Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (14 page)

BOOK: Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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He sat back on his heels and lowered Tara down onto his lap. His cock struck up between them. Feeling her dripping cunt stroke his length almost brought him to the edge. The incessant ache to drive up into her was consuming his thoughts.

Tara’s eyes glittered and she wriggled her hips slightly, rocking against his cock. “I wasn’t expecting this.”

“Yes or no?” Lars held up a condom he’d pulled from his jeans before stripping out of them. “You’re going to scream my name whether I’m buried cock deep in you or not.”

Tara rocked against his cock again as she brushed her lips against his and pulled the condom from his fingertips. “Yes.” She smiled and he felt as though the goddess Freya had chosen him for a consort.

He wrapped his hands around her hips and moved her back slightly. The feel of her delicate hands on his rock-hard cock almost ripped his control to shreds. A violent shudder racked his body and he groaned as she rolled the ridiculous piece of latex over his cock.

Part of him revolted at the idea, but he wanted Tara to trust him and she’d gotten pregnant from unprotected sex before. Any future children would be conceived when she was ready. He wouldn’t take that away from her no matter how badly he wanted to.

As soon as she flexed her legs to lift herself he cupped her ass and lifted her over his shaft. Lowering her, he prodded at her entrance, feeling the initial give of her muscles as he penetrated her.

“Oh, god,” Tara gasped and her eyes fluttered closed and her head dropped to his shoulder.

“Look at me,” Lars ordered from between clenched teeth. He would watch her face as he claimed her, as she would see him marked as hers. She was his for eternity, the other part of his soul. This moment in time was theirs and theirs alone. He could share her with Cris, but no other man would lay claim to her heart.

Eyes the color of a forest on a summer day stared at him. He rocked up into her, gaining inch by inch as she sank down on him, her fingers clenched on his shoulders. Her nails dug into his skin, creating sharp prickles of awareness along his nerve endings. “
.” He lifted her and then lowered her again, gaining more depth in the tight sheath that gripped his cock. They rocked together. He hated the dulled feeling from the condom, but soon he would do without it. There would come a day when Tara knew all their secrets as they’d know hers and that was when she would accept she could never leave them.

He sank the last inch of his cock into her body and clutched her close to him. He pressed kisses against her neck and shoulders as she swirled her hips in a seductive dance.

Tara smiled, pulled the elastic from the bottom of his braid, and speared her fingers through the length of his hair, undoing the braid. Then she slid her hands under his hair, lifting it up so it slithered down her arms and over her chest. Watching his hair caress her breasts, parting to reveal the raspberry-coloured nipples, stole his breath. He slowly lowered her to the ground, his hair falling to either side of her face, forming a curtain around their heads, cutting them off from the rest of the world.

Her legs slid up over his hips and locked at his lower back as he plundered the mouth of the woman he claimed. There’d been a day when his people had felt a great deal of pride in capturing their own brides. As far as he was concerned, he claimed Tara this day. She’d accepted both him and Cris into her body. She’d been captured, claimed, and branded as theirs.

He rolled his hips and pulled out of her. The cool air on his wet cock was a shock, but plunging back inside of her made her feel all the hotter. His hunger grew as he shuttled in and out of her body. She clawed at his shoulders and her cries grew the faster he moved. He tightened his stomach and changed the angle ever so slightly. When he plunged into her, Tara’s beautiful eyes opened wider than before and her back arched, lifting her breasts to him.

“God, Lars!” A rush of birds lifted from a tree above them with her scream, sounding like a Valkyrie battle cry to warn the pathetic mortals of her approach. He pistoned into her, making certain to keep the angle she preferred. He cupped her offered breast and rolled her nipple before pinching it slightly. “Lars!” His name echoed in the trees around them as her cunt clenched down tight on him. Three more strokes and he followed her over into bliss.

His cock erupted, and he hollered out her name to the skies as her sheath fluttered and milked his cock of every drop. Lars pressed his face against her neck, licking the salty, damp skin, making her giggle. “That tickles.” She laughed and wriggled beneath him. “I should feel like a slut, but I can’t manage to care right now.”

“Don’t.” Lars hated the thought of her thinking anything negative about herself. She was sheer perfection in his eyes and he wouldn’t allow anyone, including herself, to mar that image. “You offered yourself to us, no one else. We’ve agreed to share you so there’s nothing to feel shame about.”

“But what kind of example am I showing my son?”

“You’ve shown Zack love is limitless. There’s more to give those who earn it.” He rolled on his back and lifted Tara above him. Despite the mind-blowing climax he’d had, his cock remained semihard and inside her. Every small movement woke it more and he felt himself lengthening inside of her.

The cloud above shifted and allowed a beam of sunshine to light up their part of the forest. It warmed his skin and Tara turned her face to it. “This is a moment I’ll remember forever.”

As would he. The sun set her hair glowing around her face like a golden crown. She sat on his cock, straddling him like goddess. Her hands rested on his chest.

“Your heart’s still racing.” She stroked him over his heart and smiled down at him.

“It beats faster when I’m near you.”

A slow smile curled her lips. “That’s romantic.”

Lars wrapped a hand around the back of her neck and led her face closer to his. “No, it’s honesty.” Her presence made his heart beat faster and his hunger for her touch increased.

With her sprawled over his chest he kissed her gently, nipping at her lips and making that small laugh light the air around them. Against his body’s acute desire, he eased himself from her molten depths and carefully removed the used condom before his cock got any harder. He hoped Tara would allow herself to fall in love quickly because he hated wearing those ridiculous things.

For now his focus was keeping her happy and gaining her trust, and using those silicone sheaths was a step in that direction. If it meant he would be guaranteed her love for his lifetime, he’d wear one every time he touched her.

Tara’s stomach rumbled and they both started laughing at the sound. “I might’ve skipped breakfast this morning.”

“I think you skip too many meals.” Lars slid his hands over her slim body and cupped her ass. Cris said she’d lost a lot of weight over the years and he wanted to make certain she never went hungry again. He patted her naked thigh. “Get dressed, I don’t want you to get a chill, and I’ll make us something to eat.”

He lifted her up and gathered up her clothes for her. As she got dressed he pulled up his jeans. Wrapping the condom up in a napkin, he put it in a pocket of his knapsack.

“Where’s my underwear?” Tara looked around the ground and then back at Lars.

He shrugged. “Perhaps over the side?” He nodded to the cliff edge behind them. “Sorry, Tara. I should’ve been more careful.”

“Oh, well.” She shrugged. “No point in getting worked up over it now.”

Lars kept his features calm and nodded as he watched her pull her jeans up over her bare skin. He slipped his hand in his pocket to ensure her panties remained hidden from view. He liked knowing only one layer of fabric stood between him and her pussy.

As she put on her shoes he pulled out a series of dishes Catherine had packed him. There were different cheeses, a garlic baguette, fresh green grapes, and Eccles cakes for dessert. The thermos held hot herbal tea, a perfect way to help ward off the chill in the air.

As soon as it was all ready, Lars sat down and leaned back against the large tree. Tara plopped down close but not close enough. He grabbed for her as she lowered herself and pulled her down into his lap.

“What are you doing?” She laughed, smacked his chest, and tried to get up.

“Stay here.” He laid an arm over her lap. “I like having you here in my arms.” He lifted a small piece of cheese to her lips. “Open.”

“I can feed myself.”

“I know, but I’m taking care of you now. Open.” She rolled her eyes but smiled when he popped the morsel past her lips. As she chewed he poured a small glass of tea and sipped at it before passing it to her. She wasn’t completely comfortable at first, but as he persisted, she finally relaxed in his arms.

“Tell me about Zack.”

Tara was happy to talk about her son, and Lars loved to hear the sound of her voice. They talked as he continued to feed her morsels of food. The sun warmed them as he encouraged Tara to talk. Looking out over the forest below them, he kept his arms around her and enjoyed this perfect moment. He felt an ache in his chest and his skin itched slightly under his shirt. She shifted slightly in his lap and rested her cheek against his shoulder. Her fingers plucked at a couple buttons and slipped underneath the material and rested against his skin, right over his heart. The skin warmed under her palm.

“It’s still beating quickly.”

“Whenever you’re near.” He pressed a kiss against the top of her head and leaned back against the tree, taking her with him so they both lounged back. It didn’t take long before she drifted off in his arms. She slept peacefully, her hand against his skin as the heat grew unbearable under her hand.

Lars gritted his teeth, knowing what was happening. Despite the painful burning sensation, elation burned his soul, up through his heart to the skin where her delicate hand lay. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten her, so he kept still and waited, and after what felt like an eternity the pain subsided and he took a deep breath.

Ever so gently so as not to disturb her, he moved her hand and gazed on the angry black marking that appeared on his chest. Two
’s sitting directly on top of each other.
, the symbol of fertility and true love, had been burned into his skin. He was going to have to tell her the complete truth soon because when she accepted him, the same marking would appear on her skin.

Chapter Nine


“And, that concludes today’s literary treat.” Cris spoke into the microphone as he closed the third Robert Munsch book he’d read that day. “Many thanks to my new partner here at 3XTC, Zachery Brewer, for his aid in choosing today’s books and the excellent sound effects he created for us.”

“Thank you, everybody.” Zack was wearing a headset with microphone so he could turn the pages as they read. “Thith wath loth of fun.” He reached over and Cris bumped knuckles with him. “I didn’t thee Blavet yet, but I’ll keep lookin’.”

“While Zack and I are searching for our beloved mascot, we have a variety of music chosen for your enjoyment this afternoon. Be sure to tune in for the latest in news and weather at five o’clock.” Cris pointed at the buttons for Zack to push, turning off the microphones and flipping on the string of chosen music to play out over the next few hours.

“Great job, Zack, I’m going to have to make you a permanent cohost.”

Zack shrugged his small shoulders as he pulled the headset off and placed it on the soundboard. “That would be cool, but we’re thill moving.”

Cris didn’t know how to respond. He had no business making any comments as much as he wanted to ask Zack if he wanted to stay. Zack was his son and that fact still blew him away every time he looked at the kid, but for now he didn’t feel he had any right to make decisions. That wouldn’t stop him from using every trick in the book to keep his Mate here. He couldn’t very well keep her happy for the rest of her life if she insisted on moving to the next province.

A low rumble caught his attention and he looked out the window down on Main Street. He scooped up his son and pointed out the window. “Hey, Zack, here comes your mom.”

Lars rolled into town on his bike, one hand on the handlebars and the other resting back on Tara’s thigh. She was curled around him with her hands resting low on his stomach. That was one of the best sights he’d seen all day. If Lars managed to catch Tara’s heart as well, this might be easier than he first anticipated.

“Do you think I can get a ride?” Excitement vibrated off the little guy as he watched them pull up in front of the building.

“I don’t know. Let’s go see your mom and you can ask.” Cris put Zack on the floor and the kid took off like a bat out of hell.

By the time he made it down to the street, Zack was already bouncing up and down with excitement. “Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!”

Lars handed her a small helmet and Tara bent down and adjusted the straps so it would fit on his head. “You have to listen to what Lars says.”

“I will. I promith.”

Both he and Lars admired Tara’s ass as she bent over. Cris looked at the smooth line of her pants over her ass and down her leg. He planned to ask her later what exactly happened to her panties because he knew she had some on earlier today. He stepped up and wrapped an arm around her waist, making her jump. She gave him a quick smile but looked slightly guilty. Good, that meant things went very well this afternoon and they were one step closer to getting her to stay.

BOOK: Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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