Read Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me) Online

Authors: Kallypso Masters

Tags: #bondage, #Rescue Me, #Sex, #Romance, #Erotic, #Adult, #BDSM

Somebody's Angel (#5 in a Military Romance / BDSM Romance series) (Rescue Me) (41 page)

His finger and thumb pinched her other nipple before he slowly began to trail kisses and gentle nips at the flesh between her breasts. In agonizingly slow motion, he moved lower. She waited. Soon.

He pulled away and glanced up at her. “Breathe, Kitten.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said on a whisper before filling her lungs.

“Good girl.” His head descended on her once more, and she felt his tongue circle her now protruding belly button.

“Oh, yes!” She’d never thought of a navel as being sensual, but dear God, she nearly came from his gentle ministrations. Maybe she didn’t have to have it rough all the time, although she still wanted it that way
of the time.

Scooting from beside her down the bed, he placed his head between her thighs and just stared at her. She squirmed. The crotchless harem pants left nothing to the imagination. Adam’s intense stare made her nervous. Hopefully she hadn’t changed there, as well. Becoming used to her pregnant body had been a challenge. At least she didn’t think he was repulsed by her yet. She hadn’t been sure what he would think when she put on her belly-dancing outfit and came out of the bathroom, but he seemed to be enjoying their time together. Maybe even a bit turned on by her enormous body again. It had been forever since he’d done more than cuddle in bed with her.

Thank you, Damián, for giving us tonight.

Just when she thought she’d scream if he didn’t say or do something, Adam traced his finger over her mons and slit as if petting her pussy. “I’ve missed my sweet kitty.”

She felt herself growing wetter. Her voice came out in a whisper. “Your kitty has missed you, too, Sir.”

He looked up at her. “If I do anything that hurts, you’d better tell me ASAP, or I’ll not touch you again until these kids are three years old.”

Jesus! Three
? Was he serious? Even three months was killing her. Her words came out as a husky whisper. “Yes, Sir. I will.”

Oh, please touch me. Make love to me, Adam.

His head lowered as he spread the filmy scarves and pantaloons aside, baring her completely to his gaze. “So fucking beautiful.” His head lowered to the flesh above her pubic bone where his teeth nipped, leaving love bites in a trail growing closer and closer to her outer lips but not spreading them to reveal the core of her need. She tilted her pelvis toward him, but he pulled away.

“Lie still unless I give you permission to move.”


Discipline. Even though they hadn’t had sex lately, they had definitely been working on her learning to discipline her body and mind during a scene. She hadn’t quite managed to tame her sometimes-Domme personality completely but didn’t want him to grow weary of her constant defiance, so she’d put those urges on a back burner. She was content to be his submissive, if that’s what he wanted and needed. Someday perhaps she’d turn the tables on him again, but they had the rest of their lives together. Dear God, she hoped that would be an eternity.

When Adam’s tongue traced the line of her closed slit, she nearly came up off the bed but willed her hips to remain plastered to the mattress.

Lie still for him.

He kissed her just above her clit hood. “Good girl.”

Her chest swelled with pride at his praise, and her hands clenched the taut scarf above her head. He’d tied her loosely knowing she wasn’t going to try to get away while tightly enough to remind her she was under his control. As if she had any desire to escape.

Her nipples grew rock hard as her excitement built. Adam took his thumbs and parted her lips, exposing her hood to the cool air. The muscles in the pit of her pelvis tightened, anticipating his next move. He blew on her clit at the same time he rammed two fingers inside her pussy. Not expecting this double assault on her senses, her hips bucked upward before she could stop them.

“Tsk-tsk. We’re going to have to do something about that, aren’t we?”

“I’m trying, Sir. But it’s been too long!”

“Well, it’s going to be even longer now.”

“No! Don’t stop! Please, Adam! I mean, Your Excellency! I need this!”

He just chuckled as he got off the bed and went to the fridge. How could he possibly think about food or drink at a time like this?

Concealing the object from the fridge, he then went to the suitcase and pulled out a tight bundle of black straps. Was he going to slap her with it? What the hell was it?

“Doctor Palmer said you might need some help supporting your legs. Since we aren’t in one of the club’s playrooms with a sling handy, I’m going to cheat a bit and use this.”

He began to undo the Velcro straps until he revealed a long nylon contraption with cuffs at the ends. “Lift your head.” She followed his command, and he placed the center portion of the thing behind her neck. “Lie back down and get comfortable. How are your arms?”

“Fine, Sir.” Okay, not fine. She felt a cramp in her shoulder. “Maybe they’re a little tired of this position.” If she didn’t tell him about any discomfort and he discovered it later, he might never play with her again until the twins
three years old. Or maybe thirty.

A worried expression crossed his face and he immediately loosened the scarf from the headboard. His strong hands kneaded the muscles in her shoulders until she moaned. Having him touching her in any way felt so good.

“Place your hands beside your head and hold onto the pillow. Do
let go unless I tell you to.”

She followed his command. “Yes, my sultan.”

He grinned at her. “Don’t you ever forget it, Baby Tiger.”

He then released the Velcro on one cuff and opened it. He stared at her harem pants a moment. “Raise your hips.” He unfastened the beaded waistband and lowered the only thing standing between her and Adam.
About damned time

He returned to place the soft cuff around the middle of her thigh, then proceeded to do the same on her other leg.

He pulled the straps near the side of her head and her legs went up into the air.

“How’s that? How does your lower back feel?”

There was absolutely no pressure on her lower back. The contraption made her feel as if she could fly. “Fine, Sir. Quite wonderful, in fact.”

He smiled. “Remind me to thank Angelina later. She picked it up for me at some sex-toy party.”

That Angie had been trying to find ways to get Adam to make love with her just made her realize all the more how blessed she was to have that woman in her life. She just wished Marc would get his head out of his ass and realize how much he needed her in
life before she gave up on him and found someone else.

But she couldn’t worry about them now. Tonight was about her getting Adam’s head out of
ass. Again.

“If you feel any discomfort or cramping and don’t tell me about it, this will be our last scene for a very long time. Understood?”

“I understand, Sir. Really, but this is so comfortable I could stay like this all night.” She hoped they’d be able to play all night, even though they had a long drive to Aspen Corners tomorrow afternoon.

“You’ll stay as long as I say you will—and I’m not sure comfortable is the end goal here.”

Adam reached toward something on the nightstand. It must have been whatever he’d pulled from the fridge earlier, because he began to trace her lower lips with the cold, pointy object. He stretched out on the bed and trailed hot kisses to warm the places left cold by whatever he was playing with. His tongue stroked the side of her clit hood as he rammed the object into her pussy.

Remain still, Kitty!

How? She wanted to move. The object didn’t hurt, didn’t even fill her the way Adam’s cock would, but feeling something there after so long felt heavenly. Her body adjusted to the coldness, or perhaps the object just warmed to her core temperature. When he began to move it in and out, causing a slight friction against her walls, she clenched the feather-stuffed pillow as she held on for dear life.


With the fingers of his free hand, Adam spread the apex of her lips apart, and his mouth descended on her clit hood again. This time, rather than gently kissing or licking her, he bit down.

Karla jerked. “Oh, dear God!”

“Control yourself, Kitten.”

She gasped for air. “Yes, Sir.” But how could she when he was bombarding her senses like this?

“You don’t come until I tell you to come. Understood?”

“Y-yes, Sir.” God help her, she hoped he wouldn’t make her wait too long. She wasn’t sure she could hold out more than a few minutes. But she didn’t want him to go on another bent of many months—or years!—where he’d ignore the needs he’d awakened inside her, so she’d better behave.

He chuckled in the most diabolical way, and then she heard a click just seconds before her pussy pulsed to life. Oh, damn. Not a vibrator! She’d hoped it was a carrot or something.

“Hang on, Baby Tiger.”

She couldn’t hang on much longer but tightened her grip on the pillow anyway. He began his assault on her clit hood again, nibbling, biting, sucking, all the while the vibe in her pussy alternated rhythm in a most unpredictable pattern, which only drove her more insane. She drew a ragged breath and fought for control. This felt so fucking good.

Watch your language.

Yes, Sir.

Control. Adam spread her folds even more and drew her clit straight into his waiting mouth. He sucked—hard.

Hold your hips still.


His tongue flicked at her swollen clit, and tears came to her eyes as she fought against the sensations rolling through her. Her body began to shake uncontrollably. How much longer? When he rested his chin on the vibrator protruding from her pussy, it hit that delicious bundle of nerves at her G spot. Her hips bucked as his tongue became even more wicked.


He pulled back. “What part of remaining still don’t you understand, Baby Tiger?”

“I’m sorry, Your Excellency. It’s just that…” Where had all the oxygen gone? “I’ve missed you so much. I’ll try to control my body better.”

“You’re going to feel so much more if you lie still and let
control where you’re touched and stimulated.”

Adam only wanted to make this better for her.
He wanted her to stop thinking, stop talking, stop moving, stop everything, and just
—and yet he didn’t want her to come? How could she give in to his attack and not explode?

Control. He’d been teaching her to control her body’s responses for months. To empty her mind of stray thoughts and focus only on her body. More specifically, what he was doing to her body. Among other things, teaching her to come on his command. God, she wished he’d command her to come right now. She couldn’t hold out much longer.

The vibe increased its speed at the same time his teeth bit into the swollen flesh of her clit. He pulled his head back, taking her clit with him. She met his gaze over her swollen belly.

Lie still. Don’t move. This is a test.

She had to pass if she wanted to play again anytime soon. Karla willed her hips to remain still. Focus only on his touch.

He released her clit. “Very good girl. You’ve learned a lot, little Kitten.”

She took a deep breath, a smile on her face. Adam averted his gaze, lowered his head once more, and pulled out the vibe before ramming it back inside. Though disappointed that he wasn’t going to ram her with his penis, she wasn’t going to complain at the moment. She had a job to do. She needed to show she’d learned the self-discipline he’d been teaching. Dear God, she hoped to be permitted to come soon—screaming for her beloved sultan.

He continued to piston her pussy with the vibe. Then he withdrew it and placed it against her anus. Oh, no. She loved anal play, even more so now that her pussy seemed to be off limits for anything but his fingers or small vibes. The vibrator went into her opening easily before stopping at the ring of muscles. “Bear down, Kitten.”

She did as he’d trained her to do, and the vibe went a little farther. She wasn’t sure if it was lubed by her pussy juices or if he’d used something earlier, but there was no resistance. His mouth descended on her clit once more.

The vibe pulsed at erratic speeds as his tongue flicked against her clit. When his fingers plunged inside her pussy, tears came to her eyes as she fought the urge to come. She held on while he assaulted her senses on three fronts. The man didn’t play fair.

Do not scream, Kitty. Do not come. And most definitely do not beg.

Sweat broke out on her upper lip and forehead as her body began to shake even harder. She couldn’t hold out much longer.
Please, Sir, let me come!

She didn’t know if she’d said the words aloud or not but nearly sobbed with relief when she heard him speak his next words.

“You’ve been a very good slave girl. Now for your reward I want you to come—loudly. Don’t hold anything back from your sultan, Baby Tiger.” He lowered his mouth to her clit again as he rammed three fingers into her pussy. The anal vibe ramped up to yet another speed.

Convulsions tore through her, and she moaned as he ripped the orgasm from her body. “Yes, Master Adam! I mean, Your Excellency! Oh, shit! Yesssss!” She bucked against his tongue, his fingers, the vibe. “Yes! There! Don’t stop!”

The orgasm continued to roll through her body for what seemed like forever—but as the sensations ebbed, she realized it had been oh, too short. Her belly tightened as she bucked against the restraints, both real and imaginary. After an endless ride, she breathed in and out for several minutes until her body began to relax.

“Fuck, Karla. Your belly’s hard as a rock. Did I hurt you? Are the babies okay?”

Dear Lord, let me survive this man’s worrying until these babies are born.
Somehow she knew he’d just worry more after the twins arrived, though.

“Adam, it’s perfectly normal for my uterus to get hard when I come.” Her womb was just the size of a watermelon now, so it was more noticeable to him. She wouldn’t tell him how often she’d masturbated these last frustrating months just to try and maintain her sanity during this “no sex” dry spell. She and her Hitachi would be seeing a lot more of each other before she would get Adam to stop freaking out about everything related to sex.

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