The Alpha's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Shifter Romance (14 page)

“Yes, please,” she said hotly.

“Then you may want to lose the undies, my pretty lady,” he told her as he tugged on the elastic.

Chastity moved off of her husband and pulled off her underwear. Night removed his pajamas at the same time, and then the two got back onto the bed. Night moved her on top of him, and Chastity willingly pushed down, taking his hard cock inside her. His hands came to her belly, rubbing as they moved together.

“I love the way you feel inside of me,” she told him.

“That’s a good thing,” he chuckled. “Because you know, it’s my favorite place to be.”

They moved together at a steady pace for a time, just enjoying the closeness. Then, with mutual accord, they both knew exactly when playtime was over and it was time to take things up a notch. Their voices blended as their low moans increased in pitch, and finally they came blissfully together, both their bodies throbbing in the aftermath.

They drifted off to sleep together, only to be awakened the following morning by a light, persistent rapping on their bedroom door. Night got up and opened it, finding Hope on the other side.

“Hey, little girl,” he said as he hunched down to get closer to her level. “What’s up?”

“I think I’ve caught mother’s cold,” she said miserably. “You don’t think it’s from going down into the forest, do you?”

“Certainly not,” said Night with a smirk. “I know I’ve explained germs to you before this. She was unwell, and you kissed her goodnight or something, or perhaps the nasty little buggers are floating about in the air. But I can assure you, nothing you did in the forest could cause you to come up with the same symptoms as your mothers.”

“So that means I can go again?” she clarified.

“Not until your symptoms are gone, urchin,” he said with a smirk. “Chastity, she’s definitely your daughter.”

“And yours,” she replied with a laugh.

“Well, now that’s cleared up, how about if we clear up my nose while we’re at it?”

“I hope if I catch this, it won’t be until—well, until after the meeting.”

“I know how important that is to you,” Chastity agreed. “But I don’t think you need to worry. It took me three days to show up with that bug after I visited Grindelle and Carl. I doubt you’d show up with it any time today.”

“Speaking of which, I need to get down there and make sure everything’s ready,” Night said. “Why don’t you go doctor up the daughter while I put on something snappy?”

“Hope, sweetie, come along with me,” said Chastity as she took a robe from the closet and slipped it over her naked form. “I’ll get you feeling better. And I suppose we probably ought to check on your sister as well.”

“That sounds like a good idea,” she agreed with a sage nod.

Night remained in the bedroom while Chastity took Hope to the kitchen and began working on a remedy. He stepped out fully clothed and gave both of them a kiss as he headed for the door. “Pass this on to Julie,” he said to Hope, kissing her again, and then he headed out the door.

“Good luck!” Chastity called after him.

“I’ll call you when the meeting is over,” he replied, still walking.

He took a different elevator this time. It dropped him straight down just outside the resort in a hidden area marked ‘restricted access’. Then he stepped inside and headed right for the main building. This building now had three meeting rooms below, and about three stories worth of fancy rooms for people to use during their stay. He still maintained the two weeks only rule for humans, and had built a swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna and weight room facility onsite for them to use. A basketball court, tennis court, baseball diamond, and small skateboarding track had also been built, as well as a rock wall for climbing.

Now, there was only one thing Night wanted more than anything, and that was about to be discussed within the next few hours. What they really needed was the piece of land that lay between them and the mountainside lake. If he could get it, Rick wanted to generate electricity for the treehouses exclusively inside the caves of the west face, and run a line underground to connect to the existing baseline.

It had been too close of a call the last time an inspector had come out here. The man had noticed a distinct power drain that was unaccounted for when Carl had not been fast enough to shut down the line. He had insisted on knowing if there was a basement, and while they walked there, Carl had to call Mr. Dane and tell him to unplug the lines they didn’t want seen with a quickness and put them out of sight. He’d done so, of course, but still, Night didn’t want something like that to happen again.

Today’s meeting with Leonard Fiske, the liaison for the Department of Land Use, was the most important thing they would be doing for the next decade. If they could obtain that land, not only would the resort’s usefulness be extended, bringing in more revenue, but more importantly, they’d then be the proud owners of a great deal more trees they could use for their true purpose: to house werewolves.

A guy like Fiske was difficult. Night didn’t know him, so he had no idea if he could be bribed or if all the convincing would have to be on the up and up. He didn’t like to bribe anyone if he didn’t have to, so unless the guy was literally holding out his hand, he didn’t consider it an option.

Since the land they were occupying in the Adirondack Mountains was protected, only very limited use was permitted. Night was hopeful they would consider preserving the nature trails between the resort and the mountain a great use of the land. If so, he wanted to purchase the parcel for that purpose. He would then create specific trails for the tourists to take, and allocate the rest of the land as off limits, for the use of the wildlife and plant life only. Most of the people he allowed into his exclusive resort would heed this mandate, and those who did not would be in violation of their agreement and be immediately asked to leave.

That should keep anyone from discovering the secrets of Wolfhaven. But, if not, there were always alternative measures. It was Night’s policy that any human who discovered the werewolves could not be allowed to leave. It was too much of a risk they might tell others what was really out here; a risk he could not afford to take. Thankfully, only four people had ever had to be detained, including Mr. Dane, his security chief. Of the other three, two still survived as members of the pack, and the third, at least as Mr. Dane’s story went, had run off a cliff trying to get away and fallen to his demise.




When Night walked into the meeting room, only Mr. Dane, Rick and Carl awaited him there. He nodded at his most trusted men and asked, “You unhooked everything just in case?”

“Of course we did, sir,” said Carl with a nod. “The back-up generators will keep the treehouses going for a few hours at least, and this meeting should hardly take that long. Besides, I doubt Fiske has any interest in inspecting our existing property, since that wasn’t what he was sent out here for. The main issue is going to be driving home the benefits of creating an established set of paths to the mountain in favor of the guests simply trampling anywhere they please and upsetting the delicate balance we’re hoping to maintain.”

“Hm, well said,” Night commented dryly. “Perhaps I should have you do this presentation.”

“You know very well you’re much more eloquent than I am, sir,” he scoffed.

“Even if I wasn’t, I’m sure the man is expecting to hear it from me,” Night replied with a grimace. “I’m all for doing it, it’s the waiting three more hours for this damned meeting that’s going to rack my nerves.”

“Well, you know that he’s a busy man,” Rick said. “But at least, from what I’ve heard of him, we won’t have to figure out how to bribe him. In fact, it would be a really bad idea, is that not correct, Mr. Dane?”

A naturalized Brit, Mr. Dane looked up at the rest of the party with a calculated nod. “Yes, I have done an extensive background check on the activities and behaviors of our Mr. Fiske. The man seems almost too good, really. It leads me to wonder if he’s actually on the straight and narrow, or the bugger’s just really good at covering his tracks. However, knowing human nature as I do, I tend to believe it is the latter.”

“And so it would be best not to attempt a bribe unless he brings it up first,” said Rick with a nod. “We’ll leave it up to you to decide, of course, Night, but I hope you will exercise precaution. It should only be used as a last resort.”

“I agree,” said Night, nodding back. “I just wish this whole day was over with. Chastity wasn’t feeling well last night, so I’d really like it if she could get a little more rest. She won’t be getting much rest at all once the baby comes.”

“You know what we ought to do? We should go have another look at the land we’re wanting so badly,” said Rick then. “Maybe brainstorm a few innovative ideas to pitch. I thought we could make a nature trail and plant different things all along the way they could read about as they went.”

“That’s a really great idea,” said Night. “Is everyone up for it?”

“I can’t,” Carl said. “Grindelle is going to surprise me with lunch soon.”

“How do you know that?”

“Grindelle told Sally, and Sally told three other friends, and eventually Em whispered it in my ear about forty-five minutes ago,” he chuckled. “I’d hate to disappoint her.”

“Yeah, considering that if you did, she’d talk about it for the next week incessantly,” Rick smirked. “Better you than me.”

“She’ll shut up just fine when her mouth is full,” Carl smirked suggestively.

“Ew, shut up!” said Rick with a shudder. “Reina is much more tolerable. Unless she’s got her mouth full, she barely gets in the way at all.”

“Will you two give it a rest?” said Night. “Come on, Rick, let’s go do something more useful than gossiping about our wives, shall we? We’ll see you in a while, Carl. Have fun looking for the ear plugs.”


The forest seemed pretty active as they walked through, but that was no surprise on such a warm spring day. The birds seemed to be mating, or at least having a very noisy party in the trees. Several deer peeked out at them as if they were well aware the three men were not on the hunt.

Mr. Dane was the first to speak once they had topped the rise. “Absolutely breathtaking, sir,” he said to Night. “I’m grateful every day that you allowed me to remain here to view it.”

“I’m amazed you still haven’t chosen a wife in the last five years, Dane,” Night commented.

“After listening to Grindelle and the others gossip all day long, I really didn’t feel the need to tolerate one of my own at bedtime,” he replied.

“They can be rather fun at bedtime,” Night mentioned.

“Oh, I don’t doubt that,” he said. “It’s just that I don’t want the screaming kids as a payment for such activities. Could you really see me in the role of father? I’d be completely out of my element.”

“I don’t know, Dane, you seem to get along with Hope and Julie well enough.”

“That, sir, is because I can give them back,” he explained.

“Maybe we should pair him up with Em?” Night suggested. “She doesn’t really want kids either.”

“Em isn’t exactly pretty, but the lights are off at bedtime,” Rick chuckled.

“Not necessarily,” said Night, smirking innocently.

“If I had someone as pretty as your wife, I wouldn’t need to turn out the lights either,” Dane pointed out.

The three men laughed. They’d been walking this whole time, and now they reached the edge of the water. Night said, “This looks nice enough to stay and play. I think we should not linger here today, though. We’ve got bigger fish to fry, and if he gives us the okay, we could just as easily play when we own the place.”

“Very true, sir,” Dane agreed.

The three of them headed back the way they had come, enjoying just as much conversation as they’d had on the way in, and soon made it back to the resort. They could easily see that a car was awaiting entry at the gatehouse, and they hurried back to the main building so they’d be available when their guest arrived.

Night was a bit nervous. This was the biggest deal he’d ever done in his entire life, which was well over a hundred years. If things went according to plan, the final nail would be hammered into the building that was his dream. Julian’s dream, as well, since it was Julian who had manufactured Night and Chastity and the other super-wolves in the first place. He couldn’t help but be a little excited at such a thought.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Fiske,” said Night as he stepped into the waiting area. “So sorry that we’ve only just arrived. But if you’ll follow me, I’m sure we can get started right away. No need to make you wait for me to step into my office first. Hi, Reina, you’re secretary this afternoon?”

“When did this happen?” asked Rick curiously as he kissed his wife on the cheek.

“That dumb flu going around,” she explained. “Candace came down with it today.”

“I see,” he said speculatively.

“Good luck with your meeting,” she added as he walked away along with the others. He smiled his thanks as he went, and soon they were all in the meeting room taking their seats.


“Well, gentlemen, now that I’ve got my coffee and we’re all settled in, what do you say you tell me a bit more about your proposal?” said Fiske with an enigmatic smile. “I must say the concept is a very good one. It would help maintain the integrity of the preserved lands at the same time it provided a pathway out to the lake. However, I would have to ask that your path would be made available for public use, and not just the patrons of your resort.”

“Yes, sir, I wondered if you would,” Night agreed with a nod. “I see no reason to deny access to the path if that’s what is needed.”

Rick and Carl exchanged a brief glance that Night saw out of the corner of his eye.

“However, I did wonder if outsiders might be allowed to make donations to the project as well. It’s meant to assist in buying plants for our hothouse as well as the path itself. Or, if not donations maybe we could sell starter plants for a dollar each or something. It’s not that we’re broke or anything, of course, but the reason we’re not broke is that we always create self-sustainment wherever possible.”

“That makes perfect sense, of course,” Fiske agreed. “Now, before we go much farther in this talk, I’d really like to see what you’re hoping to do. Could we possibly walk through the area together while you show me what you’ve got planned out? It’s one thing to see it on paper, and quite another to get a real feel for it out in the field.”

“Certainly, sir,” Night agreed. “We’ve actually just returned from there ourselves, so the newest ideas are still fresh in our minds. And we would, of course, love any input you might like to offer as well. Carl, I assume you’re coming along this time?”

“Yes, sir,” he said, following the rest of them as they all headed out the door.

“Hold my calls, Reina, if you weren’t doing so already,” said Night as he headed for the exit.

“Yes, sir,” she called after him.

Not too many minutes later, the five men were walking through the clearing between the rows of trees in the spot where they wanted the path.

Night said, “It’s not our intention to remove any of the trees, of course. The old growth is a vital part of the forest. See here, though, we could remove some of these bushes and shrubs and set in some gravel. Mr. Dawson, the supervisor over at the mines, said we could use leftover rocks from their efforts to make it, so nothing new would have to be introduced into the region. And, as you can see, it would be fairly easy to span this distance with a path in just five minutes, whereas it will probably take us far longer to get there through all this growth.”

“Yes, I understand that, but I’d still love to visit the lake again,” he said. “It’s so beautiful up there, I welcome the opportunity to see it again.”

“Well, we could continue some of the meeting there, if you’d like,” Night replied. “The words will be said the same in either setting, to be sure.”

“I agree, they will be,” he said with a nod. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

“Now, remember I was saying we could make some plant starts to sell?” said Night as they reached the top of the rise. “I thought that spot there would be excellent to make into a picnic area, with some tables and such, and put in a hothouse right there where the sun actually hits.”

“Yes, I see that,” Fiske nodded pleasantly.

They continued on till they’d reached the lake.

“And a few more tables up here, I think?” said Fiske then. “This is where I would eat personally.”

“Do you intend to visit the place, sir?” asked Night with a smile.

“Yes, probably as often as I can,” he replied.

“Then can we count on your support, sir?”

“Oh, yes, you can, but—” he hesitated, casting them all a shrewd glance. “One thing. I want in.”

“In, sir?”

“I want to become a werewolf, like the rest of you,” he clarified.


“Don’t pretend not to know what I’m talking about,” he said, rolling his eyes. “That’s as simple as it gets. I want to be turned, or whatever you call it.”

“I only ever turn people who remain here afterwards, sir,” Night told him. “How would that work?”

“Because I would not be remaining here,” he said. “My job takes me all over the Adirondacks, so if I wanted to keep doing it, I could only be here upon occasion. I realize my request is somewhat selfish, but someday I do intend to retire, and at that point I’d come here. Until then, your people need somebody to keep this place in its undiscovered state. I can make sure it happens for you, but turning me is the price of this service.”

“Sir, what good is being a werewolf going to do you out there?” Night wanted to know. “You don’t know the first thing about being a made wolf. You’ll need proper training to make certain you prosper. You’ll need to know what to eat, and what not to. If you were to be turned, I would insist you learn how to be a werewolf before I could simply set you loose. And, I would need your word on it that you would tell no one of this place on pain of death. Mr. Dane is perhaps more acquainted with that particular side of things than I’d ever care to be.”

“Mr. Dane?” said Fiske as he cast the man a look.

“Trust me when I say, I would not hesitate, sir, should the need arise,” said Dane in a calm but very direct manner that left no one in doubt of the sincerity of his words.

“You won’t need to,” Fiske replied, just as calmly. “But, if you’re wanting me to remain here for any length of time then the deed will have to be done three months from now. I’ve got a one month vacation coming up. I’ll come and stay at the resort, and we will see to it then.”

“It sounds like you’ve given this a great deal of thought,” said Mr. Dane. “However, I’ve got just one question, if I may ask it?”

His eyes shot over to Night, and his Alpha nodded consent.

“How did you know?”

“To tell the truth, Katie Dawson told me,” he smirked. “She thought she was getting you lot into trouble. She has no idea that I never told another soul.”

“Katie Dawson could use a babysitter, it seems,” said Dane through gritted teeth. “Boss, I do believe the person who will fit the bill for the earlier discussion has just been determined.”

“You can’t be serious,” said Night with a shudder. “You really don’t have to take that one for the team.”

“No, no, I insist,” he said with a deliciously evil little smile. “And, I’ll even make a kid or two with her. That ought to keep her out of mischief, don’t you think?”

“She won’t go willingly, I don’t think,” Night replied. “You may even have to resort to whips and chains.”

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