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Authors: Elizabeth Adams

So Much More (9 page)

Stella began laughing. It started off a normal chuckle then grew into hysterics. “He’s in love with
Angie!” she roared, laughing so hard tears were forming in her eyes.

“It’s not funny!” And it wasn’t. Dean’s heart was racing with the realization. His world shifted and he was feeling dizzy. “Damn it, stop laughing!”

She only laughed harder. David smirked at him, a knowing gleam in his eyes.

“Holy hell.
What do I do now?”

“Go apologize for starters. You made an ass out of yourself and hurt her feelings. Then tell her how you feel and hope that she will forgive you and have sex with you.”

“Gee Stella, you’re quite the romantic.” David teased.

Dean looked around the beach, wondering if he should go find her or wait for her to come back to their spot.  Could he really just come right out and
say he loved her? Could they really find a secluded spot and have a quickie? He hoped the answer was yes to both.

“Wait!” Stella shot upwards on to her knees. “I got it! I know how you should do this!” And she proceeded to tell him her plan, which admittedly was a great one.

Chapter Fifteen


The ride back to the condo had been silent, David and Stella staring out the windows and avoiding her gaze. Angie knew she had to apologize to Stella but sure as hell didn’t want to do so in front of David. Thankfully he hadn’t witnessed the argument between her and Dean. That would have the mortifying cherry on top of the disaster that was the ice cream.

Dean had gone back to the condo a head of them, taking a cab to give him time to think, David had said. Think about what?
The best way to avoid Angie for the rest of his life? She was trying to come up with an answer herself, an answer for the best way to pull her feelings for Dean from her soul once and for all. This was one of those times she wished there were a pill for such a thing. A quick fix that would be painless and instantaneous. No such luck though. She had to work through it.  She only hoped she still had Stella as a friend to work through it with her.

They pulled the Jeep up to the condo and parked next to the compact car. Apparently everyone was home, presumably packing and preparing to fly out in the morning. What a sad end to the trip.

Her mom met them at the front door, scrunching her nose up at the sight of Angie in the bikini and cut off shorts. She knew her hair was lank and crunchy thanks to the salt water, but she just couldn’t drum up the energy to care.

“You got a bit too much sun.” Her mom scrutinized her face. “You’re pink.” The pink wasn’t due to the sun but thanks to the tears. She was only grateful to use the sun as the excuse.

“I know. I’m just going to shower and get ready for dinner. What’s the plan?”

“We’re going out with Jim, dinner and drinks. He wants to see me once were back in the States. Isn’t that exciting?”

Yeah, real exciting, Angie thought. She nodded absently then locked herself in the bathroom.

When she emerged from the bedroom, clean and dressed, she was surprised to find the house empty. “Stella?” She called out, going from room to room until finally heading out the front door to see if either car was in the drive way. She was alone. Forgotten or left behind. Either way she suddenly didn’t care. She longed for the solitude the condo provided.

She went back inside and closed the door behind her, leaning against it and closing her eyes. How could five days change her life so drastically?

Angie pushed off the door and opened her eyes, prepared to find a bottle of wine and sit out on the deck to watch the sun set. Dean stood before her wearing worn jeans that hung comfortably on his hips and a green tee shirt.

“It’s just us. They all went out to eat.”

So much for alone time.
Her heart rate kicked up a notch at the sight of him. “Why didn’t you go with them?”

Because I wanted to be with you.”

Angie sighed, her eyes closing briefly. “Dean, we can’t. Stella-“

“Knows about us and understands.” He finished her sentence just not with the words she would have used. “We had a talk on the beach and she’s okay with this.” He gestured between them.

“And what is ‘this’ exactly? It started out as sex and then went where?”

He didn’t speak and the silence hurt. She moved to push past him but his arm encircled her waist and he dipped his head until his nose was buried in her hair. “God you smell good. Do you know how hard it is for me to keep my hands off you? Your body beckons me, begs me to touch it and make you come until you shake with it.”

Okay, so they weren’t the words she wanted but they would do. Desire puckered her nipples and created heat between her legs. “If Stella is okay with us seeing each other then why won’t she speak to me?”

His hand moved down her hip to roam her curves. “Because she knew she couldn’t look at you without telling you about my surprise.”

“What surprise?”

“Come and see.” He took her hand and led her into the living room where a gift wrapped box sat on the coffee table. “Open it.”

She looked at him uncertainly. The box stood just over a foot tall, wrapped in silver paper with a white ribbon. It looked expensive. She removed the wrapping and saw the distinctive muted blue box with
Lliadro written in bold white letters. Excitedly she opened the top and pulled out the Styrofoam encasing the figurine. When she opened the Styrofoam she found the figures of a tall man and woman, holding each other, dancing, looking into each other’s eyes, love apparent in every facet of the pose.

“Dean, it’s beautiful!” He moved over to the bar where Stella’s i
Pod and dock were set up. He pressed play and the song from the previous night started playing. A single guitar strumming, a husky male voice accompanying it.

“I’ve decided something.” He walked to her and held his hand out, silently asking her to dance. “I’ve decided that I’m not letting you go.”

She after setting the Lliadro on the table with shaky hands she stepped into his embrace, sighing at the familiar heat. They moved together, her head resting on his chest, his arm holding her close, their hands clasped together.

“Stella made me realize that I’ve loved you since I first met you. I’m not willing to go back to my life without you. Really, there is no going back. What I feel for you is just… well, so much more.”

She understood because she felt it too. Angie raised her mouth, seeking his. Their lips met, molded together, the first connection of their bond. The song ended, leaving the room silent except for their breathing. Angie pulled back and looked up at him. “Stella knows then? She’s okay with it?”

He smiled. “We have her blessing and I she’s threatened to cut my balls off if I ever hurt you.” Angie
laughed, imagining Stella had told him just that. “And my mom asks for grandkids within two years, my dad wants us to promise to live close to them, your mom just wants to see my previous two years tax returns.”

“You’re joking,” she stated but really wasn’t so sure he was.

“Well, about your mom I am. My parents I’m not. Apparently they’ve been predicting this for years. They used the excuse of this trip to play Cupid.” He bent and swept her off her feet. “Now, we have the condo all to ourselves for another couple hours. How about we use up every second of that in bed? It’s our last night in paradise and the bed is big and soft.”

She wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him, thinking that perhaps this was actually the first day in paradise.
Her own personal paradise.




The wedding was beautiful. An outdoor April affair that was private and included only those who were special to the bride and groom. Angie smiled up at Dean as the DJ played their song so the guests could watch the bride and groom dance. He held her close but kept his eyes on her, as if he couldn’t get enough of the site of her in a wedding dress. His hand dipped to her slightly swollen belly and his grin broadened.

“I knew I had to get you knocked up in order for you to marry me.” Angie grinned back at him.

“It wasn’t exactly a secret you were keeping. If it were than you probably shouldn’t have told me that last night of vacation that you intended to impregnate me.” And he held true and fast to his declaration. There baby was conceived that night. Or possibly the following night when they got off the plane and Dean whisked her off to his apartment.

On the side of the makeshift dance floor the Grandmothers-to-be stood with drinks in hand smiling at them as they danced. “I don’t know who’s more excited, you or our mothers.”

“Me,” Dean announced with a smile and she knew he was right. She had been nervous to tell him she was pregnant, even though he made no secret about wanting to get her that way, but when she did break the news to him he quickly produced an engagement ring from his pocket and asked her to marry him. Come to find out, they both had exciting things planned for that night.

When they broke the news of both engagement and pregnancy to their families they were rewarded with excitement on both fronts. Even from Stella, who still routinely threatened to maim Dean if he hurt
Angie. The thought of Stella had Angie looking around for her maid of honor. The fuchsia dress she wore should have her sticking out of the muted colors the rest of the guests wore but she was nowhere to be found.

“Where’s Stella?” Angie asked Dean as the song came to an end and his parents and her mom and Jim stepped on to dance floor. He looked around and chuckled. Angie followed his gaze to where Stella stepped out of the pool house, tugging on the top of her dress as if to put it back in place. Right behind her was David, his tie skewed
, his dark hair tousled, and a broad grin on his face.

Angie looked up at Dean with wide eyes. “Did you know about that?”

He shrugged and took her hand in his. “It was a given. I ran off with her best friend so it’s only fitting she runs off with mine.” He kissed her hand and said, “Come on, wife. The pool house is empty and I’m anxious to get you out of that dress.”

Angie’s grin broadened. “Why get me out of it when all you have to do is lift
it. I’m not wearing any panties,” she whispered and Dean’s eyes got that look she loved so much. That look that told her she was the only woman in the world for him.

They quickly snuck off so they could make love for the first time as husband and wife.

No one seemed to notice and if they did, well, they expected it from those two.


The End












About the Author



Elizabeth Adams lives in Northwest Arkansas with her husband, two kids, three cats, and three dogs. She is currently allowing her imagination to run rampant on the next romantic encounter she
will write about.




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