Shapeshifter Romance: Duty of a Lion (Paranormal Army Hero Navy Seal Shifter Protector Alpha Lion Romance) (Fantasy Military Action Adventure Urban Wolf Romance Short Stories) (22 page)



“This is a stupid question, and you can answer the truth, but did that feel, uh, powerful to you?”

He chuckled. “Powerful would be a good word, Simone.”

“My orgasm didn’t seem to want to stop,” she said.

He wanted to high five somebody for his prowess, but he knew it wasn’t just him. It was because Simone was his mate. He had never had sex like this and knew he wouldn’t again. He couldn’t tell her this. She wouldn’t believe him.

“I’m glad I could do that for you.”

She didn’t answer. Just snored lightly.


Simone awoke, wondering where she was. Then it all came back to her.

Tim. His bed. Night had fallen outside. He’d turned on a low lamp. He had his closest hand on her hip. The other was tucked under the pillow under his head. He lay on his back, his legs sprawled out. As if he’d fallen there from the ceiling.

A sheet covered his middle, but she knew what he looked like naked. As much as he’d taken control the first time, he’d let her take control the second time. She’d licked him all over.

Tim didn’t snore.

She had a chance to get a better look at him now that he was still. She’d never studied him. He’d been this quiet man who was the son of the person her mother married. He’d been kind enough at the wedding, but she’d gotten the impression that he didn’t like her.

His actions earlier suggested differently.

No one knew she was where. She hadn’t even told her mother or her best friend. What had she been thinking? She’d been thinking about the company. She hadn’t thought about it since Tim had stepped out of the woods. That could have been six hours ago or six days ago.

He had a trimmed beard and bushy eyebrows. The sheet over his middle tented with his early morning erection.

She tugged the sheet off of him. He didn’t stir. There is it was. Stiff and beautiful. Probably the best looking cock she’d ever seen. She leaned over then licked the tip.

He jolted awake.

“Holy shit, Simone.”

She smiled up at him. “Isn’t that a nice way to wake up?”

There was something in his eyes for a moment. Something different. Then it was gone and she wasn’t sure that she’d seen it. It didn’t scare her, but it did intrigue her. He wasn’t mad, just a little out of control.

“It is,” he growled, then he pulled her on top of him.

His face was close to hers and his eyes sparkled. She hadn’t noticed that before. A grin broke out on his face.

“I think it’s my turn to be on top.”

“We’re taking turns?”

“It’s the grown up thing to do,” he said.

She laughed then rolled off of him. “Then do what you will.”

He rolled in her direction then took one nipple in his mouth, sucking it so hard that it made a popping noise when it came out of his mouth. She giggled.

“You like that,” he said.

He did the same to her other nipple. Then he kissed down her stomach to her very core. He separated her folds and licked her until she wanted to beg him to stop. But she didn’t. Her body went rigid with the impending orgasm.

“Oh. God.”

He sucked and licked then her body flew over the edge, the climax lasting longer than she thought she could deal with. Her body was spent when he kissed back up to her mouth.


Tim captured her lips in a kiss. Simone was so responsive. He’d miss her when she was gone.

Could he convince her to stay? His dick was poised over her opening. He wanted this all to last. If he could stop time he would. They’d only spoken of the future in terms of the company. He’d go into her world and do what she asked. She deserved the company. He could run it, but he had no desire to.

His world was here in the woods.

She reached up and rubbed between his eyes. “You’re thinking too much.”

He was. He entered her and she gasped. Her fingers dug into his arms. Her body arched to meet his every stroke. Couldn’t she feel that they were made for each other? That they fit and belong together?

Was he alone in all of this?

He nipped at her neck. His beast wanted to come out and play. He was tired and it was hard to keep it at bay. It called to be let out. It called to be able to see his mate. He gritted his teeth.

No. It could not come out and play. After he returned he would let it out. He’d run free in the forest. Right now he needed to have complete control. Simone let loose a scream as she came. Tim was right behind her with a growl.

He didn’t slump onto her. He settled himself beside her. Her chest heaved. She put a hand on his chest.

“I don’t know how you are not out of breath,” she said.

He had practice hauling around more weight. When he was a bear he could travel long distances to see things or eat. He didn’t mate as a bear thought his bear counterpart wanted to mate with Simone in the worst way.

He wouldn’t let the beast come out. She was only here temporarily. She didn’t need to know his secret.

“I guess I’m just in shape.”

“All that walking in the woods.”

He rolled onto his back, his hand on hers. “Something like that.”

She snuggled up next to him and nothing had ever felt so right touching him. He wanted to weep at the idea that she didn’t feel it.

“I like being here with you, Tim. I know this is supposed to be one night, but this feels so good.”

“I’m not in the market for a wife or a girlfriend.”

He was in the market for a mate, but he knew that she wouldn’t stay. She wouldn’t be willing to give up her career to have his babies. She would be beautiful pregnant with is child.

“I understand.”

She sounded disappointed. He couldn’t offer her a consolation prize. If they were friends with benefits, she’d take a piece of him whenever she left. He’d end up with nothing when she found someone she wanted to marry.

Just because she was his mate, there were no guarantees that she felt that way about him. She could move onto another human.


Right this moment, laying here in Tim’s arms, Simone didn’t care about the outside world. It was just the two of them now. Tim was a tender lover. Thorough and she’d had more orgasms in the time she’d been with him than she’d had in her whole life. None of her sexual experiences had added up to this.

Was that messing with her head? She suddenly wanted to stay and play house with this man. She’d never had plans on marrying anyone, but the knowledge that no other human being could make her feel this way left her breathless. Unsure of what to do next.

She’d always known what she wanted out of life. Kids and marriage could wait and if they never happened, then they weren’t meant to be.

Then Tim came along. He was deep and thoughtful. There were probably so many layers to Tim that she’d take a lifetime to peel them back. A lifetime. Shit. What was she thinking? She was sleeping with him to get his father’s company. They both knew this.

No strings. One night.

She sat up.

“Something wrong?” he said.

“I’m hungry.”

“Okay. There’s a robe in the bathroom. I’ll go make us some food.”

He sat up, then pulled on his pants. He walked out with just them on and Simone’s breath was taken away as she watched the muscles on his back move as he walked. Damn. He was a beautiful man.

She sat for a moment taking it all in. Then she grabbed the robe. Putting it on, she followed him to the kitchen. He stood in front of the refrigerator, scratching his chest. He was a large man. Hairier than she originally thought. She bet he could keep a woman warm on a cold winter’s night.

“I could make us some omelets.”


“What do you like in yours?”

His gazed moved to her and she felt as if she were the only woman in the world. How sweet. “Cheese.”

“I have other things.”

“Surprise me then.”

“Is there anything you can’t eat?”

Usually she’d list of the highest calorie things on the planet, but right now she couldn’t think of anything she wouldn’t eat. A man was making her breakfast. Most of the men she knew didn’t know what a stove looked like.

She must be dating the wrong men.

Tim moved about the kitchen like an expert which made her wonder how many women he’d made breakfast for in this house. She shouldn’t go there. She had no strings on him.

“Why are you staring at me?” he said.

“I’ve never had a man make me breakfast.”

“You’ve been dating the wrong men. A man should be able to take care of his woman. Whether by keeping her safe or keeping her fed or keep her satisfied in bed.”

“You have strong feelings.”

“I do. I’m an old-fashioned guy, Simone.”


Why had he revealed that to her? Was he trying to keep a distance between them? In a few hours Tim would follow her to the company, take his rightful place at the head then appoint her the new head. He’d be back here in a matter of hours.

Her scent would linger on the pillow. He’d see her in his shower. In his bed. In his heart.

He never should not have given into his animal desires. Now he didn’t want her to leave. He wanted to make her pregnant so she had so stay. His rational brain would never do that. He’d never make her stay against her wishes.

And she’d never want to stay. Her world was the corporate one. The one he’d rejected because he couldn’t have navigated it without his mate. Without Simone.

He put the plate with her omelet in front of her. Her eyes lit up and a smile broke out on her face. “Looks yummy, thanks.”

He’d like to see that smile every day. He’d like to wake up next to that smile each day. He sat down next to her with his omelet.

“You need some coffee?”

What a terrible host he was being, but all he could think about was if they had time to get naked again.

“No, I’m good.”


“I’m fine, Tim. This omelet is amazing,” she said.

He dug into his. It was pretty good. Simone was eating as if she hadn’t had a meal in days. Knowing how skinny she was, he thought that might be true.

“I’m glad you are enjoying it.” He smiled. He enjoyed cooking for someone who appreciated his food. “When do we need to leave?”

She stopped eating for a moment. “Oh, I guess when we’re done will be okay.”

Had she forgotten? She didn’t seem to be in a hurry.

“I have an ATV that can take us back to your car.”

“That would be better than walking, though my feet feel better today.”

“You did walk into the kitchen.”

“I was hungry.”

He laughed. “Okay. Food, shower then off to defeat my father.”

She laughed. “I guess it is defeating your father. You sure you don’t want anything else for doing this?”

What the hell else could she offer? If she offered to stay he might not let her. She’d be unhappy if she wasn’t running the company.

“No, nothing else.”

She tapped a finger on her lips. “Nothing?”

“No. We made a deal. You spent the night in my bed. I’ll sign the company over to you.”

“What if I don’t want it anymore?”

He glanced at her. “Don’t want it? Yes you do. You had your eyes on it the moment my father married your mother. That’s okay. I don’t want it.”

“Why not?”

“Let it go Simone.”

“I’m not going to. Why are you going to give it up so easily?”

He sighed. “Because that isn’t my world. I’m not one for the corporate life.”


As far as Simone knew, he’d been groomed his whole life to take over his father’s company. He had left when his father and her mother had married. Why?

“I’m not letting this go.”

He frowned. “I’m not giving you an answer.”

“What if I said I wanted to see you again?”

The surprise was obvious on his face. “Explain.”

A man of few words. “I feel something for you Tim. A connection that I might never feel again. I’m a workaholic and maybe I need some place that’s safe and good to decompress at the end of my day.”

“You inviting yourself to move in her?”

“Maybe. You felt it too. I know it,” she said.

She just couldn’t define it. She had to pursue whatever this was. He continued eating, not looking at her. When he finished, he put down his fork.

“You want to stay, but you want to work.”


She’d never been so sure of anything in her life. None of this made sense. She knew this, but with every fiber of her being, she wanted to be with Tim. Not just because of his skills in bed, but because ever since he stepped out of the woods she felt something she’d never expected to feel. Safe. He made her feel safe.

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