Read Sticks and Stones Online

Authors: Kerrie Dubrock

Sticks and Stones (3 page)

          “I only work
nine to five though,” Zee commented. “And I get an hour lunch!”


*        *        *


          The next week
Grace arrived at Bewitching Designs with a take-out order of coffee and donuts.
“Good morning Zee and Blake!” she called as she entered the glass doors.

          “Gracie! You’re
not going to believe this!” Blake shouted happily as he ran from his office.

          Zee rolled her
eyes. “He’s been runnin’ around like a fool this morning.”

          Grace placed
the items on the sleek blue marble counter. “What are you so ‘gay’ about?” she
giggled along with Zee.

          Blake shook his
head at them. “I just got off the phone with Chase Storm!”

          “Are ya trying
to hurt me?” Grace accused.

          “Who’s that?”
Zee asked, choosing a donut from the box.

          “No! I’m
totally serious! He made an appointment to see us at noon!”

          Zee huffed,
“Hello? Who the hell is this storm chaser?”

          Grace’s mouth
hung open. She quickly snapped it closed and glanced at Zee. “Chase Storm is
most famous architect in Chicago.”

          Zee shrugged,
“Can’t be that famous. I’ve never heard of him.”

          Blake clapped
his hands together. “He read about us in the latest issue of Chicago magazine
and would like to discuss a business opportunity. Plus, it just so happens that
he’s friends with my brother.”

          Grace frowned.
“You don’t talk about your brother much, do you?”

          Blake blushed.
“Well, you once said that you thought hockey players were Neanderthals so I
stopped mentioning him.”

          Grace tucked
her hair behind her ears. “He’s a hockey player?”

          “Yeah. He’s a
defenseman for the Chicago Wind.”

          Zee’s eyebrows
furrowed. “Don’t you talk to him? Or is he opposed to your lifestyle?”

          Blake shook his
head. “No, Ricky’s been very supportive of my relationship with Max.”

          “How did you
and Grace meet?” Zee asked, chewing on a chocolate frosted donut.

          “Max works at
the same law firm that Grace’s ex works at. We met at a company picnic, found
that we both worked for mediocre interior design companies and decided to go
into business together,” Blake explained. “Since then we’ve managed to turn a
small profit.”

          Grace’s eyes
frantically scanned the office. It wasn’t a big office, but it was situated on
Michigan Avenue. A bit pricey, but if you wanted to make it in Chicago as an
Interior Designer, ya had to pay the big bucks. “Yep and we’ve managed to keep
our heads above water,” Grace muttered, distracted. Then a smile began to spread
across Grace’s mouth. Her abundance spell worked its magic.


*        *        *


          Rick sat at a
booth, deep inside the restaurant, far away from prying eyes. He grinned when
he saw his breakfast companion approaching.

          “Hey good
looking,” he murmured.

          “Back at ya,
sexy,” Chase grinned as he slid into the booth. “Man, we haven’t been here in a
while, huh?”

          Rick snorted.
“No. You being married and all has put a damper on things.”

          Chase lifted an
eyebrow. “I’m going to let that comment slide because I know something’s not
right with you, so spill it.”

          “Sorry, bro.
I’m gettin’ antsy. I can’t wait to get back on the ice.”

          Chase chuckled.
“Technically you are on the ice since you’re teaching inner-city kids how to
play hockey.”

          Rick lifted a
shoulder. “Not the same. I mean, yeah, I’m having a great time with the kids,
but in two weeks the hockey clinic will be over.”

          A petite
blonde, with too much blue eye shadow, stopped by their table and took their
order after filling their coffee cups.

          Rick glanced
out the window.

bothering you. Care to share?”

          Rick ran a hand
over his face. “Not much to tell. I met a woman, we shared a moment and she
left. End of story.”

          “Shared a
moment? What the fuck does that mean?”

          “See? I didn’t
tell you because I knew you’d fuck with me.”

          “Dude, I’m
sorry. Aw, c’mon, don’t pout,” Chase smirked. “Tell me about her.”

          “’I can’t
exactly describe how I feel, but it’s not quite right. And it leaves me cold’.”

          Chase lifted a
brow. “Fitzgerald?”

          Rick shrugged.
“There’s nothing to tell. We danced to several songs and she left.” He rubbed
the back of his neck. “But damn, there was something about her. I’ve been to
the bar where we met for the past month in hopes of seeing her again.”

          “Wow. That sounds…”
Chase trailed off.

          “Serious?” Rick

          Chase smirked.
“I was going to say pathetic.”

          “You’re an

          Chase glanced
around the restaurant and shot Rick a glare. “I’m just fucking with you!”

          The waitress
brought their plates and refilled their mugs. As they ate in silence Rick fumed
and Chase thought.

through his meal Chase pushed his plate away and pulled a sketch pad and pencil
from his briefcase. “Tell me what she looks like,” Chase murmured.


          Chase snapped,
“Did I stutter?”

          Rick placed his
fork on the plate. “She has shoulder length silky reddish-brown hair, and her
eyes are almond shaped and brown. She also has high cheekbones and dimples.” He
closed his eyes momentarily and grinned. “And she has full, kissable lips!”

          Chase stifled a
laugh as he drew. After several minutes he said, “What was she wearing?”

          “She wore a
white dress that came down to the tops of her knees. The neck line went down
like this.” With his fingers he indicated the shape.

          “So, a scoop
neck then?” Chase asked.

          “Yeah! That’s
right. Plus it had blue stitches…about one inch long all along the neck.”

          “Holy shit,
bro, you did memorize her!” Chase mumbled.

          An hour later
Chase flipped the pad so Rick could see the woman he described in great detail.

          “Jesus. That’s
her!” Rick mumbled as his fingertips gently slid across the drawing.

          “Ever think
she’s possibly married?”

          “No ring on her

          “Maybe she has
a boyfriend,” Chase offered.

          Rick shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter.” He shifted on the vinyl seat. “This is gonna sound stupid and
you’re probably gonna laugh, but man, when I touched her I felt something.”

          “It’s called a
hard-on, dude,” Chase teased.

          Rick scowled.
“It felt like an electric charge.”

          “Well, you have
a drawing of her. Now what are you gonna do?”

          Rick slid
across the seat and pulled his wallet out. He threw money on the table, grabbed
the drawing and replied with bold confidence, “Find her.”


*        *        *


          Grace fidgeted
at her desk working on plans for a house in the northern suburbs. The owners,
Kat and Norman Wise, wanted to go shabby chic. It was all the rage now, as Kat
put it. She sketched several designs for the living room.

          She sat back in
her chair and pondered the sketches. In fact, she pondered a lot of things.
Like how, since she cast an abundance spell a few months back, clients seemed
to be crawling out of the woodwork. Shaking her head she reached for the phone
to call Kat when Zee ducked her ebony head into her office. “He’s here and
he’s fine!”

          Grace glanced
at the clock. Mr. Storm was a half-hour late. She picked up her portfolio and
took a deep breath.

          Blake and Chase
were talking when she entered the meeting room. “Ah, here she is!” Blake

          Chase rose and
turned to extend his hand. A gasp caught in his throat. He quickly rebounded
with a hearty handshake. “Miss Ryan, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

          She shook his
hand firmly. “Mr. Storm, the pleasure is all mine. Please have a seat.” She
unconsciously swallowed. Chase Storm
a handsome man. He had shoulder
length blond hair, bright blue eyes and a hot body.

          Blake had never
seen Chase so flustered. Before he married Emily, he was quite the skirt
chaser. Which, oddly enough, he ended up with nickname ‘Chaser’. He hoped Chase
wasn’t regressing to his former life.

          “May I have
something to drink?” Chase choked out as Grace started to sit.

          “Sure. Water,
soda or coffee?” she asked sweetly.


          When she left
the room Chase slapped his hand on the maple table. “Has Rick ever met your

forehead wrinkled. “Yes, you know he’s met Max.”

          Chase shook his
head. “I mean Grace! Has he ever met

          “No, why?”

          “Because I
think she’s the woman he’s been looking for!” Chase whispered as Grace entered
the room.
          “I’m confused,” Blake muttered.

          “Confused about
what?” Grace inquired.

          “Ah, nothing,”
Chase replied smoothly. “Miss Ryan, I’m currently building homes in the far
south suburbs. These homes are each unique in their design and I’m looking to
make the inside design comparable.”

          “Do you have
sketches?” she asked, tucking a wayward strand of hair from her face.

          He pulled a
folder from his briefcase and handed it to her. He watched her eyes light up as
she viewed the different elevations of homes.

          She was lovely.
No doubt about it, Ricochet had decent taste in women. Her smile deepened
showing the dimples Rick accurately described earlier.

          “Mr. Storm,
these are lovely homes! I’m sure you have a waiting list of buyers,” she

          “Actually we
have a few. I think we’d have more if we could show them what the inside will
look like. That’s where Bewitching Designs comes in. I’ve read about you in
various magazines and newspapers and I’ve personally seen some of homes you’ve
designed. I think Storm Design Group and Bewitching Designs would complement
each other.”

          A pleasant
blush filled her cheeks. “Blake? Any thoughts?”

          He leafed
through the drawings and rubbed his jaw. “You want the insides to look
Victorian just as the outside, correct?”

Chase replied. “I’d like the first model house to be decked out in Victorian
furniture and aesthetics. The second will be decorated with modern furniture.”

          Grace nodded,
“Yes. As to not discourage the potential home buyer who isn’t into Victorian

          Chase cocked
his head. “Correct, Miss Ryan.”

          A door chime
sounded. “I’m sorry, but that’s my next appointment,” Grace replied, standing.

          Chase stood and
shook her hand. “I hope we can do business together.”

          “Blake and I
will brainstorm and you should have some sketches by the end of the week.”

          “Excellent! It
was a pleasure to meet you,” he murmured as she walked to the door.

          “Back at ya, Mr. Storm.”

*        *        *


          Chase spun
around and pinned Blake with a stare. “Tell me all about her.”

eyebrows furrowed together. “What about Emily?”

          “Is she
married? Does she have a boyfriend?”

          “Aw, Chase. I
thought you loved her!” Blake shook his head sadly.

not interested in her! Your brother is!”

          “Rick? How does
he know her?”

          Chase counted
to ten in his head before replying. He slowly placed his palms on the
conference table. “He met her briefly and has been looking for her. Now, is she

          Blake sat and
frowned. “Look, I don’t think it’d be a good idea for Rick to meet her. Hell,
Chase, you know how he is. He beds women and half the time he doesn’t remember
their names. Grace was recently dumped by her boyfriend of four years! She’s
not ready for someone like Rick. Plus, I
with this woman. I
her! She’s become a good friend and I don’t want to see her get hurt

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