Read Secrets and Seduction: 5 Romance Novels Online

Authors: Shay Lacy

Tags: #romance, #Suspense

Secrets and Seduction: 5 Romance Novels (12 page)

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“Yep.” She almost smiled.

His breath caught and he waited, but her smile didn’t bloom completely. They hadn’t touched, not even accidentally. They hadn’t made any gestures, either subtle or blatant, toward each other. Yet he could feel the tension throbbing between them.

They climbed the metal stairs up, up and up, twisting around the hillside following the stream to its source. So far there wasn’t much to photograph. Nick could barely take his eyes off Marisa’s satin hair and curvy butt.

Then the path turned left again and there were rapids on his right. Marisa waited beside him while he captured the power of the moving water in digital. But even photography couldn’t calm him. He felt as tumultuous inside as the water. He might have lost Marisa today if her car had been hit harder or a different way. Her vivacity would have been snuffed out.

He wanted to grab her and hold her, press her life force to him to protect it and cherish it. Instead, he gripped the camera so hard he feared for its delicate metal parts.

She walked forward and the high close walls opened up into a small natural amphitheater. Nick stopped walking and stared, unable to even raise his camera. A thirty-foot waterfall splashed unhindered into the shallow pool below it. Most of the bottom of this canyon was a shallow pool. There was dry flat shale in front of him and another patch close to the falls. It was so magnificent and unexpected that words failed him.

He looked at Marisa to see if she realized how exceptional this place was. He read it in her eyes — she knew. Awareness zinged between them. They were alone together for the first time today.

Turning, she kicked off her shoes and strolled into the water. Nick lifted his camera and captured her against the grandeur of the canyon and the falls. He filmed the way the water droplets flew around her and clung to her shapely calves as she walked. She stopped on the dry shale and turned to him. The heat in her eyes nearly singed him. His cock came to immediate life. She lifted her hands to the hem of her shirt and slowly, slowly she pulled it up.

Nick’s mouth dried. He pressed the shutter automatically, capturing the act on film. Her lacy cream bra was sexier than anything advertised by supermodels on TV. As she pulled her shirt over her head, her dark curls tumbled free. His breath stopped. She tossed the shirt away.

She lowered her hands to the fly of her shorts. The snap came open, displaying a V of light brown flesh. She slid the zip down and then wiggled so suggestively Nick’s hard-on got harder.

The shorts dropped and Marisa kicked them away. She did a slow pirouette in her bra and panties, posing for the camera. He couldn’t believe she’d allow him to take such private photographs. He began to sweat.

She reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. The straps slid from her shoulders. For a moment, she stared into the camera, holding onto the bra, and then the cups slipped down her breasts uncovering her dark nipples. Nick yearned to suck them. He photographed their lush beauty instead, loving them with the lens instead of his hands.

Slowly, she lowered the V-shaped lacy panties that matched her bra. First, a thatch of black curls was revealed, and then shadows between her thighs where her pleasure hid. Nick still photographed what was the most erotic act he’d ever witnessed even though he wanted desperately to explore the secrets she’d exposed.

Raising her arms, she lifted her hair from her shoulders. God, he wanted her. With every fiber of his being he wanted her. Why was she tempting him this way?

He photographed all of it, the wanton striptease, the come-hither look, the heated desire in her eyes, the puckered nipples, and flushed face that spoke her desire better than words.

Then she stepped backward until the waterfall hit her, splashing her shoulders, chest, nipples, belly, thighs, and calves — all the places he wanted to lick. She looked at him and he knew she wanted him to lick them too.

He had enough sense to set the camera down on a ledge. He had enough appreciation to wish he’d brought a tripod so he could film what they were about to do. And he had enough intelligence to leave his clothes on the dry shale and sheath himself with his only condom before he went to her. And then he was lost.


The water felt cold on Marisa’s bare body, but Nick’s hands burned when he captured her. She’d wanted him to come to her, had tempted him beyond a point she knew he could resist, but she still felt a thrill when he touched her. He lifted her easily until her breasts were level with his mouth. He clamped his lips around her nipple and sucked hard with his hot mouth. She cried out as pleasure streaked directly to her womb. Her vagina moistened and clenched.

He sucked her other breast just as hard, his mouth burning hot against her cooled flesh. She arched her back, pressing more of her breast deeper into his mouth. She was on fire.

She wriggled against him as he suckled one breast and then the other. Slowly he slid her down his body until she was astride his hard, hot cock. It burned her vulva with a seductive heat. Still, he bent over her chest and feasted on her breasts. She rubbed her slick flesh against his burning hot erection.

Nick groaned and raised his head. His short hair was plastered to his scalp. “This is going to happen. If you don’t want it, stop me now.” His voice was a deep growl.

“I want it.” She’d never wanted anything this much. She clutched at his biceps.

“I didn’t intend to seduce you.”

“You’re not the one doing the seducing.”

His expression was wild, carnal, violent. “If someone shows up, I won’t stop. Once you say yes, nothing is going to stop me until we’ve both come.”

“I want it. I want you.”

“I’m not your nice fiancé. I can’t be gentle. Not this time.” There was a hard edge to his words.

“I don’t want gentle and I don’t want Kevin.” She realized the truth of her words with a pang of regret, quickly suppressed. She wanted this man and this mating.

He kissed her hard and quick. She wanted more.

But Nick growled, “Hold on.” He lifted her over his cock and with one powerful thrust entered her completely. They both groaned aloud.

“Oh God,” he panted. “You feel good.”

“More!” She needed his heat.

He lifted her and shoved home again. Flames licked through her lower body. Again and again he pulled her down onto his thick penis. But it wasn’t enough.

“Harder!” She needed to be fused to him.

Nick gripped her to him, the world spun and suddenly she felt cool stone against her back. She barely had a moment to register their changed position before Nick plunged into her. Marisa cried out, bucking up against him with the pleasure. She’d never been filled so well before. Nick grabbed her ankles and lifted them onto his shoulders, pressing in against her so that she was spread wide.

And then he plunged. Marisa screamed, the sound echoing off the rock walls. Contractions ripped through her vagina. Nick rode her hard through them. It was an inferno of pleasure so intense she could barely catch her breath.

She tried to move with him but then another orgasm tore through her. She pressed her heels into his back, her toes curling, as he moved forcefully inside her body. His breathing sounded ragged.

“Once more and I come with you.”

“Do it!”

Nick was strong. His thrusts raised her body as he plunged deeply into her. He slid his hands under her buttocks and lifted. The next thrust was so hard and deep it stole her breath. The next stole her vision as her orgasm began. The third stole all thought but screaming pleasure.

Marisa combusted. She melted into him. He melted into her. Fused. Became one.

Cooled. Nick lay gasping on her, his cock still jerking with his orgasm. Little tongues of flame still licked at her clitoris, making aftershocks ripple through her vagina.

She’d never had an experience like this before. She’d heard about it, but assumed she was one of those women who didn’t enjoy sex.

She’d been dead wrong. She enjoyed sex all right — with Nick. Mamá had been right about him. His touch set her body aflame. Did she do the same for him?

Marisa gripped him tight to her. What if he was the only man she could experience this with? What if these few days were the only time in her life when a man would make her burn with desire?

“Can we do it again?” she whispered into his ear.

Nick huffed a laugh, his body jiggling hers intimately. More aftershocks rippled through her body and she clenched around his penis in response.


He lifted his head. The lines of strain in his face were gone. There was a light in his eyes she’d never seen before.

“You nearly killed me that time.”

“I want to do it again.”

“I don’t have any more condoms.”

She hesitated. She was a responsible adult. She could raise a child as a single mother like her mother had done, but she knew there were other risks.

“I’m clean. Are you?”

“Yes, but I wouldn’t take any risk with you. If you want me, I’m willing, but not without a condom.”

“I want you. Your place or mine?”

“Mine. There’s more privacy for you to scream.”

“Will I scream?”

He thrust into her and she gasped. He was hard again. “Most definitely.”

Marisa gripped his forearms. It was all or nothing. “Nick, I want you to do everything to me.”

He ran a gentle palm over the bruise on her bicep. “Everything? You’re sure?”

“Yes. Don’t hold anything back. I want to experience it all with you.”

“That’ll take at least all night.”

“I’m willing.” More than willing.

He kissed her, a promise of more to come. “Then we’d better get dressed. It’s going to be a long ride home.”

• • •

The crash of thunder jerked Nick from an exhausted doze. For a moment, he didn’t know where he was. The next instant a bright flash lit up the bedroom, illuminating the Latina goddess in his bed. Marisa. He didn’t think it was possible, but he began to grow hard again. They’d made love all afternoon, evening and long into the night. As promised, he’d taken her in every room, in every position and given her an orgasm every way he knew how. His lips had tasted every part of that luscious body and hers had tasted his. She’d done things to him he didn’t think a woman would do. She’d made him come in so many ways. But apparently he had one more romp in him.

Thunder crashed again, rattling the walls.


Nick froze. His heart quit beating. He couldn’t breathe. And then he could breathe again and it hurt. She wasn’t his. This was temporary, until he returned home. She was still in love with another man.

Damn, damn and damn. He’d never had a night like this, never had a partner like her, never been fused to a woman as he’d been to Marisa. But she wasn’t his.

When the lightning flashed, she was sitting up in bed, naked and so lovely it hurt to look at her. “Nick?”

“I’m here.”

“I was dreaming.”

“It’s just a storm.”

“What’s the matter?” She reached a hand toward him.

Nick took hold of it. “Nothing. I just wish we had more time.” Time enough for her to fall out of love with Kevin and then what? What did he want with more time?

Marisa tugged him down next to her. Her nipples were peaked and they pressed into his chest. His arousal, which had disappeared after she called her fiancé’s name, came to life again. He ran a hand across her nipples, loving the feel of them.

She sucked in her breath. “Again?”

“I’m working on it.” He pinched her nipples lightly.

Marisa’s breathing deepened. “I could help.”

“You will help. It’s just going to take a while this time.”

“That sounds interesting.” Her voice was a sexy come-on.

“I’m not going to stop, even if you cry uncle.”

“I don’t want my uncle. I want you.”

Nick swallowed. If only that were true beyond what they were doing in bed. “Are you sure you want me? I’ve thought of something I haven’t done to you yet, but it involves bondage.”

“Really?” She drew out the word.

“And a little something in my luggage I haven’t introduced you to.”

“Will I like it?”

“It’ll make you scream.”

Marisa held her wrists out to him. “Tie me up.”

• • •

Marisa lay on her side and listened to Nick whistle as he made coffee in the kitchen. It was past time to get up and go to work, but she didn’t think she could move. She didn’t know how Nick walked straight this morning, especially after that last romp. Well, actually, her body had taken the majority of the action. Thinking about what he’d done to her made her clitoris tingle and her vagina clench. She pressed her thighs together. God, she was going to have to have sex with him this morning to slake her post orgasm pre-orgasm.

He was so imaginative. She hadn’t known that particular item could be used like that. Her clitoris tingled again. Damn it, she was insatiable for him.

So this was what man-woman relations were supposed to be like. No fumbling, no lukewarm passion, no peck on the cheek afterward. Adults felt real passion. They craved to make their partner scream in every way. They hungered for their partner’s touch over and over and over.

She’d had none of that with Kevin. She’d spent eight years waiting for him. Sure, she’d pined for his company, but not for his touch. Already she craved Nick’s touch. She counted the seconds until he was back in her bed again and in her body.

Marisa couldn’t imagine what she’d do after he returned home again — and he would. His leave was almost up and he was desperate to return to work. He’d told her he didn’t want to hurt her. She’d told him the same thing.

But now she knew he would hurt her. This craving she felt for him was so much more than physical. It couldn’t be love — it was too soon for that — but this was no one night stand. She liked him a lot. She could even imagine living and loving with him for the rest of her life. If only they had time to build a relationship that would last.

She’d had eight years to build such a relationship with Kevin, but they hadn’t. Was it possible to forge bonds with Nick in the short time they had left? The heat between them was hot enough to fuse. Where Kevin had been a sparkler that sputtered out, Nick was a raging forest fire that consumed everything in its path — including her — until she was part of the flames.

BOOK: Secrets and Seduction: 5 Romance Novels
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