Read Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father Online

Authors: J.L. McCoy

Tags: #vampires, #steamy adult paranormal romance, #paranormal romance, #fangs, #steamy content, #vampire book series, #urban fantasy

Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father (27 page)

Amun paced in front of me and spoke harshly
to me in a language I was unfamiliar with. “I grow tired of you,”
he finally said to me in English.

I took a deep breath and raised my head
higher to look at him. “Finally…something we have in common,” I
sarcastically bit back. If I was going to die by this monster’s
hands, I wanted to die as Skye Everleigh Morrison; strong,
woman. I didn’t want to die weak and fearful. I knew my fate was in
God’s hands; I accepted a long time ago that He was in control of
my life, I wasn’t. If I was meant to die here today, then I would
die being myself; not the victim that this psycho was trying to
make me into.

Amun chuckled and grabbed a fist full of my
hair, tilting my head back even further. “You remind me of a girl
that I once knew,” he said with a sick smile.

“Oh yeah?” I asked tiredly. My body
desperately needed to recuperate from the recent events and I could
feel its pull on my droopy eyes. “What happened…to her?”

Amun leaned closer, his nose almost touching
mine, and whispered slowly, “I ate her.”

I swallowed hard as he shoved my head away. I
watched as he calmly pulled in the cuffs of his shirt, readjusting
them, and fixed his suit jacket. He ran his fingers through his
short dark hair and turned back to me.

“Where was I?” he asked, his brow momentarily
furrowed in thought before his blue eyes suddenly lit up and he
smiled. “Oh yes…the tomb. So, Cináed was able to capture me, bleed
me almost dry, and lock me underground in a tomb. In there I sat,
chained in silver and draped in crosses, unable to move but fully
aware for over a thousand years. I had all that time to plan my
revenge should I ever escape, although I didn’t know how long my
body would last. As I previously told you, it had been
deteriorating for some time before I started drinking immortal
blood. Imagine my surprise when I did not die,” he smiled.

“As luck would have it, the church was
demolished a few weeks ago, and my enclosure was discovered in the
process. One of the men spotted me chained up and he came over and
cut me free. Once the silver and holy relics were removed, I
drained my rescuer and his companions. After I drained the human
men and regained a fraction of my strength, I went out hunting for
a proper meal. I drained a score of vampires, completely restoring
me to my former glory, and commenced my search of Cináed. Much to
my dismay, I learned that he was dead, so I decided the next best
thing would be to kill off his offspring. And kill them all, I

“But…why did you kill…the human at my house?”
I croaked weakly as I felt hot tears slide down my face. “Jesse
wasn’t a…descendant of Cináed. He didn’t…deserve to die. He
had…nothing to do with…any of this.”

Amun shook his head. “I did not kill the
human. Martin did,” he said as he reached over and gently touched
the tears on my cheeks, a look of fascination on his face. “You cry
for him…why?”

I roughly jerked my face to the side, away
from his touch. “Because he didn’t deserve to die!” I yelled,
mustering all the strength and anger I had, putting them into my
words. “He wasn’t a part of your war. He knew…nothing of…your kind.
And yet you killed him anyway.”

Amun pursed his lips and began walking around
me again. “Martin killed him. And he died because he was in the
way. We were observing you and that day walker, preparing to leave
Callum’s head in your metal chariot, when the human came up and
began destroying it. I have to admit, I watched the whole thing in
complete rapture. His anger was impressive; feral and immense. He
would have made a fierce vampire. But, alas, he had to be disposed
of. He had been following your every move for the last few days and
he was making my hunt more difficult than it needed to be.”

“You cold hearted bastard!” I spat and yanked
as hard as I could on my chains.

He backhanded me again, harder this time.
“Silence! You need to learn your place, woman. I don’t know what
happened to this world while I was entombed, but I don’t care for
it. A woman is to be seen, not heard. Used as a man pleases without
complaint from the female. I hope this isn’t a widespread problem.
The human race was loathsome a thousand years ago. If all women are
like you now, I shudder to think what living among you will be
like. Too bad my tastes have evolved to immortals. I’d like nothing
more than to drain you dry and silence that sarcastic mouth of
yours, woman.”

“Fuck you,” I spat weakly.

Amun chuckled and stepped back. “I’ll pretend
I understand what that means if it makes you feel more powerful,
human. You really are such a pathetic species.”

I watched as he pulled a velvet bag out of
his jacket pocket and smile at me. “I need to give your day walkers
more incentive to find you, I believe. Two days have passed and
they aren’t even close.” He reached forward using vampire speed and
yanked a fist full of my hair out. I screamed out in pain as he
held it out between our faces. I saw a chunk of bloody scalp and I
started crying again; half from the unbelievable pain, half from
anger. I loved my hair and this asshole had torn a huge chunk of it
out…along with some scalp.
I will not focus on the chunk of skin
hanging from it
, I silently told myself.
I couldn’t help myself…I looked
again and he just laughed as he watched the pain and anguish on my

Amun carefully folded my hair up and put it
in the velvet bag; knotting it when he was done and putting it back
in his jacket pocket. He then reached out and ripped my black
Motörhead t-shirt from my body, leaving me only in my bra. I cried
out in pain again, this time it was coming from my wrists. He tore
my shirt from my body with such force that I swung a little on my

“That should do it,” he said, smiling as he
wadded my shirt up in his hand and turned to leave.

“That was…vintage, you bastard!” I screamed
at him through my tears as he closed the door to the basement. My
head was pounding and my entire body ached. I prayed for the
darkness to take me again, to relieve me of my pain, but it didn’t.
I stayed awake and aware for the next few hours and dreamed of the
chance to kick that bastard vampire’s ass.

The next time I awoke, something cold was
sliding down my torso. My eyes flew open and I saw Martin standing
in front of me with a sly grin on his face as his fingers explored
my exposed skin.

“Don’t fucking…touch me,” I growled as I
tried to jerk away from his icy trace.

Martin chuckled as I watched his fangs slowly
descend from his upper gums. “Watch how you talk to me, human. Your
life is in my hands, remember?”

I swallowed hard and looked away from him. I
whimpered as his fingers moved along the edges of the cups on my
bra. I knew I had to stay silent and try my best not anger him, as
difficult as that was for me. I didn’t think I’d survive him
feeding off me again.

“Wh…where’s Amun?” I asked timidly.

“Out,” Martin whispered as he slid one of his
fingers under my bra. “He’s been gone for some time and I don’t
expect him back anytime soon…not that you should worry about that.”
He licked his lips as he slid his cold finger along the underside
of my breast.

“What are you…planning on doing to me?” I
whispered as my body began to shake from pure fear.

He leaned forward, burying his face into the
hollow of my neck, and took a deep breath in. “Your fear smells
amazing. It makes my mouth water.”

“Please,” I begged frantically. “Don’t bite
me again, Martin.”

He chuckled and licked my neck. “I’m not
going to bite you. I’m going to fuck you. I haven’t had a human in
a while.”

I jerked on my chains frantically as I
pleaded with him. “You don’t want to do this Martin. Amun will be
mad, think about it.”

He laughed as he roughly pulled up my bra,
exposing my breasts. “Amun doesn’t give a damn about you and
doesn’t care what I do with you.”

I started to panic as Martin unbuttoned my
corduroys and slowly slid the zipper down. “Please don’t do this
Martin. You said you wouldn’t hurt me if I was good.”

“I said if you cooperated, I wouldn’t feed
from you again,” he said, licking his lips as he slid my pants down
my hips. “Are you going to cooperate, or shall I sink my fangs into
your tasty little neck again?” I whimpered and tightly closed my

Just then the door opened and Amun slowly
made his way down the steps, his eyes locked on mine. “Martin, you
are not seriously considering mating with this human, are you?” he
asked, a look of disgust on his face.

“I was bored, master,” he explained quickly
as he stepped away from me. “I haven’t used a human in a number of

Amun tsked as he walked up to me, his eyes
roaming my body. “Do not lower yourself, Martin. You are vampire
and she is a human, unworthy of your attentions. Get upstairs and
wait for me there.”

“Yes, master,” he said and glanced longingly
back at me for a moment before leaving the room.

Amun reached over and quickly righted my
pants and bra, surprising me. I knew he could care less what
happened to me and was shocked that he stopped Martin from raping
me, whatever his reasoning was.

“Great vampires do not fraternize sexually
with humans,” he said, reading my mind. “I stopped him to help him,
not you.”

I lowered my gaze as he turned to the water
spigot on the wall and filled the metal cup again. He brought it
over to me and allowed me to drink the whole thing. Without another
word, he left and I was alone again, thankful for his brief

Hours passed and I remained awake, scared
that Martin would come back and finish what he started. I saw the
look in his eyes and knew that he was far from finished with me, no
matter what Amun said. He’d probably just wait for him to leave
again. I felt so vulnerable and helpless chained to this pipe in
the ceiling. Even if I had the use of my arms, I don’t think I’d
have been able to fight off Martin’s advances.

I was in the most pain I had ever been in in
my life. I took a quick evaluation of the injuries I had sustained
thus far and started to cry again. There was my ripped scalp and
missing hair, the deep gash on my left forearm inflicted by Amun
when he kidnapped me, my broken right wrist and dislocated right
shoulder, my bruised and aching face caused by Martin and Amun’s
hands, and let’s not forget the fang marks in my neck where Martin
almost drained me into nonexistence. I was damn lucky to be alive
and I knew it.



Chapter 19



I was just starting to drift off again when I
heard heavy footsteps pound on the floor above me. I snapped awake
when I heard several more of them run across the floor as sounds of
distant fighting drifted down the basement steps.
What the
I thought, confused. My heart started to pound as the
sounds of fighting intensified.
It’s them! They’ve come to save
“Archer? Archer!” I screamed as loud as I could as I
desperately yanked on my chains. “Jameson! Somebody, I’m down here!

A few seconds later, the basement door flew
open and three vampires flashed down the steps and stopped in front
of me. It was Jameson, Aoife, and Archer, much to my relief.

“Jameson,” I sobbed his name as he grabbed my
face and frantically looked me over.

“What have they done to you?” he whispered in
horror. I sobbed harder, relieved that my ordeal would soon be
over. Jameson and Archer had come to save me, like I prayed they

“You must hurry, Youngblood,” Archer said as
he turned to look back at the door, checking for threats. “Get her
down and heal her.”

Just then I heard someone yell Archer’s name.
Archer turned back to me and hesitated for a moment, sorrow and
anger filling his eyes, before flashing back upstairs to rejoin the

“What’s going on…up there?” I struggled

“There’s no time to explain,” Aoife said over
her shoulder to me as she watched the door, alert for danger as the
fighting raged on upstairs.

Jameson easily broke my chains from my wrists
and I cried out in sudden pain as my arms were released and

“I’m so sorry, baby,” Jameson whispered above
me, his anguished face inches from mine. “We tried so hard to find

“Heal now, talk later, Jameson!” Aoife yelled
from her position. “Now is not the time.”

He gently kissed my lips as he placed both of
his hands on my chest. A strong, overpowering tingle instantly
flooded my body and overloaded my senses. The room started to
wobble as fierce heat spread across my body, searing me down to my

“Hurry, brother,” I heard Aoife plead from
far away as the tingling sensation intensified tenfold and settled
into my lower abdomen.

I heard Jameson grunt in exertion as his
hands pushed harder down on my chest. I closed my eyes as the most
powerful, and unwanted orgasm of my life suddenly hit me like a Mac
truck doing 100mph on a freeway. I moaned and grabbed onto
Jameson’s arm, desperately clinging to him and this world as the
commanding waves overtook me.

I felt Jameson collapse on top of me before
quickly but gently rolling off. He was breathing heavily as I
opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him.

“Jameson,” I whispered as I took in his
state. He was pale, well more pale than usual, and he looked
absolutely exhausted. “Baby? Are you okay?” I rolled over and
cupped his cool face between my hands.

“I’ll…live,” he panted as he studied my face,
a small relieved smile upon his luscious lips.

“Jameson,” Aoife warned a second before
Martin flashed down the stairs and backhanded her into the far
wall. I felt Jameson flash to his feet as I watched her limp body
sag to the floor.

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