Read Shadowlander Online

Authors: Theresa Meyers

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance, #Adult

Shadowlander (6 page)

Cate’s heartbeat sped up. “Is that what you are planning to do to me?” she asked, all subtlety gone. She needed to know.

“No one can force a Makcay caste member such as yourself to mate with a Ragnorian, unless he is king. But if you chose, I could certainly be at your service.” A slow, seductive smile crossed his lips, reminding her precisely how his kiss warmed her to her toes.

She shook off the memory before she did something stupid like take him up on his offer. “You didn’t answer my question. How do we get her out of the dungeons?”

The desire in his eyes softened a touch. “You really care for her, don’t you? Almost as much as you do your sisters.”

That shocked her. Clearly he’d been watching her more intently that she’d realized. “This is strange enough for me, and I’ve been able to see the fae all my life. I can only imagine how freaked out she must be right now.”

“If I help you free your friend, will you strike a bargain with me?”

Cate drew back her shoulders, trying to make sure she was standing at her full height, which was still conspicuously shorter than him. “Depends on the terms of the bargain.”

“All I ask in return is, if you are asked to pick a mate, choose me.”

Her heart inched its way up into her throat. It wasn’t all that hard a decision to make. The devil you know or the one you don’t. She might have grown up being trained to fight against the fae, but at least Rook wouldn’t deliberately hurt her. Plus, he was gorgeous.

But the reality was she had no plans to stick around and make any kind of choice like that. The first chance she got, she was getting Maya the hell out of faery world and going home. “Do you promise to help me free her if I choose you?” Gran had said that once a promise was given by a fae, they didn’t break it, especially the promises they made to come back and get you.

He gave a firm nod of his head.

“Then, if I have to choose, yes, I’ll pick you.” The words slipped easily enough off her tongue. She’s said
. That covered a lot of possibilities in between.

A smug smile curved his mouth for an instant, but then vanished. Rook opened the large gold double doors at the end of the hallway and gestured her inside with a sweep of his muscular arm. “This way.”

The room was far larger than anything Cate had expected. Huge windows spanned one whole wall, looking out over the iridescent turquoise sea. A huge four-poster bed that easily could have accommodated half a dozen people, all of them as big as Rook, occupied the opposite wall, positioned to look out at the glorious view.

The door clicked shut. Cate glanced over her shoulder. “This is your bedroom, isn’t it?”

A feral gleam in his eye was her only answer.

Rook moved so quickly he was beside her from one blink to the next. He looked down, his warm breath against her cheek, close enough that the rosemary, mint, and clean male scent of him filled her airspace, giving her no option but to be aware of him and just how near his mouth was to hers.

“Hey, I didn’t say anything about being your mate before we free Maya.”

He gave her a devastating grin. Her body throbbed in response. “Who said anything about mating? I brought you here so you could change your clothing for our trip to save your friend, remember?”

The warm weight of his hands came to rest on either side of her neck, his thumbs tracing the edges of her jaw. His kiss was slow and sensual as he ran his hands over her. They caressed her shoulders, down the swell of her breasts, past the indention of her waist, and to the flair of her hips. Cate gasped. It was kind of hard to think of anything with him touching her so intimately.

“I think I have something that should fit your form,” he murmured against her lips. Parts of Cate throbbed so hard, she thought maybe she had more than one heartbeat. He moved away, advancing on a large, elaborately carved double-wide wardrobe with two full-length mirrors on the front of it.

Rook reached in and pulled out a long skirt in soft brown suede, a shimmering ivory silk shirt, and what reminded Cate of a duster from the old West. It was fashioned from plush burgundy velvet with a brown fur collar. He brought the garments to her, spreading them out on the bed. It turned out the skirt wasn’t really a skirt at all, but a pair of wide-legged suede pants with four panels coming down from the waist that gave it the look and swing of a skirt. It was too bad there weren’t any panties. She could have used a new set, seeing as hers were damp.

“Would you like me to have a servant come and dress you, or would you prefer my help?”

Cate swallowed hard. Neither. She didn’t want some strange fae watching her strip down, and she wasn’t sure she’d ever get into the fresh clothing if she let him help her.

“I’m a big girl. I think I can dress myself,” she replied.

He shrugged and leaned against one of the treelike posts holding the canopy of dark green velvet over the massive bed.

Cate snatched up the clothing. “Where’s the dressing room?”

Rook looked around. “This room is not large enough?”

A blush fired her cheeks. “I didn’t realize you expected me to put on a show.”

A predatory look flared deep in his gaze. “I offered to help.”

Something in Cate snapped from the tension simmering in the air between them, creating erratic sparks like static electricity. Fine. If he wanted to stand there and watch, let him. She could dish it out just as well as he could.

Cate dipped her chin and gave him a sultry gaze from beneath her lashes, then tugged the edges of her blouse from her skirt and slowly began unbuttoning it. First she showed the lace-edged valley between her breasts, then the smooth skin of her belly. His eyes dilated in response, the black growing large enough to almost swallow the chocolate-colored irises.

She turned her back toward him and let the blouse slip off her shoulders. The material slithered down her arms and fell to the floor. The curtains at the windows billowed up as a warm breeze scented with salt and sea caressed her bare skin. For the first time, Cate felt deliciously wanton. She didn’t have to occupy half of herself with deliberately ignoring the fae, didn’t have to keep her reactions in check so as not to reveal her ability. For a moment she was utterly free to do exactly as she pleased.

Cate unbuttoned the back of her skirt and unzipped it, then slid her hands up along her sides, around the outer edges of her breasts, and to her neck, threading her fingers through her own hair as she rocked her hips side to side, letting the short skirt shimmy down around her ankles. She glanced over her shoulder, the dark curls of her bob bouncing with the movement. “This more what you had in mind?”

Chapter Five

Rook could barely breathe, let alone respond. He didn’t know if the buzzing, light-headed feeling spreading from his head to the rest of his body was because he wasn’t getting enough oxygen or because all he could manage to focus on was the smooth length of Cate’s bare legs. They were naked all the way up to her bottom. A mere scrap of dark blue material stretched over, but didn’t cover, her peachy curves.

He swallowed hard as she straightened and stepped out of her skirt, then pivoted on one foot so that she now faced him clothed only in her bra and panties. His fantasies didn’t do her justice. Every good intention, every self-made promise to keep his hands off her until she chose him and to do his forsworn duty, went flying out the window on leathery Glaxon wings.

She reached for the shirt on the bed.


Her hand froze mid-motion, her vivid green gaze flicking up to meet his, the sultry siren quality of her voice stripping away the last of his sanity. “Do you want something?”

That was quite possibly the understatement of the century.

Morgolath had a special Hell for fae who reached above their caste, but for a chance with Cate, Rook was willing to face the gods’ wrath. For a split second Rook forgot everything he knew about interspecies relations. Forgot he was a proud member of the elite Ragnor caste. Forgot he was the Shadow Prince, heir to the throne of Shadowland.

All that mattered, all his brain could wrap itself around, was the sight of the barely clad Catherine a few steps away, her supple skin and feminine curves so enticing, he trembled with barely leashed need. He’d stayed to intimidate her into realizing this world wasn’t her own and that the rules here were different. But she’d turned that upside down and inside out with just a few moves of her nimble fingers on the fasteners of her garments. He wanted her in a way that bordered on physical pain.

“Yes.” It was about all he could coherently speak when she had his tongue tied in knots. He moved quicker than the mortal eye could track, wrapping his hands around her waist and hauling her up against him, indulging in the feel of her soft, sensual body against his. The heat of her bare skin seeped through his clothing to singe him everywhere it touched. His senses filled with the spicy sweet smell of her skin and the fragrant brush of her hair against his face.

Rook locked his gaze with hers. His jaw throbbed from how hard he was clenching his teeth. “Tell me if you don’t want this,” he growled low between his teeth. “Tell me and I shall stop.”

Cate’s elevated breathing caused her breasts to brush against his chest in a maddeningly erratic rhythm that made his own breath catch. “Why should I?” she demanded, eyes glittering with heat and—dare he believe it?—desire. “Maybe I’ve wanted you longer than you realize.”

Rook crushed his mouth against hers, tearing away first the scraps of lace and satin that kept him from his goal, and then his own clothing. He filled one hand with the warm, silken weight of her breast, teasing the rigid tip of it with his thumb. A low groan echoed in the back of her throat as she arched up against him, seeking more.

The hard length of his aching verge rubbed against the soft curls at the juncture of her thighs. He cupped the rounded flesh of her bottom, his fingers sliding until they connected with the slick, wet heat of her that smelled of willing female, cinnamon spice, and sweet vanilla. Cate bucked against his hand, her fingertips digging into his chest, her soft hood parting to accommodate the tip of his shaft as his fingers delved deeply into her core. She moaned.

His mind went into a blank haze filled only with the small sounds she made, the texture and scent of Cate, pulsing like a brilliant light behind his eyes, filling his whole body with a driving need to claim her for his own.

A knock at the door shattered the moment. Cate pushed back, panting hard, her cheeks flushing from the pink of pleasure to the scarlet of embarrassment in an instant.

What in the name of Morgolath am I doing?
The thought hit Rook square between the eyes. He wanted Cate in a way that burned fire through his veins, but he didn’t dare. The woman must have a magick more powerful than he’d ever encountered before to make him forsake his duty and honor so easily for her touch.

“Must be Borgen,” Rook muttered. He had to give his servant credit for being both efficient and right in his timing. He’d been on the precipice, willing to forsake his father, his people, his world, just to sink himself into her.


Cate grabbed at the clothing Rook had laid out for her and slid the soft shirt over her head, not even bothering to figure out where her discarded bra and panties might have gone.

“Your Highness?” A man’s muffled voice came from beyond the heavy door. Rook padded bare-ass naked across the room, muscles rippling beneath his smooth skin, his penis still thick and erect. Cate didn’t have time to stare as she yanked the heavy split suede skirt up her legs.

She’d never gone without underwear before and the sensual slide of the silk over her sensitive torso coupled with the soft brush of the suede against her thighs made her aware of how very close she’d come to giving in to Rook. Maybe fae in his caste gave off some kind of pheromone that acted like an aphrodisiac. Either way, his response to her had left her shaken, aroused, and filled with yearning. Still, Cate pulled the rusted nails from her skirt and put them in the deep pockets of her riding skirt. She wasn’t stupid.

Rook cracked open the door, completely at ease with his undressed state. “Is everything ready, Borgen?”

Cate barely noticed the servant bow, his head so much larger than his body she was afraid he might tip over. She was far more interested in the muscular curve of Rook’s spectacular backside. “Yes, Your Highness. Two catamounts with provisions and a lunch await you in the front bailey.”

“Very good.” He shut the door and glanced at her, appreciation flaring in his eyes. “I prefer you in nothing at all, but the riding attire suits you.” Her heart skipped a beat, then started back up double time.

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