Stingray Billionaire: The Complete Series (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (67 page)





I exited the theater after my audition, Max's driver was waiting for me. In the
backseat was a post-audition kit: a cold bottle of water, a small box of Vosges
chocolates, and a bouquet of pink roses that smelled like they'd just been cut.
Among the roses, Max had tucked a note that said,
"Celebrating your success tonight! Dinner on me! -M"

I laughed and
inhaled deeply before popping a dark chili chocolate into my mouth and savoring
its bittersweet flavor. I replayed the audition as the car moved toward home
and knew I had nailed the part, at least as far as I could tell. The director
had told me that they wanted to call me back the next day for another audition
with the actor who would play George. It felt like everything was going my way
for a change.

It was dark by the
time I arrived home, and as I slipped the key into the elevator and turned it,
I sighed knowing that soon I would be able to shed the dress and heels I'd been
wearing since early this morning and relax. When the elevator doors slid open,
I gasped.

Max had prepared
the place for my arrival, but he was nowhere to be seen. In the living room
there was a bucket of ice with a bottle of expensive champagne chilling in it and
a note that read,
"Sip me now,"
along with another bouquet of roses, this time coral, and an enormous gift box
wrapped in gold foil, tied with a shiny black bow. The card on it said,
"Open me now."

I set my champagne
down and opened the box as directed. In it was a gorgeous maxi dress in the
same shade of coral as the roses. The note on the card inside the box read,
"Wear me now."
I laughed as I
grabbed my glass of bubbly and walked to my bedroom, where I quickly stripped
down and stepped into the shower. Once I'd scrubbed off the day, I dried
myself, smoothed on a lightly scented lotion that made me smell like summer,
and slipped into the beautiful dress.

I appraised myself
in the mirror and smiled as I looked at my reflection from all angles and realized
that Max had done the impossible: He'd picked out a dress that fit me like a
glove. It wrapped around me to create a deep v between my breasts and was
tightly fitted so that it hugged them and made them look bigger than they were.
The waist was fitted with light layers of fabric cascading down to the ground
around my feet, where it swirled like a cloud around my ankles. The effect was
magical, and I grinned at myself as I stood in front of the bathroom mirror,
pinning my damp hair up into a loose pile on top of my head before fastening
the necklace that Max had given me on my first day of work around my neck.

I stood back and
laughed. I looked and felt like a princess going to the ball when, in fact, I
was only heading into the kitchen for dinner. It didn't matter. What mattered
was that I looked and felt beautiful, and I had Max to thank for that. I
quickly scanned the room for Anna, and when I didn't find her, I walked down
the hall to check Max's room. There, in the center of his huge bed, was my tiny
gray kitten fast asleep. I left the door cracked open and walked back out past
the living room into the kitchen.

"Max?" I
called out as I stuck my head around the corner. There was no response, but on
the counter I found a plate with four bacon wrapped figs dripping with a
mystery sauce. Next to the plate was a note that read,
"Eat one now and bring the rest to the balcony."
I popped
a fig in my mouth and was overwhelmed by the delicious combination of sweet and
savory flavors, then I grabbed the plate and walked out to the balcony.

"Max?" I
called again before I saw him standing against the far railing, his back to the
city with the lights outlining his body. He was wearing light-colored shirt and
pants, which set off his toned body. His hair was down and messy, the way I
liked it, and was blowing in the light breeze that passed over the upper floor
of the building. He held out a glass of wine and smiled as walked toward me.

"You look
stunning," he told me as he offered the wine. I took it as I smiled up at
him. "But then, I think you'd look stunning no matter what you put

"You're such
a charmer, Mr. Malin," I said as I held his gaze. There was something
different about him, something softer. I wasn't sure what had happened while I
was away for the afternoon, but I was pretty sure I liked it.

"How was the
audition?" he asked as he took the plate of figs from my hand and set it
on the table he'd set up outside. It was covered in a pristine white cloth and
set with what appeared to be dinner. He motioned for me to sit down as he
pulled out my chair and helped me get seated. Then, he took his place across
the small table and lifted the silver covers on each of our plates. I inhaled
sharply as I saw the perfectly prepared individual paellas full of rice,
vegetables, and a wide array of seafood.

"Did you make
this?" I asked, stunned at the beauty of the dish and its intoxicating

"I did,
indeed," he smiled. "I'm more than just a ruthless businessman, you

"I never said
you were ruthless!" I protested laughing. "And, I knew you could whip
up a simple meal, but this?"

"I am a man
of many talents, fiancée," he said. I looked across the table and saw that
he was watching me closely with those mesmerizing blue eyes, and I smiled as I
dropped my gaze to the plate in front of me, picked up my fork, and began to

gourmet chef skills are included in those skills," I said as the delicious
flavors exploded in my mouth. "This is delicious. Where did you learn to
make something like this?"

"Thank you,
my Babi taught me to cook, and she encouraged me to experiment with lots of
different types of foods," he said as he chewed. "I particularly like
Mediterranean food because it's light and healthy, and it looks so beautiful on
the plate. But enough about me, you didn't tell me about the audition."

"It went
quite well, I think," I said as I continued eating. "They want me to
come back tomorrow and read with the actor who will be playing George."

good!" He smiled and then suddenly, his face fell. "Wait, I'm going
to have to let you go early again?"

correct," I nodded, hoping that he wouldn't get mad about it. Then, I
grinned at him, "I mean, I could ask for the whole day off, but I

"A whole day
off?" he said incredulously. I caught a glimpse of the smile that flitted
across his lips and decided that two could play at this game.

"Yes, most
normal people get two days off per week," I lectured in a prissy tone.
"I haven't asked for any days off yet, so I think you could grant me an
afternoon. I mean, unless I need to go to the labor board and file a complaint
or something."

"You are one
smooth negotiator, lady!" Max burst out laughing and dropped his fork on
his plate.

"Thank you, I
think," I said as I grinned and kept eating.

"Yes, you can
have tomorrow afternoon off, but don't make it a habit," he warned.
"We've got a lot of work to do between sales and the wedding plans, and I
need you in the store."

"Aye, aye,
Captain!" I said as I offered up a mock salute. A dark look crossed Max's
face, but was quickly replaced by a smile as he offered me more wine.

We spent the rest
of the meal discussing our wedding plans and setting the date so that we could
choose various vendors and order things like flowers and the cake. There was a
part of me that felt a little confused as we talked about guests and the venue,
but I quickly swept my confusion aside as I reminded myself that this was a
business deal and that my role was to play the bride. We decided on the first
weekend in August, which gave us less than two months to plan the entire event.
Max wondered if we shouldn't hire a wedding planner, but I nixed the idea,
telling him that I didn't think it was the best idea to involve an outsider in
planning a faux wedding.

"Besides, we
don't need the added expense," I tossed out.

"Lexi, I
don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you this, but money is not
obstacle here," he said as he spooned up the last of his meal.

"I keep
forgetting that, sorry," I said, shaking my head. "Why don't you act
more like a billionaire?"

can't," he said as he cast his eyes downward. "It's not something I
can do. Just try to understand that."

sorry," I repeated quietly. I stood up and started gathering the plates to
take them back to the kitchen.

"Lexi, stop,
I have a staff who will do that for us," he said, resting his hand on my

"I'm never
going to get used to this," I sighed as I set the plates down and followed
him to the far end of the balcony, where we stood looking out over Lake Michigan
and enjoying the cool evening breeze.

"Max, why are
you doing this?" I asked. We were standing so close, I could feel the heat
radiating off of him. He smelled of spices and musk, and I wanted very badly to
lean against him and feel his arm around my waist.

what?" he asked.

"Why are you
setting up a fake wedding with a complete stranger, instead of marrying a woman
you actually love?"

that," he replied quietly. "It's a long complicated story, and I
don't want to bore you with it."

"I seriously
doubt you could ever bore me," I said as I turned and looked up at his
profile. His jaw was flexing as he stared out at the water and I knew he was
trying to decide what to tell me. I didn't push; instead, I lifted my arm and
lightly rested my hand against his cheek. He leaned into my touch for a few
moments before he turned and looked down at me.

"You are so
incredibly beautiful," he said as he reached around behind me and slipped
his fingers into my hair. He quickly located the few pins I'd used to pile my
hair on top of my head and with nimble fingers, he quickly pulled them out,
causing my hair to fall down around my shoulders. "I've wanted to do that
since the first day."

"Why didn't
you?" I whispered.

"I wasn't
sure you'd let me." He leaned closer running his fingers through my hair
until he was cupping the back of my head and could pull me close enough to feel
his breath on my cheek. "I also wanted to do this."

Then, Max Malin
lightly brushed his lips across mine before he pulled me to him and kissed me,
and I melted.






through dinner, I'd fought back the urge to touch Lexi, and now as we stood on
the balcony high above the city, I stopped fighting. I could feel the softness
of her body through the fabric of her dress as I pulled her tightly against me.
I ran my fingers through her hair and cradled the back of her head as I kissed
her deeply, afraid that at any moment, she would stop and push me away.

Instead, Lexi
wrapped her arms around my neck and began moaning softly as I slowly ran my
tongue over her lower lip before gently nipping it with my teeth. I heard her
sigh as her tongue darted out from between her lips and found mine. She teased
me as the kiss intensified and my hands began to wander.

she whispered as she pulled back from my mouth. "Are we…is this…"

"I've wanted
this from the moment I first laid eyes on you," I told her as looked into
her eyes and caressed her cheek with my fingertips. She was looking up at me
and her eyes sparkled with desire as she nodded and then pulled me back down
into another deep kiss. With my fingers, I traced a path down the deep v in her
dress and was rewarded with a soft moan as she shivered. I was torn between
wanting to draw things out for as long as possible and wanting to tear off her
clothes and feel every inch of her naked skin pressed against my body.

Afraid of moving
too quickly and frightening her, I scooped her up in my arms and carried her
over to the large chaise lounge in the far corner of the deck. I gently laid
her down and starting at her feet, began pushing the silky layers of fabric up
her body exposing her skin with every inch. I stopped to run my tongue up the
inside of her leg and was rewarded with a deep sigh before I continued my
ascent. I was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing anything under the
dress, and I smiled at her as she sat up and raised her arms so I could pull it
up over her head leaving her completely bare.

exquisite," I whispered as I leaned forward and kissed her neck.
"And, I want to explore every inch of you. Slowly and deliberately."

she moaned as she ran her fingers through my hair. She ran them across my
shoulders before whispering, "I want you…please."

She reached down
and grabbed the bottom of my shirt and tugged until I was forced to lift my
arms up so she could remove it. She gasped as she leaned forward and ran her
lips over the skin of my bare chest. I could feel my own need building as my
shaft swelled inside my pants. Lexi dropped one hand and began massaging it
through the fabric as I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head back
so I could kiss her harder.

As I held her hair
in one hand, I ran the other across her breasts, stopping to tease each of her
nipples into erect points as our tongues darted and danced. She moaned into the
kiss as she unzipped my pants, slipped her hand inside them, and began
stroking. I groaned as I felt her fingers close around my shaft and begin to
squeeze as she slid her finger across the slippery tip, where evidence of my
desire was already leaking out.

She teased me
until I whispered, "Two can play at this game, lady," and ran my hand
down her body until I reached the center of her need and slid my hands between
her thighs. I leaned back a little and held her gaze as I lightly stroked her
outer lips. She squeezed me tighter and stroked a little harder. In response, I
dipped one finger between her lips and massaged the wet, velvety folds between
them. She gasped, and then let go so that she could bring her hand up to her
lips and run her tongue across the palm, coating it in her saliva before
reaching back down to grasp my turgid erection. Now, it was my turn to gasp as
she began stroking me with her slippery wet hand.

evil," I grinned.

"You like
it," she replied with a wicked smile as she stroked a little harder. For a
moment, I lost track of what I was doing as I gave in to the rhythm of her
hand. My fingers were still buried between her legs and her warmth reminded me
I still had an edge. I slid two fingers down to her wet, waiting entrance and
then slowly slid them all the way in, earning a long low moan in the process.

"I told you,
two can play this game," I whispered into her lips as I leaned forward and
kissed her again. I followed her rhythm as I stroked her inner walls and
together, we drove each other to the edge of desire. I wrapped my arm around
her lower back and held her firmly as I slid my fingers in and out again and
again, applying my thumb on the swollen flesh of her clitoris. She moaned
loudly and picked up her pace as she stroked me harder and faster. I groaned as
I felt the wave of orgasm approaching and I stroked her harder, trying to bring
her under with me.

"Max, Max,
Max," she panted into my mouth as I pressed my fingers deeper into her and
stroked her harder and faster. I could feel her tensing around my hand and I
wanted to feel her go all the way and cede control. I tried to hold back as I
felt the warm slick pressure of her hand sliding up and down on my shaft, but I
knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer.

"Do it, Lexi,
let go and do it for me," I whispered into her lips. "I want to see
your beautiful face as you let go and climax for me. Do it for me, Lexi. I need

The words pushed
her over the edge, and I felt her clamp down on my hand as she screamed and
thrust her hips up to meet my fingers. The sound of her orgasming set off my
own release and I groaned loudly as I let go and climaxed with her. She
continued gripping my shaft as she pumped her hips against my hand, and I
throbbed as I felt the last of my release dripping from the tip.

"What was
that?" she whispered many minutes later when we'd both regained our
breath. She groaned softly as I pulled my fingers from between her legs and
then lay down next to her on the chaise. I pulled her to me and wrapped my arms
around her as I closed my eyes and breathed in her scent.

"Whatever it
was," I said as I stroked her skin. "I want more of it, much

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