Read Stone Rose Online

Authors: Megan Derr

Tags: #m/m romance, fantasy

Stone Rose (7 page)

He used his free hand to obediently reach up and lightly touch the snake, wary at first and then with growing confidence when it only remained still on Culebra's shoulder. The smile Culebra gave him made Midori want to find a million more snakes. He slowly withdrew his hand, unable to resist accidentally brushing Culebra's cheek as he did so.

"I was told you kept an entire room full of snakes," Midori said. "I admit I could never tell if my friends were amusing themselves at the expense of the new man or of it was true."

Culebra laughed softly, but to Midori it sounded a bit forced. "The tale is quite true. If you ever want to visit, my lord, I am happy to show it to you. But I am told it is quite disconcerting to look upon."

Midori covered both of Culebra's hands with his own. "I think, highness, that if I was afraid to look at a room full of snakes after all that I have seen you face and endure, I would be very much a coward. I would be honored to see your snakes."

The smile Culebra gave him then was breathtaking, and for the first time in two years Midori felt something other than miserable. He felt ... anticipation, excitement. "Then I will hold you to it, my lord," Culebra said softly and squeezed his hand before finally turning to draw the others into conversation.

Two hours later, after arriving at the palace and going through a great many more pleasantries, Midori was at last shown to the suite of rooms that had been assigned to him. He stood at the enormous set of windows in his sitting room, sipping a glass of sweetened and spiced wine that was drastically different from the much dryer wines of his homeland.

By the time he had finished one glass and started a second, the servants had finished arranging his bath and unpacking his belongings. Left at last alone, Midori went into his bedchamber and stripped, setting the clothes into a pile for someone to take away and clean. His jewelry he set neatly on the bureau before going over to settle in the deep, wide copper tub that had been set before a blazing fire.

For several minutes, he just lolled there enjoying the luxury of a bath. Someone had scented the water with lemon oil, a curious choice but pleasant. Sighing in satisfaction, thrilled beyond measure to have a chance to be properly clean, Midori sat up and began to wash, scrubbing more citrus-scented soap into his thick, dark-green hair and scouring his skin with a rough cloth. When he finally stood up and rinsed off, then finished up by shaving, he felt like himself again.

Climbing out, he went to his dressing room, pleased to see that the servants had already prepared his evening clothes. They were crisp, pressed, and faintly scented of that lemon again with a hint of ginger.

He was not looking forward to a long, tedious formal dinner, but he was there to do a job. On the bright side, he would get to see Culebra again and perhaps  ... well, best not to get ahead of himself. He was fairly certain Culebra was returning his interest, but they'd had little opportunity to test the waters during carriage ride.

Thinking idly of when he would have a chance to test the waters, Midori pulled on a pale gray under robe and tied it close with plain strips of silk. Settling the folds of it, he pulled on a heavier silk robe dyed so dark a green it almost looked black. His sash was the exact opposite, a green so pale it was just shy of white threaded through with delicate swirls of gold, silver, and bronze.

The robes of his companions would be far more elaborate, to the point they would require servants to help them dress. Midori could not surrender being self-sufficient, and he knew he couldn't carry off such elaborate dress anyway.

Opening the heavy jewelry case on a nearby shelf, he pulled out black pearls for his ears and a matching ring. From another case, he selected a long string of black pearls to wrap around his sash as a final touch. Much of his suddenly-acquired jewelry had been gifts—weak apologies from people who knew it was wrong to discharge him, but why it had been done anyway.

Making a face, Midori pulled on ankle-length boots of gleaming black leather and finally left his dressing chamber. He finished his second glass of wine before finally leaving his rooms altogether. Thankfully, he remembered the way back to the main halls of the palace, and from there it was easy to follow the noise and the crowds to the great ballroom.

He slipped inside and went through all the usual greetings and platitudes, happy when at last the receiving line seemed to disperse and he was left alone with Culebra. "Hello again, highness," he said and took Culebra's hand. "I cannot imagine such crowds as this are very comfortable for you. Dragons know they are not very comfortable for me."

"They are not my favorite," Culebra conceded with a smile that showed strain. "But please do not feel as though you are obliged to be at my side. Go and enjoy yourself, my lord."

Midori stopped a passing servant and took a glass of wine from his tray. He pressed it into Culebra's free hand before taking another for himself. "Highness, I am far more content here with you than trying to pretend I know what to do at a ball. Unless you prefer I take myself off—"

"No," Culebra cut in, an edge of desperation slipping into his voice. His hand tightened on Midori's. "Not at all, my lord," he continued more calmly. "You were very kind to me after rescuing me ..." He swallowed, took a sip of wine, and then resumed. "I was happy to hear your name on the list of delegates. I would like a chance to show you that I can be more than a sobbing, hysterical mess. You—" he cut the words off and drank more wine and did not complete the sentence.

But Midori thought he knew what had gone unsaid:  he wasn't afraid of Culebra. What baffled him was that so many were. He could already see it around them, in the way that despite the overcrowding in the ballroom there was plenty of space around the two of them. The way no one else approached them to make conversation when usually royals could never get a moment alone at such functions. "I could never be afraid of you, highness."

"I suppose it would be hard to be afraid of someone who spent several months at sea sobbing like a child," Culebra said, mouth twisting.

"It's hard to be afraid of someone who is kind at heart and has never shown an inclination to use his powers, even in circumstances where everyone else would," Midori corrected. "You and I both know there are things far more dangerous than you in the world, highness."

Culebra gave him a shy smile. "You remind me—well, it's been a long time since anyone like you has crossed my path. I am glad you are here, my lord."

"Midori, please," Midori said softly. "I do not like being called 'my lord'."

"Captain suited you better. I am sorry if helping me cost you that address."

"You had nothing to do with it, highness."

Culebra smiled. "If I am to use your name, then I insist you use mine."

"Of course, Culebra," Midori said. He finished his wine and set both their empty glasses aside on a small table for a servant to collect. "What do you say to some fresh air?"

"Sounds like a fine idea," Culebra replied. "You'll have to guide me; I'm afraid I've lost my bearings in the crowd."

Midori took the hand he still held to pull Culebra's arm through his own, murmuring, "My pleasure," as he led the way through the throng to the balconies on the opposite side of the ballroom.

The night was crisp, the sky clear and bright. Though he could not see the ocean from the palace, there was still a faint hint of it in the air, making him briefly homesick. But it was hard to stay that way with Culebra beside him, so pale and beautiful he seemed more like a dream than a reality. Though he was too warm, too solid, to be an illusion, and Midori wondered what level of boldness Culebra would tolerate.

This was so very different than his useless pining for Nankyokukai, who had never given him more than the same passing glance he gave everyone—until that sailor. Letting go of Nankyokukai had, in the end, been remarkably easy. It had surprised him how easily, when once he had given serious consideration to speaking with the king about a marriage contract.

He wondered what he was setting himself up for, getting so quickly entangled in Culebra, but he had never been very good at walking away from trouble of any sort, which probably explained why he was so often in it.

"Are the stairs to my right or left?" Culebra asked.

"Uh—" It took him a moment to process the question, he was so lost in thoughts of Culebra. "Your right."

Culebra smiled and said, "Follow me." He didn't give Midori a chance to reply, just slid free of Midori's arm and walked off toward the stairs. Midori stared, then hastened after him, smiling that Culebra moved more smoothly through the dark than he.

When Culebra abruptly stopped, Midori didn't notice until too late and crashed into him, arms wrapping instinctively in search of balance. "You certainly know your way around. In your position, I think I would keep to my rooms."

"I doubt that," Culebra said with a husky laugh. "You seem too adventurous and bold to stay put for very long." He turned around in Midori's arms, braced his hands on Midori's chest, and tilted his head up. "Show me how bold you can be."

Midori went hot at the words, the husky tone, and the unexpectedly brazen behavior. He had expected Culebra to be quiet, demure, even as he knew the man on his ship was drastically different from how Culebra must have been under more ordinary circumstances.

He was more than happy to meet the challenge, dipping his own head to take Culebra's mouth in a sure kiss, not wasting time with slow, gentle explorations. Culebra clearly approved, to judge by the enthusiasm of his reply as tongue tangled eagerly with Midori's, teeth nipping sharply at his lip before he dove into another kiss. He tasted of wine and something faintly smoky, fingers hot where they were splayed against Midori's chest. Midori cupped the sides of his head, marveling at the softness of his hair, the heat of his mouth.

He broke away panting, wishing he could see Culebra's face and those pink lips swollen and wet from their kisses. "Bold enough, highness?" he asked teasingly.

"Not even close," Culebra said before he abruptly pulled away and led him further along the stone path, pausing a few steps away to look over his shoulder. Though he knew Culebra could not see him, Midori felt seen all the same. "Coming?"

"I will not make the obvious joke to that," Midori said dryly, inordinately pleased when the words made Culebra laugh. "Where are going?" he asked as they resumed walking.

"Just further into the gardens. No one comes this way so late—too dangerous to light it for the balls, too dark for everyone otherwise."

Midori smiled. "Lucky for me my host is not impeded by the dark."

"Here we are," Culebra said. "It's called the water garden for the pond. I'm told it's quite beautiful, especially with the water lilies and the weeping willow at the far end." He shrugged.

"It is beautiful," Midori said. "Especially beneath the moonlight." He turned Culebra around and drew him close. "You're more beautiful, still, highness. The moonlight makes you glow. I keep thinking you must be a dream."

Culebra laughed. "More a nightmare. Kiss me."

"Gladly," Midori murmured and obeyed, wrapping his arms around Culebra's waist and resuming right where they had stopped before with the hungry, eager kisses. He was going to get a very long, very tedious tongue lashing in the morning for slipping away for a dalliance only hours after arriving, but he just did not care. Dragons drag them all to the depths.

If all Culebra ever gave him were kisses, Midori would consider it the sweetest of victories. He kissed like there was nothing else he would rather do, fingers sliding through Midori's hair before warm arms twined around his neck.

As pale and cool as he looked, Culebra was nothing but warm and pliant in his arms, cock firm even through all the layers they wore. Midori wanted to see all that glorious pale skin bared to the moonlight or to candlelight. He wasn't certain which of those would be more beautiful and fervently hoped he would get a chance to see both.

When Culebra finally drew back, it was only just enough to speak. "I'm going to be in a great deal of trouble for slipping away from the ball after barely an hour."

"The ball is somewhat in my honor," Midori replied, smiling. "I'm sure I'm in even more trouble."

"Well, we may as well make all the trouble worth it, then, wouldn't you say?" Culebra asked.

Midori laughed. "No point in doing trouble by half, I agree."

"Then allow me to show you my chambers," Culebra said, and he took a last long, lingering kiss before he pulled away. He slowly let Midori go and then led him back through the gardens, laughing softly in tease and promise as they slipped through the shadows.

Chapter Five: Kidnapped

"What is that?"

The clearly non-seductive tone caught Culebra's attention first, and it took another moment for the words to register. "What is what?" he asked, but he knew the answer even as he finished asking the question. He held his tongue, lust fading beneath a deluge of dread. He'd been so distracted by the unexpected pleasure of Midori he had completely forgotten Midori had not yet encountered Ruisenor.

"Your snake by the fire," Midori said. "I have never seen anything like it. Never even heard of it. Is it venomous or a constrictor?"

"Both," Culebra replied. "Ruisenor is extremely venomous, but she never hurts anyone who does not try to kill me. I don't know what kind of snake she is, though I have often been told her kind has never been seen elsewhere."

"I have certainly never seen her kind. She's enormous. Simply incredible. She is as black as you are white, and her head is nearly as large as mine. I bet she's at least the length of two men. Wondrous, indeed."

Culebra relaxed slightly. "She is wondrous and very dear to me. But she is not the one I'm interested in bedding."

Midori gave another of those soft laughs Culebra loved to hear. It was rare anyone laughed like that in his presence—warm, maybe even fond. He listened as Midori closed the space between them, shivering when hands curled around his shoulders and a mouth covered his. Midori smelled and tasted of the sea, a scent that Culebra had loathed for months—and still hated, most of the time—but tasting it on Midori reminded him of all the reasons he'd once loved the sea.

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