Read Secret Worlds Online

Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

Secret Worlds (262 page)

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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Why the fuck was he chained to his bed? More importantly, where was Diana? Had she been kidnapped?

Heart pounding in his chest, he roared, “Diana!”

“Oh, you’re awake.” The voice came from the side of the bed. He wasn’t alone, and though it sounded like Diana, the voice was throatier, sexier. She sounded like a woman who had just awakened after being fucked long and hard during the night. He
wanted to be the one making her sound like that.

Cadan turned his head toward the voice and nearly swallowed his tongue when Diana rose from a chair by the bed, clad in nothing but scraps of lace that cupped supple flesh. The pale pink covered her breasts, giving him a tantalizing glimpse of large pink nipples. A thousand times better than he’d imagined.

His eyes were dragged downward and his breath caught. The curls at the juncture of her thighs were the same beautiful shade as those on her head. He ached to touch her there. To taste.

He jerked his gaze up to hers. “Diana,” he whispered hoarsely. “Come here. Untie me.”

Let me put my hands on you.

How had he thought to resist her? He strained against the bonds, desperate to have his hands, his mouth, on her. To tear away the scraps of lace and make her his in a way that she would never forget.

Nay. Resist her.

She just shook her head. “No, don’t struggle. They’re the Maoin straps, so you can’t get out.”

She placed one knee on the bed, then began to crawl toward him, her heavy hair hanging over her shoulder and her eyes hot. Dark deeds flashed in her eyes and his cock leapt.

Was he dreaming? This was straight out of his fantasies, but when he jerked on the straps that bound him to the bed, it became clear that this was very much real life. Diana reached him then, the sultry smell of her skin, her hair, her pussy reaching inside him to squeeze.

She straddled his stomach and looked down at him. The heat of her sex burned him.

She rested her hands on his chest and began to rub her thumbs across his nipples. Goosebumps broke out on his flesh where she touched him, lightly trailing her fingers over his chest.

To have her so close and not be able to touch and taste?

Focus, Cadan.
“What in the hell are you doing, lassie? How the hell did you get me tied up?”

“I called Esha. She gave me a sleeping spell for you. Some powder, like pixie dust, that I had to blow into your room after you’d fallen asleep. I didn’t want you waking up while I fastened the straps.”

He tried to keep his eyes on hers, but they were drawn down her body once again. She was ethereally pale, with small breasts and a trim waist that flared into beautiful hips. Freckles dotted her shoulders and chest.

Who was this woman? “What in the hell are you doin’?”

His cock was painfully stiff, so hard that it strained against her ass. He yanked at the bonds again, but they didn’t budge.

“I’ll tell you, but first, I want to know something.”


“You like me, right?”

“Nay, lassie, this hard-on has nothing to do with you.”

“You know what I mean.” She looked down at him uncertainly.

Ah, his lassie needed reassurance. As much as he knew he shouldn’t admit it, that he should be cruel to end this game, he couldn’t bear to see the hesitant smile slip off her face. His brain had flown straight out of his head.

Knowing that he would regret it, he said, “Aye, lassie, I do. There’s no’ another like you.”

Her smile brightened. “Likewise.”

“Now tell me what this is about.” He had a pretty good idea, even though it shocked the hell out of him.

“You know who I was in a past life. I don’t. And I really, really need to know. I’ve run out of time and options, so I think you should tell me.”

That wasn’t what he was expecting. “And how do you plan for that to happen?”

“I think you know.” She smiled. “Have you ever been tortured, Cadan?”

His jaw clenched when she rubbed her sex against him. “No’ like this.”

She smiled. “Well, you get the gist of it anyway. I’m going to bring you to the brink so many times your eyes will cross. When you tell me who I was, you can have
you want.”

She reached behind her and grasped his cock in her small hand. He nearly shouted with pleasure, then desperately clenched his teeth to stifle himself.

“I doona want you.” Gods, he was lying. He wanted her more than anything in the world. He wanted her in every way possible, pinned beneath him, his to take.

But more than anything, he wanted her now, this way. With him tied to the bed and her on top of him, taking whatever she wanted from his body.
Use me
Take your pleasure from me
. His hips jerked at the thought and she ran her soft palm up and down his length.

“You, Cadan, are a terrible liar. And you’re
terrible liar.”

yours. As you are mine
. He wanted her to take her pleasure from him, untie him, and then he would show her what it meant to be his. But he couldn’t, could never, and for everything in the past and future, he had to resist. But how?

And where had this temptress come from?

When Diana laughed he realized he’d spoken aloud. “I was always here. You saw me—young and a professor, reserved in my manners—and drew your own conclusions. They just weren’t necessarily true. You’re dating yourself again, Cadan. True, I’ve never tied up a man and had my way with him before, so I’m no expert, but I think I can figure it out.”

With those words, she bent down and began to kiss his neck, her soft, hot tongue running across the tendons as he strained. Only now did he realize that the room was lit by dozens of candles.

She rubbed her breasts against his chest and he strained at the bonds. He wanted just one touch. To put his hands on her smooth skin and run them over the curves and hollows of her body.

She ran her warm lips down his chest, rising up on all fours as she did so, curved and soft in the light. She was careful not to touch his cock now, though it desperately reached for her.

“You have the most amazing muscles,” she murmured against his clenched abs.

With a lick, she continued to kiss her way down his body, her mouth hot and avid on him. He tensed as she neared his cock, but she skipped over, raining soft kisses over his thighs and within inches of his balls. He groaned when he felt her breath feather over him and looked down to see her staring up at him.

Take me in your mouth.
He wanted to see his cock slide between her pink lips.

She hovered just over his shaft, her face all but glowing in the candlelight. She knelt on all fours with her head bent down to his cock and the curve of her ass rising above her head. Her eyes burned into his and there was nothing but desire in them.

“I’ve been wanting this for a long time.” She licked her lips and looked down with heat in her gaze.

He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was a vision of innocence and sin. Her pink tongue sneaked out of her mouth and licked the bottom of his crown. He groaned low in his throat, and when she opened her mouth and enveloped him, he jerked as the heat and softness closed around him. She sucked once, lightly, then took him deeper inside of her mouth.

His hips jerked. She began to work her hand up and down his shaft in time with her mouth. He wasn’t going to last. His body tightened and tension coiled within him.

So close. He was so bloody close he was shaking with it.

She raised her head and licked her lips, then crawled back up his body and kissed him full on the mouth. “That was fun. But if I do too much of that now, we might be moving a bit fast for my end goal.”

End goal? Gods, he wanted to be her end goal.

This had to stop. He wouldn’t make it through tonight, and his brain was getting whiplash from his conflicting desires.

“Diana, you have to let me go.”
Please listen to me, I canna last through this
. “This won’t work—it’s dangerous. What if someone breaks in?”

She just looked down at him, knowledge and power and determination in her eyes.

“I’ll release you if someone breaks in.” Then she smiled. “Or I’ll just kill them myself.” She kissed him again, and then sat back up on his stomach. She reached up and caressed her breasts. “I think I should take this off. What do you think?”

The sight of her stroking herself made his cock twitch. He wanted her to slip a hand beneath her panties while she fondled her breasts. He glanced down at them, unable to resist. She was hot and wet on his stomach where she sat, and when he looked down, she laughed. “Those too. Eventually.”

Diana reached behind her and unclasped her bra. She slowly peeled it from her shoulders and tossed it aside. Her breasts were small and perfect, topped with pink nipples that his tongue ached to caress.

“Would you like to taste?”

Aye, please.
He should jerk his head to the side, away from her, but he’d rather die than look away.

She smiled and leaned over him, running one nipple over his closed lips. He tried to resist, but the feel of her soft flesh running across his lips was torture. He could hear her breath above his head, heavy and wanting. His woman wanted, and he ached to provide.

He broke, opening his lips so that his tongue could lave her nipple. She moaned and began to tremble.

“Untie me, lassie. I’ll make it good for you.” He honestly didn’t know if he’d pin her to the bed and fuck her senseless or if he’d have the honor to walk away. He could control himself if he really tried. He’d give her pleasure, and aye, take his own, but he’d have the control not to take it all the way.

She dragged herself away from him. “Not unless you’re ready to tell me what I want to know.”

He shook his head.

“Fine. I’m not nearly done with you anyway.”

But this time she turned away from him, rising on all fours so that her knees were placed on either side of his head and she hovered above him.

Christ, no’ this
Anything but this.

Her sex, glistening and pink behind the transparent lace of her panties, hovered just over his mouth. He stared, riveted, and strained harder at his bonds. Cadan inhaled deeply of her scent and felt his cock throb. She smelled of woman and sex and happiness.

The bonds cutting into his wrists didn’t register.
So close.
His fantasy was so close that he could have reached up and peeled the lace away from her body with his teeth if he hadn’t been tied up. He wanted to lick her, taste her, feel her come against his mouth—and yet she hovered, just out of reach.

“Please.” He groaned. She had to stop this. He ached. His tongue ached to taste her, his mind ached from resisting, and his cock ached for her to take him into her mouth and put him out of his misery.

Then her breathing changed. His own caught in his throat as he felt the heat of her against his cock. He shouted as his shaft sank into her hot mouth.

The pleasure. Excruciating.

Her hand closed over his balls, caressing them as she worked her mouth over his shaft.
Just a bit more
. It would take almost nothing for him to come like this.
Just a bit more.

But she stopped, as if she knew how close he was.

He gasped as she slowly withdrew her mouth from his cock. “Ah, be a good lassie and finish what you started.”

Diana gave his balls one last light squeeze before she removed her hand and straddled him once again.

“Maybe…if you’ve changed your mind about telling me what I want to know.” She looked down at him, her eyes almost hypnotic.

His cock begged him to tell her.

“Nay.” He had barely a thought left in his head, but this was something he couldn’t do. No matter how much he wanted her.

“As I feared.” But she didn’t look disappointed. “Tell me, Cadan, is it true what I read in the library? That your kind are impervious to illness? And you don’t carry it?” She drifted a hand down her stomach and slipped it into her panties. He couldn’t tear his eyes away as he answered.

“Aye.” He didn’t care why she asked. He just had to keep his eyes on her hand slowly stroking herself. She was moving her hand more quickly now, her breath coming in shallow gasps. He wanted to see her come, to see pleasure wash over her. Already her pale skin was pinkening, her cheeks flushed and her eyes wild.

“Good, I’m clean too. And I’m on birth control. So I suppose that I don’t need these.” She slipped her hand out of her panties and snapped her thumb in the waistband. His brain fought a battle.

Please, take them off.

No, doona, I canna take it.

Chapter 23

Diana crawled off Cadan and stood beside the bed in nothing but her panties. God, she felt powerful. This, without a doubt, was the best thing she’d ever done. From the moment he’d awakened and seen her, the desire and want in his eyes made her feel like a goddess. All her nerves, her fear, had disappeared. She could do anything, as long as he looked at her like that.

It had helped to suppress the fear that he might be the man from her dreams. Though it lingered under the surface, she couldn’t help but continue. She wanted answers. She wanted him. The fear only added an edge.

He lay sprawled on the bed now, arms and legs splayed and fixed to the bedposts. Every muscle was taut as he strained at the bonds, desperate to get to her. He was magnificent. All tense muscle and hot male.

Her gaze fell on his shaft again. She couldn’t stop looking at it. It was beautiful, more so than she’d ever imagined. It thrust upward from his rippled abdomen, veined, with a red crown topped by a shining pearl of fluid.

Diana looked back at his face and smiled, then turned around. She looked over her shoulder as she inched her panties down, teasing him. His gaze followed their movement, and when they’d finally reached her ankles, she straightened and turned to face him.


She could barely hear him, but saw his mouth form the word. She felt a smile stretch across her face and climbed back on top of him.

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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