Read Tempted (In Too Deep) Online

Authors: Eliza Jane

Tempted (In Too Deep) (12 page)

A few minutes later I pull myself together and slide from his lap. He doesn’t try and get me to stay, he doesn’t hold my hand, he just lets me go. He turns to me and smiles and a small grin. It’s sort of a sad excuse for a smile, but still it’s something and my heart stirs. “Let me drive,” he says.

. Not what I was expecting, but I nod obediently. I’m in no shape to drive right now.

We switch seats and Colt pulls back onto the highway, heading north.

The minutes tick by in silence. We don’t even play the radio. I alternate between watching the passing scenery, and watching Colt drive. He rests one hand on the wheel and the other on the console between us. His wrists are red and bruised from where the rope cut into him. I want to reach over and touch the marks on his skin, but I don’t. There’s some barrier that’s been drawn between us. He comforted me when I lost it, sure, but that doesn’t mean he’s forgiven me for cheating.

A few minutes later the sound of his voice startles me from my private thoughts. “I’m starving. Are you hungry?”

I nod. He pulls off the highway and stops at a drive-thru. He orders our food and we eat in silence in the parking lot. Things haven’t felt this tense between us since when we first met and I couldn’t stand him. Maybe it’s because the roles are reserved, and now he can’t stand to be around me, knowing how I betrayed him with Reis. I eat a few bites, then stuff the food back into the bag.

“Why are you driving my dad’s car?”

“He wanted to come for you himself, but I convinced him to let me instead. He agreed, but told me to drive this since it’s faster.”

He nods
, please with my answer.

When Colt’s done
eating, he wipes his hands on a napkin and turns to me. “We should probably put a little more distance between us and them, and then stop for the night. I’m beat.”

I do little more than nod, unsure if the mere sound of his voice will set me off crying again.

Once we’re inside the hotel room, Colt sits on the edge of the bed and places his head in his hands. I stand uselessly in the center of the room, unsure what to do. I’ve never seen him so distressed. When I sling my backpack into the chair across the room, he looks up, startled. His posture is stiff, and his eyes dart to mine. An unknown force wills me closer, and before I even realized I’d moved, I’m standing directly in front of him. He place his hands on the backs of my legs, tugging me a little closer. I step in toward him and his hands slid up to grip the backs of my knees, which is good because my legs are feeling shaky all of a sudden.

Standing this close I see the dark rings under his eyes. I press a fingertip to the purplish skin. “You look like shit.”

He raises an eyebrow and smirks.

“Sorry. You scared me half to death.”

“I’m okay now.”

We stand like that for a few seconds and my heartbeat builds. I want him to pull me down to him, to kiss me, to tell me everything’s going to be okay now, but he does none of those things.

“I’m going to take a shower,” he says. He drops his hands from my legs.

I stumble back a step at the absence of his warm hands before righting myself and steeling my nerves. “Do you need anything? I could go to the store.” When we pulled into the hotel there was one of those big box stores right across the street.

He pulls off his T-shirt and brings it to his nose, inhaling it. “Some clean clothes would be great.” He grins.

I smile. “You got it.”

When I come back from the store with three big bags, Colt’s lying on the bed with just a white towel wrapped around his hips. He sits up when I come in.

I dump the bags onto the bed, trying not to look at his bare chest, which still has the power to funny things to my stomach.

He rummages through the items as they land on the bed. A tube of toothpaste and a toothbrush, bottled water, socks, a package of boxer briefs, a couple of T-shirts and a pair of jeans. I had to guess on all the sizes, but I’d liked shopping for him. Like in some small way I was taking care of him, putting this right again.

“The third bag has food so we won’t have to go out again later.”

He nods, and takes the clothes and toothbrush into the bathroom.

A few minutes later he reemerges, dressed in a white T-shirt and jeans. He’s clean, but he still doesn’t look well. His skin is dull and I can still see the shadows beneath his eyes.






Taylor stands in the center of the room, like she’s unsure what to do around me. I still can’t believe she came to my rescue today. It seems surreal everything that’s happened in the last forty-eight hours.

It was supposed to be a simple case
. Cut and dry. I’d driven to that warehouse to see what they were using the building for. I’d snapped a few photos when before I knew it, I was being pulled from the rental car by my collar at gun point. The next two days were spent strapped to a chair, suffering repeated hits to my face and body as they tried to get me to tell them who I was working for. I never said a word. Thank God Taylor found me when she did. I hate to think what could have happened.

“You should lie down,” she says,
fumbling with the comforter, pulling the covers down for me. I climb in bed and am asleep almost instantly.

wake up several hours later. The flashing of the TV is the only light in the room. I roll over and see the bed next to me is empty. Where’s Taylor? I glance at the clock, it’s just after midnight. I run my hands over my face and sit up. I’ve been sleeping for a few hours, but I don’t feel rested. I hear a muffled cry from the bathroom. I sit up in bed. The bathroom door is closed and light pours from the crack at the bottom.

I get out of bed and walk the few paces to the bathroom. But now that I’m standing here, I don’t know what to do.
A soft sob wracks her throat. It tugs at my heart. Why is she crying?

I tap softly at the door.

The sounds of crying instantly stop. She sniffles. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

It’s okay. Take your time,” I say softly.

Do you need to use the bathroom?” she whispers back.

“No. I just wanted to check on you.”


“Are you okay?”

She breathes in a shuddering breath that makes my chest catch. “What do you think?”

I smirk. I always loved her sassiness. Of course she’s not okay, but since I don’t speak girl, I have no idea what’s wrong.  I slid
e down against the wall and sit on the floor outside the bathroom door.

Why aren’t you sleeping?” I ask.

“Just thinking.”

“About what?”

You,” she says, barely audible.

My heart rate picks up
. “I’m safe. You can sleep now.”

“I know, it’s not that.”

“Can I come in?”

She blows her nose. “I’ve been crying. I look like crap.”

I roll my eyes. “
You’re always beautiful. Please, let me come in.”

She doesn’t say anything else. I stand and turn the knob on the door. It’s unlocked. I push the door open slowly. She’s sitting on the floor against the wall, he knees pulled up to her chest.

I bend down and scoop her into my arms, folding her body against mine.
“You’re freezing.” I lift her off the cold tile floor and stand with her in my arms. She looks at me through hazy eyes. Her cheeks are blotchy from tears and her bottom lip is trembling. But she’s still beautiful. I inspect her, feeling oddly territorial, even though I left her in Reis’ care and she’s not mine to inspect anymore. Her gaze back at me is full of sorrow and longing. “Let me put you back in bed.”

I carry her to the bed and lay her down.

“Rest.”  I lean down a press a kiss to her forehead. She murmurs a feminine sound of gratitude. Her little noises always undid me, and now is no exception. My entire body is aware of her. Dressed in soft little cotton shorts and a thin tank top with no bra. She’s damn tempting. I press a kiss to her temple and I hear her breathing quicken.  When I pull back her big blue eyes are locked on mine, full of need.

This time
I don’t think, I just lean down and press my lips to hers. Her mouth is full and soft from crying. A little gasp of surprise rumbles through her chest, igniting sparks between us.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.” I pull back, just slightly breathing hard against her mouth. It takes every ounce of control I have to make myself stop.

She grips my shoulders, her eyes meeting mine. “Colt…” she pleads. She breathes a little sigh of longing and looks up at me with hope and wonder in her pretty blue eyes.

I brush my fingertips across her cheek.
So soft. So beautiful. I don’t know if she’s begging me to stop or to continue. But this isn’t a good idea.

“We shouldn’t,” I say, removing her hands from my shoulders. “There’s too much we haven’t talked about yet, and you’re upset.” Why am I coming up with a list of reasons to stop kissing
her? And who am I trying to convince? Her or me?

I lean down to kiss her again, but something tugs in the back of my head. I stop just before our lips touch.
“You let him touch you,” I whisper, our breath mingling together. I can’t help the accusatory tone to my voice. 

She sucks in a breath and
drops her head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten that close to him. I just missed you so much, and he was always there…”

“Tell me…” I have to know what happened between them.






“I kissed Reis.”

Colt’s mouth hardens into a fir
m line and his jaw clenches. “Okay.” His voice is controlled and calm.

I inwardly cringe. This conversation is going to suck more than I thought. He should yell at me, tell me I’m a horrible person, that he never wants to see me again. “That’s it?
? Why don’t you yell at me?”

He shrugs, his eyes looking more intense than I’ve seen them before, burning green and gray.
“Well trust me, I don’t like that you kissed him,” he admits, looking down. Then he meets my eyes again. “But I’m not going to yell at you. As much as I’ve asked for you to trust me, to believe in me, I need to do the same for you. If you felt you had to go somewhere else to get comfort, then I let you down somewhere along the way. And I’m sorry for that.”

I can’t believe he’s apologizing. I’m the one who should be groveling for his forgiveness.

I believe in you.” He leans in toward me, brushing his fingertips along my jaw. I close my eyes, savoring the touch, praying this isn’t goodbye.

I’m hardly aware of moving until
he lifts me and places me in his lap. My chest presses against his. Colt cages me in, his arms wrapping around my back. “Tell me to stop. If you don’t want this…want me….”

I shake my head, my body responding before my lips do.
“Don’t stop,” I murmur, breathing in the scent of him. Traces of body wash and spicy male musk. My hands roam over his chest, his shoulders, urging him closer. He leans in, bringing his lips flush with mine. His breath comes warm and fast against my mouth. I let out a little groan and Colt responds, crushing his lips to mine. His tongue lazily flicks against my bottom lip and I open for him, drinking him in. God I’ve missed him. I slip my hands under the hem of his T-shirt, feeling the ridges of his rock hard abs.

“Taylor,” he begs. His voice is husky.

I don’t know what he’s asking, but the answer is yes. Yes to being with him. Yes to loving him. Yes to everything. “Kiss me,” I moan, running my hands along his sides.

He groans in response.
His lips are still on mine, and we breathe hard together, neither of us moving, neither of us saying anything. There’s so much to say, yet that needs to be said.

Colt trusts
me. Even after I betrayed him with his own brother. Even after I accused him of cheating.

His lips pepper mine with kisses. I can feel how much he missed me.

I kiss him right back, sprinkling in an apology. “I’m.”
. “Sorry.”

He smiles
and presses a kiss to my bare shoulder, pushing down the strap of my tank top. “Me too.”

“You’re beautiful,” he whispers near my ear. “I love you, Taylor.”

pulls away suddenly and study him. “So you still want to date me? Even after I …. ”

“I want to date the shit out of you. Trust me.”

I giggle. “But what about Reis?”

He lifts an eyebrow, watching me. “You really want to talk about my brother while you’re grinding in my lap?”

I groan and press a kiss my throat, just below his Adam’s apple.

“Good girl.” He kisses me again and again, exploring every part of me in the darkness.
“Mine,” I hear him whisper against skin. It makes my heart dance.


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