Read Spring Training Online

Authors: Parker Kincade

Spring Training (17 page)

Chapter Nineteen

Jessa stared at the treadmill.

She knew how this was going to go. Same as every other day for the last four weeks. It didn’t matter how far she ran — or for how long — the outcome was always the same.

Mile one. She’d set her stride, working toward a pace she could keep for a while. The rhythmic thud of her shoes against the tread, the low hum of the machine. Nothing could stop her memories of being with Garrett. She’d up the volume on her iPod.

Mile two. Garrett’s smile — the one he reserved just for her. The way his tongue eased over his bottom lip, milliseconds before the corner of his mouth curled up. His eyes would darken, his lids would grow heavy with a gaze that said he knew exactly what to do to make her scream. And, sweet mercy, how he’d made her scream.

By mile three, Garrett’s hands were on her skin, his mouth licking, biting, tasting every inch of her until mile four, he’d take her. He’d slide his hands over her ass, bend her over that couch again and … mile five she’d give up, frustrated and angry with herself for being such a complete idiot.

So, she stared at the treadmill.

She couldn’t outrun her memories any more than she could outrun the pain in her chest. She was in love with Garrett Donovan, and she’d messed it up. The first man who had cared about her. Not her name, not her money or who her father was. Her. The first man she’d trusted, and she’d treated him as if he’d meant nothing to her. Allowed petty insecurities to get in the way of what they could’ve had together.

Jessa had spent the last month in a hell of her own creation. And it was one she was done living in. She wasn’t sure about the old adage that time healed all wounds, but it did give a girl perspective.

She’d blamed and cursed her dad for something she should’ve been grateful for. His reasons for sending her to Tampa were irrelevant. Once she’d gotten home and the tears had stopped, she’d remembered her dad would never do anything to hurt her. Not intentionally. It seemed Jessa had inherited the overreact gene, along with the gene that included popping off at the mouth before thinking things through. Something she’d done a lot with Garrett, she’d realized.


She’d gone to Tampa to meet Garrett, but what she’d really found was herself. In those two short weeks, Jessa had felt alive, connected, a part of something bigger than the life she’d been living.

Garrett hadn’t only been her lover. He’d been her friend. They’d talked, and not just about baseball, although his respect for her opinion about the game made her heart melt a little. They’d talked about family and farming, where the best places were to eat in New York and which were her favorite museums.

They’d argued over who was better at Guitar Hero.

It hadn’t mattered that she’d never played before. All that mattered was the mischievous gleam in Garrett’s eyes before he’d thrown her over his shoulder — threatening to spank her for arguing with the self-proclaimed Guitar Hero master — and carried her to the bedroom where he’d promised to teach her how to play.

She didn’t just want more. She wanted it all. Jessa wanted everything Garrett was, and the person she was when she was with him. He’d shown her the woman she could be. Daring, sexual, loving.

She didn’t know if he’d forgive her, but she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t try. At the very least, she’d apologize. She owed him that and so much more.

She was through moping around, through running.

Garrett would be in New York by now. He’d play his first game at his home stadium tonight. And she’d be there, but she’d keep out of sight. He’d be nervous enough without throwing a reminder of what she’d done to him in his face. When the game was over, she’d find him. She’d apologize, admit she’d fucked up, and take responsibility. Just as her dad had always taught her.

She prayed it would be enough. She prayed she hadn’t lost him.


Jessa closed her eyes as the deep timbre of his voice caressed her senses. Her overactive imagination was getting the best of her. She’d dreamed about him every night since she’d left. Now, she was hearing him when she was awake? Maybe she was losing her marbles.


The firm demand made her jump. Definitely not dreaming then. She willed her heart to calm as she eased around.

“Garrett.” His name came out on a surprised sigh. Seeing him on TV over the last month didn’t prepare her for the man who stood in the doorway. He looked different from the last time she’d seen him, but no less handsome. Quite the opposite, in fact. His hair was longer on top and tousled, as though he’d been running his hands through it. His face was tanned, the Florida sun enhancing his already stunning looks. She fought the urge to let her eyes wander as he leaned against the doorframe. “What are you … how did you —”

“Your dad let me in.”

She chuckled. “Of course he did.” Her father was meddling again, she was sure. But this time, she didn’t mind. He could butt his nose in all he wanted as long as it meant Garrett was here.

“Don’t start that shit with me, Jessa.” Garrett put a hand up. “And don’t say another fucking word. You’ve had your turn. Now it’s mine.”

Stunned, Jessa swallowed hard. “Garrett, wait —”

He stalked forward, towering over her, his face set with determination. “I don’t think you understood me. You’re going to stand there and listen to what I have to say. Without interrupting. Consider this your first warning.”

She forced herself to remain still, her eyes locked on his. She deserved his fury, but, at the same time, she couldn’t help but wonder about the consequences if she spoke. She blinked with a slight bob of her head and laced her fingers in front of her.

His gaze flickered as if he hadn’t expected her easy compliance and Jessa’s womb trembled. The man was damn sexy when he was angry, but that wasn’t all she saw. Behind the anger, behind the pain she’d caused. It was

She bit back a smile, her heart soaring with hope.

“Whatever shit is going on between you and your dad, Jessa, it’s got nothing to do with me. I’ve made mistakes. I should’ve been more concerned about your feelings than covering my own ass. I’m sorry for that.”

She couldn’t let him take the blame. “None of what happened was your fault. You don’t —”

He put two fingers across her lips. “I wasn’t kidding, Jessa.”

His gaze was glued to her mouth and she pressed her lips together, signaling she’d be quiet. His fingers lingered, his warmth seeping into her skin. “I should’ve told you how I felt. What those days with you meant to me.” His wrist rotated and he cupped her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “I shouldn’t have let you walk away. It doesn’t make any sense, yet …” When he spoke again, his voice was soft, seductive. “God, I’ve missed you.”

Her knees trembled with relief, tears forming in her eyes. Garrett was here, touching her again. And he’d missed her. It was a good start.

She pressed her cheek into his hand, basking in the feel of his skin against hers. She shivered as his thumb swiped over her bottom lip.

“I’ve dreamed of tasting you again.”

She parted her lips. “So, do it. Taste me, Garrett.” Her body craved to push him, to shatter his control. To stake its claim on him, mark him as hers.

He arched a brow, his fingers teasing, pressure deepening as he eased around to cup her neck, massaging the tension away.

She groaned and rolled her head as her muscles loosened, relaxed under his touch. Jessa lifted her chin, offering him her lips, her neck, any part of her he wanted.

Garrett’s hand slid up, his fingers winding around her ponytail. She gasped, tiny sparks erupting across her scalp as he jerked her head back. Crystal blue fire burned in his eyes.

“I swear on all that’s holy, Jessa. If you ever do anything like that to me again, I’ll paddle your ass so hard, you won’t sit for a week.”

* * *

His control snapped.

Jessa relaxed against him, her body melting into his. Nothing in the worl
d could’ve kept him from pressing his lips to hers. From forcing her mouth open, shoving his tongue inside and taking what he’d been dying for.

Like throwing gasoline on a fire, hunger exploded inside him, stealing his ability to breathe, to think about anything except getting inside her. Possessing her.

The power of it shook him.

He wrapped an arm around her waist and hoisted her up. He feasted on her lips, taking what she’d offered and demanding more.

Four fucking weeks.

He hadn’t intended to ravish her. Not until he’d gotten some things off his chest. But the second she’d sighed his name, as if the word itself was pure pleasure in her mouth, his will to talk vanished, replaced by a driving force he couldn’t contain. A need that had been burning him, eating at him, since the moment she’d walked out.

His chest heaved as he tore his mouth from hers. “We aren’t done talking.”

“Can’t we be done for an hour or so?”

His shaft fought to bust the seams of his pants. “Eager, are we?” Why yes, yes he was.

She lowered her gaze to the floor. “I’m sorry, Garrett. For so many things.”

The pain in her voice killed him. It was a tone he never wanted to hear again. He cupped her head and pulled her in, holding her close. Willing her to feel the emotions raging within him.

She shuddered with a sob. “I thought I’d lost you.”

“Hey, hey. Shhh. It’s okay, baby. Don’t cry.” He rubbed her back, his cheek resting against the top of her head. Any anger he’d felt evaporated the second he’d seen her. She looked gorgeous in her tiny running shorts and sports top, both leaving more skin exposed than covered. But, her eyes were drawn, dark circles shadowed her face as if she’d not slept since he’d last seen her. And she was thinner. The soft contours of her body sculpted into harder lines. He glared at the treadmill, wondering how many hours she’d spent on the damn thing. Running. From him.

She wasn’t running now. And even if she did, he’d go after her. He’d let her walk away from him once. Wouldn’t happen again.

“You haven’t lost me, princess. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. Unless it’s to find a more appropriate place to get you naked.”

She laughed and wiped her eyes. “That works for me.” She threw her arms around his neck and hopped, wrapping her legs around him.

Garrett bit the inside of his mouth as the heat from her core bounced against him. His fingers dug into her ass as she shamelessly rocked her hips.

If he didn’t find a bed in the next thirty seconds, he’d take her right here on the floor.

Jessa nuzzled his neck as he moved them to the hallway and hesitated. The house she shared with her father wasn’t as large as he’d expected, but it was still huge.

“Which way?”

She looked confused, her eyes darting left, then right.

He slipped his fingers under the seams of her shorts and groaned at the hot, velvety softness that greeted him. “You don’t know where your room is?”

She nipped at his bottom lip. “You’re distracting me. Go left.”

He turned and strode in the direction she’d indicated. He went into the first room he came to.

“This is a guest room,” she informed him.

“Well, I’m a guest. It’s got a bed and a door. Right now, that’s enough. And tough shit for anyone who walks in if that door doesn’t have a fucking lock on it. You’re lucky we made it this far.”

He dropped her on the bed and jerked her shorts down her legs.

“Garrett! You have a game tonight!”

“We’ve got plenty of time.”

He pushed the door shut, thanking God there was indeed a lock. Within seconds, Garrett had Jessa naked and sprawled on the bed. She cupped her breasts, teasing the dark, beaded tips while he kicked off his shoes. Grabbing the back of his collar, he yanked the shirt over his head and let it fall to the floor.

He slowed his movements, caught in the spell of Jessa’s sultry smile as she played with her breasts. He unbuckled his belt, leaving it in the loops as he worked the button of his jeans.

The vixen arched her hips, raised her ass clear off the bed to tease him with the glistening pink flesh between her thighs.

“You’ve got a lot to make up for, Jessa. Tell me … how sorry are you?” She yelped when he jerked her ankles, pulling her to the edge of the bed. “Stand up.”

Her skin flushed a pretty pink. Her breasts trembled with every breath. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen as she stood before him, eyes heavy and dark, her pupils dilated with lust. Each subtle nuance gave away her desire.

He couldn’t wait another second. His jeans had become painfully tight and he ached for the sweetness of her mouth. Garrett pressed against her shoulders, letting her know where he wanted her.

She dropped down, resting her palms against his thighs and gazing up at him with an innocent gleam. “I’m very sorry, Garrett.” She leaned in and rubbed her cheek against him.

He drew in a breath, the sight of her on her knees a powerful aphrodisiac. His chuckle was deep with sensual promise. He pinched her chin, raising her gaze to his. “Did you touch yourself this last month, baby? Did you pet that sweet pussy and think of me?”

Her eyes flared. “Yes,” she breathed. “Did you?” She put her mouth against him, her breath burning through the fabric. “Jack off, I mean.”

A growl was forced from his chest as he bent to capture her mouth. “Every goddamned day. It wasn’t enough, Jessa. It wasn’t near enough.” He plunged his tongue past her lips, savoring her soft, sweet moans. She met him stroke for stroke, her tongue swirling, tangling with his.

She yanked at the zipper of his jeans and he straightened, pulled back. She rested her hands on her legs while he stripped his pants off. “God, Jessa, you turn me until I don’t know which way is up. You’re so fucking sexy sitting there, waiting for me.”

She licked her lips and smiled. “You’re pretty fucking sexy yourself.”

He tapped the insides of her thighs with his foot, coaxing her open. “Spread your knees, Jess. I want to see how wet you are. I’ll bet you’ll get even wetter as you suck me, won’t you, princess? It’s going to be so good.”

He squeezed the swollen head of his cock and swiped his finger over the moisture that beaded there. He brought his finger to her mouth and she opened, licked the tip, and sucked him in. All the way to his palm. She wrapped her hand around his shaft and Garrett reveled in the pleasure of her touch.

He pulled his finger from her mouth and reached for the band that held her hair. He yanked it free, releasing the silky tresses he loved so much. He loved everything about her.

Garrett forced his hips still when she kissed the head of his cock, her tongue teasing the slit. He tightened his grip on her head. “That’s it, baby. Take me inside those pretty lips. Ah, fuck. Jessa.”

She sucked him deep, her moan vibrating through him as he fought off his release.

Four fucking weeks he’d been without her. Had dreamed about this very thing, her mouth an inferno around him. He fisted his hands in her hair and pumped his hips in short, shallow strokes. She fought to take him deeper, but he held firm, wanting to prolong the pleasure.

Her nails dug into his thighs, scraping upward until she reached his sac. He tensed for a moment, waiting to see what her wicked hands would do next. A sound tore from his chest, pure animalistic need, as she trailed a nail across the sensitive tissue behind his balls.

“Ah, Christ. Jessa.”

She used his distraction to suck him to the back of her throat, working him until his legs shook with the effort not to come. Sweat ran down his face. It took everything he had to remain standing.

She freed him with a snarl that surprised him. “I can feel you holding back, Garrett. No more. It’s just you and me, remember? No more secrets, no more running. I want your taste in my mouth, Garrett. I want to drink every ounce of you.” She stroked him as she spoke. “Let me have it, Garrett.”

She pushed her mouth back on him and he couldn’t hold out. The need to give her what she wanted overrode all other thoughts in his head. He took control, holding her steady as he fucked her mouth. His spine tingled as she reached up to cup his testicles.

“Shit,” was the only thing he could say as the most violent orgasm he’d ever experienced slammed into him. He pumped his hips, his seed erupting into Jessa’s mouth. She lapped, swallowed and held on, milking him until he shuddered, his dick so sensitive, he didn’t think he’d survive the sensation of pulling out of her.

His legs shook with the aftermath, jerked when she released him. She’d never looked more beautiful as she licked her lips with a content, happy smile.

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