Read Summer (Four Seasons #2) Online

Authors: Frankie Rose

Summer (Four Seasons #2) (11 page)

It drives me crazy when he says the word
, too. There’s just something so sexy and raw in the way he says it, the way his teeth press into his bottom lip on the F. The way his mouth remains open upon completion of the K. He makes it sound carnal and deviant. Like he’s already imagining that he’s inside me and he can feel me tightening around his cock.

“Say it again,” I tell him, focusing on that beautiful mouth of his as I wrestle out of my pants.

He gathers my hair from my face and wraps it around his hand twice, closing his fist around the knot of curls, and then he slowly pulls my head back. “
,” he whispers. “I need to
you, Avery. I need you on my cock.”

I can sort of understand how guys can get off listening to some woman talk dirty to them on the phone now. My body responds to the way he speaks to me so violently sometimes. And he knows it, too. He knows how he can make me fall apart with a simple sentence—albeit one that would make a sailor blush—and he loves to use that against me. It’s a weakness. Superman’s weakness was kryptonite. Mine is when Lucas Reid leans over me, his body tangled up with mine, and he whispers that he wants to finger my ass, into my ear. It was embarrassing at first. Mainly because I wanted it so badly and not because I was mortified over what he would tell me he wanted to do to me, or what he wanted me to do to him.

I kick out of my jeans and then take a moment to slide a little more seductively out of my underwear. Luke doesn’t let go of my hair as I bend at the knee, my ass sticking out as my hands reach the floor. I keep my eyes trained on him the whole time. He loves me to look at him like this. He especially loves it when I’m on my knees and his hard cock is in my mouth. I can see the urgency in his eyes when he’s close to coming; it sends the most catastrophic waves of pleasure through me.

“You’re a bad girl,” he tells me. “You’re asking for trouble, aren’t you?”

I nod, biting my lip—something I always thought was ridiculous whenever I saw other girls out on the street or in bars with their guys doing the same thing. Luke seems to like it, though. And pleasing him is my favorite pastime. The feminist in me doesn’t particularly feel good about thinking things like that, but hell…when it comes down to it, I feel amazing when he feels amazing. It seems like a fair trade.

“Stay there,” he tells me. I freeze where I am, bent over, my ass sticking out, and Luke steps around me, still holding onto my hair, until he’s standing behind me. He traces his fingertips over me, making my skin prickle absolutely everywhere. His fingers travel down from between my shoulder blades again, down my spine, down until he reaches my buttocks. From there he cups my right ass cheek, squeezing hard, digging his fingers into my flesh. “God, your ass is amazing, girl. I just wanna bite it.” He slaps my butt, just hard enough to send a little spark of pain racing around my nerve endings. I probably have his handprint on my ass now, but it won’t be there for long. He never spanks me hard enough to cause long-lasting damage.

He makes a pleased
ing sound, and then he’s letting go of my hair and dropping to his knees behind me. A sharp snap of pain fires through me, and I squeal with surprise, which has him laughing out loud. “Sorry. As soon as I said it, I had the image of me biting you in my head. I had to do it.”

“Maybe when I’m going down on you I’ll return the favor,” I say, grinning.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Luke growls playfully. He grabs me by the hips and jerks me back so that I sit heavily on his lap, my back to his chest. He makes short work of my bra strap, unfastening it and sliding the straps over my shoulders, then reaching through my arms to cup my breasts again. He groans, biting my shoulder lightly from behind, and I can feel his cock digging into my buttocks, hard as steel. “God, Avery. You’re so damn sexy. I’m gonna make you scream so loud. Do you want me to fuck you hard?” Slowly, he runs his hand down my front, over my stomach, until his fingers are between my legs. He knows exactly where my clit is, knows exactly where to touch me to steal my breath.

“Yes. God, yes, I want you to.

“I’m going to make you come like this first, beautiful girl,” he whispers roughly into my ear. “Wait.” He hooks one arm around my waist, and then he shunts us around in two quick movements, so that we’re facing the full-length mirror on the back of the bedroom door. I see myself sitting on his thighs, him resting on his heels, and my legs are spread open, on either side of his, exposing my pussy. My back is arched against him, my head tipped back, a look of sheer ecstasy on my face. I barely recognize myself. Over my shoulder, Luke watches me with an intensely fascinated burn in his eyes.

As he rubs slow circles over my clit, he stares at me in the mirror, his other hand squeezing and palming my breast, pinching and rolling my nipple, making me suck in a sharp breath. “See how beautiful you are,” he whispers into my ear, voice thick with lust. “See how fucking amazing you are. Look at yourself, baby. You’re incredible.”

I do as he tells me and I see how turned on I am in the reflection. I would have shrunk away from that image a while back. It would have made me feel ashamed, especially to witness myself grinding my pussy into his hand the way I am right now, loving how his fingers feel as they work me, making me wetter and wetter.

“Fuck, Luke…”

“You want them inside you?” he asks.

I nod. “Yes. God, yes.

Luke watches me out of the corner of his eye, mouth open, looking seriously turned on as he slowly, slowly, slowly pushes his index and his middle finger inside me. There’s something incredibly sexy about us both watching him do this to me in the mirror. I’m normally not in a position to see what’s going on when he’s doing this, but it’s not just that. It’s the look on his face. He’s driving me out of my mind.

Luke grinds his teeth together, baring them a little as he pumps his fingers in and out of me a little faster. “Jesus, girl,” he growls. “My dick feels like it’s about to explode or something. I’m so fucking hard.”

Just hearing that makes my pussy tighten, and Luke feels it happen. He swears under his breath, grabbing hold of me by one hip with his free hand and pressing up with
hips so I can feel exactly just how hard he is. I press back against him, panting, losing myself in how amazing it feels every time he draws his fingers out of me and then slides them back in, inclining them upward a little so that they’re hitting my g-spot. I’ll come soon if he continues like this, and he knows it.

“Are you ready for me, baby? Are you ready, or do you want me to make you a little wetter?”

I’m already so slick from what he’s being doing to me, but I’m enjoying this so much, it’s hard to turn down the offer. I nod, feeling boneless and limp as Luke takes hold of me in his arms, stands and then leans me against the bottom of the bed, so that my back is propped against the mattress. He spreads my legs, and climbs between them, his hand working slowly, casually up and down his erect cock, as he looks at me, devouring me with his eyes. “Watch me,” he says. “Watch me make you come, baby. Watch me lick your come off your pussy.”

He releases his hold on his erection and lays flat on the floor on his stomach, half propping himself up on his elbows as he begins to lick me. Sitting up like this at an angle, I can see everything he’s doing to me, the way he laves his tongue up and over my clitoris, slowly at first and then faster, more determined. I love watching his mouth work over me. It’s so sexy, and I get so turned on by how much he seems to enjoy doing it. He’s amazing.

My body already feels like it’s splintering into a thousand pieces when he slips his fingers into me again. The two sensations combined—the internal fullness, coupled with the direct stimulation of my clit—tips me over the edge very quickly. I dig my fingers into the powerful muscles of Luke’s back with one hand and bury my other hand into his hair, holding him to me, not letting him go and he sends a roaring riptide of heat crashing through me. I want to close my eyes. It’s so hard to keep them open, in fact, but I want to watch him like he told me to. He groans deeply as I come, slowing down with his tongue but making the motion more drawn out and intense. It takes my orgasm deeper, sends the sensation down to the bone. I stop breathing as bombs start going off inside my head.

I scream, and I can’t hold it back or stop myself, and I don’t fucking care. I scream at the top of my lungs, and Luke makes the hottest snarling noise at the back of his throat as I fall apart. “God damn it, Avery. You taste so fucking good. I could do that to you all day.”

I doubt I could actually take him doing that to me all day. I would pass out, for sure. I tell him so, and he laughs. “I hope you’re not too sensitive right now, beautiful girl, because I’m about to make you come again. Do you think you can take it?”

My body is still pulsing, pins and needles from the tips of my toes to the roots of my hair, but I nod my head, yes. I’ll never be able to say no to sex with him. Ever. He could rub and suck and lick me raw and I would still want him inside me all day long. Picking me up off the floor, Luke tosses me onto the bed, making me squeal.

“On your front, beautiful,” he commands.

I spin over, my heart still slamming in my chest, every square inch of my body burning with lust. Luke grabs me by the hips and pulls my ass up toward him, making a very appreciative sound as he rubs his hand over my buttocks in slow circles. “I’ve been thinking about this view all day,” he says. “Your ass is a fucking religious experience, Ms Patterson. Now. Please excuse me while I worship at the altar.”

I didn’t think it was possible to lose myself any further to him today, but it turns out I was wrong. Luke spends the next ten minutes caressing and licking and stroking my body in ways I’ve never even thought about before. If someone had told me I’d be enjoying this kind of attention a year ago, I would have called them a liar, and yet here I am, begging and pleading for more. I can sense Luke getting more and more turned on as he ministers to me. It’s fairly obvious from the sheer amount of curse words that pour from his mouth in a constant stream. He’s not normally like this, doesn’t swear a great deal in day to day life, but right now it’s as though he’s suddenly misplaced ninety percent of his vocabulary.

When Luke eventually can’t take it anymore and he slams himself inside me, my vision actually feels like it’s blurring. He thrusts into me hard, his body on top of mine, and the weight of him feels suffocating and delicious at the same time. He spins me over moments later and wraps his arms around me so that our bodies are fused together in the best possible way, his face in my neck, my legs tight around his waist. My mouth on his temple. His hands on my breasts, my hips, my ass, my stomach, my face. Everywhere.

“I love you so fucking much, Avery,” he tells me, his face buried in my hair.

“I love you, too. God, so much.” I hold on, clinging to him as fiercely as he pushes himself inside me over and over again, gripped by a sudden and desperate need to be as close to him as I can possibly get. From the way he holds me just as tightly, it seems as though he’s gripped by the same feeling.

We come together, and it’s the most perfect moment. Luke roars, his whole body shaking, and it feels like he’s expelling some sort of war cry as he falls like a dead weight on top of me. My ears are ringing like crazy, muffling out the sounds of our labored, too-fast breathing and the charging of my heartbeat.

I could lie like this forever, spent and feeling fluffier than a cumulus cloud, but it seems like Luke as other ideas. He jumps up, grabbing a sheet from the bed and tugging it around his body. He gives me a broad, reckless smile that makes my toes curl, but the grin doesn’t seem to travel all the way to his eyes.

“Hey. You okay?” I ask.

“Of course. I just got a little lost there. Should have been more conscious of the time. I don’t wanna be late for work.”

I check the alarm clock beside the bed, and it reads three forty-five pm. He has an hour and fifteen minutes to get to the station for his night shift. Plenty of time, but who knows?
Maybe he has extra paperwork he needs to prep before he clocks on. I burrow down into the bed, blowing him a kiss.

“Okay, baby. I hope you have a good shift.”

Luke stoops down quickly and places a kiss on my forehead. “Will do.

I let him shower alone. Sometimes it’s better for him to have a few moments to himself before he goes to work, just to get his head in the zone. I stay exactly where I am, drifting in and out of a pleasant, sex-sore sleep that feels wonderful and earned.

It feels like a few minutes has passed when I’m startled awake by the sounds of a loud crash coming from the bathroom. Another, louder crash comes a second later, and I’m up and out of the bed, running down the hallway. I try and open the bathroom door, but I can’t, it’s locked.

“Luke? Luke! Are you okay?”

He swears behind the door. “Yeah, I—shit, it’s nothing.”

“Open the door, baby.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll be out in a second.”

“Luke, open the door. I’m worried.”

I can hear him sighing heavily, and then the door swings open and there’s shattered glass everywhere. All over the floor, in the sink basin, in the toilet bowl.
much glass. “Shit! What happened?”

Luke surveys the destruction around him, a towel wrapped around his waist, water beading off his shoulders, and he looks utterly perplexed. “I don’t know. I was reaching for my toothbrush and the next thing I know the damn mirror was falling off the wall.”

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