Read Teasing Hands Online

Authors: Elena M. Reyes

Teasing Hands (11 page)





The house was empty by the time I made it downstairs the next morning. No note from either of them. Nothing.

At the very least
, I was owed an apology, an honest conversation where she explained her erroneous logic and I made her see that what she did was wrong. How could Mom have been so stupid? In what universe was it okay to invite your daughter’s ex-boyfriend to the house without informing her first?

The anger from last night had carried over
, and I wanted to be anywhere but here. What a mess.

It didn’t sit well with me to be angry with her. She’
d always been a good mom—pushy, but good and supportive nonetheless. Could I fault her for wanting for me what she found in Dad? No, never, but trying to implement what she considered the right choice was just wrong.

Instead of dwelling, I decided to do as everyone else
had done and avoid. They left, and frankly, so could I.

Grabbing my phone off the charger, I headed down and toward the kitchen. First on the agenda was coffee. There was what looked to be a fresh pot already made on the counter
, my favorite princess mug placed beside it along with the sugar.

After pouring a cup, I took a seat at the counter and swiped my finger across my phone
’s screen. I needed my girls.

“Hey, Mandi.  What’s up?” Courtney answered on the second ring. It seemed to be windy wherever she was.

“Nothing much,” I sighed and took a sip of the scalding liquid. It burned the tip of my tongue, but it would be worth the caffeinated boost of energy.

“What’s wrong, babe? You sound like shit.”

Felt like it too. “Rough twenty-four hours.” Another sip of coffee. “Where are you?”

“I’m about to start buying the necessities for camp. Please tell me you’re packed.” I’d forgotten about camp. Fuck.

Coach had set us up with a local athletic camp for teens. We’d volunteered to spend time with them and help them work on their skills, whether it be shooting or improving their offense and defensive tactics. 


She laughed at my response, and the wind level around her died down. “I’m at the Sports Authority in Kendall. Get dressed and head over here. We’ll shop and grab some lunch afterwards?”

“Sounds good.” And it did. Being here felt awkward at the moment. “It’ll take me an hour to get there
, though.”

“That’s fine. I’m looking at sneakers now
, and you know I take forever to pick a pair. Just head toward the shoe department when you come in. I’m sure I’ll still be sitting here.”

We hung up then
, and I rushed up the stairs to get ready.

I stripped out of my pajamas as I made my way into the en suite bathroom. The tiled floor felt cold beneath my feet. Turning the water on, I waited for it to adjust before I entered. We might live in Florida, but freezing cold showers were never fun.

The bathroom quickly filled with steam and the mirrors grew foggy.

Reaching a hand in, I tested the water and stepped in. A moan escaped me the moment I stood underneath the showerhead. I’d been tense
, and my muscles rejoiced in the pleasure the hot water afforded.

I didn’t have much time to waste, so I reached and grabbed my mango passion body wash. Lathering myself, I encountered a new problem
, though. The feel of the hot water and the washcloth across my skin felt good.

My nipples pebbled and throbbed as the suds sli
d down my chest and abdomen. It felt like the heated caress of the oil Camden used on me. Dropping the washcloth, I poured a small amount of the liquid soap in my hands and began to knead my breasts.

“Oh fuck,” I choked out while my fingers grazed over the hardened tips. My breathing became labored as I cupped them and squeezed
, flushed with desire. I released one and skimmed a hand down my abs and over my mound.

His eyes were at the forefront of my thoughts as I grazed a finger over my engorged clit. It throbbed
, and I bucked against my hand. In my head, it was his hands that touched me. They teased me to the point of having to hold onto the wall as I rubbed tight circles over my bundle of nerves.

Goddamned sexy son of a bitch.” I slammed my other hand against the glass tiles as ripples of pleasure coursed through me. My mind replayed the way he took control over me yesterday. My fingers mimicked the perfect spanks his cockhead gave me. “Conceited, gorgeous asshole. You’re driving me insane, Camden.”

One more spank
, and I entered myself roughly with two fingers, the same way he’d slammed in almost twenty-four hours ago.  Between the hot water grazing my flesh and the vision of his head thrown back—muscles strained as he entered me—I came.

My mouth opened
in a silent scream. Everything felt more intense, heightened by the mere thought of him.

With my head against the wall
, I tried to calm my breathing. Body weak and sated, I shook with small aftershock. How did a man I barely knew have this much power over me? Fuck.

Hunter never made me feel this crazed. He never made me yearn to the point of madness for his cock. A cock
I’d only felt once.

was in more trouble than I’d originally thought.



“About time,” Court complained as soon as she saw me. She was sitting on a small bench with more than ten shoe boxes around her. “You t
ake the scenic route?”

“Where the hell is there a scenic route in the middle of Miami?” I’d underestimated the afternoon traffic while driving here. Bumper to bumper traffic suck
ed. “Can’t decide?”

She shrugged and pulled out a pair of neon orange high
-tops. “Too many to choose.”

I made my way through the mountain beside her and took a seat at the edge of the bench. Court and I shared the same sho
e size, and I needed a new pair of sneakers to take to camp. All the ones I had at home were too old—worn down to the point of almost falling apart.

“Here.” She pushed a box into my hands. “Think you might like those.”

Opening the box, I pulled out a pair of all black Nikes with a tri-colored checkmark. They were cute, and any other day, I would have squealed at the sight of them. Today wasn’t one of those.

“They’re cute,” I added nonchalantly while I slipped one of the shoes on. They fit well and were comfortable. “I’m taking them, thanks.”

“Okay. What the hell is going on with you?” She watched me, gaze boring a hole in my skull.

“Hunter.” He
r eyes narrowed as his name passed my lips. “He happened. Again.”

Courtney took a hold of my hand and squeezed. “Fucking prick
,” she muttered low enough so only I heard. “Where did you see him?”

“At the spa, he cornered me—”

“Why would he be at the spa?” she interrupted.

A bitter laugh escaped me. “Mom forgot to mention he works there now.”

“Are you kidding me?”

I let out a frustrated sigh while staring at the active
-wear across from us. “She also invited him to dinner without informing me. Let’s just say that the entire night turned into a fight…I fought with him and her.”

“Oh, Mandi.” Courtney pulled me into a hug. A small tear escaped
, and I tried to wipe it away before she’d notice. It didn’t work. “Fuck this. Grab your shoes and let’s go.”

“Go? Go where?” Courtney ignored me; instead, she pulled me up and toward the cash register. “Court, wait.”

“Yes?” She turned to look at me as we reached the counter. Her fingers had been flying over the screen of her phone. Looked like she was texting someone.

“Where are we going?” I placed my box next to hers on the counter. “What‘s the rush?”

“You still have your beach bag in the trunk?” She ignored my question and pushed my box with hers—swiping her card in the reader before I could complain. “You’re buying dinner tonight.”

“Sounds good.”

“Now, answer. Do you have your bag?”

You know I do.” It’d been a habit I picked up from mom. Always carry extra clothes and a beach bag with everything you need just in case.

“Good, now hurry up. The girls are meeting us at the beach in an hour.”



The waves crashed upon the shore, low and majestic in their unique color…the color of Camden’s eyes. Looking out across the water was like drowning in them.

They pulled you in with their uniqueness. Engulfed and
lured you in without any intent to let you go.

“Are you going stare out
into space all day, or talk?” Jennifer called out, bringing my attention back to the present. She dug into the small cooler Steph brought and passed me a beer. “What did he do now?”

“He showed up.” My eyes wandered back toward the water as I took a sip. “Showed up
, claiming me in front of—”

“In front of who, Mandi?” Stephanie interrupted. Courtney and Jennifer leaned in closer; they shared the same look of curiosity. “You never mentioned seeing anyone.”

Taking another sip, I turned to face them. If anyone could understand and not judge me, it would be these girls.

“It’s new, and already ruined.” I couldn’t keep the sadness out of my tone. Between Hunter’s bullshit and Camden being adamant that there would never be an
“us”, I was lost. “Where do you want me to begin?”

“What the fuck does that mean
, ruined?” Courtney abandoned her chair across from me and sat by my feet. “You aren’t making sense.”

“Do you girls remember the night at Rage after winning the championship? The guy I danced with?” They nodded. “I’ve been seeing him…well not seeing per say. I’d say more like fooling around with.”

“No shit!” Jennifer blurted out; choking on the sip she’d just taken from her bottle. “When?”

“The real question here is where?” Steph eye
d me with sadness as she spoke.

I shook my head. “That’s not the important part here, Steph. We bumped into each other
, and he recognized me. We talked, things happened, and Hunter found me walking with him. Fuck. You should’ve heard the shit he spewed.”

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