Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series)
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Luke’s eyes wander down along my figure, sending electricity coursing through my veins. Slowly, I move in closer to him. Placing my hands on his shoulders, I push him down against the bed. Luke bites his bottom lip in anticipation as I straddle across his waist, resting my womanhood against his strong abs.

“Are you sure about this?” Luke asks as he grips my hips.

Leaning down, I brush my lips across his forehead. My breasts gently caress against his chin, his soft stubble tickling my bare skin. Moving his hands up along my rib cage, Luke tilts his head down and kisses along the sensitive skin between my mounds and my collar bone. Arching my head back, I run my fingers through his hair, savoring the sensation his tender lips are giving me.

Slowly pulling me up, Luke maneuvers me so that my nipples rest directly over his lips. The inner muscles of my sex quickly tighten, anticipating the sensation I received when his lips first caressed my breasts that night in the arena. His lips meet the peach hued bud of my left breast and clasp their soft skin around it. Moaning, I tilt my head back, soaking in every ounce of satisfaction his mouth is drawing from deep within me. My pelvis begins to gradually rock against Luke’s bare abs, impatiently waiting for his firm touch against my folds.

He gently sucks my nipple, sending waves of pleasure emanating throughout my aching frame. My grip against his hair tightens as his tongue flicks against the pert skin, his lips gently latched around my areola. My skin begins to flush with the heat from my desire and my panties begin to dampen.

I feel my orgasm quickly building, but I don’t want to come, not yet, at least. I want to draw this out and soak in as much of this delicious bliss as I possibly can. Easing my breasts away from his face, a sanguine expression is etched across his face and in response, I smile, lowering myself down to his manhood. Lacing my fingers along the elastic of his shorts, I teasingly tug at the fabric, slowly removing his pants down along his strong legs.

His succulent cock springs out as I pull his pants down, greeting me with its deliciously thick length. My mouth begins to water as I watch his dick pulse in the air, awaiting my control over it. I lick my bottom lip in anticipation, my taste buds eager to sample the salty nectar Luke’s body will produce for me. Once I have his shorts completely off of him, I toss them down onto the ground and begin trailing my hands up along Luke’s powerful legs.

A deep moan releases from Luke’s mouth, fueling my dark desire to have him buried deep inside of me. When my hands and body reach his root, I pause, admiring the impressive display before me. My throbbing vagina begins to tense up exponentially, yearning for the strong cock that I hold firmly in my grasp. I glance up to see Luke staring at me with eager wide eyes. Another smile slowly shadows across my face.

Without warning, I plunge my mouth over his incredible length, taking him in as far as I can. Luke arches back as he cries out from the pleasurable surprise. My tongue skirts along underneath his shaft, gently massaging the throbbing veins. I can taste the salty beads of his pleasure pooling at the velvety soft tip of his penis, satisfying the cravings of my insatiable taste buds.

I pump my mouth up and down along his length until he’s firm enough and wet enough to take me. His body strains against my lips as he arches his pelvis towards me. His flesh is as hard as stone and I move away from him and hook my thumbs through the straps of my panties. Luke watches me closely as I ease the dainty fabric off of me, his eyes not hiding any of his desire for me.

Tossing my panties across the room, I climb back on top of Luke, straddling over his pelvis. Luke’s massive hands grip my hips. His deep hazel eyes stare into mine, passion and desire sketched across their sky colored hue. He lifts me up lightly by my hips, just enough so that I’m hovering over his cock. His powerful arms flex against my weight, but he lifts me with complete ease, making me feel like I weigh nothing. When his length is aligned perfectly over my vagina, Luke gently lowers me slowly on top of him.

Inch by inch, I’m filled with the incredible fullness I felt in the arena. I cry out in pleasure, savoring the feeling of his hard cock gliding along the inner walls of my sex. Resting my hands against Luke’s pecs, I stare into his eyes and enjoy the fullness for a moment.

Luke doesn’t rush me. Instead, he runs his hands along my frame, feeling every curve within his reach. Slowly, I ride along his shaft, taking in as much of his girth and length as my aching body can handle. We both gaze into each others eyes, lost in the euphoria of the friction our bodies create together.

Looking back at me, he smiles softly. His dark desire for me burns brightly in his eyes, but he’s focused on my pleasure first. The realization sends a warm feeling through me, because he’s the first person to ever take that kind of time with me before. I get lost in the sea of sensations he is sending through me as our sexes glide together, and elation overwhelms my mind as I begin to realize that Luke is finally mine.

Chapter 11

Soft sunlight beams down across my face, slowly coaxing me awake. I smile and reach over across the bed, my hand hungrily searching for Luke’s warm body. My hand can’t find him. My eyes flutter open to find that I’m the only one in bed. A chill runs through my body.

A noise comes from the door. Swiveling my head to the side, I look to see what it is. The door opens quietly. Luke peeps around the side, his messy copper hair making him look sexier than ever. Grinning, I sit up in bed. The comforter tumbles away from my torso, revealing my bare chest. I chortle as I quickly pick it back up to cover up my nakedness.

“I’ve seen those already,” Luke winks, “Besides, they’re far too beautiful to cover up.”

I blush as I move the comforter back away from my chest, “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” Luke beams, “Hungry?”

“Famished,” I mutter while yawning.

Luke’s eyes light up, “Good. Otherwise,” he moves into the bedroom, revealing a tray full of food, “All of this food would have gone to waste.

“Did you make all of that?” I ask wide eyed as my mouth waters.

Luke looks off to the side with a crooked grin etched across his face, “Sure, if by making it you mean I drove over to a diner and ordered breakfast-to-go while you were asleep. Then yes, I made it.”

I giggle, “Well I’m dying to taste your cooking.”

He grins as he saunters over to me, his strong forearms flexing against the weight of the tray. Setting it down across my lap, Luke gently climbs into bed beside me. He looks down at me, his eyes searching for my approval over the feast he has set before me.

The tray is filled with delicious chunks of mixed berries, a plump omelet, layers upon layers of bacon, fluffy pancakes, and a large glass of orange juice. My mouth waters as I take in the irresistible scene.

“This looks so good! Thank you,” I give him a peck on the cheek.

Luke smiles, “I figured you probably worked up an appetite after last night.”

“Mhm,” I mumble as I bite into a strip of bacon.

Luke picks up a few strips of bacon and eats as we both sit in silence for a while, enjoying the delicious meal. While eating, a memory begins to creep through my mind. There’s something I need to know and I want to know now before Luke and I go any further as a couple.


“Yes, baby?” He grins.

The word warms my body, almost causing me to forget what I was about to ask him.

“I found a picture behind your end table last night. It was in a golden picture frame.”

Luke’s jovial expression drops in an instant. My eyes widen in horror as worry fills my body.

Oh God. I knew I shouldn’t have asked.

“That would be Claire,” Luke stares off in front of us.

“I’m sorry,” I grimace, “I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, no,” Luke shakes his head, “You deserve to know. I’ve been meaning to throw that out.”

“She left around the time you started losing,” My voice trails off.

It isn’t a question. I can tell from Luke’s expression that she was special to him. Jealousy and anger begin to flow through my body as I look at the broken expression written across his face. Whoever she was, she hurt him and she hurt him bad.

“Yeah,” Luke whispers.

“What happened?” The journalist in me doesn’t know when to stop.

Luke sighs, “I came home one day after working out,” he says slowly, collecting his thoughts, “I found Claire and my boxing trainer in bed together. She acted like it wasn’t a big deal,” Luke shakes his head, the memory obviously painful to think about, “The next day, she moved in with him and took all of our furniture with her.”

“I’m so sorry, Luke,” I whisper as I rub his shoulder with my hand.

He turns and half smiles at me, “It’s okay. You’re helping me heal.”

I smile, “I feel the same way about you.”

“Anyway,” Luke mutters, quickly trying to change the subject, “Wanna go out for a drive today? We could drive along the beach and get some lunch.”

“Sounds great,” I beam.

“Cool,” Luke flashes his All-American boy grin, “I’m gonna take a shower while you eat,” Leaning over, he kisses the top of my head, “Thank you.”

“For?” I arch an eyebrow.

“Being patient with me,” he smirks as he gently gets out of bed.

“You’re worth it,” I wink.

Luke grins as he turns around to walk out the door, leaving me in my peaceful serenity with my delicious food. I take a bite out of the omelet, savoring its cheesy goodness. Hearing the shower turn on, I let out a satisfied sigh. Everything feels so perfect.

A phone rings. I’m jolted out of my daze, trying to figure out where the phone is at. Spotting a light gleaming from atop the small dresser in the bedroom, I shift the food tray over to the side of the bed. Groaning, I move away from the comfort of the warm bed to see who it is. I glance down at the caller ID. I instantly regret looking at it.


Everything inside of me prays that it isn’t ex-girlfriend Claire. Claire is such a common name, anyway, so it could be anybody. My body continues to tense up as the phone rings, until finally, it stops. I hold my breath, praying that she doesn’t leave a message.

The phone dings. I glance down to see the ‘1 New Voicemail’ written across the shiny screen. My heart beats frantically against my chest. I pick up the phone to take it to Luke, but the shower is still running.

I could always listen to it. Maybe it’s a different Claire…

I shake my head. I know I should give it to Luke. It wouldn’t be right to snoop through his phone. Snooping isn’t really my preferred way of handling things, anyway, and I curse my journalistic side for letting me justify such behavior. I glance back down at the screen.

I have to know.

Hearing the shower still running, I hit the play button, trying to make certain to listen for when Luke shuts off the shower so I can put his phone back. The voicemail begins to play…

“Luke… I have something I need to talk to you about. Could you meet me at the cafe by your apartment this morning so we can talk? Text me back. I can get there in twenty minutes. Later.”

The shower water shuts off suddenly. I reset the status of the voicemail, toss the phone back onto the dresser and rush back to bed, clutching my churning stomach. Shortly after getting myself comfortable, Luke walks in, completely naked. His wet body glistens against the sunlight shining in, the image temporarily making me forget about the phone call.

“All clean?” I mutter while taking a bite out of a piece of bacon.

“Yes ma’am. But you can always get me dirty again, “Luke winks.

My body tenses with desire, “I do prefer you a little dirty.”

“I’d never guess,” he smirks as he walks over to his dresser.

Picking up his phone, he frowns as he stares at the screen. My body tenses up.

“It rang, I let it go,” I nonchalantly mumble, carefully examining my plate.

“No problem,” Luke waves his hand, and lifts the phone up to his ear.

My heart beats rapidly as I watch him listen to the voicemail. His expression is set firmly like stone. I haven’t been with him long enough to know what this expression on him means, but I know that it probably isn’t good. Setting the phone down, he stares blankly out the window for what feels like eons.  

“Everything okay?”

Luke turns around and blinks at me, looking as if he had forgotten I was even here, “Yeah. That was my sister, Amy. Her car broke down and she needs some help. Mind if I run off for a little bit? It shouldn’t take me very long.”

My heart sinks as hot tears begin to rise up along the corners of my eyes, The lie stings far worse than anything Derrick ever did to me. I can feel my body begin to tremble, but I try to hold my composure for just a little longer.

“Amy? I could come meet her?” I look directly into his eyes.

“Ah, no. It’s ok. It’s quicker if I go, and we can do a proper meet and greet some other time,” he lied.

“Sure,” I say with a fake smile, “You should go take care of your sister.”

Luke smiles and walks over to me. Bending down, he plants a soft kiss against my lips. The kiss feels cold and foreign to me suddenly. I want him as far away from me as possible, but I’m not going to show my weak side.

BOOK: Spent - Part 1 (Spent, a New Adult Romance, MMA Series)
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