Read Shadows of the Keeper Online

Authors: Karey Brown

Shadows of the Keeper (39 page)

BOOK: Shadows of the Keeper
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“That bastard’s been a part of my
life all along.  Why would you have me run to him?”

“Drakar lived and only the ancient
druid would be able to adequately hide you.  To cloak you in a way that
not even my mother would easily discover your whereabouts.  He has the
ability to enter any realm.  My capability with such travel is
limited.  We couldn’t understand Drakar’s obsession until you began
calling forth blue flame.  Both he and my mother immediately knew who you

Emily cocked her head.  “What
does blue flame have—“

“Only a descendent of Olympus has
the power of blue flame.”


“Gifts from Hades, or so we

“You are the son of Hades and
Shadow.  You said your father found a way to reunite us.  Maybe he
wanted me to have some sort of power to match with yours.”  She
shrugged.  “I don’t know.  This is a lot to take in.  And then
these stinkin’ visions barreling out of nowhere.  Pieces fit together, and
sometimes, the visions just leave me so enraged.  That’s the part I hate,
the unmitigated anger.”

“Aurelia was betrayed by Broc, her
own kingdom, her mother, the Elders . . . she was a tool cruelly used. 
And none came to her aid when she was cut down.”

Emily studied Dezenial’s rage for
several moments.  The only sound was Inzyr pouring more coffee and setting
the carafe down on the warming plate.  “Well,” she said at long
last.  “Unlike Aurelia, I’m not going to allow myself to be manipulated,
or at least not willingly, to the point that an entire clan is
slaughtered.  I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Aurelia
didn’t use her powers to defend—“

“Aside from the cruelties she
suffered, the attack was swift, she one of the first victims.  She knew
her soul would be imprisoned by a priestess before her magicks could heal her
wounds; be of any use against seven thousand Lumynari warriors.  Ardra and
my mother had planned well.  Aurelia, instead, used her power to become
mortal in her last moments, removing all her knowledge as Keeper.  Had the
priestess succeeded in taking her soul, there would have been nothing gained.”

“And now, in this life, I am half
human and half Lumynari, as Aurelia—“

“Aurelia was half Elven and half

“Oh.”  She looked to
Inzyr.  “You said my mother wasn’t exactly human.”

He shook his head.  “As I am
not pure Lumynari.”

If Dezenial hadn’t been right in
front of her, Emily would have slid from her chair.

“It is not a detail for today’s
discussion.” Inzyr’s tone brooked no argument from her.

She could only nod.

Inzyr’s grin was a bit
lopsided.  “Close your mouth, Just Emily.”

She obeyed.  Then found her
voice.  And jabbed Dezenial’s shoulder several times.

“I’ve seen humans here. 
Trading, conversing, even sharing a drink or two in open cantinas,” her hand
was confiscated, the Lumynari obviously not appreciating her poking him with
each word.  “ . . . we passed when traveling through your oh-so-

“I command there to be a tolerance
of all beings, in my kingdom.  It makes for better goods in trade; expands
our network of spies.  One can never have enough spies.”  Dezenial
seemed very pleased with himself.

“Is that how you came to have this
weird strip of gold?  Your very own bazaar?”

“It will twine around your arm of
its own accord as I speak words foreign to you.”

“Will it come off?”  She
glanced her father who currently took a bite of something that made her quickly
look back at Dezenial’s beautiful face.  She would
on what resembled tentacles currently satisfying her sire’s appetite.

“Unless you remove your arm, no, it
will remain.”

She arched a brow.  “There’s
permanent, and then there’s

“This has nothing to do with
Lumynari magicks,” her father said.

Dezenial moved closer.  “It
will create a unique design, signifying to all that you belong to me.”

“Slavery.  How utterly

, in your world,
in mine.  Whatever you choose to call it.  Slaves wear bands of
ownership around their necks, insignia brands on their backs, lest they think
to wander or find themselves stolen.”

“Do me a favor.  Don’t use the
word wife or marriage.  They resonate something I never qualified for and
remind me of my failings.  Now, won’t this band make me a target even more
so than I already am?”

If it took him forever, Dezenial
swore to himself, he was going to repair her troubled spirit, wrap her in his
love, and give her soul-strength until she came to realize how special she was
to him.  “None will dare.  To harm
mate would be to forfeit
their life, and any connected with them.”  The two Lumynaries shared a


“I would wipe out their entire
lineage,” Inzyr avowed, “as before, when you were his lover.”  His smile
was feral.  “But this time, you are
.  I
would make sure to have their suffering last many, many of your months before
they finally breathed their last tortured breath.  Their entire genealogy
would cease to exist.”  He shrugged and stood, collecting his
dishes.  “Only once have I allowed death to be swift.”  Feral grin
widened, fangs lengthening.  She’d not noticed them before.  “In the
case of that woman daring scorch you when you branded Dezenial’s mark onto your

“And you remain stunned by my
temper.” Subconsciously, she twined the ends of Dezenial’s hair around her
fingers while watching her father.  “When do I inherit your fangs?”

“Never, well, unless you—“

She didn’t see Dezenial gave a curt
shake of his head, though she felt him clutch her hand and kiss her fingers.

“I’m hardly surprised by your
temper,” Inzyr continued.  “You’re as bloodthirsty as your mother
was.  She was softhearted, kind, and forever taking in strays, seeing the
beauty in all things.  But she was quick with blade if she felt slighted,
worse if she thought the slight directed towards me.”

“Drew a blade on you a time or two,


Emily laughed.  “I was comparing
myself to your temper, father, not hers.”

He turned and looked at her for
long moments.  “In private, daughter.  She respected my
position.  Never force me to show you what I am capable of, should you
decide to ever challenge me publicly.”  His amber eyes ignited.  “You
will not be granted the dalliance of slander against my person, jeopardizing my
life, or the few I find worthy enough to protect.”

“As if I’m some sort of
idiot.”  Still, her heartbeat skipped a few times before returning to
normal.  Emily lifted her arm slightly, allowing Dezenial to wrap the gold
strip just below her shoulder.  Inzyr returned from clearing the table,
folded his arms and proceeded to watch along with her as the band curled and
twisted in tempo to whatever mumbo-jumbo Dezenial currently muttered. 
Designs of loops and swirls formed.


Feeling silly, she complied.
 Then bared her teeth and did her best rendition of The Hulk.

Both males laughed.

The band moved with her arm. 
Gingerly, she touched it, tracing the intricate design.  The band
encompassed her entire puny bicep.

“How is your wrist?”  Dezenial

“Fine, now that you mention
it.”  She rotated it a few times.  “Nope, no pain.”

He nodded.  She assumed more
of his woo-hoo magicks had been used for her healing.  “It’s beautiful,”
she said, still fingering the gold band.  “It looks like Arabian, or

“An ancient land,” Inzyr muttered

Emily looked up at him, thinking
he’d elaborate. 

“Your gowns and tunics will be
fashioned to keep this portion of your arm bare.”

“I hate dresses.  Can’t I just
wear my jeans, a good pair of hiking—“

“Not surprising.  Kendra did
as well.  You may have her tunics and leggings,” Inzyr offered.

“You kept them?”

“I have kept all of her things,
both for myself and to one day gift you so you would have something of hers to
call your own.”

Emily didn’t know what to say.

“In our chambers,” Dezenial said, “you
may enjoy your sweaters. 
traipse with your arm covered, not
while down here, in Balkore.  The band is large for a reason.  And,
when you chill, it will radiate heat.”

“Am I still to be ignored by
everyone?”  She studied the gold band’s twisting design.  They were
hiding something about this gold encircling her arm.  A
something.  Because, if she didn’t know better, she could almost swear it
pulsated as if . . .
.  She gave her arm a shake. 
Nothing.  But if it had growled . . .

“Some have permission to begin
speaking to you.”

“Am I to hide you’re my
father?  And, how come I didn’t get your Spock ears or fangs.”  She
jabbed Dezenial.  “Fangs would have been uber cool.”

“Females are the dominate
gene.  Spock?”

“All these books, and you’ve never
heard of Star Trek?”  She retrieved her coffee, realized it was probably
cold ick by now, and set the cup back down.  “Never mind.”

Inzyr departed for the galley,
salvaged a fresh mug and came back to the table where he poured her hot, fresh
coffee.  She smiled her gratitude as he continued enlightening her.

“Shadow’s cities are ruled by
females.  Those, you will never enter, for they are drenched in
chaos.  Evil not for the likes of your mind, Emily.  Lord Dezenial’s
kingdom is smaller, but more able to substantiate control, if ever
attacked.”  He and Dezenial shared a look, then a short laugh.  “None

“I think I resent your opposition
regarding female rulers.”

“Of course.  But considering
your temper, would you rule a city?”

“One full of cutthroats and
killers?  Eh-eh.  No way.  Always having to look over my shoulder
isn’t how I want to live.  Like you said, with my temper, I’d have
probably leveled it on day one.”

Her father registered
surprise.  “Honesty.  Refreshing.  Not normal for humans,
Lumynari, or

“Would you like to sample my temper
now?  We are, after all, in private.  One would assume you to quake
with the jeopardy you place yourself in by mocking me.”

Inzyr laughed outright.  “You
impudent sorceress.”

Dezenial quickly spoke to Inzyr in
his language.  Emily noted his voice suddenly husky.

“You don’t have to speak in your
language if you don’t want me knowing what you’re talking about.  I can go
into the room.  Dying for a shower anyway.”  She made to stand, but
Dezenial cupped her thigh.  His thumb brushed against the most intimate
part of her body, forcing her to remain sitting . . . very similar to one of
last night.  Her tongue darted out, moistening her
bottom lip.  Flurries rippled from where his hand rested, her breathing
coming out in little bursts.  Inzyr stood, returned his chair closer to
the table—almost comical, watching a Lumynari practice manners.  Her
mental laugh choked with his next statement.

“I will leave, but after this, you
may return to your own chambers.”  He was at the door, doing the strange
command of metallic spiders before Emily dared look into the azure eyes of her
mate.  Only . . . his eyes were flames of red, and his fangs were fully

“What are you up to?” she whispered
with some effort, her voice not cooperating.

“Last night was merely a taste. 
I’m hardly finished.”

Her eyes widened.  “But . . .
we spent . . .
.  You did . . .
”  To
her horror, her father began laughing as he stepped out into a darkened
corridor, the door whooshing back into place.



“I’m going to hold you at knife
point.  I’m starving.”

Dezenial’s laugh caused her to grin
impishly.  “Yes, you humans are like baby birds with your constant need
for nourishment.”

She smacked his chest close to
where her head lay upon it, resting.  Lazily, he traced invisible designs
on her shoulder.  “I’m part Lumynari, so you can’t really make that

“I love you, Keer’dra.”

She looked up at him.  “Not
something Shadow Masters usually say, eh?”  His smoldering eyes rushed
heat to her face.

“Love isn’t something we bother

“Shows weakness or something?”

“We aren’t interested in the

She resumed her place on his chest,
attune to the way her head was a perfect fit into the crook of his
shoulder.  Running her fingers over the six-pack of his abdomen, grinning
commenced.  She’d fulfilled her longing by
licking his
chest.  His flesh had tasted warm and masculine.  A giggle escaped,
hearing the memory of his booming laughter.  She sobered when his last
sentence hit her.  “Apparently, where I’m concerned, the attachment isn’t
something most want to concern themselves with.”  She gave him a pat and
made to move away.

In one fluid motion, she found
herself lying beneath him.  Possessively, he gazed down at her, his long
brilliant white hair blanketing her bared breasts.  They responded like
dutiful soldiers, saluting.  As if magnetic, his large dark hand cupped
one, massaging.

“I’ve seen into your mind, the
story it tells.  I am not Peter.  A fool he was.  A priest
awaits us, sent for during our . . .”  He studied her mouth, a lopsided
grin turning her innards into mush.


“Your oaths, I will take and then,
take mine.”  Ignoring her astonished gasp, he cupped her
face.  “You belong to me.  Never question it. I am above worrying
what any would think regarding my claim.  I have lived far longer than
these fools attempting to practice ways of old.  Those traditions are for
a dying breed some are hesitant to part with.  If we wish to survive, the
Lumynari will need to change, to accept other races—I digress.  Forgive
me.  I love you, Keer’dra.  Say what you need for me to bind you with
the security of that knowledge, supplanting your doubt, and I will heed your

He loved her.

he said it aloud.

“You do not have something to say
to me?” He asked.

“Uh . . . nice ass?”  She
reached around and smacked him on his derrière for emphasis.

He roared.  Scuttling her
further under his naked body, he growled down at her.  “

She batted her eyes.

“I know that look.  Rapid
blinking equates darkness slithering across your mind.  Last time, it was
after smacking your skull against my mouth.”

“Got you good.”

“Never will the event occur again.”

“Smacked your pride around a bit,

He bit into her neck, tasting
droplets of blood upon his fangs.

She giggled, squirming until
released.  “Okay!  I love you!”  Without warning, she clutched
his Adam’s apple and gritted her teeth.  “Betray me, have this be an
elaborate scheme, and no matter the strength you
you possess . . .
I-will-break-you.”  A soft glow eclipsed her eyes. “And next time you wish
to taste blood, ask.”  She swiped her essence from his bottom lip. 
“You really have a priest?  What priest would come down here?”

“One who studies exorcisms.”

He smothered her laughter, kissing
her tenderly, belying savagery he could muster during lovemaking. 
Flutters surged through her, making her body arch with moans of erotic pleasure
his touch promised.  Viciously, she twined her hand in his long white hair
and dominated his mouth.

“You are ready again?”  The
lout was grinning against her mouth.

“If you would rather make the bed,
and cook something to—“

Her words whisked away to
nonexistence as he entered her again.  Her eyes shuttered closed, her neck
arching for his fangs to sink into, her thighs wrapping tight around his waist,
pulling him deeper.  A large strong hand clasped tight around her breast,
squeezing before moving down to grasp her bottom.  He pulled her to him,
thrusting harder.

“Tell me,” he breathlessly

She shook her head.  In the
span of one night, it had become a game between them.  A game of
power.  “You have not earned the right.”  She could barely get the
words out.  Pleasure made her insane.  Fire course through her. 
He retracted, plunging harder, faster, deeper.

Tell me
!”  Fangs were
razor sharp.

“Suffer.”  She crooked her
neck, refusing access to her artery.

“As prince, my youth was spent
enjoying lessons in the art of sex,

His fingers found a vortex just
below where he was plundering, fondling, caressing, entering, his teeth grazing
a nipple.  The pleasure was pure explosive.  Her neck arched of its
own craving.  But instead, his fangs grazed the soft tissue surrounding
her breast, nipping as he pounded furiously, his finger keeping the same tempo.

She raked his back.  Hard.

He arched, bellowed, then looked
down at her, his eyes burning a savage fire.  “Tell me, or I stop. 
You are female.  You will never dominate me in sex.  He stilled,
emphasizing his point.

She gasped.  Tried to thrust
upward, only to scream when he pulled back more.

“I am yours.”

“I can’t hear you.”

“I am yours, damn you!”

He plunged.  She screamed,
convulsing in her climax, again, slicing his back with her nails.  With a
final savage roar, he pushed deeply into her, warmth filling her.

“May it find your womb,
Keer’dra.”  He held tightly, quivering within her, his fingers digging
into her soft flesh, refusing her escape as he made sure his seed buried

“You . . . you wish me to carry
your child?”  Her body convulsed again.

“I would be honored to have you
mother my children.”

Never had someone said something of
such magnitude to her.  Tears sprang to her eyes.  She blinked
several times, hoping to diffuse them.  Instead, they flooded the sides of
her face and tickled her ears.  And splashed powerful arms still holding
her.  He raised, searching her face, his beautiful hair wild from their

“I have hurt you.”

She blushed.  “No.  I can
handle what you do.”

“Your tears?”

“Your words.”

“You would be pleased to carry my

“Ye’ think?”

He grinned.

“Will you still do this?”

“Why would I not?”

“Some get a woman pregnant and feel
they have done their duty.”

lays in protecting
my people. 
is pleasure.”

“I think Lumynari very much enjoy

“Your sire did mention something
about you being a canvas.”

Her eyes narrowed.  “Feeling
the need to paint?”

“I think I just created a
masterpiece,” he stated so awed, she laughed and laughed.

“Your mirth has pushed me out.”

“Well, I’m sure with what I felt
surging, I’ve conceived triplets.”

His buoyant expression earned a
smack to his shoulder.

“I have never been this happy, this
free to laugh, Keer’dra.”

Words failed her.

“I will bathe you, then you will
eat.  Inzyr will return.”

“Could we do food

“No.  You are covered with the
scent of sex.  It crazes me.”

She giggled, pulling his head to
her breast, thrusting it into his mouth.  She arched as his tongue
flicked, his fangs nipping.  He released her so quickly, she thought she’d
faint.  He smacked her thigh.  “Up with you, vixen.”

“Why aren’t your fangs retracting? 
Do you need to drink?”

He looked her over
seductively.  She ran her hand the length of her tight abdomen, then
swirled her breasts.  Impossibly, his fangs lengthened.  “I
cannot.  Not until I claim you as life-mate.”  He swallowed
painfully.  “You will not survive the next time I bite into you

“Then don’t be greedy.”

“It is not your blood I drink.”


“It’s your soul.”

“Oh, is that all?”  She sat
up.  The room tilted.  She grabbed him as if to hang on.  “I
don’t think I can move yet.”  She pressed fingers to her temple. 
“Dizzy.  You’re drinking . . . my soul?  The room . . . like being on
a . . . boat.  Why would I not survive your . . . final bite?”

“Remain abed, I will return.”

She flopped back down, eyelids
heavy.  Another question avoided.  Whatever he was going to do, she
was determined to steal a few minutes shuteye while waiting.


Emily lurched.  “What’s
wrong?  What happened?”

Dezenial chuckled.  “Wake up.”

She collapsed against numerous
pillows.  “Can’t.  Too tired.  My body is lead.”

“I have granted you three hours.”


“Yes.  I thought to be

.  Pfff. 
Really?  I crashed for three hours?  It feels like minutes.”

She sat bolt upright, sniffing
loudly.  “You ate too, huh?  And bathed!”

Laughter surrounded her.  “I
have eaten.  Your father has brought you clothing.  Come,” he held
out his hand.  She eyed his fingers, blushing with memory of all they were
capable of. 

“I warn you, Keer’dra, I will take
you again.  Banish your musings.”

She looked up at him, hopeful.

“What have I done?”

“Yes,” she scooted to the edge of
the bed, grasping the sheet to her bareness.  “It is your fault.  If
you were a lousy lover—“

Her chin was cupped, yanking her
head to look up at him.  “I am no mere lover.”

“You’re still naked?”

“Do you understand?  I am your
life-mate.  I will kill defending you.  I will kill any who try to
take you from me.  Our ways allow you and I to find other mates.”  He
moved his body within an inch of her face.  “You and I will
practicing that prerogative.”

“Were you walking around like

“I have stripped down in order to
take you into the bathing chamber.  Does it make you uncomfortable?”

Devilish grin smeared her face as
she licked her bottom lip.  He searched her eyes, looking for denial;
making sure he had not read her mind erroneously.  His finger delicately
traced her soft lips, teasing open her mouth, slipping inside allowing her to
suckle his finger. 

Her wet tongue was his undoing.

Grasping himself, he offered to her
the taste of him.  Most willingly, she accepted, reveling the power she
suddenly felt.  Her small hands rested against his thighs as he guided
himself in the warmth of her mouth.  Unable to contain himself another
second, he roared, lifting her from the bed.

“Wrap your legs around me. 

She obeyed, slowly sliding down
upon his hardness.  They fell back upon the bed, his plunging a furious
tempo she matched just as violently, raking his chest, thrilling when his skin
bled.  Brazenly, she pushed against him, rolling him onto his back,
matching his thrusts as she straddled him.  Her breasts were squeezed, she
cupping his hands, encouraging him to squeeze harder.  He let go, yanked
her hair, pulling her down to him.  It was her turn to bite his
neck.  Though her human teeth failed to break skin, he pressed her head,
encouraging her to bite harder.

He rolled them, dominating atop her
once again.  Throwing back his head, he bellowed loudly as he exploded
inside of her, gripping her thighs with massive strong hands.  Panting,
dripping sweat, he gazed down at his tiny woman in awe.  “What have you
done to me, Keer’dra?”  His eyes seared a trail down her body to where he
still was deeply embedded in her.

She licked her lips.

He laughed, moving quickly to cover
her mouth.  “Do not do that.  I beg mercy.  Please do not do
that to me.”  He freed himself of her, pulling her with him.  “I’m
sure your father has been entertained enough.  Bathe.”  He pointed
towards the softly lit alcove, mindless of the red staining her face over the
reminder her father was but a room away.

“My legs feel like rubber.”

Quickly, he lifted her.  “I
will bathe you.  It is very important you eat immediately.”

“I’ll be fine.  I’ve gone a
few days without eating before.”

“Yes, but this time, you are with


“You slept the intoxicating deep
sleep only following sex containing the seed strong enough for the battle into
your womb.”

“Jesus, don’t quit your day job and
start writing poetry.  We’ll be homeless.”

“Gosh darn, lil’ lady, I think
you’re pregnant,” he said, imitating a thick Texas drawl.

Emily roared with laughter. 
“Shut up, Dezenial.”  She laughed again.

“I do not think I like this, being
told to ‘shut up’.”

“Get used to it.”  She raised
a hand, halting his litany, and mimicked his voice.  “Not in public, or
you’ll have your tongue cut out.”

“I should beat you.”

“I’m not intimidated by your

“I could refuse you sex for several

“I will cower at your feet

“At last, I find a way to control you.” 
Gingerly, he set her down in front of the deep pool.

“I still can’t believe this is
actually a bath.”

“Those porcelain contraptions you
humans—uh, your brethren call baths are an abomination.”

She giggled.  “I agree.” 
She eyed the scratch marks on his chest.  “Sorry.  I get a bit

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