Read Sin in the Second City Online

Authors: Karen Abbott

Tags: #History - General History, #Everleigh; Minna, #History: American, #Chicago, #United States - 20th Century (1900-1945), #United States - State & Local - Midwest, #Brothels, #Prostitution, #Illinois, #History - U.S., #Human Sexuality, #Social History, #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #Illinois - Local History, #History

Sin in the Second City (41 page)

BOOK: Sin in the Second City
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Now all Harrison had to do was wait.


nside the Everleigh Club, the phones pulsed and trilled. Reporters, clients new and old, wine and food suppliers, former harlots, friendly politicians, and madam acquaintances throughout the country all checked in. Minna answered each ring. It was only lunchtime but she was in full dress, a tangle of necklaces overlapping butterfly pins, ten fingers stacked with rings. Journalist friends were beginning to arrive. She appeared “cool and comical,” Charles Washburn noted, “though she must have been boiling over within.” Her laughter rose and fell but never quite died; her face refused to let go of its smile.

“You mustn’t believe all you read in the papers,” Minna told each caller. The afternoon edition of the
had already printed news of the order. “Come on over tonight and see for yourself.”

She slipped away to a back parlor, found a square of quiet. It was time to make a phone call of her own. If this were a tragic production, she would play the lead with dignity and aplomb. She dialed the familiar number of the 22nd Street police station and asked to speak with Captain P. J. Harding.

“Is the report that my place is to be closed correct?” she asked.

The command had not yet arrived from the chief of police, Harding told her, but he expected it “every minute.”

Minna thanked him, ordered her lips back into a smile, and returned to the parlors.

But minutes passed, then hours, and still the command didn’t come.


da rounded up the butterflies, told them to bathe and dress, to report to the parlors as soon as possible—no questions asked. Minna lit a gold-tipped cigarette—somewhere in Chicago, Lucy Page Gaston was sniffing suspiciously—and stood at the door, asking after her boys, waving them all inside. Yes, yes, of course they were open, don’t mind those silly rumors
—no one
interfered with the Everleigh Club. Edmund brought her a glass of champagne; the buzz was even sweeter accompanied by daylight’s fading glow.

Harlots crowded behind her. They wanted to stand at the door, mingle on the landing—it wasn’t proper protocol, but did Madam Minna mind? For once, she didn’t. Girls from the Weiss brothers’ houses on either side joined them, and within moments, as if heeding a silent alarm, Dearborn Street was alive with courtesans, the fall wind slapping bare shoulders, tugging at tightly coiled hair. They did the chicken scratch and the bunny hug—what did the character of their dancing matter, since the reformers believed they were all ruined anyway?—and kept on long after the sun traded places with the moon.

If only Ernest Bell were at his usual post in front of the Everleigh Club, the “Gibraltar of the district,” to witness all those lost souls fleeing to the streets—heading toward him, for once. Every white slave for blocks could have received a pamphlet, whispered a prayer, sung a hymn. Instead he was in his room at the Hotel Vendome in Columbus, writing a note to Mary, entirely unaware that the brothel he’d targeted for the past six years was at last being struck.


ournalist friends were begging Minna, the “speaking partner of the Everleigh sisters,” as they called her, for comment. She glanced at Ada, who nodded, one curt dip of her head.

“I know the mayor’s order is on the square,” Minna began. “When my maid brought me the afternoon newspapers, I got Captain Harding of the Twenty-second Street station on the telephone…he said the order had not come to him from the chief of police, but he expected it every minute. Ordinarily, when orders affecting the Twenty-second Street district are issued from police headquarters in the afternoon they reach the Twenty-second Street station before 8 o’clock in the evening. It is after that hour now, so it may not come to me until morning.”

The professors all started up again, sending torrents of music through the parlors and open doors. “They can play a bugle call like you never heard before,” the crowd sang, “so natural that you want to go to war….”

“I don’t worry about anything,” she continued, waving a hand “literally coruscated with diamonds,” as reporters would note. “You get everything in a lifetime. Of course, if the mayor says we must close, that settles it. What the mayor says goes, so far as I am concerned. I’m not going to be sore about it, either. I never was a knocker, and nothing the police of this town can do to me will change my disposition. I’ll close up the shop and walk out of the place with a smile on my face. Nobody else around here is worrying, either. If the ship sinks we’re going down with a cheer and a good drink under our belts, anyway.”

A voice rose up from the crowd—how could the sisters leave Chicago when, as the mayor said, they were as well-known as the city itself?

“If they don’t want me in Chicago,” Minna responded, “there are other cities. But this is my home and I would rather continue to live here. Honestly, I hate to leave. But one must live.”

She paused, considering her words, her face still held hostage by that smile.

“Well, boys, we’ve had good times, haven’t we,” she said. “You have all been darlings. You’ve played square. And we thank you sincerely. Just think—our last night.”

No one spoke for a moment. The jaunty tumble of “Alexander’s Ragtime Band” seemed rude and out of place. Minna let her eyes wander, admiring every gilded surface, breathing the mingled scents of roasted duck and sweet perfume, her paradise almost lost. She raised her flute of champagne.

A reporter kindly took the hint. “Happy days,” he toasted.

“Happy nights,” Ada added.

Glasses were drained, refilled, and drained again. A second wind gusted into the room. Crowds mothed around Ada’s piano to toast Vanderpool Vanderpool. Men passed a statue of a golden nymph on their way up the stairs, slapping her naked bottom for good luck.

“It may be their last chance,” Ada said. “Let ’em go as far as they like.”

An hour later they were still going far, and Minna felt a timid nudge of hope. She followed an old reporter friend to the telephone. He’d call the mayor to see if this closing order had been rescinded. A maid answered and said Mayor Harrison was in his bedroom.

“It’s only 10 o’clock,” the reporter urged. “Perhaps the mayor has not gone to sleep yet.”

She went to check. The moment stretched unnaturally, a chronological rubber band. Minna moved in closer, cupped her ear against the phone.

“Mayor Harrison is sound asleep,” the maid said finally. “I don’t want to take the responsibility for waking him up.”

They tried John McWeeny next, and again at 11:00, and again at midnight. Still no word from the chief. But toward the end of the next hour, 1:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning, October 25, the chime of the doorbell intruded into the parlors. Minna made her way to the 2131 entrance, a roaring quiet in her ears, the journey seeming at once interminable and brief. With each step the parlor, receding behind her, leaked a bit of color and noise.

Four squads of police from the 22nd Street station stood on the other end of the threshold. The largest officer stepped forward; Minna recognized him. Obligatory sorrow tugged at his eyes and the corners of his lips, as if he had been sent to report a death. It was an appropriate expression, Minna thought; she knew the Everleigh Club longer than she had known her own mother.

“Sorry, girls,” he said. “From downtown. Nothing we can do about it…. If it was us, you know how we’d be.”

“We’ve been expecting it,” Minna said. “What would you advise us to do?”

“Clear out the house. Get rid of all the guests.”

Clients began their slow procession down the stairs and through the parlors. The piano chirped a final note. Pear salad was left to wilt on plates. Maids scrambled about, matching coats with their owners. A chorus of weeping rose from one corner, where harlots huddled together and clasped hands. Minna and Ada stood by the open door, proffering cheeks for chaste kisses.

“You’ll be going strong within a week,” each boy said, tipping a high silk hat.

Dearborn Street was a crush of elegant carriages and electric cabs, throngs of curious passersby filling the spaces between. They had read the newspapers, too, and came to protest the police order. One low, lusty boo emptied into another, like a sequence of lingering bass notes. Arc lamps dropped spotlights on a hundred private farewells.

When the last guest had exited, Ada minded the harlots while Minna rushed upstairs to her boudoir. Locking the door behind her, she willed her mind to stand still, the knot to dislodge from her throat. She picked up the phone, dialed Freiberg’s Dance Hall, and asked for Ike Bloom. The music beamed through the receiver as loudly as if it were playing in her room. Bloom’s usual barked hello was softened; he’d been expecting her call.

She and Ada would pay and pay well, Minna said, skipping pleasantries, if Bloom could offer sound proof that there was even a slim chance of continuing. Just say the word, and the Everleigh Club would wage a last stand.

“Go away for a few months,” he said. “There’s a nasty rap against the place and it may take months for the smoke to clear. Nobody else was closed, which is the tip-off—they were gunning for you and they’ve clipped you. Nothing we can do this morning. It’s one of those things—what the hell. We stalled the order all day, didn’t we? I did all I could. I’m licked on this one. Call me in the afternoon. But make up your mind it will cost you forty g’s. Worth it, ain’t it—what good are them oil paintings if the joint is shut? Hock one of ’em if you’re short. Things aren’t as simple as they used to be. Now go to bed and forget it.”

Minna replaced the phone and crept back downstairs. Servants paced the length of the parlors, asking her, “What do you think?” For once in her life, she didn’t know. She found Ada and ordered the courtesans to the Gold Room.

“We’re going from bawd to worse—retirement,” Ada joked, falling into a divan. “Let’s go to Europe.”

One harlot stomped her heel soundlessly into the lush carpet. Tears forked down her cheeks, sopping up powder and rouge.

“What about us?” she asked, sobbing. “Where can we go?”

“There are plenty of houses,” Minna said.

“Not like this one.”

The Everleigh butterflies clustered close together, dresses of scarlet and emerald and sapphire still vivid beneath the dimmed lights, a tangle of jewels in a chest. Six hundred of them had come and gone, and here was what might be the final group. It occurred to Minna that this conversation was the most intimate act the Club had witnessed in all its eleven years.

“I’m afraid there never will be one like the EC,” she said slowly. “You all have a little money due you, enough to last a month or two. I would suggest that you clear out from the Levee entirely. It has nothing substantial to offer…. Find a job, a husband, anything, but don’t depend upon this life for a career. It’s washed up, as we used to say in the theater. It’s done for, good and done for…. In this town, they have been known to rob a man of thousands of dollars, toss his body into the lake and forget it. We get into a little mess and they call out the cops. You figure it out.”

She closed her eyes and sank deeper into the settee. Ada’s cold hand found hers. The crying died out, a sniffle at a time. A moment passed, and then there was a small frenzy of energy, a sound like a nesting bird. Minna opened her eyes to see a harlot tearing her dress. A sleeve separated from its bodice, a triangle of bright silk swooning to the floor.

“Why not?” the girl said, crying again, and went after the other sleeve. “I won’t need it anymore. A hell of a manicurist or a waitress I’d make in this getup.”

Her hands matched the fury of her sobs, splitting the neckline to reveal her corset, rampaging the hem into long tatters. Bits of fabric flurried in the air. No one moved to stop her. The harlot thrust a finger first at Ada, then at Minna. “And neither of you did a damn thing to stop ’em!” she screamed. She leaned over to an end table, grabbed a champagne flute, and hurled it against the far wall.

The crash lured a policeman from his post at the front door. He stood by the parlor entrance, unnerved by the sight of thirty weeping women—one half-naked, clearly hysterical—and shattered glass.

“Want me to lock you all up?” he asked, a listless threat.

The half-naked harlot stumbled toward him, fists raised. “Brave, ain’t you? Who do you think you’re scaring, you big bum?” She picked up an abandoned champagne bottle from the floor and reared back. Minna jumped up and latched the harlot’s arms from behind, fit her lips against her ear.

“Poor kid,” she whispered. She gave the cop a look. “Leave her to me, please.”

He nodded and left the parlor.

The girl twisted until they were facing each other. Her mouth opened in the dip between Minna’s shoulder and neck. “I’m sorry,” she said, crying again.

Minna traced a hand along her back. “We’re all nervous and unstrung,” she soothed. “I understand just how you feel. It’s a terrible shock to all of us. And there is nothing any of us can do about it. I think we better all start packing.”

She released the harlot, who held the remains of her dress together as she walked from the parlor. One by one, the other girls followed and trudged upstairs. The madams waited until the last bedroom door had slammed shut, then sneaked away to Ada’s boudoir. They needed to discuss an attack.

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