Andrea went to her apartment and as soon as they walked through the door, he connected to the internet.

“You look focused, I’ll make us some coffee.”


They spent most of the afternoon trying to piece everything together. The more they looked, the more questions were raised.

Troy asked Andrea one more time, “Are you sure she said she broke off the engagement because of his illness?”

Andrea nodded, “Yes. That’s what she said.”

“I mean, the obvious answer to how April found out is either her father or a connection between her and Franklin’s psychiatrist, Dr. Leslie Caprice. April works for Advocate Medical. That’s the same hospital as Franklin’s psychiatrist. I did some snooping around his place and found that out.”

Troy looked up her bio. “She graduated from Stanford University. So, did April!”

“Hmm…so they are some smart witches! But, it could just be a coincidence.”

“I bet you anything they were classmates. If she told April anything, that alone is enough for disciplinary action. Damn…I wonder. I wish there were a way I could find out.”

“Maybe you can bluff her. She has no idea who you are or what you know. Or, what you can prove.”

“You know what, you’re right. I think I should have a chat with her
doctor to doctor

“I wish I could go with you, but Sandy’s rehearsal and dinner are tonight.”

“Really? I hate to say this, but honestly, I didn’t think after last week…there would even be a wedding.”

“Neither did I. But, they seemed to have patched things up. I think she’s making the biggest mistake of her life, but Vicky and I are going to walk down that aisle as if we don’t know it. Anyway, keep me posted on what you find out.”


Troy wasn’t able to see Dr. Caprice that afternoon because she’d been in an all-day conference. But, she was in the office the next day seeing patients.

He didn’t call ahead for an appointment. He wanted the element of surprise on his side.

He walked up to Char, her receptionist, to see if she were available. He flashed that beautiful California smile, “Hi, I’m Dr. Erickson. I was wondering if Dr. Caprice had a quick moment to discuss a mutual client.”

The receptionist smiled brightly, “I’ll see Dr. Erickson. She should be finishing up with another client in just a few moments. If you’ll have a seat, I’ll check with her when she comes out.”

“Great.” He decided to see if he could squeeze some information from the receptionist, “So, how long have you worked for Dr. Caprice?”

She giggled, “I’ve been here about five years.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yeah, she’s pretty awesome to work for. Why?”

“I’m consulting on a case here, but my primary practice is in California. However, I like it in Atlanta. I’m a neurologist. I’m just asking about some of the people I might need to know if I decide to move my practice.”

Clearly falling for his charms and wide-eyed, she responded, “Oh you would love this hospital! Most everyone is so nice.”

“How about Dr. Linden?”

“Which one? April or Michael?”


“I don’t see Dr. Michael Linden that often but Dr. April Linden comes down quite a bit. She and Dr. Caprice are pretty good friends.”

Bingo. She’d just confirmed his suspicions.

The door opened to Dr. Caprice’s office. She spoke a few words of encouragement to her patient before he left.

Troy stood.

Char spoke, “Excuse me, Dr. Caprice, Dr….” The receptionist looked slightly embarrassed. She’d been gazing so deeply into Troy’s eyes, she didn’t remember his name.

Troy responded, “He filled in the awkward silence, Dr. Erickson.”

Char smiled, “He’d like a moment of your time.”

Dr. Caprice looked at him as he extended his hand, “Hi, I’ve been asked to do a consult on a patient that’s currently in your care.”

She checked her watch, “Umm…I have about twenty minutes before my next patient; please step into my office.”

They went inside, and she closed the door. Dr. Leslie Caprice was all smiles.

“Thank you for seeing me. I wanted to chat with you for a few minutes regarding a patient of yours…and now mine.”

“Sure. I’ll tell you as much as I can without any patient release papers.”

Troy reached into his bag and pulled out the papers. He’d always been pretty good at forging Franklin’s signature. “I actually have them with me.” He gave them to her.

The smile on her face faltered after she saw the name on them. She stuttered, “Fra…Franklin Roth? I didn’t know he was seeking an outside consult.”

His radar was sensing something major, “Yes. I’ve had a chance to go over his case for the past several months. From what we’ve discussed, and what I’ve observed, I’m inclined to believe Franklin exhibits symptoms more in line with PTSD than Schizophrenia.”

“That’s interesting. Well, I’ve been treating Franklin for a couple of years now, and that wasn’t the conclusion that I came to nor was it the opinion of two other independent psychiatrists.”

“I plan to talk to them as well. I just need for you to give me copies of Franklin’s records. I’d like to review your notes before I talk to them.”

“It’ll um…as you can see, my staff is small, it’ll take a couple of weeks to gather that information for you.”

It was time for him to turn the screws.

“Will it take a couple of weeks because you’ll need to discuss Franklin’s case with Dr. April Linden?”

She looked stricken, “What? Why would I need to talk to her? You know I can’t discuss a patient’s case without their permission.”

“I’m not sure. But, then I thought it odd that she claims to have known about Franklin’s diagnosis before he was even made aware of it.”

Dr. Caprice narrowed her eyes, “Who are you and why are you in my office?”

“I’m someone who cares about Franklin Roth, and I smell bullshit loud and clear. I’m also very tenacious. I’m going to find out what the hell is going on so you might as well tell me now. Otherwise, once I find out…and I will find out…you’ll wish for a padded cell.”

She sat down at her desk and hesitated before finally coming to a resolution, “Fine, I’ll tell you everything but only if I can get some assurances.”


Chapter 26


Franklin sat in the waiting room waiting to see Dr. Caprice. He needed to see her today. After everything that had gone on over the last week. Franklin wasn’t in any condition to be in a relationship.

It wasn’t fair to April, and it wasn’t fair to himself. That was partly why he broke it off with her. But, mainly it was because he still loved Sandy, she was the love of his life, and she was getting married today.

When the door opened to Dr. Caprice’s office, she walked out followed by Troy, and someone else. To say he was confused was an understatement, “What’s going on?”

The person Franklin didn’t recognize spoke, “I’m David Jones, the head of the Mental Health Physician Advisory Board, unfortunately, you will not be able to meet with Dr. Caprice today.”

As soon as he finished uttering those words, two police officers appeared.

One of them spoke, “Ms. Leslie Caprice?”

The expression on her face was as if she knew this was going to happen, “Yes.”

“You’re under arrest.”

Franklin couldn’t believe what was happening, “What was going on?”

Troy responded, “Dr. Caprice lied to you. Franklin, you’re not suffering from Schizophrenia. Most likely it’s PTSD. PTSD can sometimes mimic the symptoms of schizophrenia but can be treated with the right mix of medication and therapy.

Dr. Caprice and April cooked up this scheme to cover up some really heinous acts that April committed in an attempt to win you back. The police are on their way to arrest her as we speak.”

“April wouldn’t….”

“She would, and she did. She was the mastermind. Dr. Caprice mixed up your records with another patient. Initially, she thought you had schizophrenia but since she and April were friends, she told her before she informed you. That’s why April broke off your engagement. But, that’s not the worst of it. She left because she was pregnant with your child. She terminated the pregnancy because she was afraid the child would have the disorder.”

Franklin had to sit. He couldn’t believe it.

“But, I got two other opinions? They all confirmed the diagnosis.”

“April manipulated those doctors into confirming the diagnosis through Dr. Caprice. Then, they blackmailed one of the physicians when he wanted to come clean.”

Franklin shot out of his chair and down to April’s office. He had to hear it from her. By the time he made it to her, the police had her in handcuffs and she was being walked out to the squad car.

He was in a state in disbelief. She turned to see his face as he yelled out to her, “April….why?”

Her face was a blank mask. It held little to no emotion. She spoke matter of factly, “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” And then she lowered her head as the police put her in the backseat of the police car.

Franklin could have choked her to death right in front of the cops. But, he didn’t have time. “Troy…how much time do I have?”

“If you take my rental car…just enough.”


Chapter 27


They ran out to Troy’s rental car.

“The good guys are always supposed to win. So, go get the girl!” Troy threw Franklin the keys over the roof of the car.

Franklin caught them in mid-air and quickly jumped inside and closed the door. Before pulling off, he stopped to thank Troy, “Thank you for everything.”

He exhaled, “You’ve always been my hero, Franklin. We bleed the same blood, and I’d do anything for you, just like I know you’d do for me. I’m just glad, for once that it was me and not Jason who saved the day. Again, stop wasting time and go get the girl.”

Franklin nodded then drove off like a bat out of hell.

The wedding was scheduled to start in less than an hour. He prayed that he wasn’t too late.


Sandy and her wedding party was nestled inside a room at the wedding chapel. Although, she made every effort to keep her bridal party small, somehow today, if felt much larger than her two bridesmaids and flower girl. Probably because the room wasn’t as big as she’d initially thought. Especially now that the hair and makeup people Roman hired, and the wedding planner, had stuff strewn all over.

The flurry of activity at times felt overwhelming. Better yet, a more accurate description would have been as if she were caught in an outer body experience as if she were watching everything and everyone from above.

Andrea was helping Vicky clasp her pearl and amethyst choker. She’d secretly ordered one for both her and Vicky from their boutique. Inwardly, Sandy smile at them. They were gorgeous in their tea length strapless gowns. Vicky’s caramel skin against the silky purple fabric was stunning. Andrea’s porcelain skin against the lavender fabric was equally as stunning. They both looked incredible in their dresses. Although the colors were different, the style was the same. Sandy picked an empire waist design to accommodate Vicky just having had a baby. But, in a matter of weeks, she’d lost most of the baby weight. Both ladies wore their hair pulled back in a sleek bun with tendrils hanging in both the front and back.

Angel was a miniature version of Vicky except her dress was a floral print with both purple and lavender flowers interwoven throughout. She sat calmly playing with her baby doll.

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