Read Tell Me Something Good Online

Authors: Jamie Wesley

Tell Me Something Good (12 page)

She blinked slowly, her gray eyes darkening. “Sure. What woman doesn’t?”

Exactly what he wanted to hear.

Noelle gaped at the computer screen, convinced her eyes were deceiving her. The “You’ve got a match!” subject line in the email from No Waiting Dating mocked her with its overwhelming cheerfulness. It could only mean one thing, but there was no way. Right?

She moved the cursor over the subject line, but snatched her hand away before clicking. Maybe it was a mistake and she was panicking over nothing. Yeah, that was probably it. She closed her eyes and clicked.

Strangely enough, the world didn’t come crashing down around her. Only the same silence that had pervaded the room before she clicked greeted her. Man, she needed to get a grip. Being melodramatic was not her thing. Her eyes popped open and zeroed in on the screen. She swallowed, the noise sounding like a sonic boom in the quiet room.

There it was. Her match. None other than Tate Grayson.

Getting a grip was no longer an option. Noelle’s brain raced. Was he seriously interested in her? What if he was? How was she supposed to handle that? Denying herself was one thing. Denying him? She didn’t know if she could. He got to her. So easily.

She shook her head to banish the ridiculous thought. More likely he’d checked the name of every woman there. She’d seen him flirting with the other female speed daters. Yeah, that must be it.

A strong knock sounded on the door. Tate opened the door before she could call out a greeting. He stepped inside, locked the door with a decisive turn of his wrist, and leaned against the frame. He waved his iPhone in his right hand. “I just got the most interesting email. How ’bout you?”

Oh, God.

Feeling her cheeks start to burn with embarrassment, Noelle jumped up and marched around her desk. “Unlock the door.”

“Not until we talk. I don’t want any interruptions.” His tone brooked no argument.

Fine. She’d play it his way for now. She raised her chin. “Why did you pick me?”

“Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing,” he answered, his eyebrows lifting.

Noelle threw her hands up. “Why am I even asking you this? You probably chose all the women in an attempt to increase the size of your harem.”

Something—anger, annoyance maybe—flashed in his eyes. “Is that what you did?”

“Of course not,” she bit out. “That’s ridiculous.”

He straightened and moved closer, stopping directly in front of her. “Good.”

She backed away from his scent, his heat. “Were you trying to distract me from the bet by messing with my head?”

His shoulders stiffened, the light in his eyes turning deadly serious. “That would be pretty shitty of me. I like getting my way, but I’m not devious.”

No, he wasn’t. For better or for worse, he was a straight shooter.

“Try this on for size,” he continued. “Right here, right now, I don’t give a damn about the bet. I marked only one woman’s name because she’s the only woman I’m interested in. Period. Could it be that you’re feeling the same way?”

The intensity, the conviction in his voice curled around her like the warmest, most-seductive embrace. Her heart skipped a beat, then resumed pumping blood at triple its normal rate.


As alluring as she found his declaration, she had to deny her feelings. Getting involved with him made no sense. And she was always logical.

“Of course not,” she pushed out of stiff lips, staring at his shirtfront.

“Then why did you choose me?”

“Because, because…” she sputtered.

“Because what, Doc? You’re never at a loss for words.”

“Because Organizer Dragon Lady wouldn’t let me leave until I picked somebody,” she said in a rush.

“But that doesn’t explain why you chose me. There were nine other men you could’ve picked, but you didn’t, did you?”

Her shallow breaths filled the air, but she didn’t respond. Confessing would be too revealing.

“Did you?” His voice, usually lighthearted, demanded an answer.

She gave a slight shake of her head and finally raised her eyes. “But it didn’t mean anything. It was a crazy impulse.”

“But you don’t do impulsive. That’s my territory.” An arrogant grin bloomed across his face. “You know what I think?”

She shook her head but couldn’t tear her eyes away from his. She was going under, holding on for dear life.

“I think you did it hoping I’d mark you down as well. I think you’re as attracted to me as I am to you. I think you felt the vibe between us at game night. I think you’ve replayed that kiss in the park a thousand times in your head like I have. You find yourself wondering if it was as good as you remember and want one more taste to compare.”

Another slight head shake was all she could manage.

He cocked his head to the side. “Really? Then why are you looking at me like that?”

“Like what?” she whispered. Although she knew.

“Like you want me to kiss you.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she whispered.

“Yes, you do. The pulse, right here,” he caressed the skin at the base of her neck, “tells the truth.” The touch arrowed straight through her body to the spot between her legs.

She tried to shy away, but he matched her move for move, his body so close. Close enough to touch. The back of her legs hit her desk, halting her retreat.

“I think if I kissed it, you wouldn’t move away. You’d tilt your neck, giving me better access. Not wanting to break contact, I’d slide my mouth up your neck to your lips, which would be parted as you tried to get some air. But I’d provide all the air you needed as our lips met. Don’t you think that’s what would happen?”

Noelle shook her head, even as she gasped for breath, giving credence to his prediction. She needed to step away. Had to, but his seductive words flowed through her like the finest wine, enthralling her. She hadn’t been able to forget their kiss and could barely admit to herself that she wanted to repeat the experience. Desperately. She would move aside as soon as she sent the command to her feet.

But then, oh, God, but then he backed his words up with action.

He dipped his head and touched his warm, oh-so talented mouth to the jackhammering pulse point at the base of her throat. She gasped when the tip of his tongue met her eager flesh. Of its own volition, her head tilted back. He took immediate action and kissed his way up her neck to her waiting mouth. He slid his hands into her hair and gazed deep into her eyes. The desire, the determination to consummate his promise, was there for her to see. There was no chance of misinterpreting it. He wanted her. Maybe as much as she wanted him.

She stood on her tiptoes and met him halfway when he lowered his head. Bliss spread from her mouth to every corner of her body as their lips met. She hadn’t dreamed or exaggerated the awesomeness of their first kiss. Far from it.

He didn’t rush, slowly sliding his mouth across hers, sending tingles through her body, and then concentrating on her bottom lip. He tugged on it gently. His tongue made its way into her mouth, which was wholly eager to accept it.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and sank into the kiss. Into him. She groaned when he broke away a few seconds later.

“Do you want me?” he whispered.

“Yes.” Denying the truth was no longer an option.


He dipped his head again. Their third kiss was different from the first two. Hunger, desire, and lust exploded as their tongues mated in a wild dance. This was no slow exploration. She wanted as much of him as she could get. Thankfully, he seemed happy to oblige.

She slid her hands underneath his T-shirt and sucked in a breath at the hard muscles flexing under her seeking hands. His skin was so warm, so taut. “Take it off.”


“Your shirt.” She tugged at the hem. “Take it off.”

Amusement entered his voice. “Yes, ma’am.”

Tate retreated a step and pulled the shirt up, giving her a tantalizing glimpse of world-class abs. Her mouth watered at the thought of tracing the ridges with her tongue.

Knock, knock

“Noelle, are you there?” Caitlin called out.

Tate and Noelle froze. He yanked his shirt down. “Get rid of her. I’m not done.”


“Yeah, I’m still here,” she answered.

Tate sent her an incredulous look. She shrugged helplessly. She didn’t know what else to say, her mind completely rattled.

The doorknob jiggled. “Why is the door locked?”

“I’ll be right there.” Noelle smoothed her hair and ran her hands down her sides. She took the two steps to the door and opened it.

“Why did you have the door locked?” Caitlin looked over Noelle’s shoulder. “Hey, Tate.” With a raised eyebrow, she said to Noelle, “Am I interrupting something?”

“Nothing that can’t wait, right, Tate?”

“Right,” he growled. “I’ll see you later.”

Noelle released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding when the door clicked shut behind him.

Caitlin crossed her arms. “What was that about?”

“Nothing. He was just upset he couldn’t get his way.”

So was she. Her body was still in utter chaos, demanding she finish what they’d started.

Chapter Eleven

A horn blared. Noelle started and jerked the drifting steering wheel to the right. What was she doing? She needed to concentrate or she wouldn’t make it home in one piece. Too bad all she could think about—no, make that
about—was what had happened in her office. No. What had

She wouldn’t be disappointed that Tate hadn’t stuck around. Maybe it was for the best. They were like oil and water.

Except they’d felt more like strawberries and whipped cream
, her traitorous libido whispered. Her clit pulsed at the thought.
. She gripped the steering wheel harder, forced the unsettling thoughts out of her head, and kept her eyes on the road for the rest of the ride home. She pulled into her driveway and turned off the ignition. The sudden silence was deafening.

Tate sat on her front porch.

She maintained a death grip on the steering wheel, needing the anchor. Their eyes met through the windshield. Still she couldn’t make the move to unfasten her seat belt or unlock the door. So she sat and stared at the man who made her burn. He stood in one fluid motion, all athletic grace. Her phone rang.

Without breaking eye contact, she dug it out of her purse. “Hello.”

One word, but it barely made it out of a throat closed up due to nerves and the desire rampaging through her system.

“Get out of the car.”

Like a moth to a flame
… Why now? Why him? She didn’t know, but she did know she wanted Tate like she’d never wanted another man. Crazy. Tate Grayson, formerly her archnemesis, the man who stood for everything she didn’t. She might as well change her name to Stupid. But her feverish body was overruling her good sense. Just remembering the feel of his hard, muscled body pressed against hers made her wet. She wanted to feel his body again, the sooner the better.

Her skin burned with a fire that he effortlessly ignited in her. She didn’t love him. He didn’t love her. This was all about desire.

It wasn’t smart. But she’d done smart before, and all it had gotten her was a broken engagement.


Noelle shut her eyes and took a deep breath, letting the air fill her lungs and then releasing it. She disconnected the call, covered her racing heart with her right hand and unlocked the door with her left, gathered herself, and stepped out of the car.

His intense, amber eyes tracked her every movement until she stood directly in front of him. He tucked a strand of hair blowing across her face behind her right ear.

Their eyes met again. His, so mesmerizing, were full of unrestrained desire. For her. The same desire she felt for him. A desire she no longer wanted to deny.

She was done with smart. It was time to grab some happiness. Time to accept that doing something strictly for herself didn’t mean disaster would soon strike. If she could.

The need to touch him nearly overwhelmed her. She placed her trembling hand over his heart. Steady. Strong. Sure. “Are we really doing this?”

“Yeah, we are.” Steady. Strong. Sure. Exactly what she needed to hear.

It all clicked into place. “Yeah, we are.”

They dove for each other. He curled his arms around her waist and crushed her against him. Mouths met and clung. He swiped his tongue across her lips, demanding entrance. Desperate to recreate the moment in her office, she immediately complied. His thorough exploration of her mouth followed, unleashing a torrent of desire inside her. With his hands streaking across her body, he was everywhere she wanted him to be. His hands found their way underneath her shirt and swept up her quivering torso. As he cupped her breast, she slammed her hand over his.

He stared down at her, shock and confusion crowding his features.

“Wait. Wait. We need to go inside,” she managed to get out between gasping breaths.

“Hurry up.” His guttural tone sent a fresh wave of lust flash flooding through her body. She twisted out of his arms and jabbed the key toward the lock, but immediately forgot her task when Tate crowded against her body, nibbling at the back of her neck, his hands exploring every inch of her body he could reach. “Doc. Do it. Now.”

“I’m trying.” She made another stab at the lock and missed when he pressed an openmouthed kiss against her collarbone.

make love to you out here for anybody and everybody to see.” The promise in his voice was real.

Finally, the key made its way into the lock. She pushed the door open and they stumbled inside, the door banging shut behind them. He whipped her around and covered her mouth with his. His tongue stroked every corner of her mouth, and she matched him movement for movement.

Tate put his hands back to work, sliding them underneath her shirt.

“Why are you wearing clothes?” He sounded thoroughly disgruntled.

Noelle grinned against his mouth. “Why wouldn’t I be wearing clothes?”

“Because I want you naked, so I can kiss and touch every inch of your body.”

Heat consumed her. “Oh. Well, let me help you.” Her hands went to her shirt’s buttons.

He whipped his T-shirt over his head.

Her brain short-circuited at her first, prolonged glimpse of his torso. She’d touched it and gotten a brief glimpse in her office, true, but this unvarnished view…Yes. A thousand times yes. Sleek skin. Muscles. Everywhere. Pecs. A six-pack that moved in delightful synchronicity.

“Why did you stop?” He pushed aside her hands and turned to unbuttoning her shirt. Fine with her. Her freed hands went on a tour of his wonderful body, starting at his wide shoulders and slip sliding her way through the fine dusting of hair on his sculpted chest over his erect nipples. The hair trickled down in an intriguing line, bisecting his abs to the waistband of his jeans. The man was built, and she would be eternally thankful.

She made an undignified sound of protest when he drew her hands away from his body.

He grinned. “Your shirt needs to go.”

Oh. Right. It did. She’d gotten distracted by the perfection in front of her. She held her arms up. He undid the buttons at her wrists, drew the shirt down her arms, and tossed it aside. She immediately went to touch him again, but he stopped her.

“What?” She couldn’t keep the need out of her voice.

“It only seems fair that you go topless since I am.”

“Really?” She lifted her eyebrows, letting him know she was on to him. Then smiled. “You’re right. It only seems fair.” She curved one arm behind her.

“No. Let me.” He swung his index finger in a circle.

She followed his directive. Gasped when a finger slid down her nape. Shook when his mouth followed. She braced herself against the wall, trying to control her shaking. Failing to do so. He flicked her bra clasp. Marvelous sensations darted through her when his hands moved up her back, tripping over the ridges on her spine and curving around her shoulders. He slid his hands under the bra straps and slowly drew them down her arms. The bra fell to the ground.

She heard a slight
and tried to turn.

“No,” he murmured, placing a hand against her back.

She jumped when his tongue touched a sensitive spot at the small of her back and his arms curved around her waist. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. Oh, God. He’d dropped to his knees. He pressed small kisses to each vertebrae. She tracked his large hands as they moved up her quivering stomach to her waiting breasts. Her forehead fell forward against the wall. He palmed her breasts and flicked her sensitive nipples. A moan ripped from her. Her eyes fluttered close, waves of pleasure coursing through her, the simple act of breathing becoming difficult to accomplish.

He played with her breasts, squeezing and massaging them while rolling her hardened nipples between his index and middle fingers. What he was doing felt so, so good. Unbelievably good. He seemed in no hurry to move on, but she was going insane.

Noelle sucked in a breath, trying to marshal her careening thoughts. Okay. He was a breast man. She’d have to store away that info for later. Right now, she needed to move this party along. He’d had the chance to touch her. She wanted the reciprocal opportunity. She covered his large hands with hers and reluctantly moved his away from her flesh. She turned and lowered her eyes to meet his gaze. The molten heat in his eyes almost made her melt into a puddle at his feet.

“Tate,” she whispered. Hoping he understood what she meant, what she needed. Him. Now.

He stood and hauled her to him like he couldn’t bear to be apart from her any longer. She moaned when her breasts met his hard chest. He devoured her mouth. The hard ridge against her stomach let her know he was as aroused as she was. Yes, this was what she needed.

Tate slid his hands down to her butt and hoisted her up. Their tongues thrust and parried and heads twisted side to side as he stumbled down the hall.

She leaned back to say, “That one,” and jerked her head toward the second door on the left, then returned to his talented mouth, her eyes sliding closed.

Her eyes fluttered open when she felt her body descending. She kicked off her shoes and watched as he followed her onto the bed, his amber eyes trained squarely on her.

“I want you so much,” he whispered. The unchecked desire in his voice called to her.

“Me, too. So much,” she said, leaning in for a quick kiss.

His weight pushed her down into the mattress. She welcomed the pressure. Reveled in his heat surrounding her. His truly impressive muscles bunched under her seeking hands. She longed to touch every inch of him. She met his pants’ waistband and slipped her hands inside and squeezed his sculpted butt.

Noelle leaned her head back into the pillow, sucking in air, trying to get her rampaging senses under control. Tate, apparently not needing such a break, turned his attention to her neck, lightly nipping it on the way to her breasts, where he sucked one into his mouth, sending a shaft of desire straight to her core.

Yeah, he’s a breast man

It was her last coherent thought for a while as he paid homage to her mounds of flesh. Her back arched off the bed at one long, hard suck, a lengthy whimper escaping. She gripped the duvet, trying to maintain her grip on reality even though she suspected it was a losing battle. At the precise moment she thought she couldn’t take any more, he continued his journey, skimming her torso with his talented hands, followed by his even more gifted tongue as he pressed hard, openmouthed kisses all over her stomach.

“Doc, you taste so good. I want to taste you everywhere.” He attacked her belt and whisked her skirt away before she could blink, leaving her clad only in black lace panties. He glanced up. “Nice.”

She blushed. Gasped when he pressed a hand against her center through the lace.

A grin curved his lips. “A little sensitive?” Tate didn’t wait for an answer, pulling the panties off and returning his attention to her center. “This is even nicer.”

“I thought you were a breast man,” she said, in between gasps of breath.

He speared her with his hypnotic eyes. “I’m an everything man. Everything about your body fascinates me. Everything.”

The first touch of his mouth directly on her flesh had another loud moan ripping from her. He gave a slow lick of her slit back and forth several times. Then he delved inside her and curved his tongue. There was nothing she could do to suppress a keening cry at the pleasure surging through her. She happily went along for the ride as he worshipped her for endless minutes, never seeming to tire, her arousal building to a feverish pitch.

“You taste better than I dreamed you would. I don’t know how that’s possible, but you do.” His words vibrated against her. She twisted her head against the bedspread, her hands crushing the duvet.

“Let go. Come on, Doc. I want you to. You know you want to.”

She did. He touched the special spot inside her. That was it. She splintered into a million pieces, her throat arching with a loud moan.

When she resurfaced, she found Tate propped up on his elbow next to her, skimming a masterful finger down her still-quivering torso. “Welcome back.”

“Hi,” she whispered, not knowing what else to say. It had never been that way for her before. That good. That intense. That mind-blowing.

“Having a good time?”

She managed a slight smile. “You know I am.”

“Good.” He rolled over on his knees and bracketed her body. “It’s not over yet.”

She ran her hands down his chest in delight and kissed his collarbone. “Glad to hear it. But there’s one thing you missed.”

His posture stiffened. “I did?”

He didn’t like that. She swiped her tongue across his collarbone to hide her smile. “You left your pants on.”

Tate sagged against her. “You’re going to pay for that.”

Another swipe because he tasted so good. “Can’t wait.”

“Me either.” He pressed a hard kiss on her mouth and then leaped off the bed. She crawled to the foot of the bed to watch the show. He pulled a handful of condoms from his jeans pocket and tossed them on the bed.

“Confident?” she asked with a lifted brow.

“Hopeful.” He tipped her chin up with his hand and dropped a quick kiss on her waiting mouth.

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