Read Sarah's Surrender Online

Authors: Lynda Chance

Sarah's Surrender (16 page)

BOOK: Sarah's Surrender
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John made it to her side in record time. He came to stand directly behind her. "Let go.

The dude dropped his arm from Sarah's shoulders and pushed to his feet. "Make me."

Sarah felt John bristle as he stepped around her and came within inches of the guy's face. "I just did. Get lost. Don't touch her again. Don't even fucking look this way again or you're gonna be eating your food through an IV. Understand me?"

"Who's going to make me? You?"

John reached out and grabbed the kid by the neck and jerked him forward.

Sarah's heat skipped a beat and then began pushing blood frantically through her veins. She watched as two bar bouncers appeared out of nowhere. One of them grabbed John from behind and the other one grabbed the kid. They pulled the two men apart.

John hissed through his teeth and directed the insult to the bouncer holding him. "Diego, you best let go of me in the next three seconds or I'm gonna close this bar down and none of y'all will have jobs."

Sarah watched as the man released John immediately with an apologetic tone. "I didn't know it was you, man. Didn't see your face."

John turned to the other bouncer who was still holding the kid. "Let him go. I'm taking care of this."

The man released his hold and the kid stumbled before picking himself up. Sarah could see that the exchange hadn't gotten past him, and now he was probably wondering just who in the hell he was up against.

One of the bouncers spoke. "You best get out of here Nate. Nothing good can come of this."

"What the fuck? Are you telling me I have to leave? What about this asshole? I was minding my own business--"

"No, fuckwad. You were minding
my business."
John moved behind Sarah once more and put his hands on her shoulders. "Take a good look and then don't ever look in her direction again. She's mine. You fuck with what's mine and you'll live to regret it."

With that, John pulled her to her feet and began leading Sarah toward the rear of the building. She followed in a blind haze. He held her wrist manacled in one hand while he stopped in front of the same door he had pulled her through the previous time she saw him here. Without hesitation, he slipped a key in the lock, opened the door and pulled her inside with him.

Sarah hung against the closed and locked door of the office and didn't think to question how he had access. She just knew he did. It was obviously the same way he could control the bouncers and threaten the closure of the bar. It had something to do with his money. The thought flew from her mind as he pressed his torso against her and put his hand between her legs and cupped her heat. His mouth went to her ear and he let out a deep, heated breath. "You shouldn't have worn these shorts, baby. I can't keep my hands off, how do you expect anyone else to?"

She sucked in a breath but couldn't answer.

He pressed against her and moved to her mouth, kissing her deeply, his hands moving to unbutton her shorts. "I can't wait," he growled in a raspy voice. One by one, the buttons came loose and then he reached down, fisted both sides of the material in his hands and ripped her shorts and panties down her legs. When they fell around her knees, he lifted one big, booted foot and placed it between her legs, stepped on the offending material, and forced it to the ground. "Step out of them."

Sarah blindly did as he asked and as soon as she did, his hand was on her, his finger slipping inside her hot, wet opening. As he manipulated his finger inside of her, heat hit her and she began softly moaning.

His mouth lifted from her lips and moved to her ear. "What do you think would have happened if I hadn't been here?"

She began shaking and could barely stand up. "N-nothing. I could have handled it." Her hands shook as they reached for his face, trying to turn it back around to her, begging for his mouth to be on hers again.

He complied and gave her a silken kiss as he breathed into her mouth, "But not before he touched you even more. And babe, that would have been bad." His tongue slipped back inside and Sarah felt a heated rush from his finger imbedded deeply inside her and from the kiss they were sharing while they still continued to try to talk.

She broke her mouth away. "Why? What would you have done?"

"Killed him." His breath came hard.

She gasped. "Be serious."

His hand pinched her chin and brought her lips back to his. His mouth hovered over hers and just before his lips fell on hers again he said, "Dude would have wished for a quick death, I guarantee it."

She broke her mouth away again. "John--" His finger moved to her clit and silenced her effectively.

He swirled it over her, around in circles as he kissed the side of her mouth. "No worries, babe. You were a good girl," he whispered in a deep, raspy voice.

"Was I?" She could barely think anymore. His hand was hot on her, moving back and forth between her hot wet opening and her clit. Back and forth. It was driving her closer and closer to orgasm.


"How? How was I good?"

"You called me. Let me know you were going to be here. Makes a guy almost think he can trust you."

"You can trust me," she said softly.

He dropped to his knees in front of her and lifted one leg over his shoulder. Spreading her out with his fingers, he looked up at her. His eyes were dark tormented pools of glistening heat as he looked up at her. "I want to trust you. So bad. So bad it makes me ache."

He looked back between her spread thighs and Sarah felt the rumbled groan that came from his chest. His tongue fell to her clit as he sank one long finger inside of her.

He licked her, rasping his tongue up and down on her repeatedly. His finger moved inside her, swirling around her vaginal walls, touching her deeply. She began panting louder, dragging in oxygen.

He lifted his head from her and she opened her eyes to find him watching her. "You're so beautiful. So goddamn beautiful, Sarah. I want you so much."

His words washed over her, and suddenly, she wanted him inside of her. "Come up here, please," she begged softly.

He stood to his feet and began undoing his jeans in a rush of movement. Pushing them all the way down to his boots, he began to lift her up, getting ready to impale her.

She stopped him. "Get a condom."

He gritted his teeth. "Sarah--"

"Please. Please, John, I want you inside me."

John wanted so badly to sink inside of her without anything coming between them. So desperately. He wanted to feel her soft flesh close around him. But it wasn't going to happen. Not this time.

He jerked a condom from his pocket and sheathed himself with it. It only took seconds and then he was lifting her up, propping her back against the wall as he brought her down over him.

The impact of their joining was electric. She moaned as he fastened his mouth over hers. He put his hands under her butt, and spread her wide, sinking into her all the way. He began pumping into her steadily.

She was so soft and wet and slippery. She was tight and hot and perfect.

God, she was perfect for him. He felt himself start slipping down the tunnel where his primal emotions took over and his brain disappeared. He couldn't control what he said. "I want to fuck you naked."

She jerked in his arms and he felt another rush of wet heat surround him. "You have to let me, baby. Soon. I want to fuck you over and over and over again. Without a condom. You're never getting away from me. Never."

Sarah began convulsing in his arms and he followed her over in an orgasm that rocked his world.


The next morning, Sarah watched John as he slowly began to wake up. She'd already had a shower and made coffee. She gingerly sat on the bed beside him, trying to let him eke out as much sleep as possible. The sheet rode low on his hipbone, and she could plainly see his early morning erection greeting her even if he didn't.

A tiny bit of devilment rose up within and she glanced over at the half empty box of condoms on the bedside table. She slipped out of her shorts and panties and carefully opened a small square package.

Slowly, so as not to awaken him completely, she carefully pulled back the sheet and slid her leg over him, getting into the position that she was beginning to crave like life itself. She held her breath and rolled the condom down his length.

She felt him jerk and figured he was all the way awake now. But he remained still and silent, and she slid down over him, accepting all of him, with only a small degree of adjustment. She sighed and closed her eyes in ecstasy from the feel of him, throbbing hot and deep within her.

Her hands landed on his chest, and she slid up, and then down again.

His hands flew to her hips and grasped her tightly, but he didn't move so much as another muscle.

She took another stroke, and then another.

John silently gritted his teeth as he tried to let her maintain the control. This was obviously her show, and he wanted her to have what she wanted.

But it was difficult. She was soft and smooth, hot and sweet, and first thing in the morning, all he really wanted to do was turn her over until her stomach was pressing against the mattress and then come at her from behind and pump her so hard and fast--

His thoughts splintered as she leaned down and began whispering in his ear as she continued to stroke him.

"John. You're so fine." She lifted up. "You're so hot." She fell down again and he couldn't contain a shudder. "I've never had anybody like you before." She took another stroke. "Mmmm." Her lips moved to his and grazed them before she lifted herself up and propped her hands against his chest and began riding him in earnest.

John opened his eyes and watched her. Her eyes were closed and she had an expression on her face he'd never seen before on another woman's. Ever. She was so beautiful, and he couldn't stop himself from reaching down and pressing a finger against her clit.

He felt another wave of heat come from her and she began riding him frantically, the sounds she was making like the sweetest, hottest music to his ears. "Mmmm." Her mouth sealed in a line as concentration absorbed her features and she began keening loudly, loud enough to send him up in flames.

He grabbed her hips and began jerking her. Jerking her up and down until she screamed and her body stiffened. Her eyes flew open and she stared at him, shock and what looked like awe on her face.

He held her tightly and fell deep into her eyes as he joined her and went over the edge into sweet, sweet oblivion.


Chapter Eight

John came from the shower, drying his hair on a towel and stopped beside the bed. He reached down and smacked her on the ass, just hard enough to get her attention, hard enough to sting. She gasped, jumped and turned over, her pulse beating so rapidly against her beautiful, pale white throat that he could see it. She blinked and watched him with a wary expression. "Get up," his voice was still sluggish from the night.

"Okay," she said slowly with a question in her tone.

"Get dressed. We're going to San Antonio."

"Why?" she asked him softly.

"We've got an appointment with a doctor at a private clinic there. We need to get a move on."

"I'm sorry?" She bristled and didn't look sorry to him. "What for?" Her question came sharply.

"We're getting tested."


"You don't seem to trust me and while that's commendable babe, it can't go on forever."

"Forever?" she asked.

"Semantics, sweetheart. We need to lose the condoms. Today. I'm not waiting anymore. Get dressed."

"You can't just--"

"Yeah, I can
. I did
. Don't want to hear any shit about it. Let's don't make this into a fight or some such shit. Get dressed."

John watched her and waited to see how this would play out. He needed it to go smoothly. He wanted it to go smoothly. Finally, she slid her legs off the bed and her feet hit the floor. She kept him in her sights while she opened her dresser drawer and removed some clothes. Holding the items in front of her while she crossed to the bathroom, she watched him the whole time.

Finally, she slipped inside, closed the door behind her, and John felt himself take a huge breath of what felt suspiciously like relief.


They didn't talk much on the drive to San Antonio. John didn't much care. He just wanted to get this shit over with. All he cared about was satisfying her with a clean bill of health, getting her home and sinking into her, totally, fantastically, bareback. His fists clenched on the steering wheel as he savored the thought of what would be, he knew, a barely controlled raw act of possession. He wanted her, all right. That badly.


John sat in the waiting room for what seemed like an ungodly amount of time. He'd already had his blood work done, he'd paid a lot of extra cash for the immediate results, and now he had the results he needed. He really hadn't doubted it. Sarah was the first woman he'd even thought about taking that kind of risk with. And now he didn't have to.

Another half hour later, the door clicked open and Sarah finally came out. He took one look at her and knew something was wrong. She was ashen white, she was softly trembling, and he could see her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

What the hell had happened back there? He didn't for one second think her results wouldn't be negative; he didn't know why, it didn't make sense, but she seemed to radiate a wholesomeness that he couldn't explain. It was true she was twenty-seven years old, she very obviously hadn't been a virgin, but the sweetness that radiated from her seemed like a virtue that couldn't be touched by something as ugly as a sexually transmitted disease. Of course he knew that line of thinking didn't make sense, but there it was.

As she made her way over to him, his mind searched for another reason she could be so upset. Had the fucking doctor hurt her? Said something to her to upset her? He'd kill the bastard--he'd have his goddamn license revoked if he had hurt her.

She came to stand before him on trembling legs. "What's wrong?" he hissed as he reached for her hand.

BOOK: Sarah's Surrender
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