Read Spotlight Online

Authors: Krista Richmond

Spotlight (22 page)

Lily was impressed. The formal but fun vibe had her itching to make her way to the dance floor. She smiled as Nate took her coat.

“Can I get you a drink?” he asked.

“Absolutely. I think this evening calls for a glass of champagne.”

The low hum of overlapping conversations buzzed in Lily’s ears. She spotted Daniel on the opposite side of the room, deep in conversation. His jacket was tossed haphazardly a couple of tables away. His tie was loosened, and the top two buttons of his shirt were undone. His sleeves were gracefully rolled up his forearms. He looked comfortable—which made her smile.

As Lily glanced around, she spotted more people from the cast and others she recognized from milling about on the red carpet. She smiled when Sam gave her a quick wave from across the room. She also spotted a couple looking at her intently with what seemed to be recognition, although she did not recognize them.

Nate appeared at her side, handing her a glass of champagne. She murmured her thanks, returning her gaze to the couple. They were older—perhaps in their fifties—and impeccably dressed. He was handsome in his classic tux, and she was striking in a royal purple gown, her hair neatly pulled into a French twist.

Lily gently tapped Nate on the arm to get his attention. “Nate, who are they?” she asked, motioning subtly to the couple. “It’s almost like they think they know me, but I don’t know them.”

To her surprise, Nate looked up and waved at the couple. “Oh, they’re Daniel’s parents, William and Ava. Come on, let’s go say hello. I’m sure they’d like to meet you.”

“Really? Oh, okay.” Lily took a large gulp of her champagne as they made their way over to the Brightons. A deep breath helped steady her sudden nervousness.

But Lily had no reason to be worried.

As soon as Nate introduced her, Daniel’s mother pulled Lily into a quick hug.

“Lily, it’s such a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m Ava Brighton, and this is my husband, William. We’re Daniel’s parents.”

Lily couldn’t help but smile. “The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Brighton. You have an amazing son.”

“Call me Ava, please, dear. And thank you.”

“Yes, and thank you for that wonderful piece you wrote about Daniel,” Mr. Brighton added, extending his arm to shake Lily’s hand. “I can’t begin to tell you how much we loved it and how many phone calls we’ve gotten about it.”

Lily blushed under their compliments. “Oh, thank you. I’m always pleased when a story gets good feedback. That’s wonderful to hear.”

Ava’s smile brightened. “I hope we get an opportunity to talk more tonight. My son thinks the world of you.”

Lily returned Ava’s smile. “I’d like that very much.”

Lily sipped her champagne as the Brightons caught up with Nate. It was clear they thought of him as another son.

“Well, gentlemen, I’m going to go powder my nose,” Ava said. “Lily, would you care to join me?”

“I’d love that.” She glanced at Nate, and he graciously offered to hold her champagne.

As they entered the lounge, Ava spotted two open spots at the vanity and pulled out a tube of Chanel lipstick. “I can’t tell you what it means to see my boys smiling.”

“Daniel seems happy with the response to the film. And Mr. Brighton is obviously thrilled for him.”

“Oh, of course. But I was referring to Nate.”

Lily’s lip gloss wand stopped halfway to her lips as she caught Ava’s eyes in the large mirror.


Ava softly chuckled. “Yes, dear. Nate.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Haven’t you noticed the way he’s been looking at you all night? I think he’s smitten with you. It’s like he can’t believe you’re here. Like you might be a figment of his imagination that will disappear at any moment.”

Lily screwed the lid back on her lip gloss as she tried to gather the thoughts tumbling around her head. “If I’m being honest, it’s a little difficult for me to believe I
here. And so much of that is thanks to Nate. I only hope I’ve done him justice tonight.”

She couldn’t bring herself to admit how many times she’s felt his eyes on her and how many times her own eyes had been on him.

“From the look of things, I’d say he’s more than pleased, Lily,” Ava said knowingly. “I can tell he’s proud to have you on his arm. I can see it in his eyes. I also can tell that you challenge him. He looks at you like you’re a puzzle he can’t quite figure out.”

Lily couldn’t contain her laughter. “I think it’s the other way around, Mrs. Brighton. He definitely challenges me. In fact, I don’t know if he’s told you about our first few interactions, but they were . . . well . . . confrontational. But I’m glad we could put aside any differences we have and come together for Daniel’s sake.”

Ava nodded.

As they made their way back to the party, Lily noticed a third figure standing with Nate and Mr. Brighton. Daniel laughed as Mr. Brighton patted Nate on the shoulder with a chuckle of his own. Nate’s expression seemed confused—like he was trying to figure out whatever they’d said.

Daniel turned toward the two women as they approached. “Lily! I’m sorry I haven’t gotten to be around much tonight. But I hope you’re having a good time.” He wrapped her in a huge hug before she could answer.

“I’m having a great time! And you’re obviously having a great time, too,” she said, raising an eyebrow in question of just how many drinks he’d had. “Your parents are wonderful, by the way.”

“Yes, we are,” Ava said with a laugh. “Hello, son. Enjoying yourself?”

Daniel was instantly a child again, looking at his mother with complete adoration. “Hi, Mom,” he said, bending to kiss her cheek. “You look beautiful tonight.”

“She certainly does,” his father said. “Come on, sweetheart. Let’s take a spin on the dance floor.” He took her hand and nodded toward the center of the room. “We’ll see you kids later.”

Daniel shook his head in amusement before turning toward Lily and Nate, his expression turning all business. “Okay, team. How do you think it went tonight?”

Lily and Nate’s eyes met at Daniel’s use of “team.”

Is that what we are?

Nate spoke first. “I think it went well, Dan. People seemed to like the movie, and everything was under control at the premiere itself.”

“I agree,” Lily added. “Your interviews went well. And spending time with your fans is definitely good PR. I think you’re going to get a lot of good coverage from this.”

A smile spread across Daniel’s face. “Good. I’m glad it’s over, but happier that it went well.”

The DJ started a new song, and Daniel glanced over at Nate. “Mind if I steal Lily for a dance?”

Lily’s eyes widened, and she was surprised to see Nate’s narrow.

“If that’s what Lily wants, of course,” he said, his gaze never leaving Daniel’s.

Lily cleared her throat. “That sounds great, Daniel.”

He took her hand and led her to the edge of the dance floor before placing his hand at her waist.

“I haven’t had the opportunity to say it, but thanks for being here tonight.”

Lily blushed. “I should be thanking you. I’m thrilled to be here. This has been amazing. I’ve had many amazing experiences since I met you, actually, but I think this one might top them all.”

Daniel chuckled. “Really? Why’s that?”

Lily shook her head in disbelief. “Daniel, I’m at a film premiere after-party. This is a far cry from covering the Fall FunFest or creating a regional travel guide.”

“Well, you’ve earned it. You’ve treated me with respect, which is more than I can say for other entertainment reporters in this room right now. Enjoy it.” His genuine smile let Lily know that he meant it.

“I should be thanking you for keeping Nate under control,” Daniel continued. “He’s usually as tense as I am at these things, just waiting for me to go off on a reporter or something. But you seem to keep him calm.” He looked over Lily’s shoulder at his best friend. “Except for right now, apparently.”

Lily saw the look on Nate’s face when Daniel turned her, and she glanced nervously between the two men. When the DJ cued up a song with a distinct tango beat, she gasped. The opening strains of the song reflected the strong, purposeful strides Nate suddenly took toward them.

Catching Lily’s gaze, he held it as he approached and held his hand out to hers.

“May I?” he asked in a commanding tone.

Lily didn’t answer. She simply put her hand in his.

Daniel left the dance floor, telling Lily he’d catch up with her later.

Lily and Nate didn’t speak as he led her across the dance floor. But their eyes remained locked.

Nate’s gaze was full of passion, and his motions were strong and determined, matching the music perfectly. Lily wondered if she should be offended or angered by his display. She gazed back at him with equal passion, the silence between them thick and heavy as they both battled for control.

What was meant to be a tango became a face-off. The dance wasn’t smooth or graceful. It was an expression of raw energy—of the small electric current between them that seemed to grow even stronger now that she was in his arms. In some small way, it was also an acknowledgement that something had shifted between them, and that they both felt the resulting frustration and confusion.

When the music slowed, Nate was the first one to break their gaze. He blinked and shook his head as if to clear his thoughts.

“That was . . . um . . . thank you. For the dance, I mean,” Nate said.

Lily smiled while trying to catch her breath. “Well, Nate . . . if that’s any indication of your prowess, I look forward to tangoing with you again.”

Nate smirked. “I’m going to hold you to that, Lily.”

Lily felt her breath catch at his reply.

When they reached the edge of the dance floor, she heard someone calling Nate’s name.


“Anthony!” Nate responded enthusiastically. “Good to see you, man!”

“Good to see you, too!” Anthony said, pulling Nate into a one-armed man-hug. “So are you going to introduce me to your girl here?” Lily’s eyes widened when he glanced over at her and winked.

Nate’s cheeks flushed ever so slightly. “Anthony, this is Lily Richards. She’s a journalist who was helping me out with the press line tonight. Lily, meet Anthony Brighton.” Lily noticed Nate didn’t deny Anthony’s description of her.

Daniel’s older brother was every bit as striking as his sibling, although he seemed more approachable. He had Daniel’s messy hair, but he kept it cut short to contain his curls. Two dimples consistently appeared near the corners of his smile.

Lily offered her hand, and Anthony narrowed his eyes as he extended his toward her. “Wait a minute . . . Lily?”

Anthony’s eyes darted between Lily’s and Nate’s.

Nate nodded. “Yeah. Lily wrote the piece on Daniel in
Vanity Fair

Instead of taking her hand, Anthony pulled her into a bear hug. “Damn fine to finally meet you! I’ve heard
much about you.”

Lily couldn’t help but laugh as he set her back on the ground. He had none of Daniel’s shyness. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”

A striking blonde with piercing blue eyes and a perfectly tailored gown and chignon that screamed Park Avenue appeared at Anthony’s side. “Darling, who are you accosting this time?” she asked, her voice full of knowing humor.

“Sweetheart, this is Lily. You know . . .
. Lily, this is my wife, Rachael.”

Rachael’s eyes lit with recognition. “Lily, it’s so great to meet you! And Nate, congratulations on tonight. It looks like everything went well. Daniel was wonderful in the movie.”

“Thanks,” Nate responded. “I’m glad you two are having fun.”

Rachael rolled her eyes and laughed as she patted her husband’s stomach. “Oh yeah. It’s always a laugh a minute with this guy!”

Anthony wiggled his eyebrows and pulled her closer, causing Lily to giggle.

“All right, dear. I think you’ve scared this poor girl enough,” Rachael said with a smile. “Come on, let’s go mingle!”

Anthony looked back and forth between Nate and Lily as Rachael started to pull him away. “Lily, welcome to the family.”

Lily’s brows furrowed as she turned to Nate. “What did he mean?”

Nate cleared his throat. “With him, you never know. How about we get you another drink?”

After more dancing and even more champagne, Nate and Lily left the party in the wee small hours of the morning. Lily’s feet ached, but a contented smile played on her lips.

“Let’s get you home,” Nate said, his green eyes crinkling at the corners.

Lily felt pleasantly tipsy and gratefully accepted his arm as they made their way to the exit. He hailed a cab while Lily breathed in the chilly November night air.

There is nothing more beautiful than this city at the holidays
, she thought.

“I can think of something just as beautiful,” he responded almost too quietly for Lily to hear. She hadn’t realized she’d spoken aloud. She glanced up at him, her cheeks flushing and stomach fluttering.

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