Read Serial Separation Online

Authors: Dick C. Waters

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

Serial Separation (12 page)

Chapter 33


Naked. Oh my God! How did I get
into this predicament?
Looking around, I could see the gloom of the
winter’s day. I could see the overcast blanket engulfing me. I could smell
imminent rain, or even freezing drizzle, about to cascade.

Cold. I’ve never been this cold.
It was hard to keep my teeth from chattering.

Why? Why am I here? How did I
get here?
I tried to determine my surroundings.

I can’t move my arms or legs
My neck was numb from the cold metal under it. I could see two converging
lines. I was lying across railroad tracks. I could see my hands tied with wire
cord, but could not feel them. I looked down across my nakedness to see the
same thing with my outstretched legs.

Cold, so cold
. My body was
shaking and my teeth chattering. There was a slight breeze blowing my hair. I
tried to remember how I got here. I couldn’t remember anything.

I could see woods at my feet
stretching in either direction. I looked behind—it was the same thing. If I
yelled, would anyone hear?

I tried to yell, but nothing came
out. I tried again but all I heard was a muffled sound. Why? Why would anyone
do this to me?

I felt wet. My mind was racing.
Nothing was making sense. I looked into the clouds, and a crow was circling.
There wasn’t a sound. Shortly, there were several crows circling, their wings
not moving.

I tried to pull on my restraints,
but nothing moved. I was numb and had to have been here quite some time. I
thought I heard something in the distance. I watched the crows, now too many to
count, getting lower and lower, coming close enough that I could see their black
eyes. Do crows eat live bodies? Were they just waiting for the inevitable?

I could feel cold water. A whistle
getting louder. Then I smelled something sweet. I could feel movement under my
body, and the sound had turned to drums—drums beating fast . . . nothing making
any sense. No, not drums, a train. I couldn’t look and closed my eyes to the
beat getting louder and faster.

This is it. This is the end.
I tried again to call out, but my voice was muffled and wouldn’t work. My mind
flashed on Lisa.
I love you, Lisa!
I could feel my shoulders being
This must be the end.


* *


“Scott. Scott, wake up; you’re
having a nightmare. Scott, please wake up.”

I heard this voice in the distance
calling me.

“Please, Scott. Are you awake?
You’re just laying there, Scott.
Wake up!

It took me a moment to realize I
was having a bad dream. The fragrance of gardenias washed over me. My eyes
focused; I could barely see her face in the dark. It was Mercedes.

“You were having a dream, and I
couldn’t wake you. I tried shaking, rocking, whistling, water, and I even
slapped you. Scott, talk to me; are you awake now?”

Her long red hair was hanging
almost in my face, and she was kneeling beside me. She had a towel on, but, I
noticed in the dim light, it didn’t do the job.

“I must have been dreaming.”

“Scott, I have to say, that is an understatement.
I was doing everything to wake you. Are you okay?”

“I am now, but the dream was so
real. I couldn’t move. I was tied to railroad tracks with a train coming. It
was cold, and I was naked.”

“Kind of like now?” she said,
angling her head.

I pulled the sheet up quickly, but
obviously it was much too late.

She was just quietly staring at me.

“Scott, I was scared; you were
saying things I couldn’t understand. I thought you might be having a seizure or

She put the wet facecloth on my
forehead. It felt so good. She seemed so different from the Mercedes I first

I realized it was really cold in
the cabin now that there were only coals in the fireplace. I saw her long legs,
since the towel was too small for the task. She caught me looking at her.

“Scott, this is ridiculous. I have
seen you naked for quite some time now, and you seem to be interested in my
towel. I know we’re in an uncomfortable situation here, so let’s get this over
with so we can both be more at ease.”

She rolled off the bed and stood in
the limited light, and said, “Merry Christmas, Scott. You’ll have to forgive
the wrapping. It was all I had.” With that she pulled the towel off.

She was even more incredible than I
ever expected. Even in the limited light the glow off her body was something I
don’t think I will ever forget.

“I don’t know what to say. I guess
Santa Claus did find us after all.” I could also tell she was enjoying the
opportunity to make me uncomfortable again. She had commented this would make
us more comfortable, but we would see.

“Scott, I think I made my point.
Now I have to go to the little girl’s room. Do you think you can get your butt
in gear and keep us from freezing?”

I was trying to understand what she
meant, but she pointed to the fireplace and ruined it.


* *


I wrapped the towel around me while
Mercedes was in the bathroom. The room was very cold since the only heat was
the fireplace. There was still a large supply of firewood so that would keep us
alive for a day or so.

It took some effort to bring the
fire back to life. Mercedes had come back in and climbed into bed. Her towel
was right where she left it. I focused my attention on the fire and did not
look in her direction.

“Scott, are you upset with me?”

I thought for a moment. “No, just a
little surprised, I guess.”

She answered softly, “You must have
thought about the possibility of us being in bed together?”

“I had promised myself I was going
to be a gentleman. We were thrust into this situation. It wasn’t like we
planned it.”

“What if we had planned it—then

I didn’t respond to her question,
but I did think about it.
Could she have wanted to be with me? There is no
way she would do that
, I thought.

“Scott, didn’t I tell you I found
you attractive? Your buns aren’t bad either.”

“When did you see my buns?”

She answered, “When you were in the
shower. I couldn’t resist the temptation to check it out; I mean, check you

“Well, I thought I saw the door

“You wouldn’t be a detective if you
missed that. Are you more comfortable now, or do I have to come over there?”

“No, I’m comfortable . . . just
trying to get this fire restarted.”

I looked over to her, and she was
under the covers. The fire caught enough to put a larger log on, and I decided
to add two more for later.

“I can see you were a good Boy
Scout—always prepared.”

That had a double meaning, but I
just let it go. I stood, checked my now tented towel, quickly covering the
distance to my side of the bed, climbing in, towel and all.

She rolled in my direction, and I
could tell she wanted to talk. “Scott, there are other ways to stay warm, you

I felt like a puppet on a string. I
knew how she wanted me to react, but I just looked at the shadows the fire made
on the ceiling.

She slid close and put her arm
across my chest, and I turned to study her. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“That’s a deflating question . . . but
no . . . I don’t have one. I really never had one. Circumstance just didn’t
work out for it.”

She was quiet for a few minutes.
“Scott, you’re a stronger man than I ever realized.”

That got my attention. “Why do you
say that?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking
about. You said I was attractive, and I’m so close, yet for some reason you are
miles away. I’ve never said this to any man before—I really want you. I need

“Mercy, it’s all I can do to resist
you. I have a girlfriend and if things work out we are going to get married
after college. I don’t feel its right to be with another woman.”

“Does she make you happy? When was
the last time she made you really happy?”


* *


I didn’t answer either question
since Lisa had not been herself for some time. In a few minutes, Mercedes had
invaded my space and was warming me up. Our faces were close, and it seemed
like an eternity waiting for our lips to touch. But touch they did and I have
to admit, more than the log caught fire.

It wasn’t long before the sheets
were no longer needed, the towel gone, and we were enjoying each other’s
caresses. I liked everything about her. However, there was something I couldn’t
quite grasp. It took me a while, but she was like a wild animal. She would
never be tamed unless she wanted to be.

I was the one to reach for her hand
to stop. She looked into my eyes, smiled, and rolled away. We still spooned
together, but for me it was the longing to be close, knowing she wanted me.

We talked again about our first
meeting and how we had reacted to each other. We complimented each other on each
other’s looks and strength. We managed to stay close for hours.

We were quiet, slept for some time,
but when she rolled onto her back it forced me to look at her again. She turned
and looked into my eyes. This time, I didn’t hide that I was looking. She
smiled, noticing my reaction.

She got up from the bed to tend to
the fire, but she was still paying some attention to me. She placed a log on
the fire, but all it did was to make a clunk, and I started to smile at her,
trying to blow on the coals like I had.

I watched for a few minutes, and,
for once, I think I had the upper hand. I jumped out of bed and took over
blowing on the coals. After I had poked them, the log roared back to life. I
reached over and took the bed cover off and put it beside the hearth.

I wanted to tell her why I thought
I had the nightmare, but for some reason I decided not to. We laid there
together for the rest of the night, watching the flames, and each other.

Chapter 34


After he and his family had finished
opening their presents and had breakfast, Mike wondered if Scott ever made it
to Lisa’s parents’. He decided to call the Andersons and wish them a Merry

Rose Anderson answered the phone.

“Merry Christmas, Rose, this is
Mike Miller.”

“Merry Christmas to you and your
family. How have you been, Mike?”

“Just fine, thank you. We just
finished opening presents, and the kids are occupied. I thought I would call
and wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Did Lisa and Scott make the drive up

“Well, Lisa made it, but Scott
never did. Mike, let me get her on the phone. Please wish your wife happy
holidays from both of us. I’ll get her.”

“Thank you, and the same to you and

“Hello, Mike, Merry Christmas.”

“A Merry Christmas to you too. I
heard you made it, but Scott didn’t.”

“Oh, the roads were terrible. It
took me three hours to get here, and I still don’t know how I made it. Scott
called before I arrived and indicated that he had to put up in Topsfield. I
wondered if you were with him.”

“No, I left earlier with some other
task force members. I called the office to let them know the roads were really
bad and not to try to make it to Newburyport.”


“Yes, Scott and another member of
the task force had been given the address of where the body was found. When we
took off for the coast I had no idea the roads were so bad. So I stopped and
called to tell them not to try to make it.”

“Well, he must have decided to go
anyway, and we’re all disappointed that he couldn’t be here.”

“Have you talked with him today?”

“No, and I thought when the phone
rang that it might be him. I’ve been calling the number he left, but it’s just
ringing busy.”

“I heard there are some utility
problems along the North Shore. Can I have the number? I’ll try him.”

She gave him the number. “Lisa if I
get through, I will let him know you have been trying to reach him.”

Mike sensed she wanted to say more.

“Lisa, can I ask you something

“Yes, but let me close the office
door. What is it?”

“You know I care about you and
Scott, and I’m glad Scott is working with us again.”

“I know.”

“Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well . . . how are you coping
since the Jimmy incident?”

“I’m doing fine. Why do you ask?”

He knew he was on thin ice based on
her reaction. “It was just a concern since you had a very traumatic

“It was, but I think I’m doing okay.
What’s making you ask?”

“Lisa, I’m sorry. I guess I’m out
of line, but I sense from Scott’s behavior that things between you two are not
great right now.”

“Mike, if Scott has told you
anything, I think he’s oversensitive and should talk to me about it.”

“I’m sorry, Lisa. I just care about
the two of you, and if you need anything, I want you to know, I’m here to

She was quiet for a moment or two.
“Thanks Mike. I know Scott talks with you, and you two have become close
friends, but . . . we’re okay . . . we’ll do fine . . . I was wondering

“What’s that?”

“Does Scott have someone else?”

“No, Lisa.” He thought to himself,
as far as I know
. He could tell she was crying. “I’m sorry I upset you; it
wasn’t my intention.”

“Mike, its Christmas Day. Scott was
supposed to be here last night and stay at least some part of today. I miss him
and can’t even wish him a Merry Christmas.”

“I’m sorry your day is messed up,
but maybe you’ll hear from him soon.” He could tell she was still sobbing.

“Then . . . thanks, Mike. Have a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please wish your wife and family the

“I wish you the same.”

He could tell Scott was right about
Lisa needing help. He had never known her to act like this. Her concern about
Scott having someone else was something Scott would not have expected.

He wondered whether Scott and
Mercedes had left together. Did they have to share a room?

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