Tangled Up In You (A Savioe Family Novel) (14 page)

“I don’t know if that is a good thing.” Beau placed his hand on my shoul
der as we walked down the hall.

“Have you seen how happy Marie is though? She seems to actually be enjoying herself. Just wished she’d give me oh… thir
ty minutes alone with my girl.”

“Thirty my ass. More like five minutes and you’d be done.” Charles l
aughed and pushed me into Beau.

“Little shit, does everything have to be sexual with you?” I tried to shove him back only to have Beau stop me.

“Save it until we get home.” He said keeping his hand on my chest preventing me from going after Charles.

” I muttered and opened her door. The first thing I saw was her sofa and every little detail of the last time I was in here came rushing back. I sucked in a deep breath and tried to stay my overly excited libido.

Charles plopped down on her sofa and put his feet up on her coffee table. Roxy narrowed her eyes into small slices of jade and smacked him upside his head. “Get up and sit back down like a normal person. Keep your nasty feet off my table.”

“Ow! Alright. Geez you didn’t have to hit me so hard.” He rubbed the side of his head and whined. He got up and then slowly sat back down foregoing propping his feet up. Beau snickered at him and took a seat on the floor.

I sat down at the other end of her sofa. I smirked to myself
when I realized was sitting in the same place as I was the other day. I looked over to Roxy and gave her a little wink. “Why don’t we watch a movie?” Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. The pearly whites of her teeth chewed on that lush bottom lip of hers.

“That’s a great idea
.” Marie sat down in between Charles and me. “I want to pick it out.”

Beau and I groaned. Beau looked over to her and bitched. “Please no. You always pick those stupid chick flicks.”

“I do not! Fine. Let Charles pick it then.” She sat back with her arms crossed over her chest in a huff.

Roxy sighed and walked over to her collection. She bent over her heart shaped ass framed perfectly in those tighter than sin jeans. I shifted in my seat and tried to pull my eyes away from that mouthwatering sight. Damn this is the second time tonight that I haven’t been able to control my body’s reaction to her. She shifted from one foot to the other wiggling that t
ight ass making my mouth drool.

Marie jabbed me with her elbow. “Down boy.”

Propping my arm up on the side of the sofa, I leaned my head against my hand and tried to ignore her only to fail miserably. Roxy grabbed a case and placed the movie in the DVD player. She turned the TV on walked over to the wall and dimmed the lights. The TV went black then went into a sepia tone as the studios logo flipped over on the screen. A woman’s mournful moan echoed behind the sound of rumbling thunder before the title appeared.

“300? I haven’t seen this one yet.” Beau propped his arm on his bended knee still leaning his back against the other side of the sofa.

“Yeah, it’s got something for everyone. Blood, gore, fighting and topless women for you boys and some serious eye candy for Marie and I.” Roxy laughed from behind the couch. She handed Beau a pillow in case he wanted to get more comfortable on the floor. I unknowingly frowned when her eyes twinkled at the mention of the men in the movie. “I’m surprised you haven’t seen it. It’s been out for forever. They even have a spoof of it out.”

Charles rolled his eyes. “If it’s not kid appr
oved we don’t get to watch it.”

“Oooh.” She mumbled behind us.

My heart started beating faster when I felt her small hand touch the nape of my neck. I looked over my shoulder at her. She was leaning against the arm of the couch, her eyes glued to the screen. Her hip rested behind my elbow lightly touching it sending a ripple of electricity and most of my blood below my waistband. I wrapped my arm around her tiny waist pulling her down into my lap. She let out a high-pitched squeak as she tumbled onto me. I pulled her legs over to my side, her feet landed beside Marie who was already entranced by the graphics of the movie. Roxy rested her head against my shoulder and placed her hand on my chest. With her cradled in my arms, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. She felt so right, so perfect. I could sit here for hours like this with her. My nose brushed against her hair. I could still smell the lingering scent of her coconut shampoo. My lips twitched in a smile as I whispered close to her ear. “Are we really going to watch the movie this time?”

She gently smacked my chest and glared at me. “I don’t think I’d like an audience if we tried for a repeat performance of last time.”

I laughed and kissed the top of her head. “We could always go to your room.”

She sat up turned around those clear green eyes bored into mine. Her hand came up to my cheek gently touching it. “I don’t think that would be a good idea. Things might end up getting a bit out of hand.”

My eyes widened in shock with the sudden jolt of desire now surging through my body. Is she really saying she’d end up fucking me if we were alone? My errant friend that seemed to rule my actions around her twitched at the visions of us tangled in her bed sheets. “You know I wouldn’t push you into doing anything you’d regret.” I whispered in her ear.

She let out a husky laugh and purred back at me. “I know. I’m worried that I might attack you once the door is closed and not stop until one of us is begging for mercy.”

“And that’d be bad… how?” I nervously joked. My hand grabbed hold of her ass slowly rubbing it as I nuzzled her neck.

She gasped. “Your siblings are right there and our parents are just outside of those doors.”

A pillow came out of nowhere and hit me against the side of the head. Beau grumbled at us. “I’m trying to watch a movie. So either shut up or just go make-out.”

“I know. I think I’m going to lose my dinner over her
e.” Marie made a gagging sound.

Roxy dropped her head against my shoulder and groaned in embarrassment. “Sorry guys.” She placed a soft kiss on my neck and stood up holding out her hand. I swallowed hard and clasped her outstretched hand.
I hope she didn’t notice just how sweaty my palms had become.

She led me through her bedroom door and closed it behind me twisting the lock. Her small hands ran across my back as she walked around me, her fingernails eliciting a trail of goose bumps. My breath caught in my throat when she pushed at my chest slamming me against the door. Her hands encircled my neck as she pulled me down for a kiss that made my toes curl. Her te
eth scraped against my lip extracting a hiss out me. She tasted sweet and tangy and felt better than anything I could have ever imagined. My hands gripped her hips as I lifted her up of the floor. She made a gasping sound as I grabbed her ass to secure her. When those legs wrapped around me every thought I had went out the window. She used her new position to grind against me and fumbled to get her hands under my shirt. I groaned against her mouth when her nails dug into my back. Somehow, she had managed to tug my shirt off. Her tongue was doing this thing against my ear that had my eyes crossing.

I knew logically that they were on the other side of the door, our parents were at the other end of the house and that this had to stop. There was no way I’d be able to live it down if any of them caught me with my pants down. I
reluctantly let go of her when she pushed away from me and set her down on her unsteady legs in front of me. I thought that just maybe she’d be the voice of reason and suggest that we go back in the other room. But no, she just looked at me through hooded eyes and licked her lips. Suddenly nothing on this planet had ever been hotter.

She started pulling at the bottom of her shirt and glided over to her bed tossing the garment in the floor on her way. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell her to stop, but mini me had different plans. My feet propelled me toward her, the entire time I was trying to talk myself off the ledge. I couldn’t do this, wouldn’t do this, not right now
. I needed to get control back.

….” I started when she turned to look at me over her shoulder. I blacked out for a second. My mouth dropped and I tried to unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth. Yeah, I had seen a few girls naked before even Roxy though given not in person, thank you internet, but nothing had prepared me for seeing her in person. Somehow during my time trying to talk myself out of everything she had wiggled out of those tight pants. She stared at me with those big green eyes in nothing more than a few scraps of black lace that was created only to tease and tantalize even the staunchest man. Every good intention of stopping, every idea about me being the good guy just fizzled at my feet.

She was all sensual beauty with her olive skin, th
at tiny waist, those lush hips and… oh god those breasts. She had a body that rivaled Aphrodite and made men stupid. Lord knows I was not immune to it. I took a fumbling step toward her kicking her clothes out of my way. She met me halfway and captured my lips, her tiny hands going to my belt buckle.

“Roxy.” I tried again. I put my hands on her shoulders and instead of grabbing her and pushing her away. My body betrayed me and
slid the straps of that flimsy bra off her shoulders. She leaned closer to me, her hands making short work of my belt and the zipper on my pants. Her tongue flicked over my rapid beating pulse at the base of my neck. Those nails skimmed down my chest and abs that were clenching with desire leaving a trail of fire. One of her legs slid between mine and rubbed against the throbbing evidence that I was obviously not using my brain.

“Lucien.” Her voice was all husky and cloudy with desire. This was not the time to be contemplating doing this but even as the objections broke through my haze of
lust, my left hand unhooked her bra and the other tangled in her hair as I sealed my mouth over hers.

Kissing her had become my drug. I was addicted to the way she knew just how to move her tongue, the amount of teeth she used and just how she’d press that body against mine just right. Most of the other girls I had dated would get lost using too much tongue, not enough or just stand there mouth open like a fish. Roxy didn’t seem to mind that I was a little rough; she even tried to encourage it. I was suddenly impatient. I felt like if I thought anymore about it I would falter, lose my
nerve or just stop in fear. Damn, I really did not want to stop. Especially now that her hand had found its way down my pants and delivered feather light caresses down my length. I think mini me would kill me if I pulled the plug on this now.

She tugged my khakis and boxers down over my ass. I shrugged the pants the rest of the way down and gently laid her down on her rumpled bed. It took some maneuvering but I managed to get my shoes and clothes off without falling on my face. She leaned up on her elbows and bit that bottom lip of hers giving me a hungry look. I crawled on the bed and my brain
short-circuited as our bodies touched skin to skin. All she had on were those barely there panties and a dreamy look on her face. I knew even though I was in a haze of ball clenching desire that no one else would ever look as good as she did. No one would be able to compare to this tiny wisp of a girl that made me all twisted and tangled.

She brushed her hand against the center of my chest and let an appreciative eye slide over my naked body. I’m not vain by any measure I just know that I have a fit body. The three times a week
workouts and random boxing matches with my brothers had honed my body into a lean toned fit machine. She looked at me as if I was everything she had ever wanted or dreamed about and none of that mattered now. Her thumb brushed across the head of my dick and I trembled heaving out a ragged breath.

I realized she was calling all the shots. She was touching me making me go crazy and I was just letting her.
I needed to take control. My fingers hooked the tiny underwear she had on and slid them down her legs. She shivered in response. Now that she was finally fully naked and trapped underneath me a hint of hesitation filled her mossy eyes.

“Gawd, ya are so beautiful.” I found myself saying
as I stared into those green depths.

She put her hands on my head and ran her finger through my hair.
Her fingernails scraped against my scalp as she gave me a lopsided grin. “So are you. I’ve always thought so.”

I kissed her below her ear and nibbled at her
shoulder as she made that mewling sound in the back of her throat. She hooked a leg over my hip and pressed her moist heat against me. I blinked for a second because I felt like we were forgetting something. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I brushed feather light kisses across her puckered nipples. Just as I was about to slip in, I stammered out. “Condom.”

I pushed myself off her and riffled through my wallet in my khakis until I found the wrapper. I quickly
ripped open the foil packet and slipped it on. I crawled back over her, captured her lips again and let my tongue slide against hers as I lifted her leg up over my hip. She kissed me back and gasped softly as I slowly started to ease into her. She was so tight. I thought I would die for sure if I didn’t get balls deep in the next second.

She whispered my name across my neck and arched her back. Her nails dug into my shoulders as I lifted her up a bit more and tried to push all the way in. She froze for a brief moment letting out a harsh
gasp. Her eyes flew open as her mouth formed a perfect O when I tore through her virginity.

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