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Authors: Kat Watson

Something More (17 page)

Jonathan drove her to the hotel as Noah and I got into bed together. I was tired and unsure if I wanted to ravage him then, wait until Jay got back, or hold off until the next morning when I was well-rested. I didn’t object, however, when he began to tug my clothes off, tossing them everywhere, knowing that we could behave with abandon in the privacy of the house again. It made us both giddy, apparently.

I laughed when he pinned my wrists beneath one of his hands, both of us naked and playful. When he bit the side of my neck, I shivered and wrapped my legs around his waist, wanting.

“I’ve thought about this all day,” he said.

His hips met mine, teasing, once. When he pulled back, he let go of one of my wrists. His hand moved to tease me briefly then to line himself up and push inside me, wasting no time.

“Me, too,” I groaned.

The sensation as he filled me completely and entirely was indescribably good. My eyes closed as I gave in to just feeling him—feeling him inside of me, feeling his hands on my body, and feeling his love through my heart.

Realizing my hand was free, I moved it lower and began to touch myself as he moved. Embarrassingly fast, my body tensed and I shuddered beneath him. Noah let go of my other wrist, using both his hands to seek more leverage and move harder and faster. It felt so good, the depth and angle he was hitting, and before I could think too much about it, my fingers were back at my clit, frantically rubbing myself to another orgasm.

I lifted my hips and felt the friction between us. Noah was glistening with effort, panting and grunting as he worked. It was so sexy, and I was hyperfocused.

“You were right, she’s beautiful when she comes,” Jay said, distracting me.

I turned to look at him, watching as he shed his clothes and made his way to the bed. He kneeled at my side, bending down to kiss me, then straddling my body. He positioned himself above my mouth, gripping the headboard and smiling down at me. Using my hands, I brought him inside my mouth and began to love him as thoroughly as I could. Giving head wasn’t my favorite thing in the world to do, and we were in a slightly awkward position, but watching his face contort and twist with pleasure was beyond rewarding.

Jay had barely taken a half-dozen strokes into my mouth when Noah grunted, his motions stilling inside me. He pulled out, and I wasn’t certain if he’d come or not—I imagined he had, given the noises he’d made and the way his movements changed before he’d withdrawn. When he appeared by my side, touching and kissing Jonathan, my guess was confirmed by the lack of condom or erection.

Together, Noah and I worked Jay up to an orgasm, and I was startled when he pulled out, continued to stroke himself, and came all over my breasts. I’d never had a guy do that before, and I couldn’t decide if I loved or hated it. I did, however, very much enjoy the way they both cared for and cleaned me off afterward, so that made up for any hesitations I had about the act itself.

I was lighter in body and spirit when we curled up together. No one would need to pretend or swap beds in the morning; we were free to be
and that was comforting. I fell asleep with a smile on my face, a delicious ache between my legs, and arms and legs tangled with mine.


In the morning, Jonathan left to take Gladdie to the airport after a hug and kiss from Noah and me, while we lounged in bed. It was way too early to consider getting up for the day, so we snuggled and fell back to sleep. The second time I woke up, Jay was back and Noah was gone, but I could hear commotion in the bathroom, so I assumed he was in there. The third time I woke up, there were hands and lips all over my body. It felt like far more than two people in bed with me, and I opened my eyes in a panic, taking inventory.

It was just the three of us, and when the boys began to kiss each other over my shoulder, each of them pressing against my body to get closer to each other, I let out a long breath. Jonathan was behind me, Noah in front of me, and I was pretty sure we were about to do what had scared me all along. Something about the casual way we were spending a Saturday morning in bed tempered my fears about the places it felt we were headed, though. Neither of them seemed worried, and I’d watched them do the same thing to each other, more than once. They both seemed to enjoy it, taking their time and being gentle with each other—they certainly didn’t piston into each other like I’d seen in porn, which usually resulted in one person squinting in what I was sure was pain and not pleasure. Sure, at times Jay and Noah went faster or slower or harder, but they paid attention to each other.

I was so distracted thinking about how it might happen that before I even realized it, Jay had gotten the lube and they were both touching me. The slip and slide of their fingers against my pussy and ass made me wiggle between them.

Noah laughed. “More?”

“Please,” I breathed.

I wound my arms around Noah’s neck, kissing him hard as Jay continued to tease me. When I felt the tip of Jay’s cock skim the thin, puckered skin, I tensed instinctively.

“Relax, baby,” Noah said quietly, kissing my chin. “Relax and let us make you feel good.”

I was really, really trying. I knew exactly how good they could make me feel, and I wanted that again. I made a noise, a small mumbled plea for him to help. Noah’s lips moved to just behind my ear, his teeth nipping lightly at the same time as his fingers pushed inside of me. I couldn’t help but relax, wanting to feel him, and it helped. Soon enough, Jay had slipped the head of his cock in, and although it wasn’t the best thing I’d ever felt, it wasn’t horrible or as painful as I’d imagined. It wasn’t much different from their fingers, in fact.

Several moments later, the sensation had dissipated to a small burn, and Jay was all the way inside me. When he pulled out and pushed back in, I gasped against Noah’s neck, tightening my arms around him.

“I know it feels different, but I promise, it gets so good,” he whispered. “And as soon as he gives me the sign, I’m going to fill you up from the other side. We’ll be connected to each other in a new way, closer than we’ve ever been before.”

I hadn’t thought about it like that, but he was right. The idea he’d planted made me grin, ready and eager for more, and I moved my hand down to help guide him inside of me. He pushed, thrusting easily into me and causing me to groan. Having them both inside me was unlike anything I’d ever experienced before, and I tried to wrap my head around it as they began to move. Closing my eyes, I inhaled Noah’s scent, letting it wash over and ground me.

Because of the position we were in, everyone’s mobility was limited, but I decided that was probably for the best. I wasn’t sure how much movement I could take from either of them. Slowly, every sensation morphed and became less questionable and more pleasurable. Their hands reached across my hip and laced together, resting against my skin. I put my hand on top of theirs, my breath speeding up when Noah’s hand found my clit. He was amazing, working my body fast and expertly, and in almost no time, I was exploding around them. Both of them. At the same time.

My mind had officially been blown.

I had to cover my mouth after I came because the giggles set in. It was some strange state of euphoria, and I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I’d never laughed so hard after such an intimate act, but my body was a mass of pent-up emotion. Noah and Jay didn’t seem to mind, and as soon as I could catch my breath, the pleasure threatened to overwhelm me again as I fell back into a rhythm with them.

Jay squeezed my hip as he pushed faster and harder several times, then stilled, his mouth planted against the side of my neck. It was so sexy when I thought he was coming, even though I couldn’t be sure. I looked ahead at Noah, watching him as he seemed to be trying to hang on a little longer. Jonathan gingerly pulled himself out and crawled off the bed, headed to the bathroom, I assumed.

Pulling Noah, I rolled to my back, widening my legs and pressing against his ass with my heels.

“Harder,” I whispered, pleading with him.

He complied, fucking harder and faster, and I had to close my eyes. Everything in my body was intently focused on what he was he doing, between my legs and elsewhere, and I gasped with pleasure as he continued. Jay returned to the bed and immediately lavished both of us with attention, a hand on each of our bodies. I gripped the headboard behind me, giving Noah more leverage.

It had been the first time they’d been inside me at the same time, and the feeling was beyond description.
wasn’t good enough, neither was
I let go, stopped trying to figure out exactly how it felt, and bathed in the moment. Jay and Noah were touching each other, and touching me, and making me come so perfectly, in ways I never knew I could find pleasurable.

When I heard Noah grunting, I opened my eyes and watched his face twist with pleasure. It was perfect, and again, I felt almost under a spell of bliss, being loved by two gorgeous men. As Noah began to come down, he kissed my shoulder and clavicle, humming and smiling. We lay together for a few minutes, fingertips tracing and touching, before we went to the bathroom to clean up.

Once we were out of the shower and ready to face the day, we all realized we were starving. We went to a little cafe around the corner since there wasn’t much in the house to cook, and no one really felt up to it. We shared bites of food as we talked quietly and enjoyed our bubble; it was the perfect antidote to Gladys’s visit.

The moment I thought her name, though, I remembered what she’d asked—a topic I had purposefully avoided—about them adopting a baby.

It had been several months they’d put it on hold. We’d been quasi-dating for several months. I knew them well enough, I thought, to know they wouldn’t just be using me, but some tiny shard of doubt nagged away in my head. Would they?

“Psst,” Jonathan said, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“Hey,” I replied, smiling at him.

“Did you hear anything I just said?” he asked, laughing.

I blushed. “Not really. Sorry.”

“I need to go to the bookstore. Do you want to grab some coffee and run some errands, call it an early night with a movie at the house?”

“That sounds perfect,” I said.

After getting a caramel macchiato and going to the bookstore and several other spots, ending in the grocery store, we went back to the house and relaxed. We were down to only that night and the following afternoon together, which caused my usual end-of-weekend sadness to set in.

I lay on the couch, my head in Noah’s lap and my feet in Jay’s. They were both touching me sweetly as we watched Good Will Hunting. Noah’s fingers would tangle in my hair, separating the strands and scratching my scalp. Jay was rubbing my feet. Together, they were lulling me to sleep.

Sure enough, I woke up and the credits were rolling. Jonathan had slipped off the couch, to go to the bathroom, Noah said.

“Come on, sleepyhead. I’ll try not to take it personally that you fell asleep on me.”

He helped me stand up, and I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me.

“I promise to never fall asleep while you’re in me, okay?”

“You better not.”


We laced our fingers together and walked to the bedroom. Jay was stretched out, wearing nothing but his sleep pants, looking delicious. As much as I wanted him again, I was even more exhausted.

“Goodnight, boys.”

I climbed in on one side of Jonathan, Noah on the other after he’d turned the lights off.

“Goodnight, loves,” Noah said.

“G’night,” Jay whispered.

I couldn’t keep myself awake, much as I wanted to extend the night.

I slept straight through until the sun was up—something that rarely happened. I woke up happy and smiling, ready to submerge myself in the last day of “us time.” Humming, I stretched and curled against Jay’s body.

“Good morning,” he said, turning to face me.

“How long have you been awake?” I asked.

“Just a few minutes,” he said. “I was watching Noah.”


He rolled his eyes and the bed shook with our laughter.

“What are we doing today?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Jay said.

“I need help. You’re both coming to the bakery,” Noah said, stretching and yawning.

“That sounds like fun,” I said.

“Just wait,” Jay said. “You’ve never been there. Noah becomes Dictator Noah.” He rolled his eyes.

“You like me when I’m bossy,” Noah said, slapping Jay’s ass then climbing out of bed. “Come on, get in the shower.”

I giggled, watching Jay’s eyes as they crinkled at the corners and happiness washed over his face. Despite his protests, he clearly enjoyed helping Noah out at the bakery.

After we got cleaned up, we dressed and made our way over to the bakery. I’d never been inside, so it was a fun experience to walk around and see the decorative touches that practically screamed Noah to me—the gleaming stainless steel and modern fixtures. It was masculine but had touches of color and femininity sprinkled around.

I made my way to the back of the shop where Noah handed Jay and me aprons after he put his own on.

“What are we doing today, boss?” I asked, saluting Noah.

“I thought we could make a fruit tart for after dinner, and then you can help me with less fun work.”

“Sounds good to me,” I said, turning to watch as Jay made faces and groaned.

“What he means is, we get to clean toilets and file paperwork.”

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