Split - Coffin Nails MC (Contemporary New Adult Erotic Dark Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 7) (2 page)




A few days earlier


Hunter smiled at the girl sitting in his
lap as she was adding finishing touches to the corpsepaint on his face.
Halloween or not, he wasn’t big on costumes, but having a hot girl do the
makeup for him felt like foreplay, so he went with it.

“Just no lipstick. Don’t want any girl to
end up with her pussy lips blackened.” Hunter grinned at the way the girl
laughed and her tits jiggled in front of his face in the deep plunge neckline
of her Morticia Addams dress.

“Nothing like it. You look like the
handsome younger brother of Infernus from Gorgoroth.”

Hunter’s smile widened, and he snaked his
arms around her waist. “Wow. Pretty and knows her black metal. Are we gonna
fuck now?”

The girl’s eyes narrowed, and she slipped
her hand underneath Hunter’s leather jacket. Warm fingertips and sharp nails
brushed over his tattooed skin, and just as he leaned in, hypnotized by her
dark cherry lips, she gave his nipple a twist. “Someone’s fast,” she whispered,
but he could hear her words even through the loud music playing in the

Hunter slid his hands down to her ass and
squeezed, pretending to be unaffected by the pinch. “You love it. I bet your
pussy’s wet by now, just from sitting in my lap.”

He didn’t know Morticia’s name, but that
didn’t make his appreciation for her warm thighs and plump breasts any less
enthusiastic. He slowly leaned in, breathing her perfume, when a loud bang and
the sound of glass breaking pulled her out of his lap.

“Holy crap,” she muttered, staring at the
door, but he was too enchanted by her breasts moving above her corset to pay
attention to the sounds outside the small bedroom. The door burst open, and two
bodies rolled in, along with the noise.


Not now!

He knew one of the men tumbling and
punching each other all too well. “Fucking cockblocker,” Hunter whispered to
himself, but he would not let his cousin go down in a fight, no matter how much
he despised him sometimes. He rushed past Morticia and grabbed the arms of the
man on top of Ray, pulling him back with so much force, the guy’s legs swooshed
over the small table and pulled all the bottles and glasses crashing to the

But the moment Ray was free to move, he sat
up, eyes frantic with bloodlust, and punched the now defenseless guy in the
face so hard Hunter heard something crack. He knew very well the damage that
Ray’s fists could do, especially covered in fingerless gloves with knuckle-dusters
hidden under the leather.

The guy howled and twitched so hard Hunter
dropped him. Morticia screamed bloody murder, and more people poured inside.
Someone brutally pulled Hunter’s arms back and forced him to his knees, but Ray
was already up, blood dribbling from his broken lip, but ready to serve a
knuckle sandwich to anyone who dared to approach him.

Hunter managed to pull one of his arms free.
He turned and punched the fucker who had attacked him in the throat. The guy
let go of Hunter to grab his own neck as he fell to his knees, but Hunter
wasn’t wasting time to watch the spectacle.

“Let’s go!” he growled at Ray and pulled
his cousin to the door, uncaring that some glass crushed under his combat

Someone spat to the floor in front of him
as they rushed through the house, ignoring all the shocked party guests on
their way. “Get going, you pig!” hissed a female voice just as Hunter opened
the door and took the first gulp of cool Halloween air.

He didn’t even want to look back, furious
at Ray for ruining the mood.

“What the fuck happened, huh?” Hunter asked
as he got on his beast of a Harley, closing the jacket over his bare chest as
the breeze bit into his skin.

Ray growled and the large, intentionally
done scars on his cheek wrinkled. “Nothing! That one bitch was cockteasing me
and then made a big deal out of it. You can’t even touch a woman without
signing fucking papers these days!”

“This is bullshit! I am not ending this
night without getting laid. We’re gonna go find a new party to crash since you
blew this one. Fuck knows how much free time we’ll have when we move into the
Nails clubhouse, so we better make it count.” Hunter patted the goat skull at
the front of his bike, as he always did for a safe journey, and pushed back the

Ray let out a growl that reminded Hunter of
a dog ready to bite into someone’s throat, and when Ray sneered, his one gold
tooth twinkled in the lamplight. “I’m eager to break all their treacherous
necks. They killed my father, and now I’m supposed to act like it’s all fine
and fucking dandy? At least
still remember who gave you a home when
you needed one. We’re gonna be the nails to their coffins,” he said and mounted
his bike.

Ray was the master of bad puns, especially
when he tried to sound dramatic.

“I didn’t say it’s fi—” Before Hunter could
finish, Ray was already off with a roar of the engine.

Hunter gritted his teeth, but there was no
way around it, and soon he followed his cousin through the dark streets. It was
well past midnight, and in the areas that were mostly deserted, not a single
window shone with light. The sight was especially eerie on Halloween, when for
miles they would not see a single soul. No pumpkins, no parties, no light, no

Hunter was muttering obscenities under his
breath, and as light finally emerged from between the dark trees, he would have
ignored it if Ray hadn’t stopped the bike in the middle of the road.

“What is it? I don’t hear any music,”
Hunter groaned and pushed back his tangled long hair, now wishing he’d tied it.

Ray nodded toward the lights, and a small
smile colored his lips. Hunter followed his gaze and frowned when a colorful
depiction of angels emerged from the darkness. There was a dim light coming
through the stained glass windows of an old church that was partially hidden by
a wooden fence and clearly not serving its original purpose anymore.

“Looks like a party to me. Perfect for
Halloween,” said Ray, dismounting his bike and pushing it toward the structure.

Hunter frowned but followed Ray, praying it
wasn’t one of his cousin’s horrible ideas, the type that ended in bloodshed and

“I suppose. I bet it’s a bunch of emo kids
talking to ghosts.”

“I know. Some kids playing spin the bottle?
We could up the stakes,” Ray said, hiding his bike in the shadow. He skirted
the simple wooden fence, looking for an opening.

A cold shiver crawled up Hunter’s spine as
they approached the church that was quiet yet had yellow light flickering in
the windows. “You’re twenty-eight. Neither of us will be fucking emo kids.”

Ray snorted and looked back triumphantly
when he found an open gate. “You said you wanna get laid. The night’s coming to
an end, so I say never say never.”

Hunter sighed and had to hold back a yelp
when he saw his own reflection in a sheet of metal someone had propped on the
other side. He had forgotten he had the corpsepaint on, and in the crooked
image on the beat-up sheet, he looked like a vampire who had just emerged from
its grave. Sure, it seemed like a fun idea at the time when a hot girl offered
to do it for him, but he was pretty sure it wouldn’t get him laid tonight.
Resigned to his sexless fate, he followed Ray, looking up at the tall grey
walls of the abandoned church and increasingly unsettled by the glow in the
stained glass.

It was odd to see a church so big, with
thick walls and tall windows, completely deserted and pushed into ruin. In
Hunter’s experience, churches were always full of praying people, with the
words of the priest echoing between the walls. Had so much changed in the last
ten years since he had last set foot in a house of God at the age of fifteen?
He hardly ever thought about the beliefs instilled in him when he’d been a
child, but this building still made him sad and fearful of the possibility of
the existence of hell. It was also a token of the community deteriorating
around here, evidenced by the complete darkness beyond the wooden fence around
the church.

The shadows were so deep by the wall that
Hunter half-expected to feel cold hands grab at him and pull him straight into
hellfire, but the moment Ray got the side door open, his attention focused on
the soft glow coming from inside. He stepped forward, silently closing the door
behind him, and his gaze skimmed over arches and columns between the naves.
Most of the walls were greyish with bits of plaster cracked off, which only
made the stained glass in the windows stand out more with its bright colors. An
old, damaged piano stood next to the door, grinning at Hunter with its crooked,
yellowish keys. There was a faint aroma of dust in the air mixed with a musk
that called out to Hunter.

He followed Ray over the grey tiles, and
when Hunter looked toward the altar, he noticed bright colors splashed all over
the walls and ceiling past a wooden balustrade that divided the sacramental
space from the public. And underneath golden angels floating around an image of
the Virgin Mary being taken into the heavens, he saw something that made his
blood simmer with excitement.

Hundreds of cream-colored candles
illuminated the innards of the desolated building, but the ceiling was so tall,
shadows still danced on the walls in the naves. In every crook and corner, a
monster could be hiding, but as they walked farther inside to where most of the
light originated, Hunter inhaled deeply and unzipped his jacket.

Amidst the candlelight, he saw the most
perfect pale back with a round ass, lean legs, and long black hair falling down
the woman’s shoulders. He sped up to get ahead of Ray, only to come to a slight
halt as more detail of the scene came into view.

The woman stood in front of the altar in
the middle of a pentagram and other symbols drawn on the floor in white paint
that he could still smell in the air. This was everything his mother had warned
him about when he was a kid. Hunter was hyper-aware of the dirt crunching under
his boots, but he took a step closer anyway. He had stopped listening to his
mother long ago.

His eyes widened when the woman turned
around in a slow motion that was almost inhuman, completely unbothered by the
nakedness of her lithe body. She was holding a large skull, possibly of a horse
or cow, and for a moment, the candlelight tricked Hunter into believing there
was life in the blackness where the animal’s eyes once were.

Even Ray was speechless for once, and no
wonder, because after the initial shock, Hunter realized the woman was younger
than he first thought her to be. Twenty at best, with big eyes, lips painted
black, and a face dotted with piercings. Her features were framed by short
bangs and long strands of hair on the sides. She didn’t smile, watching them
both without even a hint of fear. She scooted to put down the skull in the
middle of all the symbols, and Hunter couldn’t help but stare at the most
perfect pert tits, which could fill his palms just right. He didn’t know if it
was fear, adrenaline, or attraction, but he was getting hard as he licked up
her body with his gaze. Her pubic mound was shaved clean, and in her ghostly
paleness, she was the kind of forbidden fruit he’d always wanted to pick.

Hunter cleared his throat, not even caring
to look at Ray, too mesmerized by the girl in front of them. He needed to make
the move first.

“You a witch?” Hunter asked and wanted to
laugh, but in the somber atmosphere, it died on his lips. For a horrible
moment, he imagined they’d stepped into another dimension, that she wasn’t even
alive, or a person, but her chest definitely moved up and down. He took off his
jacket as he approached her, beckoned by the heat of hundreds of candles.

The girl raised both her hands and invited
him to come closer, like the priestess of some ancient god no one remembered

“What are you doing here, all alone? Need
company?” whispered Ray right next to Hunter.

Her dark eyes moved between Hunter and Ray,
and she slowly trailed her hand between her breasts, only to draw something
just above her pussy with one fingertip. “Thank you for coming,” she rasped in
a low voice that sent shivers all the way to Hunter’s balls.

He swallowed and didn’t dare blink, just in
case this was a dream and he’d wake up. “My pleasure,” he said as his heart
picked up its pace. The closer he was, the more he realized just how small she
was without the steps making her seem like an alabaster statue. His dick pulsed
with heat in his jeans, and he couldn’t help looking from her gorgeous face
down to the dark nipples and lower still to her pussy lips. Damn, if he knew
church could be anything like this, he’d come every Sunday.

Heat burst into his face when a strong hand
squeezed around his arm and pulled him back. Ray. Of course, the bastard would
use his full patch status against Hunter now. That would end as soon as Hunter became
a fully patched Nail.

“Hey there,” said Ray, approaching the girl
in slow, confident strides. Her eyes rose toward him as he walked into the
circle of symbols and put his hand on her hip.

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