Read Soul Bonded Online

Authors: Meghan Malone

Soul Bonded (11 page)

“Apparently so.” Like the way she’d finally found the companionship she’d craved with a man, at the expense of her autonomy and maybe even her life. Without thinking, Katie pressed her lips to Rafe’s chest and planted a gentle kiss only inches from his nipple. He froze beneath her. “Have you ever been with a human woman before?”

“I’d never even touched one before the night I rescued you.” Rafe’s voice was strained. “Katie—“

She raised up and placed a finger against his lips. “Please don’t say whatever you’re about to say.”

He spoke anyway. “We should sleep.”

“I know.” Katie let her hand slide down to his hard belly. She had no idea what she was doing or why she felt so powerless against her hormones. This wasn’t like her. “But I’d rather keep getting to know each other.”

He caught her wrist before she could go any lower. “You had an incredibly traumatic night. You’re injured.”

“You’re right, I did. And I am.” She searched his face, hoping for some sign that he was just as swept away by their connection as she was. “There’s not one reason I should want you right now. But my body doesn’t seem to know that.”

Rafe’s throat bobbed as he swallowed. He inhaled, nostrils flaring, and closed his eyes. “You’re not making this easy, sweetheart.”

Her heart melted at the endearment. “What are you afraid of?”

“Hurting you.” He tightened his grip on her wrist. “Frightening you.”

“Is that what werewolves do in bed?” Katie bent and kissed the nipple closest to her. “Hurt their mates?”

Rafe trembled. “I would never hurt you.”

“Then show me.” She couldn’t believe she was goading him like this. She’d never been the aggressor in a physical encounter. She’d never even slept with a guy before the third date. “Show me what a wolf does with his bond-mate.”

Growling, Rafe rolled so that he was on top of her. He dragged her hands above her head and pressed them against the mattress, lowering his face so it was only inches from hers. Katie’s chest heaved as she reacted to the pleasure of his heavy weight pinning her down. She shouldn’t enjoy it. Not after the biter and his blond friend from earlier. But she did. God help her, she did.

“You’re wet.” Rafe kissed her neck and ground his hips into her.

Despite her assertiveness, Katie blushed. “Yes.”

“I can smell it.” He nipped at her earlobe. “Your scent has been driving me crazy for hours.”

“Crazy enough to believe me when I say I want this?” She licked her lips as she stared up at him. “And that I might explode if you don’t kiss me?”

Rafe’s breathing grew ragged. “I thought you didn’t want to make our bond any stronger.”

“Does it really matter? Is there any undoing this?”

His gaze strayed to her mouth. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Then please. I feel so
.” She lifted her head, straining for a kiss. She felt wanton and desperate and needy and for whatever reason, she didn’t care. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except sating the hunger that was eating her alive. “Kiss me, Rafe.

His mouth crashed down onto hers.


She’d never been kissed before. Not really. Not like

The moments of intimacy she’d had with men in the past simply couldn’t compare. Those kisses had been practice, a pathetic shadow of what she was doing with Rafe now. His mouth tasted faintly of mint and his tongue stroked hers as though they’d been born to do this together. There was no trace of awkwardness, no uncertainty in their movements. She bucked and surged beneath him, desperate for friction. He maneuvered his hips between her spread legs and ground the hard length of his cock against her slick pussy, his sweatpants and her thin cotton panties the only barriers between them.

Rafe broke their kiss with a low grumble. “Damn it. We shouldn’t do this.”

“Why not?” Nothing else mattered except connecting with Rafe. Not what brought them to this point, not even what would happen after they consummated their bond. She needed him. Every cell in her body cried out for him to fill the emptiness inside her. “We
do this. Nothing has ever felt more right in my entire life.”

He released her wrists and planted his hands beside her head, holding himself above her. She groaned in disappointment at the realization that she was no longer trapped beneath his delicious weight. Turbulent desire darkened his eyes as he stared down at her. “I want to make love to you so badly I can hardly contain myself.”

“Then why don’t you?” She curled her hand around the back of his neck. “I’m your bond-mate. According to you, that’s irreversible. So why not do what we both want to do?”

Rafe gritted his teeth. It looked like it was taking all his effort not to ravish her. “We should wait.”

That was the very last thing she wanted to hear. “For what?”

“Until we know each other better. Until you have a chance to think about what you want…what you
want, beyond the next couple days.” Rafe pressed an almost platonic kiss on the corner of her mouth. “It would destroy me if you wound up regretting this. And after what they nearly did to you tonight—“

“After what they nearly did, all I want is to feel safe.
make me safe.” Katie tickled the back of Rafe’s neck with her fingernails, pleased when he shivered. “I trust you. I even
you, believe it or not. It may not make any logical sense, but my body recognizes that you’re my other half.” She paused to allow her words to sink in. “We could die tomorrow, Rafe. I don’t want to die before we can be together.”

He cut her off with another kiss. When he pulled away, he mumbled, “You’re
going to die.” She gasped when his mouth moved lower. He scraped his teeth over her throat, then sucked gently. “I won’t let you.”

Her thighs quivered as she struggled not to orgasm right then and there. She’d never come without direct clitoral stimulation before, but it felt like Rafe was about to get her off simply by kissing her neck. She traced her fingernails down his sides, eliciting a pleased grunt and a jerk of his hips. Moaning, Katie said, “Tell me you won’t die, either.”

“I won’t.” Rafe tugged at the hem of her T-shirt, dragging it over her head. Bare above the waist, she battled a split-second of modesty before Rafe latched onto her nipple and laved the tip with his tongue. Katie arched her back and cried out, pleasure rippling through her body. Rafe smiled around her breast. “I’m going to make you feel so good, Katie.” He trailed a string of kisses over her chest to her other nipple. “So good.”

She tightened her hand in his hair and struggled to answer. “It’s so intense.” Rafe slid down her body, pressing open-mouthed kisses along her stomach to her abdomen. “I’ve never felt anything—“ Her toes curled when his hot mouth covered her pussy and he licked her through the damp cotton of her panties. “

He licked her again. “Does that feel good?”

She couldn’t answer. Language eluded her. She simply nodded and lifted her hips, bumping Rafe’s nose with her swollen clit.

He grabbed her hips and squeezed. “I’m going to take off your panties. Then I’m going to lick up all this wetness you’ve made.”

That was the sexiest thing she’d ever heard. She managed a single word in response. “Please.”

He brought his thumb up to rub over the sodden material. The sight of his dark eyes glittering at her from between her legs made her tremble with anticipation. “I love you, too. If I do anything you don’t like, or if you get frightened—“

Katie put her hand over his, pressing his thumb against her labia. “
.” He stopped talking and kept his promise, tugging her panties down over her hips.
He paused to examine her bite wound, but she threaded her fingers in his hair and guided his face between her legs. “I’m

He allowed her to coax him back to where she wanted him, then bent to give her a long, slow kiss. She shuddered in relief when he dragged his tongue through her folds, grateful that he didn’t seem interested in teasing her any longer. Tears leaked from her eyes as pleasure rippled through her belly and curled her toes. His mouth was hot and wet and the very best thing she’d ever felt between her legs or anywhere else on her body. She’d never been a big fan of oral sex, probably because she’d never slept with anyone she trusted completely and without reservation. With Rafe, the act was pure bliss with none of her usual self-consciousness. She never wanted him to stop.

Afraid he might, she tightened her fingers in his hair and rolled her hips against his mouth. He brought his hands to her inner thighs and pushed her legs apart as far as they could comfortably go, then used his thumbs to spread her labia and expose her clit. He teased her with the tip of his tongue, circling the distended flesh, then snaked a trail down to her opening. She held her breath as he only barely penetrated her, then gasped when he moved lower to lap at the tight circle of her anus.

He eased back. “You like that?”

“I like everything you’re doing.” Katie tugged at his head but he refused to be moved. She groaned. “You’re going to make me come.”

He shivered. “Yes, I am.” Eyes sparkling, he shifted his weight and grinned up at her. “You taste so fucking good.” His arm flexed, drawing her gaze to the motion of his hand inside his sweatpants. He lowered his face and licked around her clit, then sucked gently, all while stroking his cock.

The sight of his self-pleasuring was all it took to bring on her climax. Her knees locked and she arched her back, digging in with her heels as she cried out his name. He slid his free hand under her ass and squeezed her possessively, a show of dominance that took her orgasm to a different level. Shockwaves of pleasure rolled through her and she convulsed beneath his unrelenting tongue.

Finally she had to push him away. “Wait…”

He lifted his head, his concern evident. “Are you okay?”

Katie nodded, then smiled. Her entire body tingled in the most pleasant way. “I need a moment to breathe.”

Rafe kissed a path up her body, lingering on her breasts for quite some time before planting an almost chaste kiss on her lips. “That was incredible.” His breathing was labored and when he settled back between her thighs, she could feel that he was still rock hard. The soft hairs that covered his broad chest tickled her erect nipples, raising gooseflesh along her arms and legs. “I could lick you for hours. Happily.”

“I’m not sure I’d survive that.” Katie rested her hand against his cheek and really studied Rafe’s features for the first time. She’d never been so attracted to anyone in her life. She didn’t think it was solely their bond—he was legitimately gorgeous. He was spectacular to behold. The adoration in his eyes as he stared back made her feel like the most beautiful creature in the world. “That was incredible.”

“Good.” He moved to roll off to the side, but she grabbed his broad shoulders to stop him.

“Where are you going?”

“We really should get some rest. We’ll need our strength.” Rafe’s entire body stiffened and, despite his words, he ground his hips against her.

“No, you need to come.” Katie slid her hands down his back, to the waistband of his sweatpants. “And I know you want to be inside me just as badly as I want you there.”

Shuddering, he said, “You could just use your hand.” He rocked into her, dragging the length of his erection over her slit. “Or your mouth, if you wanted.”

“If that’s what you want, I’d love to suck you off.” She blushed, amazed by how uninhibited she felt with Rafe. Not only was she not the type to talk dirty in bed, but she’d never enjoyed giving blow jobs before. Now the thought made her mouth water. But it wasn’t what she craved most, and she suspected that she and Rafe needed the same thing. “But if you want my pussy, take it. I can’t wait to feel you filling me up.”

Rafe growled and got up onto his knees, pushing his sweatpants down over his hips. Katie sat up to help him, but stopped short when she realized that she was face-to-face with the biggest erection she’d ever personally encountered. He wasn’t a monster by any means—just longer, thicker, and harder than any man she’d taken to bed before. And prettier. Yes, indeed. Rafe had a beautiful cock.

Shocked by the aching hunger she felt at the sight of his arousal, Katie inched forward and kissed the tip of his cock. He groaned and jerked his hips forward slightly. She opened her mouth and took in the first few inches of his impressive length, fisting her hand around the base as she sucked languorously. Pleasure rolled through her body, coinciding with her firm suction—almost as though she could feel what Rafe must be feeling. She cupped his heavy testicles in her hand and applied the gentlest pressure, massaging him with a wanton groan.

He placed his hand on her head. “Keep doing that and I’ll come.”

It wasn’t an unappealing idea. But she forced herself to stop, determined to end this horrific evening with Rafe inside of her. Releasing him with a wet kiss, she lie back and spread her legs. She’d never felt so desperate for penetration before. Like she’d go mad if he didn’t fuck her this very instant. “Not before you’re inside of me.”

Rafe scrambled out of his pants and positioned his hips between her thighs. He gripped himself and rubbed the head of his cock over her sensitive labia. “I’ll try and take it slow.”

She pressed her hand against his chest as a sudden thought occurred to her. “Do you have a condom?”

He deflated. “No. I don’t normally…do this.” He shrugged and his cheeks flushed, triggering a wave of affection that started in Katie’s heart and quickly spread to the tips of her fingers and toes. “Entertain women, I mean. I’m not exactly prepared.”

That meant he was most likely in good health, sexually. So was she. And she couldn’t imagine stopping this encounter over something as silly as a prophylactic. “It’s okay. We don’t need it.”

“I’m not sure whether I can impregnate you or not.” A twinge of regret passed over Rafe’s face. “Technically we’re different species, but I suppose I’m at least partially human—“

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