Read Secret Worlds Online

Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

Secret Worlds (524 page)

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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Damn him for using logic against me. That’s such an unfair fight.
Begrudgingly, I had to agree and wrangle my rising irritation under control.

“Fine. But I want to go see Alyssa.”

“What? Why?” he asked, his voice high and shaky like a pubescent boy going through the change.

“I want to say thank you.”

“Can’t you just send her a card or something?”

“No. I want to go in person,” I replied, getting some sick enjoyment out of seeing him squirm.

What’s the deal with those two anyway?

It was obvious they shared some kind of history, and they both appeared seriously on edge around each other. If Holbrook and I were going to continue whatever it was that was happening between us, I figured I should know what went down.

“Besides, you and Loki hogged all the wontons last night.”

“If you’re that desperate for Chinese, I’ll order something from the local place. You’re not leaving this house until we find Samson.”

“And you’re nuts if you think you can keep me locked up here. What are you going to do, handcuff me to the bed?”

“If I have to,” he replied in a growl that gave me pause. Up until that point I hadn’t really seen him as the authoritative figure he was. It was so easy to buy into the gorgeous but harmless cowboy façade that I forgot that underneath the hat and boots he was a dangerous man with skills I couldn’t even begin to imagine.

While the lust-driven half of my brain was thrilled by the prospect of being handcuffed to the bed by him and all the fun activities that could lead to, the rational half knew that there wasn’t likely to be any fun involved if he followed through on his threat.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I said, though my stomach twisted with doubt.

“I just might. At least then I’d be able to keep an eye on you.”

“You can just as easily keep an eye on me if you take me to see Alyssa. Besides, someone needs to take a look at your hand before it falls off.”

Flexing the swaddled fingers of his injured hand, he grimaced. He knew I was right, and that I made a crap nursemaid. My bedside manner was limited to hogging the covers and wanting to jump his bones, neither of which was all that conducive to staving off infection.

“You’re not going to let this go are you?” he asked with a sigh, rubbing his uninjured hand over his face.

“Nope,” I replied, rocking back and forth on my heels, a triumphant grin spreading across my face.

“All right. Let’s get this over with.”

Loki gave a short trill before jumping up onto the table and then launching himself to land deftly on Holbrook’s shoulder. For such a big cat he moved with a surprising amount of grace when he wanted to. Holbrook let out a startled breath, staggering under the unexpected weight, but didn’t say anything else as Loki settled himself on his shoulder. Apparently, he was set on coming along too. I couldn’t help the sharp stab of jealousy at the sight of my companion nestled up against the curve of Holbrook’s neck, riding along like a fat and furry parrot. But I couldn’t figure out which one of them made me jealous the most.

We hadn’t even gotten halfway to the door before Collins and Hill materialized on either side of me, flanking me like a couple of golems in their matching suits.

And here I thought I might get a break from my bodyguards.

Another agent stood at the front door, watching us with narrowed eyes and a blank expression on his face. With the cord for his earpiece trailing down into his collar I figured all he needed to complete his Agent Smith look was a pair of dark sunglasses and a sneering voice. “Is everything all right, Sir?”

Maybe just the sunglasses then.

“We’re fine Townsend. We’re heading into town for some Chinese food.”

“I would be happy to drive you, Sir,” he replied though the tone of his voice left me doubting whether or not he was actually familiar with happiness. Or any other human emotions for that matter.

“No, it’s fine. We won’t be long,” Holbrook said, ushering me out the door.

“Do you really think that’s—”

“Stay here and watch the perimeter. We’ll bring you back some dumplings.”

“Uh, yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Townsend replied, a furrow of confusion appearing between his eyes.

“Come on. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave,” Holbrook muttered, leading the way towards one of the totally conspicuous black SUVs parked in the driveway.

I watched through the side mirror as Collins and Hill climbed into one of the other SUVs, relieved that I didn’t have to suffer the presence of the two mountains of flesh. A snort of laughter erupted from my lips when they donned matching sunglasses, looking like a couple of extras from
The Matrix

“What’s so funny?”

“Just the Sunshine Twins back there,” I replied, hooking my thumb towards the other car. “Anyone would think they’d break something if they dared to crack a smile.”

Holbrook looked like he wanted to disagree with me, but knew he’d be lying if he did. Remaining silent, he slid into the driver’s seat, grimacing when Loki jumped down from his shoulder to the center console where he perched, looking out the windshield. As soon as he started the engine, Loki stood up with his front feet resting on the dashboard as though he had taken on the role of navigator. The ride across town was silent except for Loki’s meowed directions which actually seemed pretty damn accurate.

Chapter 25

THE SIGHT OF Alyssa struck me when I reached the top of the narrow stairs leading up to the clinic from the restaurant below, and I was glad we’d left Collins and Hill downstairs watching the entrances when I felt warmth fill my cheeks. The fluorescent lights cast her in a pool of light, highlighting the fiery cloud of her hair that tumbled over her shoulders. My entire body came alive at the sight of her, my palms suddenly sweaty and my fingers tingling with the desire to touch her.

Damn, why would anyone ever want to break up with her?
I wondered, able to pull my gaze away from her just long enough to look back over my shoulder at Holbrook.

“Men are such idiots,” I muttered, shaking my head as I stepped through the doorway.

“What?” Holbrook asked, but I ignored him when Alyssa turned at the sound of my voice.

“Riley? Is everything okay?” she asked, puffing a stray lock of burning ember hair out of her face.

“Hey, Alyssa,” I said, blushing at the thrill of arousal that swept through me simply from being in the same room as her. “I err…wanted to say thanks for the other night.”

Crap, I sound like a lovesick teenager.

“No problem. Always happy to help a friend of Darius’s,” she replied, lowering her gaze to look at the stack of freshly rolled bandages cradled in her arms. The tinge of pink that suffused her cheeks made me want to touch her all the more.

Behind me I heard Holbrook shifting from one foot to the other.

“Is everything healing up well?” she asked, setting several rolled bandages on the shelf in front of her. “How’s the pain?”

“Yeah, healing fine. Pain’s not too bad,” I lied.

Glancing over a slender shoulder she gave me a skeptical look before turning back to her work.

“Busted,” Holbrook whispered at my back.

Smug bastard
, I thought, shooting him a withering glare. Smiling wide, he just shrugged his shoulders.

“Take your shirt off,” Alyssa commanded, something in her liquid velvet voice making my insides quiver and my mouth go dry.

“What?” I squeaked while Holbrook choked on his gum.

“Let me get a look at those ribs.”

“Oh. Uh... sure.”

Biting my lip I unbuttoned my shirt, exposing the swath of bruises across my ribs and the new ones already blooming in vivid shades of red and purple on my stomach.

Donning a mask of professional detachment, Alyssa ignored my lack of a bra and noted, “These are new.”

Goosebumps rose all over my skin at the soft touch of her fingers sweeping over my stomach. Fighting to keep my breaths even, I felt the muscles in my stomach jumping beneath her fingertips while every hair on my body stood on end and my nipples tightened.

“It’s been an eventful day,” I heard myself say, my voice husky.

“I see.”

For several torturous minutes she surveyed and palpated my collection of injuries, her lower lip caught between her teeth in concentration. The sight of that ripe strawberry lip being so ruthlessly tormented made my fingertips tingle with the desire to soothe and caress it. My hand was already halfway to her face before I realized what I was doing, the butterflies in my stomach shifting to embarrassment in the blink of an eye.

“Sorry,” I said, dropping my hand to rub my sweaty palm on my jeans.

“It’s okay, it’s my fault. I didn’t get a chance to feed before I came in. I should have known that touch would intensify the effects.”


“She means
,” Holbrook spat, his voice dripping with uncharacteristic venom.

Turning to look at him, I found him as far away as possible while still remaining in the same room. His arms were crossed over his chest, the muscles in his forearms bulging and his shoulders singing with tension.

Well, isn’t he just a giant ray of sunshine?

“That’s unfair, Darius,” Alyssa said, her voice holding the first icy traces of anger, and beneath it the unmistakable echo of an old hurt.

“Don’t talk to me about fair,” he shot back, fists flexing against his chest.

“I um…think I’m good,” I said, cautiously breaking the tense silence that had descended on the room.

“Yes. I think you’ll be fine. Looks to be healing up well,” Alyssa said, obviously flustered.

Snagging my shirt from where I had tossed it on the bed I turned my back on them both, hiding the pained expression on my face as I pulled it on.

“Let me help,” Holbrook said in a gruff voice, his sudden closeness making me jump.

“Thanks,” I murmured, turning around to face him, grateful for his help as he settled my shirt in place.

“Do you want me to take a look at that?” Alyssa asked, tilting her delicate chin towards his bandaged hand.

“No. Its fine,” he replied in clipped tones.

“Stop being such a baby,” I said, jostling him with my shoulder.

The sour look he shot me would have made lesser men cower, but when compared to psychotic werewolves with a taste for my innards, it didn’t even rate on my scale of intimidating. Raising my eyebrows at him, I just flashed him a bright and cheery smile.

“Pain in the ass,” he muttered under his breath.

Judging by the minute twitch of Alyssa’s lips, her hearing was as finely tuned as mine.

“Have a seat,” she said, trying not to laugh.

He shuffled across the room, shedding his jacket and tossing it on the empty cot. Climbing up onto the examination table he sat with his back ramrod straight and his shoulders full of tension. He was so not a happy camper.

Curiouser and curiouser.

“Son of a…” Holbrook hissed as Alyssa peeled away the layers of tape and gauze, revealing the raw, weeping flesh beneath. I gagged at the putrid smell that permeated the air, invading my nose and coating the back of my tongue with the stink of rotten meat.

“I’m gonna go see about some food,” I managed, backing away towards the door with my hand over my nose and mouth.


Making my way down the stairs to get away from the stench, I stepped through the back entrance of the restaurant and paused. Standing beside the stone-faced agent at the bottom of the stairs, I drew a deep breath to savor the delicious aroma of red chilies cooking in hot oil. I could feel the agent watching me, his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses, but I was too focused on my growling stomach and watering mouth to pay him any attention.

“Stay within sight, Ms. Cray,” he said as I took a step towards the restaurant, the unexpectedness of his voice making me jump. I couldn’t recall having heard either of my bodyguards utter more than a handful of words over the last few days.

Rounding the corner into the restaurant, I spotted my other bodyguard standing beside the front door, where he kept a watchful eye on the street outside. Stepping in line behind an elderly couple, I was unable to hide my smile as they squabbled over whether or not the husband should order the moo shu pork. His wife was insisting that it gave him terrible gas, while he declared that it most certainly did not.

Chuckling, I snagged a menu from a nearby table and turned towards the window, allowing them the pretense of privacy. Flipping through the pages, I perused the specials, deciding on the kung pao beef and Szechuan chicken. Behind me the husband and wife continued to bicker, having moved on from the topic of moo shu pork—which he would
be getting, he would have the sesame chicken and be happy with it—to the decision between white rice and lo mein. Rocking back and forth on my heels I gazed out of the large windows overlooking the street.

Clouds hung low and dark over the city, making everything appear gloomy and washed out. I was so ready for summer I could almost feel the sunshine on my skin and smell the sweet grass. As I turned back towards the register, a dark shape caught my attention, drawing me around to face the window once more.

The gloominess outside made it difficult to make out the street past the bright reflection of the restaurant’s interior. Curiosity drew me forward on silent feet, the sounds of the bickering couple fading away as my attention shifted to the shape slowly coming into focus in the glass.

Horror bloomed in the pit of my stomach as Samson’s face emerged, transposed over the reflection of my pale face. Golden wolfish eyes stared back at me, full of malice and violent intent. A terrified squeak slipped out of me as his thin lips spread into a wide smile, revealing jagged yellowed teeth. Lurching back from the window I stumbled into a table behind me, sending cutlery clattering to the floor, drawing irritated looks from the staff and a raised eyebrow from my guard.

Why the hell was he gaping at me like I’d lost my mind instead of pumping Samson full of silver bullets? Shouldn’t he have been calling for back-up?

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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