Read Tears of Blood Online

Authors: Simone Beaudelaire

Tears of Blood (20 page)

Sarahi moaned and tossed her head as he worked the sensitive peak.

"Over here, love," she urged, guiding his mouth to the
other side where it seemed the other nipple, jealous, begged for his attention.
He gave it. She stroked his hair as he pleasured her. He kissed his way down
her belly to the sweet, wet cleft of her body. He wanted to taste her, and he
did, massaging the lips open and kissing her there before devastating his lady
with long, tender lick. He worked and worked her feminine flesh, bringing her
to a delicate peak of ecstasy. She didn’t have it in her to come hard,
but moisture surged against his lips. She was ready for her man, and he was
more than ready for her. Kneeling between her thighs, he aligned his aching sex
with her ready portal and slipped gently through the opening, sliding deep,
deep into her waiting body.

"Ooh," she sighed. Then she sobbed softly as Lucien pulled
back and pressed in again, then again, setting up a slow rhythm. Every time he
pressed forward, energy poured from him into her. Her cheeks flushed with
pleasure. Seeing  she was stronger, he grasped her hips and thrust harder.
Her breath caught. A moment later she was writhing in pleasure, whimpering and
clawing at his back.

Remembering those claws, he grabbed her arms and pinned them to the bed
above his head as he gave her his last few strokes and poured his seed into her
welcoming body.

After giving away so much energy, Lucien collapsed exhausted on Sarahi.
She slipped her hands out from under his and embraced him.

"Are you all right, darling?"

"Never better," he sighed. "You?"

"All better. You healed me. I didn’t take too much, did

"No. I’ll need a good night’s sleep, and a huge
breakfast, but I’ll be fine. I love you, Sarahi."

"And I love you, Lucien. Can you believe we all survived, that we

"I know. I also can’t believe I’m still awake."
He yawned hugely and rolled to his side, pulling her close.


Josiah married Annie the next day, and eventually the couple did come
to terms with all that had happened. Their son was later joined by two daughters.

The nephilim continued to do their work of keeping the balance,
protecting humanity from rogue succubae. But without the influence of Lilith,
the work was easier and safer.

In the fall, Lucien and Sarahi welcomed a tiny daughter to their
family. Her eyes were brown. Lucien quipped at the delivery that after all they
had faced, how much trouble could one little baby be? He soon found out.

And so the angel and the demon found a way to live together, not only
in peace but in joy. And so the prophecies of the succubae, the nephilim, and
the one who was called the incubus came true just as had been foretold, and the
will of Heaven was maintained.


Dear Reader,

I hoped you
enjoyed this wild ride with Sarahi and Lucien. It was certainly like nothing
I’ve written before, though I enjoyed it very much.

If you found
this book entertaining, I would appreciate it very much if you logged on to
Amazon and left a review. This is your opportunity to provide feedback to the
author, which could very well make the next book better. Don’t miss out
on the opportunity! And I do hope you will consider my other paranormal,
historical, and contemporary romances available on Amazon. Scroll down for more

Thank you for
spending your valuable time reading my book.

Simone Beaudelaire.

Note on the
spelling of words

The term
is a plural form, like
. While it is
acceptable to use nephilim as singular, I did not prefer to do so. The
grammatical rendering of the singular form, according to my research, is
has two possible plural forms.
is most common,
but I felt
looked more elegant and exotic.


About the

Beaudelaire is the pseudonym for a mild-mannered French teacher from Texas. When
she isn’t explaining verb conjugation and adjective agreement,
she’s reading and writing sweet and sexy romance novels.
Tears of
is Mme Beaudelaire’s 12
published novel.

Other works by Simone Beaudelaire

Over the Watcher

Psychic Selene Johansen
is an excellent police investigator, able to determine guilt from the first
While her talent for fact-finding keeps her busy, her personal life is lonely.
After all, who wants to date a girl who can read minds?
But Selene's consuming solitude dissolves when she learns longtime friend
Brandon Price knows about her psychic gift ... and her secret love for him.
As their relationship heats up, Selene dares let her guard down, not realizing
that a ruthless stalker is determined to put an end to the couple's passion...
and their lives.

Girl (with Guy Bailey)

only 25, Anne is becoming an old maid before her time. She likes the simple
things in life; knitting, cats, and her immaculate apartment. That is, until a
friend's wedding arouses longings for a closer connection. Driving home, Anne
is struck by a wild sense of déja vu moments before being pulled four
decades into the past where events beyond her wildest imagination await her.

Julie (Jules) Masterson, budding mechanical engineer
and skeptic, sets a goal of debunking the alleged haunting in her university's
auditorium. While searching for electromagnetic fields, she meets Theo Kent,
future geneticist and true believer in the supernatural. He hopes to meet the
ghost and encourage it to move on. Jules and Theo quickly discover they have a
new goal... spending as much time together as possible. But when the ghost strikes,
pushing another helpless girl off the balcony, they must act quickly to find
and banish it before anyone else gets hurt.

Evening in South Texas.
The citrus scented breeze fans the palm fronds. Lovers linger in the growing
darkness, hoping to steal a moment alone. But their solitude is about to be
shattered as legends of the Border come to life to claim new victims. Tragedy,
love, terror and myth merge in this trio of tantalizing tales...



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was terrified, every word the woman spoke, dripped with evil.  The fear
she felt enveloped her.  In that moment, she felt Sheerak. 
can survive this.  I cannot help you, and I will not be able to
communicate with you after this, but you will survive. Find that strength
within.  I will be waiting.


suddenly as she had appeared, she was gone.  The woman had clearly known
she had communicated with someone.  This sent her into a rage.


magik is to be used here.  You will do as I say and learn."

can you say no magik may be used?  You are dripping with evil

woman laughed a hideous ugly sound.  "It is you, who may not use
magik if you want to pass this challenge.  This will be oh so easy for
me.  You will never survive.  It is almost beneath contempt that they
have sent me such a pathetic girl."

felt hatred being thrown at her.  It was like a physical thing, and then
she was pushed to the floor of the cavern.  She was held by an invisible
force, and could not move for a very long time.  She fell in and out of
sleep, and when she could finally move, her muscles were cramped, and she was dirty
and hungry.  Slowly she began to move her stiff and aching joints. 
She had no idea whether it was day or night, or even how long she had been
there.  Her eyes had now adjusted to the darkness.  She looked around
and saw a bucket on one wall.  Standing up, she stretched, then looked
inside the bucket.  There was water, though it looked dirty, but she was
so thirsty.  If she was to survive this, she needed to keep up her
strength.  She could not understand why the Nunnehi had put her here. 
From what Gilcune had said of them, they were honorable.  Why would they
have agreed to this?  She finally drank some of the water, and it was
indeed filthy.  She could taste the grit, but at least it quenched her
thirst.  She was determined she would survive, no matter what. 

the cavern, she followed the walls, feeling carefully with her hands. 
There didn’t seem to be any opening.  How was she to get out? 
She sat down and thought of all that had happened.  There was obviously a
reason, but she could make no sense of why she was being challenged in this
way.  If the dark side was trying to entice her, then this surely was not
the way.  Sighing, she stood up, and began to feel her way around the cave
once more.  Her fingers felt a groove in the rock.  She could feel a
breeze and knew this was an outer wall.  This must be an opening. 
The challenge, was how to get it open.  Feeling around with her foot, she
stubbed her toe on a rock.  Without moving too far away, she picked up the
rock and began working at the groove.  It was a slow process.  She
was tired, hungry, and thirsty, but was determined not to stop.  Finally,
a great chunk of rock fell and she felt fresh air on her face.  A tear
trickled down her face, but she brushed it aside and continued until she had
made a hole big enough for her to crawl through.

through to the next chamber, she discovered it to be much the same as the one
she left.  With the exception that it had an entrance.  She could
hear the sound of running water, and headed in that direction.  She came
upon a rock face with water running down into a pool.  She drank her fill,
then washed her face.  She tried to see where the water came from, but
could not.  It was just there.  Being faint from hunger, she thought
this was why she could not think clearly.  She walked to the entrance,
taking care to check there were no traps before she stepped through.

stepped into a passage that as far as she could tell went a very long
way.  Of course, this was intuition rather than anything else.  There
was nothing else for her to do but go forward.  She had traveled some
distance, when she saw a faint light.  It was not directly ahead, more off
to the right.  She increased her pace and arrived at another cavern. 
This one was clearly lit, with a table and chair to one side.  There was
warm bread and cheese, and a jug of cool water.  Without stopping to think
about it, she sat and ate and drank.  Later, she realized that may have
been a mistake.  What if the food was poisoned?  It was too late to worry
now.  What was to be her next step?  As she had this thought a
parchment appeared on the table.  She picked it up and read:

Chosen One

You have managed to come this far

Your question now is.

Do you choose the passage on the
right or the left?

One will take you to the next level,
the other will not.

You must choose now.

got up and stretched her aching muscles.  The cavern had darkened except
for an entrance opposite to where she had come in.  She stood in the
doorway trying to decide.  She realized how much she had come to rely on
her magikal ability.  She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and turned

passage was dimly lit and though she traveled for some time, nothing
happened.  She was just beginning to think she had chosen wrongly, when
she felt that same evil malevolence she had in the first cavern.

girl, you have made it this far.  Either you had help, or it was dumb
luck.  Either way, you should have taken the other path.  Now you
have to fight me, and I am more powerful.  So prepare to die, Chosen
One."  This last she almost spat at Montayna.  The hatred
coming from the woman was like a suffocating cloak.

could still not see her properly.  Her face was hidden by magik. 
They fought with fists like street brawlers.  The woman threw Montayna to
the ground and got her hands around Montayna’s throat.  The
advantage Montayna had was from learning to fight as a child.  She relaxed
her body for just a moment, which took the woman off guard.  This gave
Montayna a split second to throw her off.  As lithe as a cat, Montayna was
up, swung around behind her, got her in a headlock and twisted.  She heard
the breaking of bone and the woman went limp.  She let go and slumped down
gasping for breath.  She realized she had killed the woman, and though she
knew it was kill or be killed, she felt sick to her stomach.

saw the way ahead become lighter.  She stood up, walked towards it, and
entered another cavern.  There was a table with a jug of water, another
parchment, and a beautiful sword.  She drank some water, then unrolled the

have done well Chosen One.

path you chose was harsh, but you are now that much stronger and perhaps a
little wiser.

these gifts as your right.

looked puzzled as she read this, for there was only one gift.  The
sword.  It was beautiful.  Made from what looked like silver, carved
with Elvish writing.  The handle, made from a dark wood, was carved in the
shape of a dragon, with a large dark blue sapphire embedded in its throat.

picked it up and it fit perfectly in her hand.  It began to hum, just as
her dagger had when she received it.  The cavern filled with brilliant
light, so bright she had to shield her eyes.  She felt herself being
lifted into the air and gently began to spin.  She could hear hundreds of
voices raised up in song, it was almost deafening.  As the sound began to
fade, she became aware of her surroundings.  She had stopped spinning and
floated to the floor.  She was now in a room.  There were beautiful tapestries
hanging on the walls.  The floor had a soft covering, and she realized
there were no windows.  She must be still underground.

door opene

and ShaYung entered.  She came and knelt before Montayna, placing her fist
across her heart as she spoke.  "We honor you, Chosen One.  We
are yours to command, if and when you have need of us."

could not decide whether or not it was fatigue, but everything sounded and felt
different.  Her senses were heightened.  It was as though she knew
what ShaYung felt.

have prepared a room for you my lady.  A bath and clean clothes, then you
must sleep before your return to ‘above world’."

long have I been gone?"

five days my lady.  They can wait one more day until you are

soaked her aching body in the wonderful steaming water.  She tried to come
to terms with the fact that it had been so long.  How had she survived
that long without food?  ShaYung had sent some food to her room.  She
ate a little, then climbed into the bed, and just as she was drifting off to
sleep, she heard the familiar purr of Sheerak. 
Welcome back little
one, all is well. Sleep now.  



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