Read Surrender Online

Authors: Melody Anne

Surrender (26 page)

“A girl after my own heart.
How are you feeling today, Ari?” Rosabella asked as she set the chocolates on Ari’s table.

“I’m feeling a lot stronger right now. The doctor said my iron levels are too low, and my blood pressure needs to go up, but I think he’s just trying to torture me. A good dose of chocolate is the cure,” she answered as she opened the box and pulled out a creamy piece, popping it right into her mouth and sighing as the sweet confection melted on her tongue.

“I’m so rude. I apologize. I see chocolate and the rest of the world goes hazy. Mom, this is Rosabella, Rachel and Lia, Rafe’s family. Everyone, this is my mother, Sandra,” Ari said sheepishly as she finished chewing and swallowed her chocolate.

“It’s very nice to meet you all. I appreciate you being so kind to my daughter.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well. You have a beautiful little girl,” Rosabella replied as she shook Sandra’s hand.

After they all said hello and spoke for a moment, Sandra turned to Ari with a grin before leaning toward her table.

“You could be polite and offer to share,” Sandra said as she swatted Ari’s hand away and grabbed her own piece of candy, having an almost identical expression as her daughter when she bit down on the exquisite delicacy.

“We brought a really big box so you’d share with us all,” Rachel said as she sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed a piece.

“Rachel, that’s not for you,” Rosabella scolded her daughter.

“If I eat all of this, they’ll have to find me a bigger bed. Thank you for such a thoughtful gift. Please, share it with me and let’s all enjoy it together.”

“Well, you talked me into it,” Lia said as she sat on the foot of the bed and leaned forward to grab a piece. “Your color looks a lot better today. I bet you can go home soon.”

“I sure hope so. I feel lazy lying around all the time. I think your brother is bribing the staff to keep me here against my will as punishment for not obeying him,” Ari said offhandedly, not thinking about her words.

“Not obeying him? What did he want you to do?” Rachel asked with a smile.

“Ooh, I bet it was something kinky,” Lia joined in with a laugh.

“Girls, you’re terrible,” Rosabella scolded.

Ari’s face flamed crimson as she gazed from her mother to Rafe’s mom, and then his sisters. There was no way she was spilling the beans to them about their relative’s kinky after-hours activities. She’d rather be burned alive at the stake.

“This hospital doesn’t get very many channels, so someone please tell me that you watch
, and fill me in on what Sam and Dean have been up to. I would so totally turn into an evil vampire just so I could get in a tangle with the two of them.”

Ari’s tactic worked. Her words shocked everyone enough that they forgot all about what she’d said about Rafe.

“Well, Dean got into another pinch…”

Ari sat back as Lia caught her up on the adventures of the Winchester boys. The show was her one weakness. She had a thing for the sexy brothers. Who could blame her?

Chapter Twenty-Seven

“That’s four Kings. Read ‘em and weep!” Ari shouted as she did a
victory wiggle on the bed and waived her arms.

Rafe’s body instantly hardened as her breasts swayed and her face flushed. It had been a month since he’d felt her tight body grasping him while he was buried deep inside her. He was on edge and it seemed that even a small draft of air was making him turn solid these days.

“Oh, quit being a sore loser. You’re not concentrating at all today because I’m up about ten dollars,” Ari said with glee.

The comment pulled him from his sexual frustration. When he’d demanded that there had to be a prize when playing cards, she’d insisted on playing for nickels. The really funny part was that she actually got excited when she won a large jackpot of two dollars.
What was even more comical was Rafe found himself excited to win, too. Somehow being in Ari's presence brought out the kid in him.

Ari was messing with his head and what frightened him most was the amount of joy he was finding in something as simple as playing games for a few hours. Never had he taken an afternoon off of work to play poker. He had to get her out of the hospital and into his bed.

“Are you going to silently brood all day about your loss or are you going to deal again?”

“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that patience is a virtue?”

“Once or twice. Now, deal. I’m on a winning streak,” she commanded as she rubbed her hands together.

Rafe found himself laughing as he shuffled the cards, not a fake humor-a-person laugh, but a real deep-from-the-gut one. She had a way of knocking him off his feet.

When he looked up, she was staring at him in wonder, her eyes dilated as they moved down to gaze at his lips. Just when his body had started to behave, she had to look at him like that. His erection came back full-force and more painful than ever.

“If you’re going to look at me with that come-hither expression, I’m going to forget that you’re injured and take you right now,” he warned as he began moving the table aside.

Her mouth opened in a shocked gasp, but she didn’t refuse him. Rafe stood up to shut and lock the door. He’d be gentle, he assured himself as he reached for the button on his pants.

“Knock, knock.
Time to take your vitals.”

Rafe nearly growled when the nurse walked in. He about told the woman to get the hell out, but caught himself at the last minute. Without turning back to look at Ari, he fled the room. His body was on fire and it looked like he wasn’t going to find relief anytime soon. He knew the moment was over and she’d be back on guard when he got back.

A stiff drink, or ten, was about all that would help him until he got her in private. He left the hospital, deciding it best not to come back for the rest of the night.


“You’re doing much better today. The doctor said if your vitals remain stable, you can return home.”

Ari glared at Rafe as he invited himself into her room. She’d been in the hospital for two weeks, and each day Rafe had been there. He’d been kind, considerate, played games with her, brought her amazing food, and treated her like royalty.

His hands were constantly touching her, rubbing her feet, brushing her arm, pushing back the strands of her hair. She was a mess, and this news was the greatest thing she’d ever heard. She had to get away from him before she did something stupid like sign the damn contract on one of his nightly partings.

“Good. I’m ready to go home. I can’t believe I still have a job after missing work for weeks, but I’m counting my blessings. I just want my life to return to normal.”

“Of course you still have your job, Ari. Would your boss really fire the woman splashed all over the papers for assisting in taking down a killer?”

Rafe sat on the edge of her bed and she automatically scooted over, not wanting to be in contact with him. Each time their bodies brushed, heat surged through her, making her decision to resist him so much harder as more time passed.

“I didn’t assist you in taking down the shooter. I got shot and passed out. The media just likes to put a good spin on things so they can sell more papers. Do you realize how many magazines have called wanting the latest scoop? When I tell them what really happened, they quickly grow bored and move on to the next story.”

“Ah, that’s just because they don’t know you like I do. If they were to take the time to delve into your head, they’d be down here panting to hear your story,” he said as he picked up her hand and brought it to his lips.

“Why do you keep pursuing me? I’m not a match for you. I will never be obedient. I will never do the things you ask of me. Why are you so human one minute, and then a complete jerk the next? Do you realize that if you turn off the jerk buttons in your brain, you would actually make an excellent boyfriend,” she said, trying to understand him.

Instantly, shutters came down over his eyes and he took on the cold expression he was so famous for. It was amazing to her how hot and cold the man could run. One moment he was a white knight, rushing in to rescue the frightened maiden, and then the next, he was every superhero’s worst villain.

After getting to know his parents a little more, she really couldn’t understand him. He’d been raised in a loving home. So what if his wife had betrayed him, cheated and wounded his pride. Normal people got over it.

“I’m your ride home. I’ll be back in two hours,” he said in a clipped tone before standing up and leaving.

Ari rolled her eyes and silently wished him good riddance. She knew there was no way she was going to stop him from taking her home, so she’d just have to grit her teeth and endure a couple more hours in his presence.

Once she was out of the hospital, her life would return to normal and she could go back to being just plain old boring Ari. She liked her uninteresting self. With her new friends, she allowed her adventurous side to appear a little more often, but her everyday life was boring – and she was happy with that.

Sure, she didn’t have love and excitement, but the offset to that was she didn’t have pain and heartbreak, either. She knew being with Rafe would be one huge rollercoaster of emotion, and most of the time she’d be coming down, not going up. She didn’t need that sort of distraction in her life.


Rafe spoke to the doctor before heading back to Ari’s room. She was good to go. He was ready for the hospital visits to end. He wanted to move on to the next chapter of their adventure together. The time for sharing was over. He had desires that needed to be filled, and playing a game of cards with her wasn’t doing it.

With strict control firmly in place, he made plans for what would come next. Today had been a good day. He’d acquired what he needed to seal the deal with Ari. All it would take was the perfect moment for him to lay his cards on the table. Every good gambler knew finesse was half the game. You never showed your hand until that perfect moment.

“I see you got the clothes. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine, Mr. Palazzo. Thank you for the clothes,” she grumbled, not thrilled with having to use one more item he got her.

“Ari, I’ve tired of you not calling me Rafe. I’ve heard you say my name, so I know you’re capable of doing it. Every time from here on out that you call me Mr. Palazzo, I’ll remind you of why it’s me in charge. Do you understand? When you answer me, say my name.”

He was smiling, but he could see by her expression that she knew he wasn’t bluffing. He hoped she defied him. He was ready to teach her a few lessons – his body was in a constant state of arousal. He’d thought about satisfying his needs with another woman, but since meeting Ari, no other had turned him on. It was a problem he knew he’d be able to solve once he broke her.

“Your time is running out,” he warned as the muscles in his jaw twitched and he began counting down in his head.

“Yes. I understand… Rafe,” she said through clenched teeth. The sound of his name on her lips caused his pulse to skip. The plans he had for her kept running through his mind. She was a spitfire, a true gem that he would worship… for a short amount of time.

“I have to admit that I’m a bit disappointed, Ari, but I’m not too worried. You can’t help but defy me. I look forward to the next time,” he said with a satisfied smile.

She glared at him with murder in her eyes. He had no doubt that she desired him, but she also despised him. That was good. She needed to remember who he was and what he wanted. He would be good to her, take care of her needs, but no one held him for long. No one owned his heart and no woman could be trusted except for his own mother and sisters.

Women had an agenda. Some admitted it, others didn’t, but they all wanted something from a man – whether it was riches, fame, security. The list went on and on. Men were simple creatures. They wanted their needs met, their women to satisfy them. If most guys were honest, they’d admit that they didn’t believe in love.

He wasn’t a bad guy; he was actually being kind to them by letting them know up front how he felt and what he expected. The small voice in his head called him a fool, but he quickly pushed his conscious down, and
escorted Ari from the room. He had a couple stops on the way to her apartment. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be in the dive for long.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Where are we?” Ari asked as Rafe parked the car in an underground parking garage. He’d had to use a card to enter and there were cameras everywhere. Rafe was a lot of things, but she didn’t figure him for a kidnapper.

Maybe he’d grown tired of waiting on her to sign his papers and he’d decided to lock her away until she finally consented. Her stomach knotted as he climbed from the car and walked around to open her door.

She warily stepped from the vehicle and waited for an explanation. He simply smiled at her as if he had everything under control, then held out his arm. She was too worn out to fight him, especially when she knew she’d lose anyway, so she did as he expected, then allowed him to lead her to a set of elevators. He did all of this without answering her question.

Rafe swiped a card against a black box and the elevator doors instantly opened. Ari eyed him
with question as she stepped inside the sleek elevator and he pushed a button. They began climbing floor after floor in an almost never ending smooth ascent. She was relieved when the small chime announced their arrival. Glancing at the number highlighted on the elevator buttons, she realized that they were on the sixteenth floor.

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