Read Surrendering To Her Sergeant Online

Authors: Angel Payne

Tags: #romance, #military, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #alpha male

Surrendering To Her Sergeant (37 page)

BOOK: Surrendering To Her Sergeant
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She didn’t let out the cry for him
now. She gave him a full moan.

Ethan responded with a harsh
growl—before ramming her mouth wide and plunging his tongue

She gave him access to
everything. And he began to take. As he incinerated her with his
mouth, he unlocked her hands so he could tear his hands beneath her
skirt in a feverish search for her panties. Ava took advantage of
the chance to touch him in return, scraping the massive plateaus of
his naked shoulders, gripping his biceps at the moment he coiled
them to tear off her underthings. Her mouth fell free from his as
she gasped in shock and panted in lust. That didn’t stop her from
watching the mesmerizing tension of his face while he seized her
bra clasp and twisted it apart in one ferocious move. Inside a
second, her breasts sizzled with the same hot exhilaration as the
rest of her body.
, nobody had made her feel like this
before her clothes even left her body.

She drew in breath, shivering in
anticipation of the kiss that was sure to follow, but found herself
trembling, instead. He’d pushed her back by a step and now raked
her from head to toe with eyes that held fathoms of cobalt hunger.
He’d dropped his arms but flexed his fingers. His mouth parted to
reveal the feral lock of his brilliant teeth.

“Take it off,” he ordered in a rough,
low voice. “Every last stitch.”

Another shiver washed over her.
Instinctively she wet her lips, causing him to pull in a harsh
hiss. It made her feel gorgeous and powerful even while she
acquiesced to his order, pushing away her dress and her bra until
they tumbled to her feet.

“The shoes, too,” he instructed. After
she stepped from her pumps, he released another rasp. Softer this
time, but longer. So much longer. “Dear Christ,” he murmured. “I
really am bound for Hell.”

The exigency in his voice made her
brave again. She gave him a tentative smile. “Why?”

He stopped flexing his hands. With his
long fingers extended out instead, he advanced on her by a step.
“Because of everything I just imagined doing to your beautiful
body.” With one of those hands, he pulled at her hair, guiding her
head up. “And your incredible mind.”

Right. Some “incredible” mind. Only
one word pulsed through the neurons beneath her skull, screaming at
her for release. She set it free once more, turning it into a
desperate plea this time.


Ethan’s face tightened. His
wolf-bright eyes searched her face. “Yes what?”

“Do them,” she returned. “All of those
wicked things.” She swallowed hard. “If you’re going to Hell, then
take me with you.”

His grip curled harder
against her scalp. He leaned in closer, now pressing the prominent
ridge in his leathers into the space between her lower ribs. “You
need to know everything you’re asking for, sunshine.” He firmed his
jaw and locked his gaze with hers. “I haven’t fucked Bella this
week.” He acknowledged her surprise with a sweep of his free hand,
grabbing hers and pushing it against the erection that throbbed
heavier with each minute. “But if you beg me to dominate you again,
if the word
leaves your lips one more time,” —he turned her to make her
look at the bondage bed, with its hooks and chains and shadows—
“then I
inside you tonight…probably in several different ways.’

His promise filled her with as much
fear as it did arousal. Looking at the bed, practically seeing the
scene his mind painted for her in it, was daunting, terrifying…and
wholly irresistible.

He’d control her. And she’d let

He’d penetrate her. And she’d permit

He’d hurt her. And she’d adore

Her mind spun. Her body trembled. She
took one last breath of sanity then let it out, giving into the
madness with a grateful whisper.


For a long moment, Ethan didn’t move.
He kept one hand braced on her hip, the other wound in her hair.
His body remained a powerful but motionless tower behind

Ava gulped, unsteady and
unsure. Was she supposed to do something else now? Drop to her
knees? Call him
? Say some weird submissive oath of fealty?


His admonishment came so softly, she
almost thought it was a rush of wind against the building. She
frowned and tried to pivot her head around. “Wh-what?”

He seized her harder, keeping her
locked in place. “Sssshhh.” It was a harsh slice off his lips now,
released into her ear before he ran his teeth along the length of
her lobe. “Quiet it all down, baby. Your thoughts are so loud you
can’t hear your feelings.” His hands finally relaxed, the top one
kneading her head, the bottom caressing her stomach, her breasts,
her hips. Again into her ear, he coaxed, “There’s no right. There’s
no wrong. There’s only you, surrendering to me. Everything. All of

He curled his fingers, scoring her
skin with his nails, dissolving her insecurities into dust. “Yes,
Sir,” she finally said on a sigh.

He clawed her harder and
charged, “No. I don’t expect your
s tonight, either. I expect your
obedience, without hesitation or argument. Call a red light if we
hit one, but other than that, you will simply

While her mind was a tornado in her
attempt to comprehend that, she managed a little nod. “Yes,

He bit into the flesh just below her
ear. “That protocol begins now, sunshine.”

It was the hardest damn
thing in the world to simply still herself, to let him take over.
, he did
just that.

Though maintaining his position behind
her, he widened his stance and pulled her tighter back, pressing
her into the frame of his leather-clad legs. The ensuing minutes
were torture and paradise combined. There wasn’t any inch of her
arms, her breasts, her stomach and her thighs that he didn’t
explore with worshipful slides, glides, and strokes, setting her
skin ablaze with steady purpose.

That was the utopia part. The
damnation came every time he got anywhere near the juncture of her
thighs—and passed over it with nothing but feathery touches to her
pubic curls. By the time he did that for the tenth time, she nearly
bucked against him in frustration, chewing her bottom lip to stay
dutifully silent.

Ethan’s beard stubble grazed her nape
as he settled his lips against her ear again. “Go to the bed now,”
he directed. “Get in the middle, facing the headboard, and kneel
for me there.”

At this point, she would’ve done it
even if the bed was lined with hot coals.

After eagerly climbing onto the firm
red leather, she took the pose he’d ordered. Through enough of her
dabblings into the nature of submission, she remembered that subs
often honored their Doms by turning their hands upward, resting
atop their thighs, signifying their willing acquiescence to the
dynamic. Doing it now made her feel strange and yet
peaceful…exactly where she was supposed to be, with the man she
most wanted to be here with.

More of her doubts slipped
away. She focused completely on listening to Ethan, who now shifted
in the room behind her. He opened the cabinet against the wall and
gave a number of approving hums. She heard items clinking together,
leather through the air. She visibly shivered and he audibly
chuckled. Gorgeous, sadistic bastard. Did he think he could mess
with her mind by making her listen to him play with the toys behind
her back?

It was working.

Her heart thudded harder. Her womb
clenched tighter. Her pussy dripped wetter. If she could draw any
reassurance from the horny mess, she realized that at least he
couldn’t see any of those things—or take advantage of

Or so she thought.

He moved up behind her again. Climbed
right up on the bed, grazing the back of her head with the ridges
of his abdomen, nudging her neck with the tight mound at the front
of his leathers. She barely resisted the temptation to turn her
head, press her lips against that prominent swell, and beg him to
unzip so she could taste his flesh once more.

In hindsight, maybe that was exactly
what she should have done.

Ethan reached around and took hold of
both her forearms, totally ruining her pose. He pulled until she
was in an upright kneel instead of the butt-on-ankles position in
which she’d just been. More significantly, he didn’t stop lifting
on her arms until she looked overhead, suddenly realizing his
purpose. A two-in-one leather cuff dangled from a chain suspended
between the bed’s support beams. He didn’t hesitate about cinching
her into it, the middle strap serving to tighten the clasps for
both her wrists.

Her mind immediately went for some
snarky Spanish slang, countering her massive uneasiness at being so
suddenly exposed for him. With a deep inhalation, she quelled the
outburst. Though she was still unnerved, she also found herself
immersed in a strange peace. She made her living being worried
about how things looked all the time, about how elements got
placed, lighted, presented. She couldn’t remember the last time
none of that was a concern. It freed her senses to actually
experience details, instead of analyzing them. The cool air against
her nude skin, tickling the insides of her thighs as she widened
her knees for better balance. The smell in the air, redolent with
steel and smoke and sex. The rough soughs of Ethan’s leathers as he
moved again, swirling his hands across all the planes of her body
as he examined her from every angle with those dark, wild

“Goddamn,” he murmured, tracing the
edges of her ribcage with the tips of his fingers. “You’re so
beautiful like this. So perfect.” He bent and kissed the hollow
between her breasts. “So mine.”

She hoped he heard the
heartbeat that crashed beneath his lips…the
Yes, Sir
she yearned to exclaim until
it filled every corner of this room. She willed the force of it
into her gaze as he looked back to her face, his own features
gripped with such intensity, he made her pussy wetter just by
looking at him.

Of course, the man discerned that fact
nearly before she did. With a rogue’s quirk to his lips and a
demon’s glint in his eyes, he glided a hand to the tissues that
were so available for his touch now. A slow hum prowled up his
throat as he explored her moist folds, then finally slipped a
finger into the depths of her vagina.

“Ahhhh,” she keened softly. It didn’t
count as a word, did it? Dear God, how she wanted to say more. Beg
him for more. Plead for more of the tantalizing strokes he gave to
her intimate walls, drawing out more of her moisture and heat. She
kept it all back by clenching her teeth, a visible battle that
earned her his wicked half-grin.

“Somebody likes bondage,” he murmured.
“A lot.”

She narrowed her eyes, showing him the
taunting touches were fast moving past arousal and into sensual

“Your body feels like it wants to
come, sunshine.” After she managed a jerking nod, he went on, “But
I want to see it throb for its reward.” Though he kept teasing her
tunnel with his finger, he rotated so his body bracketed hers from
the side and he could start exploring her spine, ass and thighs
with his other hand. “I want to turn it pink, then red. I want to
mark you with stings and screams…to hold your thoughts and your
will in my grasp until I give them back, letting your body take

Vaguely, Ava felt her head rolling
forward. It was almost like she nodded but felt more like falling
under a beautiful, sexual spell. But a wince fell from her when he
pulled his finger free, robbing her of the steady pressure that her
deepest caverns craved. He trailed her own nectar up the midline of
her body, until letting her breathe in her own arousal as he tucked
that finger beneath her chin and lifted her face toward his

“I need to know you want it too, Ava.”
His stare fell to her lips like a starving man beholding a feast
but he sustained his distance. “I need to know you’re ready for
this part of my dominance. I’m not going to put fancy words on it,
either. I’ve wanted you like this since the first time I kissed
you. That means I’ve been thinking about it for damn near eight
months now. I can’t guarantee how gentle I’ll be, or

Unable to use words, she shut him up
with a kiss. Just lunged her face up, sealed their lips with hard,
needing urgency, and prayed it would be enough to prove he wasn’t
the only one who’d been dreaming about this for all those

From the way he bared his teeth in a
look that was half grin and half snarl, it looked like he finally
got the point.

The moment after that, he slipped off
the bed and into the shadows.

The immediate effect of that was a
shocking hit of weirdness. For a moment, pure fear washed over her.
She was suspended, nude, and alone. No…not alone. As if they were
bound to each other with invisible filaments of energy, she felt
Ethan’s presence flow back to her, into her, his silent
acknowledgment of the trust she’d placed in him. He verbally
communicated as such too, letting her hear his approving growl when
he came to stand directly behind her.

BOOK: Surrendering To Her Sergeant
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