The American Soldier Collection 3: Amazing Grace (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (26 page)

“Sandman, please…I want you,” she whispered as he removed the remainder of their clothing, wanting to make love as much as she did.

They were naked in no time and she felt the thickness of his cock against her inner thigh and the weight of his upper body as her breasts pressed against his chest.

“I’m so ready for you,” she whispered, feeling assertive. He smiled at her in such a seductive manner. Her heart leaped with joy that this man was hers to love and cherish.

He gently adjusted his position between her thighs. They shivered and quaked in anticipation of the first touch of his cock to her entrance. He pressed into her and she released a sigh of relief. The desperation she felt prior to penetration rocked her mind. She was so in love with him and his brothers.

He was inside her now, rocking into her slowly, sharing the rhythm, staring into one another’s eyes. This time it was different. It was even more meaningful, deeper, more passionate. She silently realized that this was what true love really felt like. Giving all of yourself, willing to do anything for the other. They kissed one another simultaneously as if knowing they were thinking the same thing at the exact same time. No words were necessary as they continued to make love, their bodies, souls and spirits uniting, merging into one, feeling complete at last.


* * * *


She spent the morning in bed, then took a shower and headed downstairs in anticipation of having lunch with her men.
My men. I can sure get used to saying that.

Grace headed to Sandman’s office. He had told her she had a few e-mail messages that came from Donald.

She was actually in a good mood considering what day it was. It was Sandman, Big Jay, and Duke who did it to her.

She never imagined that falling in love would be so wonderful.

Grace sat down at the desk and began reading her messages. Her brothers wrote to her first thing this morning and she instantly replied to each of them.

Her mom had written her an upbeat note that told her how much she missed her and loved her. Grace had tears in her eyes and wished she could hold her mom in her arms.

Suddenly, she heard someone by the office door and looked up. Sandman was standing there holding his cell phone.

“Here, baby, it’s for you.” He stretched his hand out to give her the phone.

Grace wondered who it could be. Sandman, Big Jay, and Duke hadn’t let her near a phone since she arrived.


“Grace, baby, is that you? Oh God, it’s so wonderful to hear your voice,” Sarah said as Grace looked at Sandman, then Big Jay and Duke as they stood in the doorway smiling. The tears rolled down her cheeks.

They were about to walk out of the room when Grace stopped them.

“Yes, Mom, I’m doing great. Actually I’m in love,” Grace said and her three men stood there in shock. She chuckled.

“You are? Oh my God, I just knew it. I could tell by the way Special Investigator Sandstone looked at you and you at him.”

“Well, actually, Mom, he has two brothers, Duke and Big Jay. I know it’s unconventional, but I’m in love with the three of them.”

Her mom gasped.

She was silent a moment and Grace felt her heart sink. Would her mom hate her or be disappointed?

“I’ve heard of relationships like that before, Grace. Just be careful and be sure. You’re special and a man or men should love you entirely, not just for now.”

“I know, Mom. It’s all new to me, to them, too, but we’re taking it one step at a time.”

“I’m happy for you, Grace. Just be sure. So, how are you holding up, honey?” she asked her as Grace continued to talk to her mom for about fifteen minutes. Then John got on the phone along with Frank.

By the time Grace hung up the phone, she was in the happiest of moods.

She prayed to her sister Clara, thanking her for keeping the family together and helping her find Sandman, Big Jay, and Duke.

Grace came out of the office and found all three men standing by the table. They looked at her with big smiles on their faces.

She ran to them and jumped into Big Jay’s arms.

“I love you so much. Thank you. Thank you.” She hugged him tightly. Big Jay kissed her deeply and began to caress her ass as he squeezed her body closer to his.

“Hey, I want some of that ‘thank you’ loving, too,” Duke teased and Big Jay reluctantly passed her off to Duke, who held her close and kissed her deeply. When he released her lips he smiled at her.

“It was Sandman’s idea,” he whispered.

Grace looked over toward Sandman who stood with his arms crossed and smiling at her.

“I needed that, Sandman. How did you know how much that would mean to me today?” she asked him. He stepped closer and Duke passed her over to Sandman who held her tight in his arms. He stared down into her eyes and she held his gaze.

“I’ll do anything for you, Grace.”

She smiled before she kissed him then hugged him tight.


* * * *


Back at the Houston Police Department, Detective Federal Agent Lancaster and his team were going over some leads and kept coming up with the same name, connecting the person in minor ways to the Clara Thompson murder and two other women after that.

“Take a look at this, Justin. This guy was at every crime scene, he was one of the first to respond, he kept in contact with the family and friends. He’s been right next to them from the beginning and he knew that we were going to the Thompson place to question Grace,” he told his partner Justin and their team of agents.

“It can’t be anything, sir. He’s a cop, a Lieutenant. What would be his motive? Yeah, he has easy access but still he’s like family,” Sullivan added as Agent Lancaster stared at the papers.

One of the other agents spoke up.

“It could explain why he’s evaded capture for so long. The killer uses handcuffs, he knows everything about the family. Friedman would have access to all that.”

“You’re reaching, sir. I’m telling you he’s not the guy,” one of the others added.

“It won’t hurt to ask him a few questions. Donald is Tod’s father. Where is he anyway? He left over an hour ago,” Lancaster said as he looked through the office windows and toward Donald’s office.

Chapter 14


Grace was sitting at the dining room table looking over the files. Big Jay told her she didn’t have to look at them today if she didn’t want to but she felt it was the right thing to do. She wanted to catch this killer as bad as anyone and move on with her life. See her family again and be with Sandman and his brothers.

“What about the cases before Houston, the ones dating back nearly ten years ago? Were there any suspects at the time, anyone who seemed suspicious or hanging around?” she asked as Big Jay handed her a pile of files. Then Duke and he kept the rest.

“What are you thinking?” Duke asked her.

“Well, maybe those were his first time. Maybe he messed up somewhere and the detectives didn’t catch it at that time. They weren’t looking for something minor. We are.” She opened up the first file.

They were at it for a while until Duke got up to start making some cheeseburgers.

“Do you need help, Duke?” Grace asked and of course he told her no as he went about preparing dinner.

Big Jay’s eyes were getting tired as he closed the last file.

Grace stayed focused on the file in front of her. She found a photocopy of a small typed note that was found inside the jean pocket of the young woman who was murdered nearly nine years ago.

“Look at this, Big Jay. It states here under artifacts found with the victim’s clothing were a small typed note and a four-digit telephone number.”

“So the Detectives at the time would have checked for fingerprints and asked around about the telephone number, or maybe looked into it being a date, or even a passcode for something,” Big Jay stated.

“What if they didn’t? You’re assuming they did, but we’re talking over nine years ago and it says here that the woman’s face was covered when they found her. Doesn’t that usually mean the killer can’t face what he’s done and he tries to separate himself from the act?” she asked.

“Honey, have you been watching some detective shows or reading some off-the-wall books?” Duke asked as he tossed a salad.

“She may have a point, Duke. They may have been unable to get a print off of them at the time,” Big Jay said.

“Today, our fingerprint and forensics equipment is even more precise than it used to be. Maybe this half a phone number or code or whatever it is, might lead to something?” She sat forward looking at Big Jay.

“Hey what have we got to lose? I’ll call Jim and see what he can come up with. Let’s put this stuff away for now. Give me that file and I’ll go call him,” Big Jay said.

“You’re doing a good job, sweetie. I’m sure it’s been tough not having your family around,” Duke said as he stood next to her chair.

Grace got up and put her hand on Duke’s arm.

“You’re just like family, and when this is over, you have to come meet my family. I have an aunt that makes her own homemade blackberry preserves. It’s the best,” Grace said and Duke smiled.

Grace began to set the kitchen table for dinner and was thinking about the killer’s letters. She had read a lot of the other files and there were no letters or poems left at the crime scenes. Only the first one contained a note and she wondered if Sandman could get his hands on it.

Maybe there was a connection between the first murder and then Clara’s.

Grace often prayed to her sister for guidance. She still felt such a strong connection to her and now she was feeling that it was her sister pushing her to work this case and find her killer.

All those poor, innocent women killed so brutally. It was meaningless, wasteful, unfair but not through the eyes of the killer. To him there was great meaning and purpose behind them. They were somehow all connected and she could see the similarities between the victims. They were beautiful, all brunettes, tall and thin, they had good professions. What was it about Clara and now herself that the killer wanted? Could it be the simple fact that they were sisters, almost twins? They looked so much alike when they were younger it had to be someone they knew from the area.

The killer knows my family.

He was so easily able to track her down at her mom’s house then at her brother John’s. She wondered if he was connected to the police department somehow. Or maybe he had some connections there, people who found out information for him. Maybe there was more than one killer?

“You got awfully quiet. What are you thinking about, darling?” Duke asked as he began to uncork a new bottle of wine as she set the table. She explained her way of thinking and about her connection to her sister.

“It’s not a far-fetched idea. If the killer is someone from your town, a known person who your family is friends with, then surely they would have had access to your whereabouts,” he told her.

“Maybe I’m thinking too much. I should take a break and relax a little. You know, clear my head. Then we can look at the files some more later on.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Duke gave her a kiss on the cheek then offered her a glass of wine.


* * * *


It was 5:20 p.m. and Tod was just pulling into his driveway. He was twenty minutes late getting home to his new bride and he couldn’t wait to see her. The house looked dark as he arrived and he wondered what kind of surprise she had in store for him.

A smile formed on his face as he thought about Jamie, her gorgeous face and fabulous body. Oh, how he loved to make love to her, discover every tiny freckle, every little spot that made her giggle or plead for more of him. She was so wonderful the way she cooked for him and catered to him when he arrived home from work. He couldn’t wait to get inside as he unlocked the front door.

Tod put his keys on the long, narrow wooden table by the front door. Jamie had found the old piece of furniture at a garage sale, refinished it, and turned it into a unique conversation piece. She was so talented and so creative. He loved that about her. The house was far from completely decorated and they both agreed to take their time choosing pieces of furniture, art, and decorations carefully. They wanted their home to be perfect.

Tod headed into the kitchen and was surprised to see grocery bags still filled with food sitting on the kitchen counter and it didn’t look like Jamie had started cooking yet. The large gallon container of milk was sitting on the counter near the kitchen sink and he assumed she forgot to put it in the refrigerator. He lifted the container and headed across the kitchen when suddenly he stopped.

The milk was warm, too warm. His gut was telling him something was up as he tried to remain calm. He instantly took out his revolver, looking around the living room and first floor of the house, and then headed up the stairs.

The first thing he noticed was the warm heat that hit his face and body as he entered the hallway. The air-conditioning wasn’t turned on. It was very warm. His eyes were pulled toward the broken planter that lay scattered across the floor. Did Precious knock it over again? Where was Precious? He wondered as he became more frantic, practically running toward the bedroom.

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