Surrounded [Running to Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (13 page)

“Well that’s okay, but the rule here is any arrangement goes so long as it’s safe, sane, and consensual. We don’t allow bias here. This is a secure place for whatever.”

“I get it. There won’t be any judging on my part. I’ve had enough of being judged myself.”

“My duties here are varied, and now that I’m in a ménage, I’ll need someone to help with new subs as they join until I can figure out where my limits are. Jackie will no doubt have some thoughts about my involvement along those lines! Right now we’re pretty much a committed member Club, so I manage and schedule scenes for the most part. I’ll get in contact with Kyle and Andrew who run another Club I’m familiar with. You can probably get your own personal training there.” He kept a straight face when he said it. There were some Dommes at that Club who would salivate to top Dave and break his Dom cherry. Dave looked at him searchingly but nodded.


* * * *


The rest of the day passed quickly. Ash called to say that he should be there right at five thirty as Jackie would be home from work and ready to go house hunting. She told him that Beau had figured out how to get past the coffee table barrier so she’d gone out with him to pick up a big kennel. He apparently really liked car rides and had liked the pet store even better. Ashley sounded so maternal that he had to struggle to keep his voice even. He was getting to the age where he should have kids in order to have the energy for them, but he could foresee several in his future, one right after the other. He wondered if a sultan felt like this, trying to keep up with a harem. It was kind of bizarre, but damned if he wasn’t looking forward to it. The kids, that was. He felt a little weird about doing the deed with Ashley but thought he might be up for it when the time came.

He saw Dave settled, took him on a tour of the Club, gave him pertinent information on rules and a list of Internet sites on BDSM. He told his friend he’d be bartending for awhile and on cleaning duty for longer, and that the position of doorman was in his future after that. Dave just nodded and asked good questions and then went to his new digs to study, as he put it. It seemed that he needed tasks and a goal, but then who didn’t? Alistair had just attained one of his, and it felt damn fine. He hoped Jackie’s little butt felt better because he’d already reserved one of the member rooms seeing as he had given his quarters away.

He went to clean up in preparation to go and get his women. He immediately noticed his one lonely toothbrush and looked in the garbage can. The little minx. He contemplated the offending object and then pulled open the drawer. Short one. She’d taken hers with her. Never a dull moment. He brushed his teeth and smoothed his hair and headed out in pleased anticipation, leaving Dave to hold the fort.


* * * *


Looking at houses turned out to be just a hint less painful than going to the dentist, but he persevered, dutifully following Jackie from room to room, listening to her knowledgeable questions about wiring and foundations and the like. He learned that she could see right past the cosmetics as she termed it, and felt a bit sorry for the realtor, who probably worked harder for his money than he’d ever done. Ashley wandered around, looking at nothing particular that he could see, a faint smile hovering around her lips. They still had to go back to let the animal out before they could go to the Club, and he checked his watch yet again. One more house to go and then he was putting his foot down. Miraculously, the last house “spoke” to Jackie.

It was a ranch style, but had four guest bedrooms of varying sizes in one wing, with the master off by itself. Three and a half baths seemed to suit her, and while the kitchen needed work, a major gut job apparently, although it looked pretty okay to his eyes, everything else was suitable. The two-car garage boasted an attached workshop, and the distance between it and the house was negligible. Alistair heard himself volunteered to build a breezeway. The big yard was fenced, so already suitable for Bozo, and he found himself checking out the lawn furniture and kiddie play stuff. Domesticated overnight. The place was vacant, but he could tell the master bedroom met his expectations and the attached bath boasted a big enough shower for three, if the tub was a bit small. He was in, and Ashley gave him a little nod.

“We’ll talk it over and let you know.” Jackie’s musical voice had the harried realtor on the ropes.

“Jacks, it’s perfect, and there’s no more inventory. You heard the man.”

Jackie raised her eyebrows at Ash, and Alistair wanted to chuckle. She would keep them both hopping forever. He took her by the arm and drew her into the master and pushed her against the wall. She looked startled, and he dropped his mouth over hers. She opened for him, and he ravaged her until she went limp in his arms.

He tore his mouth away, regretting the lack of privacy and a bed. “We’re putting an offer in, darlin’. Set the amount.”

Despite the dazed look in her eyes, Jackie’s mouth set in that mutinous pout and he stepped into her again. She hurriedly said, “Okay. But he’s their realtor, too, and that’s bad business. I’m way better at this stuff than you are, and I know what it’s worth. So if we have to pay more, then it’s on you and Ash! You’d better not be thinking with your little head.”

Alistair was instantly outraged and knew to look at himself because of the intensity of his reaction. He indeed wanted to get her back to the Club and get her horizontal again. She was just looking out for the three of them. They all had their roles in this relationship, and he’d learned yet another lesson. He stepped into the role of future, vanilla husband with less difficulty than he’d imagined.

“Okay, honey. And now we need to go out and let the realtor think I’m whipped.”

She laughed, and he so appreciated her effervescence. “Never that, Alistair. Just let me take care of it.”

He moved to let her precede him and waited patiently while Jackie harassed the man, and he agreed to present their offer and let them know within twenty-four hours.

Ashley then took his other arm, and they got their woman out to the truck and home to take care of the dog. He quashed the idea of Bozo coming to the Club and didn’t miss the little wink Jackie gave Ashley. His cock beat against his zipper, and he wondered if he’d get through the main event before he tied her to that bed he’d reserved. She changed into a little flowered sun dress thing and paired it with some strappy sandals that had his imagination going, and he reapplied the cooling gel on her buttocks, admiring the marks he’d left on her despite her pout.

“We have to get going, ’Stair.” She squirmed out of his reach and complained about getting the stuff on her dress. She didn’t complain as much when he slid his other hand between her legs and flirted with her clit, although the outrage when he backed off was clearly not feigned. She pulled on a pair of briefs with indignant, jerky movements and stormed off to where Ashley was putting on her shoes. It had been his turn to wink, and the merriment that shone in Ashley’s eyes made the moment sweeter. He’d already put the things she purchased into the truck.

They piled back into the vehicle and sped back to the Club. Ashley commented on the efficacy of car pooling, and they all laughed. Her little fuel-efficient car was far kinder to the environment, but he was damned if he was going to squash himself into it. Besides, they could all sit together in the front seat of his truck, although there was an equal amount of space in the back. Jackie trailed her nails over his thigh during the drive, payback, he was certain, for his little tease earlier. He hadn’t told her that Dave had come to visit and looked forward to that reunion. Seeing Jackie happy fulfilled him.


* * * *


“Dave!” Jackie’s exuberance again blew him away. She hugged her brother and hugged him again. Alistair wanted to bask in that kind of caring and love and attention for the rest of his life. Ashley watched the reunion with her usual reserve, but he could see how much she cherished Jackie’s familial loyalty. It suddenly struck Alistair that while his parents were gone, and he was an only child, he had just inherited a pile of relatives on both sides. It didn’t sound like Ashley’s family were folks he would necessarily connect with, but the Cutticio family was a different story. He wondered what their reaction would be to their daughter’s choice of partners. Well, Dave was onside, and if he threw his support behind them, maybe the rest of the family would accept them. It would be good for the children to have grandparents to visit and cousins to hang with.

“Alistair? Dave’s going to work here?” Jackie’s surprise had him looking. What if she didn’t think it was a good idea?

“Hell, yes, sister mine. ’Stair’s going to teach me the trade, and I guess I’ll have some off-site education, too.” Dave winked at him over Jackie’s head, and she frowned. Alistair groaned inwardly and then gave her his best Dom look. Indecision clouded her face for a second, and then she came to him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close.

“I’ve got a couple of things to attend to, honey. Go with Ash and I’ll catch up. Dave, quit teasing your sister and give me a hand. You need to get behind the bar in a couple of minutes.”

Dave smiled at his sister and gave Ashley a little hug on the way by. She looked a little startled but hugged him back.

Jackie remained silent, although she gave him a searching look. He blessed the fact that she deferred to him, and he dropped a kiss on her hair before going into the depths of the Club to ensure the good doctor had everything she needed for tonight. He was small enough to relish the idea that Jackie would see Max in this light and maybe lay the ghost of his jealousy to rest once and for all. Whipped.


* * * *


“Evening, Meredith. Everything okay?’ The tall, slender graying blonde smiled serenely at him.

“Everything’s fine, Alistair. And with you, too, I understand?”

He smiled back and it felt so normal, like a regular person’s smile, and to judge by the way Dr. Massey’s gaze sharpened, she saw it, too. “Totally fine.”

“I understand you’ve waited a very long time.”

“Max has a big mouth.” He tried not to grumble, but it leaked out anyhow.

“He’s no competition for you, Alistair,” she said gently. “He’s not lost anymore. Just as you’re not. And amazingly, I’ve found my One. Who would have guessed it at my age? I’ve been looking as long as you have. Longer.”

He felt like a piece of shit. “I thought to have Jackie witness tonight, but it was for all the wrong reasons. Sorry. I’ll have Ash take her to the member room and join her later.”

Meredith’s laughter soared. “It’s a fairly select, safe group, Alistair. She’s going to see us sooner or later, and Lacey’s apparently coming tonight. I expect Greg wants to have her aware of how incestuous this Club family has actually become! Lacey might appreciate the fact that she’s not the only one to find out about Max and I.”

He winced a little. Tonight could be a gong show. Dr. Massey was Lacey’s therapist, or had been, and might be again if she needed one. Max was partnered with Lacey’s husband Greg. Max had made up that threesome with Jackie and Ashley the night that Rowan and Jace met. They were the only couple that would be driving back up to Tulsa tonight and having to leave again afterward because of their job responsibilities. Alex and her men wouldn’t be here, even if her husbands worked with Max forever, and he couldn’t blame her. This place had nearly destroyed her relationship with Devon and Jeff, and even if he barred Stephan and Melissa, who had been the implements in that betrayal, she wouldn’t come. Monica and Robert were attending, as were Jorge and Alysha. They all worked with Max, too. So there would be maybe four or five couples present, not including his ménage and Dave. A nice, select group was correct, he decided.

“I’ll have Ashley make sure that Jackie and Lacey have front row seats, Meredith. Good thing it’s like Vegas here.” A sudden thought struck him, but now wasn’t the time or place.

“Alistair?” Meredith was an excellent therapist and an equally excellent Domme. She didn’t miss anything.

“I hired a new house Dom. Well, a house Dom in training, one of my old army buddies. He’s fucked up, but I think he’ll do really well with the proper instruction. I need someone to top him, show him the ropes from the sub’s perspective.”

“Honored, Alistair. Introduce us tonight, preferably before I claim Max.”

“Max won’t have a problem with it?” He knew how stupid the words were even as they fell out of his mouth. He knew that Jackie was going to have an issue with him working with subs. Was that called countertransference, this projecting his thoughts onto the good doctor?

“Max wants what I want because I know what’s manageable for him.” Meredith’s voice was as cold as a winter morning in Alaska, and Alistair’s alpha surged.

He gave her a brief nod. “I’m whipped, Meredith. But I’m not apologizing. It’ll take some time for me to adjust.”

She shook her head. “I don’t like being challenged, Alistair, but my friends who understand my ‘interests’ are few and far between. I’m not stupid enough to want to drive them away.
apologize.” She looked off into the distance before continuing. “And don’t think you need to adjust. You’ll be the dominant when the times are right. Hang on to this happiness tightly, my friend. As I intend to hang on to mine.”

He watched her elegant form cross the room and head out into the hallway, presumably to where Max awaited her. He marveled again at how so much had changed in such a short space of time. Dave was in for some special training, and Jackie and Lacey were in for a surprise. He ran an experienced eye over the equipment one last time and went to find his women.


* * * *


Ashley watched Jackie pace. Finally, she came to sit beside her on the couch, and Ashley put her arm around her and kissed her cheek. “Want to talk about it?”

Jackie looked toward Dave, who was wiping the bar industriously. She then seemed to look around to be sure the other members weren’t within hearing range. “Just trying to get my head around my brother working at my Dom’s Club,” she said. “And being trained to be a Dom. It kind of makes me queasy. But Dave’s been drifting and his head’s messed up, so maybe this is a good thing. But he and ’Stair are friends, good friends, and I won’t be able to get away with anything!”

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