Read Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2) Online

Authors: T.A. Roth

Tags: #Say Nothing

Say Nothing... (The Speak Series Book 2) (35 page)

"The first time we did this, I could only hear you. You don't know how bad I wished I could have watched." She licks her lips, and my dick is in my hand before she can respond.


"From what I remember I think I had you strip for me." She nods.

Propping the phone on a pillow, she steps in front of the screen. She's wearing those tiny as fuck boxer shorts that make me lose my mind.

"Start with the tank." She plays with the hem and slowly slides it up her torso giving me just a hint of skin. My strokes are slow and even as I wait for her to pull it over her head. She hugs her chest with one arm and holds the tank on the edge of her finger before letting it drop to the floor.

Her eyes never leave mine, and as I open my mouth to continue my directions, she gives me exactly what I want. I watch as her arm drops to her side, her tight nipples begging to be licked. Her hands trail up her body, and my eyes are fixed on her hands wishing they were mine.

I'm rock hard, and I pan the camera down to give her another glance. She licks those luscious lips I wish were currently wrapped around me.

"Fuck,” I moan.

My thumb wipes at the wetness pooling at the tip. As her hands continue to explore her body, her fingers twist and pull at her pink nipples. She turns away from the screen, and I'm about to protest until I notice her hands moving to the waistband of her shorts. Hooking her thumbs into the sides, she tortures me slowly as she takes her time sliding them over her hips.

I get a glimpse of her lacy white thong as she shimmies them off letting them fall to her feet. Looking over her shoulder, she gives me a coy grin, and I swear if I don't start thinking about baseball soon, I'm gonna bust a nut in the next thirty seconds. She toys with the strings; her perfect round ass facing the screen.

"Turn around." She does as I ask. A small scrap of lace covers the area I wish I could currently bury my face in. I lick my lips at the thought and watch as she presses her thighs together.

"Are you wet for me, baby?" She nods. "Show me." Her eyes are hooded with lust; she sucks on two fingers trailing them between her breasts before sliding them into the front of her panties. Her head lolls back, and she releases a moan that takes me over the edge. My hand is moving as I watch her come apart. A few strokes of her fingers and she's right there with me. She braces herself against the tall dresser as her legs tremble.

"Jesus, Ari. That visual was so much better than what my imagination came up with."

She giggles and steps out of the frame for a bit. The camera goes out of focus, and when she comes back, she's wearing her robe.

"Feeling better?" she asks while throwing her hair up into a messy knot. The front of her robe opens, and I sit back and enjoy the view.


"Hmm . . .” She looks down and realizes where my focus is.

"Seriously?" she says tightening the belt on her robe. I get a semi just watching her put her hair up. I'm so screwed.

"Are you going to try to get a couple more hours of sleep?"

"I don't think I could even if I tried. I'm more relaxed, though." She smiles.

"How was your appointment with Dr. Stone?" She gives me brief updates every week. Not as much info as I would like, but I'm just glad she's still going.

"Good. We talked about you a little."

"Oh yeah, about what an awesome, incredibly hot boyfriend I am."

"Yeah, and humble too," she says with a laugh.

"So have you told them you’re staying?" she asks.

"I haven't decided yet."

"You know what you should do." What I want and what I should do are on two different sides of the coin, and therein lies my dilemma.

"So what's your plan for the weekend? You girls doing anything?" I ask changing the subject.

"Natalie asked me out for a girls’ night tomorrow. Letty has to work the whole weekend, so other than that, not much."

"Where are you going?" I'm struggling to keep my envy in check. She deserves a night out; I just wish I were the one taking her.

"It's this club in Hollywood that hosts a burlesque show. Her boyfriend plays in the band. If it's cool, then maybe we can go when you get back."


"Babe?" I meet her eyes. "You know I wouldn't do anything stupid right? We're just gonna have a few drinks and hang out."

I force a smile to keep her from worrying.

"I know. Will you call me before you leave? I might have to work late again, and I can't go without our calls. I don't care what time it is. I need to see you."

"Okay, try to get some sleep. We'll talk later. Promise."

"Love you." This time, she traces the screen.

"Love you too. Good morning," she says with a smirk.

"Good night."

The screen goes black, and I've made my decision.


"It’s girls’ night," Natalie sings in greeting as I step around the partition wall. I frown.

"Oh no, don't do that. You're still coming right?"

"Yes, I'm still going." I laugh as she swats me with a file.

"Brat. You scared me. I thought I was going to have to sit all by myself."

"No, we're good. Letty has to work, though. She's bummed she couldn't join us."

"Next time," she says sitting at her desk.

The phones start ringing off the hook, and it’s business as usual until five o'clock. As I gather my things to go home, we plan to meet out front at nine. I confirm the address, and I'm off to sit in traffic for a few hours.

Letty calls just as I'm exiting the freeway.

"What's up?"

"Hey, I thought I was going to be able to do your makeup before I left, but there was a change of plans. I have to drive my happy ass to Riverside right now."

"Riverside? Why?"

"I guess the maid of honor decided to get a suite at the Mission Inn for everyone to get ready. They offered to pay me extra if I'd drive out there."

The wedding she's in town doing makeup for has become a nightmare. The girls in the wedding party cannot agree on anything and every scheduled event has either run late or changed at the last minute. Today is just another example.

"That sucks about the drive but awesome about the extra cash." I try to cheer her up.

"Yeah, just didn't plan on sitting in an extra hour and half of traffic on a Friday."

"Welcome to my world," I say with a laugh.

"You're going to be okay, right? I'm going to be back kind of late. Text me when you get ready to leave the club and I'll let you know where I'm at. Maybe Nat-"

"Letty, I'll be fine. Breathe. I have my pepper spray and I'll text you before I leave okay?"

"Okay, don’t forget. I made sure to lock everything up and I didn't see anyone creepy hanging around."

"All right, be careful driving. I'll talk to you later."

I hate that I've also made her into a paranoid wreck. She shouldn't have to worry about leaving me alone.

Pulling into my parking spot, I run through my usual ritual of checking my windows and mirrors. Taking a deep breath, I exit the car and grip my pepper spray making sure to be aware of anything suspicious while making the trek to my front door.

I breathe easier once I’m inside. Locking the door behind me, I make sure to latch the security chain. It's almost seven, and without Letty here to do my makeup, I head toward my bedroom to begin the daunting task of getting ready. As I turn the corner into my bedroom, I notice an outfit, jewelry, and heels laid out across my bed. A hot pink sticky note with Letty's writing catches my eye.



I send her a quick text to thank her and put on my black skinny jeans and her black strapless top with flared hem that I was eyeballing the other day. She left me a statement necklace with matching bracelet, and I slip on my red peep toe heels to complete the outfit. My hair held the waves I had set it in this morning. Some eyeliner, a few coats of mascara, and a dark red lip and I'm done.

Standing in front of the mirror, I give myself another once-over before FaceTiming Ben. It's 4
in London, and I almost hang up before his bare chest comes in to view.

"Babe?" The sleepy rasp in his voice does things to me.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, but I promised I'd call you."

"It's okay. It’s Saturday, so I don't have to be up for anything. I'll just go back to bed. Let me see you."

"I'm right here." I giggle.

"Put the phone down and step back. I want to see all of you." Propping the phone on the tall dresser, I step into the middle of the room giving him a full view.

"Mine," he rasps while drinking me in.

"Always yours." His heated gaze is making my skin tingle, and if I don't end this soon, I'll be staying in tonight. "All right, get back to sleep. I'm going to be late."

"Be careful. Are you taking Uber or are you driving yourself?"

"I'm driving myself."

"Easy on the drinking and take a jacket."

"It's the middle of summer. It's like eighty degrees out still," I say with a laugh. "Yes, I'll mind my drinking, so stop worrying. I'll talk to you later."

"Your tits look really good in that top. I swear to God if any motherfu-"

"Will you stop? I'll be sitting with Natalie watching a show. We're not going out trolling for dudes, so take it down a notch. Yeah?" He scrapes a hand over his face releasing a frustrated sigh.

"Have fun," he says through gritted teeth.

"Wow. I almost believed you that time. I love you, caveman. Talk to you later."

"Love you too."

The parking situation sucks; I've circled the block twice looking for an open lot. A line of people surround the building and I finally give up and just pull up to the twenty dollar valet. I'm handed my ticket and am in the middle of rethinking my outfit when Natalie comes barreling out of the front entrance and tackle hugs me.

"I'm so glad you came," she says, sounding relieved.

"I told you I would."

"You look fricken hot. Turn around." My face heats up and I give her a little twirl.

"Ben better hurry back before someone snatches you up. Come on, let's get inside. I already found our table," she says tugging my hand toward the front door. The doorman just gives her a nod and lets us right in.

My mouth drops as I step inside; it's nothing like I expected.

"Wow," is all I manage to get out.

"Right? That was my reaction exactly. Isn't it great?" I nod in agreement.

The large room is dimly lit. Small lamps top each of the high top tables. A large oak bar wraps around the back of the room. About ten male bartenders dressed in button-down shirts, vests, and bowler hats line the bar top. The front of the room is a wall-to-wall stage complete with large spotlights.

"The show’s about to start. Come on, our table's up front." Natalie grabs my wrist and leads me through a throng of people toward our table. A reserved sign sits atop and as we take our seats on the high back stools, a line of waitresses holding silver sparklers greet us with a bucket of champagne and two flutes.

“Oh my God, he got us bottle service,” she says excitedly.

Our glasses have just finished being filled when the emcee for the night steps onto the center of the stage and introduces the burlesque dancers. We watch as the group of long-legged beauties shimmy and shake to a clever mix of old and modern music. I laugh as the guys go crazy. There are a few currently scraping their tongues off the floor.

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