Read TerrIIItory Online

Authors: Susan A. Bliler

TerrIIItory (15 page)

Chapter 28

Evander pushed his wolf harder than he ever had before.  Claws dug into the Earth as he pulled with his front paws and pushed with his back, to hurtle himself toward his destination.  Bethany’s thoughts had carried to him through their pack ties, and her lack of fear had been horrifying.  She’d been bathed in the quiet calm of acceptance.  She was dying!

Fear tore through him even as he forced his ears high to listen, waiting,
Barron’s word would carry to him through their ties.  He only needed to hear four, simple words.  I have your mate.  The longer he went without word, the more his panic hiked.  Bethany couldn’t die.  Not now.  Not like this.  Not alone.

Crashing into a clearing, he saw the cabin up ahead.  The door was wide open, but no sound came from within.  No sounds of battle, no Mateo or Barron standing victoriously with his mate.  Nothing.

He ignored the two wolves that tore through the brush to flank him as he raced to his mate.  Words buzzed around in his head, but he was too focused on getting to the cabin to make out their meaning.

Chest heaving, lungs sawing in breath, he lunged through the open doorway and bared his teeth, spinning in wild circles searching for an enemy, looking for a fight.  Finding nothing but another open door, he shot through it prepared to battle and defend.  In a flash, he took in the three prone bodies of the vampires.  Two still moved, but barely.  Beside them, Mateo lay unconscious, but he was breathing.  What he saw in the other corner stopped him cold.

Barron was on his knees, naked, as he bent over Bethany.  Too engrossed in the alternating action of pumping on her chest and then bending to force air into her mouth, he hadn’t even noticed Evander’s entry.

“Come on, lady!” Barron commanded after two exhalations of breath into her lungs.  He rose to link his fingers, one palm pressing into the back of the other hand, as he settled his weight in the center of her chest and gave her five chest compressions in evenly spaced cadence.  Bending to breath for her again, his eyes finally snared on Evander.  “Where’s your fucking pack healer?”

Evander didn’t move.  He didn’t even blink.

“KANE!” Barron bellowed.  “Summon your
pack healer.  NOW!”

Evander wasn’t even aware of the act of shifting until he dropped to his knees to watch helplessly as his brother attempted to bring his mate back from death.  Behind him, the silence was broken as Marcus and Bobby crashed into the room.

“Fuck!” Bobby hissed.  “Bethany, no!”

Marcus hurried forward and dropped to his knees opposite Barron.  He looked up at the Alpha.  “You do the compressions.  I’ll breathe for her.”

Barron nodded solemnly before looking to Evander.  “Your healer?”

Evander didn’t move, couldn’t speak.

“HERE!” Clay shoved into the room, stepping around Evander and shoving Marcus aside.  “Holy fuck!” He took in Bethany’s wane appearance, and his eyes snapped to Evander.  “Did you feed her?”

Feed.  Her?
  Evander’s mind was working at a sluggish pace, and Clay’s words didn’t make sense.

“KANE!” Clay demanded.  “Did.  You.
. Your mate?”

Feed her!
  It clicked, and Evander lifted a wrist to his mouth to rip his flesh open.  He was at her side in the blink of an eye, and Clay was already tilting her head back, holding her chin so her mouth was forced open.

The two men watched as her mouth filled with blood, but simply pooled to overflowing.  She wasn’t swallowing.  None of the blood was getting into her.

Barron reached up and rubbed at her throat, forcing it to convulse and, miraculously, a bubble formed in the crimson pool indicating it was going down.

Frantic, Evander gripped his forearm and squeezed while tightening his fist, forcing blood to exit his wound more rapidly while Barron continued to stroke her throat.

“Clay?” There was a tremor in Evander’s voice, and everyone in the room knew what he was asking.

“Give it a minute, Kane.”  Clay’s intent eyes were on Bethany’s mouthful of blood.  They fed her until Evander’s arm stopped bleeding, but when he lifted his claws to tear into the other arm, Clay stopped him.  “Wait!”

Evander knew his heart didn’t beat the entire time they watched and waited for any sign of life.  A black cloud of heart-wrenching agony crept closer with each passing second.

Finally, Barron whispered, “Kane.  I’m so sorr…”

Bethany’s jaw jerked.

Evander’s hand slapped onto Barron’s chest as if physically holding back his mate’s demise, and they watched more closely.  The pool of blood stopped going down, settling in her mouth like a tranquil lake. Then, suddenly, there was a ripple before blood erupted from her mouth as she coughed once.

As fast as they could, Evander and Clay rolled Bethany to her side as she sucked in an agonized breath and coughed long and hard.  On his haunches, Barron threw his head back.  “Thank

Bethany was swept up into Evander’s arms, as the Alpha wept and held his mate close.

A winded Weston entered the room, swiftly taking in the scene.  The fresh scent of sex and a mating clung to him, but no one noticed.  His eyes locked on Bethany and Evander before he hurried to crouch beside Mateo.  “Clay!”

The pack healer hurried to check on his pack mate.  Clay checked Mateo over and the room was tense until he nodded once. “He’ll be fine.”

Evander stood and turned to his brother.  “Take her!”  He held his mate out to Barron, and the taller Alpha eyed his brother in confusion.  “Take her!” he commanded again, and Barron accepted Bethany’s slight weight.

Clay and Marcus helped Mateo up, and all eyes turned to Evander.

He swiped at the tears on his face, and his gaze softened when it landed on Bethany’s unconscious form.  “Clay, follow Barron and my mate back to the compound.”  He turned to sneer at the three vampires on the floor.  “The rest of you….

“Alpha?” Weston stepped forward, then halted at the vicious roar that escaped Evander as he spun on his pack.  “LEAVE ME!”

The pack did as commanded, leaving the Alpha alone with the creatures that had nearly killed his mate.


Chapter 29

Bethany woke in Evander’s room.  The scent hit her hard, and her belly leapt with the sheer elation of being…
!  Unlike the first time she’d been brought to the Kane compound, she didn’t feel lethargy tugging at her after her sleep.  Sitting up, she threw the sheets back and surveyed her body.  No marks showed.  Her wolf was still with her; those
hadn’t poisoned her a second time.  She took stock and was surprised to find that she felt good.  Not sluggish, not sore, not injured.  She was fully functional.

Eyeing the room excitedly, she quickly deflated at finding it empty.  Her mate wasn’t here.  Reluctantly climbing from Evander’s bed, she instantly missed its warmth and scent as she made her way to the bathroom where she quickly showered and changed into the clothes that sat neatly folded on the sink.  She assumed they were for her.

Dressed, she quickly brushed her hair and pulled it into a ponytail as her socked feet padded toward the door.  She needed to find Evander, to find out if Mateo was okay, if everyone else had survived.

She’d just reached the top of the stairs when she stilled as Evander’s head jerked up.  Halfway up the steps, he hurried the rest of the way up to her.

“I thought I heard movement.”

Overwhelmed at the sight of him, and unable to make passing commentary, Bethany threw herself into his arms and was startled to find herself sobbing.  “Thank you!” she cried against his chest as he rubbed at her back.  “Thank you for coming for me.”


Evander was both shocked and delighted when Bethany threw herself at him, but once she started crying, worry hit hard.  Then, as she thanked him, raw, primal possessiveness flared to life.  Of course he’d find her!  She was his!

“Easy, baby,” he crooned at her ear.  “I’d like to tell you that I’ll always find you, but that’s not the case.”

His revelation had her jerking back to stare up at him with shock-filled, red rimmed eyes.

“I won’t ever have to come find you again, because you are never,
leaving my sight again!”  He pulled her back into his arms and felt utter contentment when her body relaxed in his arms.

After a few minutes, when she’d collected herself, he pulled back and captured her hand, leading her down the stairs.  “Come on.  Let’s get you some breakfast.  You’ve been out for two days.  I know you’re starving.”  He stopped suddenly and turned to eye her.  “I could carry you.”

Smiling, she shook her head.  “I’m good, but thank you.  Two days?”  She grabbed his wrist with her free hand and gave it a squeeze, pausing when an abrasion on the skin had her lifting his arm to eye the deep gash running across his wrist.  Her brow furrowed as she studied the wound.  “Is this from the battle?  It should be healed.”  Her eyes met his.  “Why isn’t this healed?”

“It’s not from the battle.”  He turned to lead her down the stairs, but she tugged on his arm, halting him.


He licked his lips, but didn’t look at her.  “You needed to feed, baby.”

She jerked her hand back and flattened it on her chest.  “

Evander turned fully to face her, both hands capturing her hips and pulling her into him.  Because he was a few steps lower, their faces were level.  “Royce got the venom out, but there were some lasting effects.  You’ll still need to feed occasionally.  It’s what saved you.”

Bethany paled.

“It’s a simple matter, Beth.” Evander’s features darkened.  “You’re my mate, and it is my honor to care for you in every manner possible.  You’ll only ever feed from me.  Do you understand?”

Oh God!  Is that a warning?  Is he afraid I’ll attack the others?

“No!” he snarled, as if reading her mind.  “And don’t dare think that I would
be in fear of, or repulsed by, your need for blood.  I almost lost you, and it was my blood that saved you.”  His tone gentled. “You’re alive and home. Safe.  That’s all that matters, baby. The rest we’ll take as it comes.”  He looked at her pointedly, waiting for a response.

Bethany nodded, and when he gave a tentative tug on her hand to see if she’d let him lead her down the stairs, she did.

In the kitchen, the long table was full and heads snapped up as they entered.  Instantly, Bethany’s gaze went to Mateo where he sat chomping on bacon beside Swan.

“MAT!”  She couldn’t help the shriek that left her.

Mateo smiled and leaned back in his chair to pound a fist off his chest.  “I’m like iron, Bethy!  I might bend, but I won’t break!”

Relief flooded her, quickly replaced by gratitude when Raina rose from the table and raced over to give her a warm hug.  “Bethany, we’re so glad you’re okay.”  Bethany turned to smile at Lincoln who’d followed her from the table.  “Aren’t we, Lincoln?”

The silent behemoth nodded.

Swan too rose from the table, but approached more slowly, her sad eyes locking on Evander as the Alpha’s arm slid around his mate’s shoulder.

“Kane.” Swan shook her head sadly.  “I’m sorry, I…”

Evander cut her off.  “Forget it.”

“But I…”

“It’s alright, Swan.”  Evander smiled down at her.  He knew she felt guilt over her actions the day at breakfast when she’d stormed out.  “You were concerned for the pack.  I’d never fault you for that.”

Swan smiled and turned to beam at Mateo, who nodded his approval.

Out of nowhere, Charin pounced and squeezed Bethany in a massive hug.  “Beth!  I’m so glad you’re okay.”  She pulled back to hold her friend at arm’s length.  “You are okay?”

Bethany nodded, and her mouth fell open when Weston sidled up behind Charin and wrapped his arms around her waist to nuzzle her ear.

“Stop!” Charin shrieked with a smile and turned to slap her mate playfully in the chest.

“Glad you’re okay, Beth.”  Weston spoke to her but kept his eyes and hands on Charin.

Charin scowled. “Yeah, that sounded real convincing.”  She turned to smile at Bethany.  “Sorry.  He’s been a little preoccupied lately.”


All eyes jerked to where Bobby sulked at the table, and Bethany felt a wave of gratitude wash over her at the fact that Evander had welcomed her pack at his table.  “Bobby, Marcus!”  Her eyes flooded. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

Evander slid his arm around her shoulders and pulled her back against him, settling his arm possessively across her chest.

“How you feeling, Beth?” Clay asked from around a bite of syrupy French toast.

“Great!” Bethany blinked back her emotions and shoved a sleeve up to bare an arm.  “All healed.”

Evander ushered her to the table and sat her down before snagging a plate and piling it high with fluffy scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, and French toast.  When he set the plate in front of her, she turned to gape at him.

“You’re kidding, right?  I can’t possibly eat all that.”

“Well try.”  He crossed to the coffee pot and began filling two mugs.  “And if that doesn’t do the trick, you can feed from me.”

His words had the chatter at the table silencing as all eyes sliced to Bethany.  Turning, Evander cringed at his words and then felt like an ass as he watched Bethany eye the table in uncertainty.  He wouldn’t permit any in his pack to look down on her for something she couldn’t help.  He took a step forward when Mateo joked, “You can feed from

The comment earned him a punch in the gut from Swan, who then turned sheepish eyes to Bethany.  “No offense to you, but if he’s sinking his teeth into anyone, it’ll be me.”

Lincoln laughed, and the sound had all eyes turning to him.  The pack watched as Raina lifted a hand and smoothed it over his scarred cheek.  The quiet shifter turned, lifting her into his arms, and began to nuzzle her neck.

“Well, it’s official!” Clay chimed in as Evander relaxed, satisfied that his pack wasn’t about to judge his mate.

Evander spoke as he dumped creamer into one of the two coffees.  “What’s official, Clay?”

“The pack is safe and happy.”  He rose slightly from his seat to spear his fork into four more slices of French toast before placing them on his plate and coating them in nearly half a bottle of syrup.  “Happy, happy, happy,” he grinned as he eyed his sweet pile of toast.

Bethany let contentment settle over her as her eyes rounded the table.  When she spotted an empty chair, she checked the faces around her again.  “Where’s Weston?”

Clay nodded and spoke around a mouthful of French toast, but it came out as a garbled mish-mash of words.  All Bethany could pick up was, mating, Charin, and bed.

Shock hit hard, and had Bethany turning to Evander.  “They’re mated?”

The Alpha shrugged with a grin.

“She agreed?”  Bethany queried.

Clay rolled his eyes.  “I’d say so.  She agreed quite vociferously.  Over and over and over again,” he droned.

Bethany blushed on behalf of her friend, then wondered if the pack had heard her and Evander too.  She shook off the thought and set down her fork.  “Fine.  Well, I’d like to talk about our plan of action.”

Evander’s brow furrowed.  “What plan of action?”

Bethany stood and pushed her chair in.  She’d come to a decision in the shower, and Evander’s revelation on the stairs only cemented her beliefs.  Now was the time to share it.  “Clearly, those…
are going to keep coming after me.  They have a vendetta for some reason and…”  She shook her head. “I won’t place any of you in danger again by my presence.”  She turned to Evander. “I’d like you to allow Bobby and Marcus to take Charin…well, I guess just
home with them.”

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