Read Savage Fire (Savage Angels MC #2) Online

Authors: Kathleen Kelly

Tags: #Mafia, #Alpha, #contemporary romance, #Biker Erotica, #mystery, #Action, #Love story, #Suspense, #Biker romance

Savage Fire (Savage Angels MC #2) (13 page)

“Darlin’, I will always try to keep you safe and believe me, keeping you here and knowing that you are safe is more for me than you.”

I place my forehead to hers and she kisses me. “I know that you mean well, but I am a capable woman. Just ‘cause I got kidnapped once doesn’t mean it will happen again.” Then she bursts into laughter and I do the same.

“Thank you for following my lead outside when you got home. Darlin’, how much did you know about your Ma’s business interests?”

“Nothing, I didn’t even know she’d bought Grinders Transport, remember?” She has a puzzled look on her face.

I place my hands on her shoulders and ask, “Do you know of anyone who would?”

“Dave. He handled just about everything in my life, so he would know about Ma. He runs background checks on everyone, probably did one on you too.” She winks and smiles at me.

“Dave, I should have fucking known.” Dave is Kat’s manager. We are still getting to know each other but I keep his princess happy, so for now, he likes me. “Darlin’, do you have his number? I have a few questions for him about Grinders.”

“Yep, I do, baby. It’s in my phone, which is in my handbag, which is in the other room. But...” She draws this out.

“But, what?” I ask.

“But, you owe me,” she says as she lets her hands travel down my body and grab onto the front of my jeans.

“Darlin’, I promise to do whatever you’d like, and I mean whatever you’d like, later at home—in our bed.

But right now I have club business to attend to.” I bend and kiss her neck.

“Whatever I like?” she asks, her eyes filled with lust. “I want you to go down on me and make me scream your name, then, baby, I want you to fuck me hard and then I want to do it all over again.” She smiles at me and my dick strains to be let out of my jeans.

“Fuck, Kat, you make it hard on a man. I want you right now.”

“I could give you a blow job, babe, if you want?”

I raise my eyebrows at her and I’m about to say yes when I hear, “Hello? Is anyone here?” It’s Howie from the café.

Kat laughs, pushes me away then goes and opens the door. I readjust myself and try to think of something besides her mouth around my cock. I turn around and Howie’s looking at Kat as though the sun rises and sets with her.

“Howie.” I nod at him and put my arm around Kat’s waist, pulling her into me. “How’s it going?”

“Good thanks, Mr. Reynolds. I was dropping off Kat’s food,” he explains to me as he stares at my woman.

“Yeah, I can see that, how much do I owe you?”

“Oh, it’s on the house Mr. Reynolds, Kat Saunders doesn’t pay at Betties.”

“Howie! How many times have I told you that you have to charge me! If you don’t, I’ll stop coming! Now, how much do I owe you?” She practically screeches at him. Howie shakes his head but he has a huge smile on his face. “I mean it, Howie! I’ll stop coming!”

“Alright, Kat, next time I promise I’ll charge you,”

“Howie, I have a witness, Dane will kick your butt if you don’t start charging me!” Kat playfully teases him. I smile and shake my head at her antics.

“Yes, Kat, I’m sure he will.” As he turns to leave, she slides out of my arms, grabs his upper arm and kisses him on his cheek.

He goes bright red and trips out the doorway on his way back to the café. “Darlin’, you made that boy’s day.”

“He’s sweet but it’s not his day I want to make.” She smiles at me seductively and licks her lips.

“Fuck me. Woman, give me Dave’s phone number and prepare to be fucked hard tonight. In the meantime, keep away from me or I’ll be using that pretty little mouth of yours in the backroom.”

She laughs and nods as she moves towards her handbag. “I’ll send it to you. Now, go before I take advantage of you.”

I give my woman a look and I have an internal battle raging; I need to have this sorted but my dick wants some attention. I’m moving towards her when I see Jonas walking across the Compound. I go to the front door and whistle. He changes direction and heads towards me.

“Prez, she’s nowhere. I have Rebel going through every storefront but we can’t find her; Emily is gone.”

“How can she be gone? Did she buy a ticket and bus it out of town? Where the fuck did she go?” I ask.

“We checked the bus station and no one matching her description left town today. Martha said there were no strangers, just locals. You know how nosy she can be. You need to confront Agostino; he was the last person that we know of that saw her,” he says with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

“Who is Emily?” There is more than a hint of frost in Kat’s voice. I’ve never seen my woman jealous before; I think I like it.

“She’s my sister, I’ve mentioned her.”

I watch her face as a red blush makes its way up her neck. “Your sister is here? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Darlin’, got a lot going on and I promise tonight we will go over things but right now I need you to stay here. Can you do that for me?” I make it a question but I don’t intend to give her a choice.

“Yes.” She moves towards me and wraps her arms around my waist. “You are going to be really busy tonight, and I’ll stay here.” I kiss the top of her head and move outside with Jonas.

“Brother, that woman is going to be the fucking death of me.” He grins at me, knowing what I mean. “Tell me what you know about Emily’s whereabouts.”

“Agostino is right; they were in Betties Café and then nothing. She left, he had a meal, he left and that’s it. No one has seen her since.”

“This day gets fucking worse. I need you to wait out here with me, my brother, while I call Dave.

According to Kat, he does background checks on everyone, so if anyone knows fucking anything it will be him.”

He nods and I check my messages and see the one Kat sent. I call Dave and he answers on the third ring.

“Dane! How are you? Is my princess alright?”

“How did you know it was me?” I ask.

“Dane, my boy, I have all of your numbers in my phone. Is everything ok?” He repeats himself.

“Your princess is fine. But I have a bit of a situation and I was wondering if you could help me with some information.”

“Dane, my boy, what’s my motto? Public perception is the most important thing and Dave can spin anything! So, hit me with it!” he says flamboyantly.

“It’s not that kind of thing, Dave. I need to know about Kat’s Ma, Ms. Saunders. What do you know about her?” I say. The line goes quiet and I say, “Dave, man, you there?”

“I’m here.” His voice has gone serious; there isn’t a trace of humor. “What has she done? What have you found out? Is Kat in any danger?”

“Dave, why would you think Kat is in danger?”

“Her...mother was an interesting person. I assumed because she was involved with you and, that you must have known what she was like.” There is disdain in his voice.

“Dave, I’m about to come clean with you now and I need you to keep it to yourself. Do. You. Get. Me?” I pause between every word, letting him know how serious this situation is.

“Of course. I am, after all, a professional.”

“Yeah, right. I have only just discovered that Ms. Saunders was into some things that I do not wish to go into over the phone—we never know who’s listening. It’s come to my attention that an associate was helping her and that another,” I pause, searching for the right word, “club but of a different nature is involved. Can you give me anything?”

“I have a file; I’ll send it to your personal account at the clubhouse,” Dave says. “Do you need me to give you the address?”

“No need, I have a file on you too. I’m sending it now and I’m coming out. I’m bringing Truth with me. He’s been having some...issues and I need to keep an eye on him. So, my boy, do you have room for us or do I book The Country Inn?”

“There is no fucking need for you to come out, Dave, Kat is safe.”

“Need to see it for myself and it’s been weeks since I’ve seen her. It’ll be fun.”

“Dave, I know you talk to her every‐fucking‐day on the phone,” I say.

“Fine. Be that way. I’ve sent the file.” He clicks off. Great, I’ve upset Kat’s surrogate father.

I’m standing and scowling at my phone when Jonas asks, “I take it that went well?”

“He’s sending me a file on Ms. Saunders to my computer at the clubhouse. Go see what it says. I’ll deal with Agostino and find out about my sister.” I look at Jonas. “What a fucking day!” I growl.

A scream is heard coming from the garage and we both turn to run towards it as Kat races out and launches herself at me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

“Thank you, baby!” she screams with way too much enthusiasm.

“What the fuck, Kat?” I bellow.

She kisses me on the lips and all over my face, saying repeatedly, “Thank you, thank you, thank you! Dave phoned and said he and Truth are on their way out! I love you!” With those three words, I would do anything for her, including putting up with her surrogate overprotective father and Truth, her lead guitarist.

I sigh and put her on the ground. “You know your family is welcome in our home anytime.”

“Thank you! Ok, I’m back in the garage; you go do whatever it is you’re doing.” She kisses me again and has the biggest smile on her lips as she goes back inside.

“Well, Dave is a fucker isn’t he? Totally went around you to so he could come out here.” Jonas laughs and as I look at him I start, too. There we are, laughing in the lot, when Rebel appears before us.

“Did you find her?” asks Rebel. We both stop our laughter and look at him. Jonas shakes his head as he wipes tears from his eyes. Rebel looks puzzled at our antics but he says, “She’s nowhere. She left the café then...” He does inverted commas with his hands and says, “poof, she’s gone.”

“Let’s go see what Salvatore Agostino has to say about her disappearing. Then we need to talk about Fith.

What a fucking day.” We all head for the clubhouse.

Chapter 24


mare, a Captain means I am high up in the Abruzzi Family. We are organized. We run most of the East Coast.”

“What does that mean, you run most of the East Coast? It sounds like a gang.” I can’t process what he’s saying.

“Not a gang, a family.” He reaches across the table and grabs my hands. “Organized crime, Amare. We have a hand in a lot of pies. Not drugs, we are forbidden to become involved in narcotics, but we have a hand in everything else,” he says that like he was trying to comfort me.

“Guns?” I ask, hoping he doesn’t say yes.

“It is the reason I am here. Your brother is interfering in my business and we need to know why.” Not only does this man that I’m attracted to run guns but my brother does too.

“Guns?” I repeat my question.

“Yes.” Something washes across his features but I am unsure what it means.

“Do you have to sell guns? Could you not do something else?” I asked, looking for a different answer.

“I do many other things; it is just one of the many.” My mind is spinning at his confession. He continued, “I feel a connection with you, one I have not had with anyone else in a long time. Take some time; think about what you know, and how you feel about me and what I do. For now, let’s eat.” Let’s eat? There was no way I was going to be able to do that.

My world is shattered. I tell him I need time to think as I stand and walk out of the café.  I head in the direction of the Savage Angels Compound. It’s not a long a walk and I’m not sure if I even want to see Dane. I slow my pace; my mind is swirling with everything that’s happened to me in the last few days.

“Excuse me, miss?” A man is beside me.

“Yes?” I say. He stands a little too close to me and I move slightly away.

He holds a map out so I move back towards him. “This is the Main Street in Tourmaline, yes?”

I smile up at him as he’s easily a foot taller than me. “Yes, you are on Main Street.” I move closer and point at his map. “See?”

His arm goes around me and he says, “Thank you, Emily.”

“How do you know—”

He places a cloth over my face and as I smell a sickly sweet scent, I feel myself go woozy. “Just breathe, Emily, just breathe.”

I feel myself float away.


am bent over a table, my hands are tied together in front of me and the nylon rope goes over the edge of the table, securing me to it. I feel a hand on my back; it goes down my spine and between my legs. I realize I am naked. Fingers plunge into me and I scream.

“Good, you’re awake. I’ve been playing with you for a while but I like it better when you’re awake. Please, scream; make a noise. Nothing worse than a woman who lays there and says nothing. You don’t have a great rack but your ass, it’s not bad.” My body shudders at the words of my violator.

“Please don’t, please!” I scream.

“I’m going to fuck you in every way, in every fucking orifice you have and I’m going to take my time. That fucker, Sal, should have watched you better.”

His hands are on my body, trailing up and down. I feel bile in the back of my throat and I think I’m going to be sick. He walks in front of me, and stands at the head of the table. He takes off his shirt and begins to undo his belt when his phone starts to ring.

He walks over and grabs it then comes back and places his hand on my ass and strokes it. “Yeah, Boss.” He pinches me and I scream. “Yeah, I have her, she’s a screamer.” He laughs into his phone. I continue to

scream as he slaps my ass and he says, “Hang on, Boss, I’ll go outside.” I stop screaming when I hear the door close.

I’m lying face down on the table with my feet dangling above the floor, my arms are outstreched and pointing to the corners where they are tied to the legs. Quietly, I wriggle further up it and get my knees under me. Thankfully, my legs aren’t tied. The nylon rope that binds my wrists is looped around the legs of the table; I slowly put my feet on the floor and lift up one side of the table and then the other. Although I have the rope around my wrists, I am free. I look around for my dress but can’t see it. I’m in the kitchen of a very rundown house. I can’t hear any noise around me except for my attacker on the phone outside. Quietly, I move further into  the house, pushing open doors and trying to find something to cover myself. In the last room, at the end of the hallway, there is a smashed window and I move towards it. Carefully, I poke my head out; I can’t see him and even though I am naked, I am going to make a run for it. As I step over the sill, I cut my leg on a shard of glass. The pain increases my fear and I fall from the window. I put my hands over my mouth so I don’t scream. I am laying there for a moment, trying to feel if anything is broken.

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