Seduction and Surrender (The Billionaire's Temptation Series) (13 page)

“I will, but you worry too much, and I can make it on my own.” He kissed her cheek, and then turned to Jake. “Thanks for keeping an eye on her.”

“For all the good it does.” Once Nate was on his way, his limp a bit better than it’d been, Jake turned back to her. “So, Ryker renewed the lease?”

“Yeah. I guess he did.” Just like he’d promised. She let out a sigh, a weight lifting off her chest, though that fight with Capaldi was still nagging at her.

Jake hung his head with a shake before looking up at her through those thick lashes of his. “Do I want to know what you did to secure the lease?”

“I know what you’re implying—and the answer is no, I didn’t sleep with him to get the lease. He’d already agreed to renew it beforehand. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“So you
sleep with him… Fucking great.” Hands on his hips, Jake started to pace a tight circle, looking ready to punch something.

“Look, my love life’s already pathetic enough without getting rid of the only guy who’s shown me any interest.” She was so frustrated, she could scream.

“You know he’s not the only one who’s interested.” Jake reached out and cupped the back of her neck, his intense gaze lingering on her eyes, her lips.

“You’re my best friend, Jake.” She let out a weary sigh, reaching up to hold his forearm, locking the two of them together. Anything else beyond their friendship would be far too awkward and uncomfortable. “We should get back to work. Things are starting to pick up.”

The night ended up being a blur, which wasn’t terribly unusual for a Saturday night. At least it kept her mind off Quinn—and Capaldi—though Jake was still in a mood when service ended.

She pulled off her chef’s whites and tossed them in the laundry, her mind immediately straying to Quinn, that glorious tub of his, and all that steamy, hot water. Her body had been deliciously sore all day long, acting as a constant reminder of their time together. She’d thought that sleeping with him would scratch that itch and give her some relief. Instead, she found herself constantly running through her memories of their night together and desperately wanting more.

Maybe she’d head home first to shower, so she’d be less tempted to take him up on whatever it was he was offering. Her shower would be pathetic, cold and dull in comparison to Quinn’s bath, but at least she wouldn’t be growing more attached to a man who could trounce her heart. All she had to do is just drop off the car and get the hell out of there.

“It’s been a long night.” Emma leaned against the counter, wanting to smooth things over between herself and Jake before she left for the night, though she wasn’t quite sure how to go about it. “Jake…you know our friendship means the world to me.”

“Yeah, I know.” He let out a sigh, and pulled her into a one-armed hug. “I’m sorry if I’m a pain in the ass, but I don’t want to see you get hurt, Em. And Quinn Ryker? Of all the guys to hook up with…you know his reputation.”

“I just can’t overthink this right now, okay?” She shifted out of his arms, trying to stay positive. “At least the restaurant’s safe. We’ll still have a job and a paycheck, and I can get my brother the help he needs. That’s got to count for something.”

“I could help with money, you know. Anything you need, Em.” He unbuttoned and pulled off his whites, bundling the fabric into a ball, showing off his muscular arms and broad shoulders.

“I know—and I appreciate it.” Yet she couldn’t go there. Money had a way of ruining things, and she refused to risk their friendship.

“You’re dropping off his car, right? Do you want me to follow you to his house so you have a ride back?”

“Thanks for the offer, but it’s late and I want to swing by my place first. You should head home—make the most of your days off.” With Sundays and Mondays having the slowest trade, she’d opted to close the restaurant on those days. It was an arrangement that seemed to work well enough, giving everyone the chance to recover without having to keep too many employees rotating through the schedule, and on the payroll.

“Em…” He let out a deep breath, though there was resignation in his lax stance. “Call me if you need anything.”

Sweaty and stinking of food, Emma was desperate for a shower—even if it was a quick one—and clean, comfy clothes. She wouldn’t take long, and then she could drop by Quinn’s. At least that way, she wouldn’t be tempted to hop into his bath and bed, since there was a far better chance of her thinking clearly if she wasn’t naked with his amazing cock pressing against her with the promise of all it was capable of. She quickly locked up and set off home.

Parking outside her building, she got ready to let herself in when she spotted a formal-looking piece of paper taped to the inside window of the entry. A building permit—with Ryker Investments listed as the owner of the property.


Well, Quinn sure as hell moved quickly. She’d give him that. He no doubt pulled more than a few strings to get the sale and permits put through—even though she told him not to do this very thing. There was a small part of her that thought it chivalrous and romantic that he’d put such an effort and expense into making sure she was taken care of, but the part of her that was pissed off at him was far bigger at the moment. Why the hell couldn’t he just leave it alone?

She quickly showered—in lukewarm water, curse him—and then threw on jeans and a sweater, knowing there was a chill in the night air. As late as it was, there weren’t many other cars on the dark, winding road that ran by the ocean and Quinn’s home. Though his car was damn nice and luxurious, it wasn’t a vehicle she was used to and she’d be happy to hand over the keys and get back to her old Honda. Luckily, she found herself pulling down Quinn’s drive no more than fifteen minutes later.

Quinn answered his door with his dogs waiting patiently behind him, their tails wagging with restrained anticipation. “Sweetheart…” He leaned in, cupped her cheek and gave her a lingering kiss filled with passion, before stepping aside to let her in. Something—the glare, her rigid stance, her scowl—must have tipped him off to her bad mood. “Is everything okay?”

She handed him a zipped plastic bag filled with beef bones for the dogs, though she did her best to hold onto her anger. “Can you please explain to me why there’s a building permit taped to the window of my apartment building with your company’s name on it?”

“Damn, that was fast.” He ran a hand across his chin. “Thanks for the bones, by the way. You may just be the mutts favorite person right about now.”

“Still waiting, Quinn…” She wanted answers and refused to let him distract her.

His jaw tightened and he took a step forward, his gaze locking on hers. “Your apartment has no security to speak of, you don’t even have basic necessities, and that landlord of yours had no interest in making the repairs your place needed. So don’t you dare get angry with me, Emma. You know I want you safe. I had no choice but to buy the place, though why you’d stay there to begin with, I haven’t a clue.”

“I stay there because the rent’s cheap and I don’t have billions warming my bank account.” She groaned, knowing she sounded like a jerk. As if it was his fault that she had money problems. “I’m sorry that I’m being a bitch, but all my savings went into opening the restaurant, and then…” She shook her head, not wanting to get into her brother’s issues, though she was helpless to keep her eyes from stinging with the emotion of it all.

“Emma…” His attitude softened. He pulled her into his arms and held her there, enveloping her in his muscular embrace. She should have been pushing him away, but at that moment, she’d happily stay nestled against his arms for an eternity, the steady rhythm of his heart soothing her. “Come on, love.”

Still holding onto her, Quinn steered them towards the great room and sat them down on the soft leather sofa, tucking her in against his side.

Emma sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate your help, but my problems aren’t your concern.”

“That’s not how I work. You can fight me all you want on it, but it’s not going to change a thing. What sort of a jerk would I be if I let you live in a place that doesn’t even have decent hot water? And like you said, I have plenty of money sitting in my bank account, so I might as well put it to good use—even if it pisses you off.” He tipped her head back and kissed her, looking all too cocky.

She glared at him, though there wasn’t a whole lot of anger behind it. “You’re too used to getting your way. You know that, right?”

“Good. Because I have every intention of continuing that trend with you in my bed.” He rose to his feet and scooped her into his muscular arms, making her curse.

She pounded on his chest, though she might as well be pounding on a rock. “Put me down, Quinn. I’m still mad at you.”

“Mmm…I like angry sex. All that heat and passion.” He nipped at her bottom lip, the flicker of delicious pain going straight to her aching clit. “Do you like it a bit rough, sweetheart? Do you like a bit of pain with your pleasure?”

“Fuck, Quinn.” She could already feel herself getting wet. She had no doubt that this would be a battle she’d be losing.

“I want an answer, Ms. Sparrow—and I don’t like to be left waiting.” He tossed her onto his bed and stripped off his t-shirt, making it impossible for her to ignore his washboard abs—abs she would happily lick like a Popsicle dripping on a hot summer day.

Reaching down, he slipped his fingers into her hair and fisted it, pulling her towards him for a hungry kiss, their tongues clashing as her hands undid his jeans as if of their own volition, ignoring all logical thought.

He roughly pulled her away, a hunger in his eyes that had her insides going liquid. “Answer me, Emma.”

When she tried to close the distance between them, he tightened his hold, making it clear that she’d get nowhere until she’d given him what he wanted. She thought about his question, and realized that she didn’t have enough experience to know exactly what she did or didn’t like, even if she had her suspicions.

“I’ve never done this sort of thing before, but…yeah, I think I’d like it.” It was hard to get the words out and admit such a thing, but she was quickly realizing that Quinn was awakening a part of her that she’d never realized had existed until now. He’d turned her into a creature far more sexual than she could have ever imagined herself to be.

“Good. Because I want you so bad, I don’t think I can take this slow or be gentle. Not right now. Not when I need you down to the marrow of my bones.” He kissed her then, hard, his tongue warring with hers as he groaned into her mouth, breaking their kiss only long enough to yank her sweater up over her head.

Her hands fumbled with his jeans, desperate to free his thick cock as it pressed against her in promise, a teaser of all the pleasure that was to come, her body aching with a newfound yearning for him. Pushing her back, he yanked off the rest of her clothing and then his, tossing it aside, before lifting her further up unto the bed and covering her body with his.

He bit her neck, sending a sharp jolt of need down her spine and to her aching clit as she cried out in a needy whimper and wrapped her legs around his hips to pull him close. Yet he didn’t enter her, but locked his eyes with hers, his gaze intense. “Say it, Emma. Tell me that you want me. Because, fuck…I’ve never wanted anyone more. You’re all that matters, love.”

His admission, his vulnerability, tore at her defenses so she couldn’t help but let him into her heart, even if she wasn’t ready to admit to anything but the physical. “I want you, Quinn. I need you, ache for you. Desperately.”

He buried himself with one deep thrust, his teeth sinking into her neck, so the flicker of pain mingled with her pleasure into an overwhelming need for more. Her hips rose up to meet him as he took her roughly, grabbing her ass to bury himself deeper, his fingers digging into her flesh. Each thrust hammered into her, and yet it still wasn’t enough. With his head bent to hers, he covered her mouth in a kiss that stole her breath and swallowed her moans, as the energy built inside her, coiling in on itself and readying to explode in its release.

She was so close…and then he was pulling out of her, flipping her onto her front, and pulling her ass up to him as he plunged in deep from behind, filling her so completely. “You’re so fucking wet, sweetheart.”

His words had her going even wetter still, and when he fisted her hair in one hand, pulling her head back while driving into her with his other hand clamped around her breasts, she nearly came. She couldn’t wrap her head around the effect he had on her, but it was as if he knew her better than she knew herself. And it seemed that whatever he had to give, she was happy to be on the receiving end of it.

He leaned forward, his mouth at her ear so that his warm breath sent a shiver down her spine as he continued to drive into her, one forceful thrust after the other. “Tell me you’re mine, Emma.”

“Fuck, yes…I don’t want anyone else, Quinn.” And then she was coming, and he was coming with her, her orgasm crashing through her, even as she wondered about the words she’d just spoken.


Chapter Twelve


With his arm around her waist, Quinn pulled Emma close, her still naked body fitting perfectly against him as he spooned her from behind. He was trying to give her the chance to recover from their lovemaking, trying to suppress his insatiable need for her, trying to resist the urges of his mind and body to fuck her once more.

Leaning forward, he kissed her shoulder and neck, his desire for her already stirring again, despite his best intentions. “Emma, I know we haven’t been together long, but you’re the only one I want to be with. And after thinking you were on a date with another man…I want it to be just the two of us. No one else.”

She turned in his arms to face him, her hazel eyes darkening. “I have no interest in seeing anyone else. But with that said, my life’s too crazy for any sort of relationship. I’m swamped with everything I have to do at the restaurant. It’s not just cooking, but inventory, accounting…there isn’t time for anything else.”

Hell, that was an easy enough problem to solve. “I can help you with that, kitten. My accountant is a whiz, and I'll find you someone top-notch to take care of inventory. I could even speak with Finn if you’d like. Have him take over some of your shifts—or get you a different chef to help you out.”

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